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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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A guy who works in Incident management for twitch has apparently been arguing with any and all vtubers who disagree with the new vtuber guidelines and has gone as far as to default call people Lolis and Pedos

And he's right
Did they learn nothing from that deer chick who hated all gamers yet was somehow staff?
RIP loli vtubers since that is the guy who decides whether to ban your Twitch accounts.
are shondo considerably loli?
>Arch Linux User
Twitch shills in shambles
Imagine using a garbage site where your dono money pays retards like this guy lol
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Based beyond belief
>Death to vtubers!
Kill all troons
Same company that hired "deer girl" btw
How did that retard manage to mistake Merryweather, or any of his designs, for loli?
We all knew it was happening, we just had no proof. The question is what happens now that the creature left its cave and everyone saw it lashing out.
Projection and grooming kids IRL, so guilty they project it to others and everything they see
And absolutely nothing will happen
I see nothing wrong...
gura's a loli
Merryweather is worse than a pedo
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He admits in the comment sections "everyone I've replied to about this has been loli"
Good. Let twitch burn down to the ground
Hopefully more people watch hololive and abandon twitch
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Shut up and cover up.
Sexualization of non-ugly women is hereby banned!
It's ok when Holo does it
Least autistic Arch Linux user
Bonus archive of this dude fighting with RevSayDesu
>Troon misgenders someone
Hey wait a minute
Everyone should watch holos on youtube instead
People should hire more SJWs on twitch to discourage twitchfags from vtubing
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told you niggas
Keep licking those boots twitchcucks. Kick and Youtube are unironically a better streaming platform.
yeah sounds like twitch
>Asmongold the head of Mythic is ok with loli vtubers
>xQc conducted an "experiment" https://youtu.be/pmSO0pc6PHY
>Froot who fully suppports notHenya
>Sykkuno and his offlinetv friends
>KSON who fully supports Nazuna
>Vedal & Anny

you are a hypocrite
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hope he gets fired
if not for being a vtuber hater then for acting like this on twitter
he reflects very poorly on twitch over all
>referring to the people who like lolis as lolis
Christ, this is like the Christian panic about The Nintendo's all over again.
twitch is going to remain king of indie vtubing as long as youtube's fucked up algorithm remains in place
What does that have to do with this twitch issue?
He wants to destroy twitch and he's based for that. Nothing wrong with seeing twitch implode on itself
tabs you dumb faggot
Nah. Kick and Youtube are better
You know, when Fallenshadow said that when she caught her first ban earlier this year that someone at Twitch went through all of her clips and several vods looking for anything she ever said or did that could be considered bannable, that sounded like psychotic behavior. But seeing this person, I'm willing to bet it was them that did it.
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>mainstream site having staff members with hivemind mentality
News at 11.
Should've kept his mouth shut since investors and companies buying ad spots usually tend to play PC and safe, so things like loli/shota and lewd models were a no-no anyway or at best allowed but with a fuckload of restrictions.
But retarded PR like this and starting drama on some of your profit makers will get his ass fired.
I swear, social media retardation has gotten people fired almost as much as actual performance.
What guilt does to a mf. Willing to bet they abused someone IRL
Finally he shows up. I knew the faggot who was crusading against loli and vtubers would show his face eventually. They cant help themselves, they HAVE to be morally indignant about it, probably because they're the ones with actual illegal shit on their hard drives.
Mouse doesn't like lolis you retard. That faggot connor has filled her head with typical western sentiments.
It's always the people who are the most militant against loli shit that end up getting found with hard drives full of actual kiddy porn. I give this guy six months.
why does twitch hire such vocal manchildren? you never hear about youtube staff outside of neal.
Every fucking time
Especially because that’s the playbook of mutants and their enablers.
>a tranny being mentally ill
More news at 11
wew lad
We knew it already, Shondo exposed them and even showed how the CEO agrees with them.
this guy is genuinely a fucking retard

How do they keep making a fool of themselves every time
>being seen as better in any regard
Nothing wrong with being a lolicon.
she acts like a bratty child on stream, hence "pedo bait"
Kick actually put out an ad inviting vtubers to their platform. probably only the 2views will bite but they did make the attempt
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merryweather is a tranny pedo though. isnt he?
They make it their entire personality. When you make the OS you use your entire personality that says a lot.
How many weeks until he's fired because the FBI found actual child porn on his PC?
Yes, it's better. Why go to a platform that's clearly anti vtubing and made rules specifically against vtubers. Watch as nobody childlike irl or shows their hips gets banned from twitch.
Damn, you’re a special kind of stupid.
>small corpos killing themselves
>twitch getting killed by the retards running it
the universe favors hololive
why is this a thing
I use linux on my laptop, nobody cares
Fucking insufferable
Where does twitch find these retards
No, thoughbeitever.
He defends the arch linux tranny
QRD for someone who weighs under 300 lbs?
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I feel like no one at Twitch will care until something happens to a vtuber with actual backing like Henya.
yeah, go to youtube
kick is just a platform for criminals
Nigga there's a lot of better options
Holy fucking shit I never want to hear anybody suck off twitch again.
archfags... not like this...
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That only applies on EN, and barely since the only things that keeps putting them slightly ahead is vshojo and a few top liggers.
As much as YT is an absolute garbage run by bots, twitch just keeps shooting thelselves on the foot.
And it's also clear as day that their focus have always been fleshies, not chuubas. Meanwhile YT is starting to turn a blind eye on them since they are their moneymakers.
A moralfag in fact
lmao, they'll throw her under the bus at the smallest yab
So you go to Youtube instead of a site with literally no lateral growth opportunities outside of a gambling machine or doing a line of coke on stream?
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>arch linux user
oh my God
>You know, when Fallenshadow said that when she caught her first ban earlier this year that someone at Twitch went through all of her clips and several vods looking for anything she ever said or did that could be considered bannable, that sounded like psychotic behavior. But seeing this person, I'm willing to bet it was them that did it.
Sounds like /vt/ and phasepags but left wing
I dunno if Twitch newfags who dicksuck it because they love Vshojo know or care but prior to vtubing anime = pedo was the predominant opinion on Twitch held by almost all top streamers who were mostly IRL streamer normalfags
Assmongoloid held that opinion too and only ran it back when he got backlash like he does with every fucking opinion ever because he has no thoughts of his own
It shouldn't surprise you in the slightest that Twitch jannies act like this
>literally no lateral growth
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>brings up terfs unprompted
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KEK the absolute state of twitch
what a retarded niggerfaggot
YT buries hololive in the algorithm despite bringing in the most money compared to all vtubers in the platform, and the one that's the most family friendly that's inline with their rules being a jp corpo and all.
It can’t help itself, after all
holy strawman argument batman
retard like xim are the cancer that is killing twitch
Yknow what, fair enough. I forgot my terms.
Point still stands Kick is fucking shit.
Absolutely, the algo is putrid as fuck. But twitch keeps on making arguments against themselves.
It's not about YT getting better, it's about twitch getting worse.
wait im confused
they hate people for "being lolis", but they wouldn't hate someone for being terfs? what? what fucking side of the political spectrum is that? is it a fucking metronome?
Oh yeah that reminds about how asmon is a closet weeb before outright liking them with the continuous decline of wow and triple a gaming.
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I know you don't use Arch though.
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>Phase mention out of nowhere

Oh yeah, here's the archive of vocal anti-loli people getting caught with irl shit. It's a damn long list can't remember if it's still updated.
95% chance they're a tranny
No, that's what being cornered does to a MF. He/she/it will start screaming all potential buzzwords until one gets enough attention.
That has always been how things work.
Indies like Ui chan gets tens of thousands of viewers on YT even Phase talents and other corps get a significant amount of viewers. There is literally no valid reason to use twitch apart from sucking off boots of SJW shills. Complaining about the algo is literally a skill issue. If others can do it you can too.
Yeah, I remember him going on multiple tangents/rants about anything resembling loli in games he came across. Most recent I remember was when Lost Ark came out with the Aeromancer class I think and he went on about it being creepy pedobait and how stuff like it shouldn't be in games. He's directly contributed to stuff like Blue Protocol being censored for the west.
YouTube is shit for discoverability.
>attacks loli vtubers
>makes himself a clown to some male ligger that doesn't even stream as shota about lolis
Tip the FBI about the "Ma'am", $10 they find CP in his house
Skill issue
its a fact thats what every normalfags opinion of her is as soon as you leave the vtubing sphere
95% of discoverability comes from shit like clips and twitter shitposts, stop perpetuating a retarded meme born from survivorship bias
normal people use normal distros
Will youtube eventually cave too when the tranny mob starts harassing them?
No, being a retard on social media is pretty much the only way to lose a job like that.
"She" is gone very soon now
Shondo literally went to Kick earlier today because people keep telling her this. There were only ~150 people watching vtubers on the whole platform and the biggest one there had ~50 viewers. No one's going to a dead platform.
100% true, if you're defending yourself you might now want to turn out to be worse than the "monster" that opposes your view
Youtube is ruled by indians, you'd have to make indians bend over first which is next to impossible because they don't care
always the tranny having a social melty
Well actually it comes from shorts. Every successful western vtuber spammed shorts on YT and some people don't like making that sort of content.
>youtube moneymakers
Vtubers are literal fucking background white noise for youtube
She didn't even announce she was going there
and nobody saw nothing, no shit
If she debuts a new model on Kick then yeah there's the incentive
Only if you can somehow prove to them it'll take them out of the red and make it an actually profitable venture.
She didn't stream. She literally went there to see what the scene was like for vtubers while she was live on Twitch. It was dead. This whole argument is retarded. To paraphrase her, you may as well be streaming on Facebook Live.
Never trust anyone who goes out of their way to vehemently oppose lolicons.
When you're a 1 view nobody, clips won't work. Clips work for medium viewership fanbases.
Shondo should debut a lewder model of her current one there
You're missing the point of anons post entirely, and you're also missing the fact that she has two channels with a combined 250k+ sub count.

Seriously, can you give a single incentive why she wouldn't want to stream on Youtube?
I agree but only because my benis says so.

For >>87280614
Because YouTube is run by Jews who are just as bad as Twitch liberals in their own way.
twitch is a blacked company
Maybe we will all end up on kick in the end. I guess its an upgrade if google or amazon don't get a cut
>I love vtubers
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Just gonna drop this here.
Bro I don't give a fuck about lolicons or lolis but niggas that spend their free time thinking and announcing they hate lolis on twitter or whatever the fuck are massive red flag faggots.
I full well understand the post, but it's still retarded. And YouTube is a shit platform that will ban you for no reason, copyright strike you for soundcloud rappers stealing samples from a game you play, and only ever let you speak to a computer if you have a problem.
>he says while posting on 4chan
So you can't give an actual incentive, gotcha.
showing your VTUBER hips or underbooba (but not IRL because they're hypocrites) is nsfw on twitch for some reason, maybe she should brag about it by being able to show it there
Considering shit like the vtuber ASMR holocaust going on lately, yeah it's possible, but it'd have to turn into a pretty big shitshow to make them actively care to this extent twitch is. Twitch is run and operated and policed by trannies, so there doesn't need to actually be any mob to make them be fucktards, meanwhile youtube is run and operated by jeets only barely tard wrangling an algorithm.
Amazing move by twitch
First of all Youtube bans are incredibly rare, but even if we assume the worst case scenario and she gets banned before the end of the year... she's still streaming on a website where she already has half a foot in. "What can she possibly gain from Kick on any level" was the point of anons post, and you've still yet to explain what she could possibly gain from Kick specifically. If she wants to use a dead site nobody uses, why not... I don't know, Ustream? That still a thing?
Twitch says the hip thing is applied to IRL too (but not VRChat for some reason?), but they clearly don't give a fuck because women will stream sitting on clear-plastic chairs with a camera aimed directly at their asshole and nothing happens.
there is only one tranny responsible for oppressing vtubers though, and people have the power to put him out of his job but no people would rather lick boots
Twitch is owned by Amazon and Amazon invests into divisive idpol propaganda to prevent unionization. The site never makes a profit and exists as a vehicle for influence.
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yeah i'm not surprised. it's always, always projection with these people
>hip thing is applied to IRL
They lied naturally as they breathed
No, the point of anon's post was that they misunderstood and thought I said Shondo streamed there and didn't get enough viewers. I agree with you. I already said there's literally no point in a dead platform.
>I full well understand the post,
>still can't explain why she'd ever move to a website where the cap on growth isn't even 200 viewers
>as opposed to one of her two channels
Are you getting paid? Can you give me a contact? I'm always down to shitpost for a couple bucks.
I suspect the exclusion for VRChat is two things combined into one:
>Twitch mods are all fags
>furries are abundant on VRChat
Mix them together and voila.
Brother, there are clips, react content and literal streamers in their bikini. What in blud's name are you talking about? Why are you apologetic for a platform that lets one (1) person terrorize a whole medium?
Needs to be fired asap. absolutely unprofessional behavior from twitch staff.
are users are either lolicons or trannies
>What in blud's name
Calm down there mister Buscemi.
>twitch "manager"
stopped reading there, thats all i needed to know about this person
^ right there, officer.
See >>87281140
I don't know where either of you thought I was defending Kick as a platform when the entire point of the post I made that this anon you two are so obsessed with the post of replied to said it was a shit decision. Both of you need to learn to read.
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>the loudest anti lolis always turns out to be the biggest pedos
I'm sure there's some autist out there doing a background check on this twitch manager as we speak. It won't be long now till he gets outed for having 5 terabytes of cp in his hard drive.
it only takes either one bullet or one complaint to remove that retarded twitch staff from being in that position that oppresses vtubers
Americans not doing anything about it is baffling
mossad HQ
Verification not required.
According to the rule as it's written, it's because the dress code isn't enforced for game characters and they consider custom models in VRChat to be game characters rather than virtual avatars like vtubers for... some reason? But your logic is probably as good as anything anyone else could come up with.
This all reminds me of this shit I saw pop up in my feed today regarding the twitch loli holocaust
why is this fag still breathing? he should be put down
he's right, it's called vtubers not vwitchs
As the rule said, loli haters on social media are real pedo.
Based holofag

All vtubers should be banned from twitch
vtwitchers doesnt have the same ring to it
Oh FUCK no! Not one of my people! That fucker's disowned.
sounds synonymous with the word "schizo"
I ain't hearin it from anybody shilling twitch from now on
Your arguments aged like spoilt milk
>Built your entire vtubing career just to be bulldozed by a single lone schizo twitch staff
What a shame. Never woulda happened if you streamed on Youtube instead.
Same reason the Israeli owned government isnt overthrown. Americans are still too comfortable and individualistic.
When another terrorist attack happens or when the welfare finally dries up and niggers go on a cross country rampage, only then will we see Americans collectively come together again.
lmao what's the excuse for using Arch in 2024 when NixOS exists?
The reality is if Kick ever got to Twitch's size it would become no different than Twitch. The larger a service gets, the more gay and lame it becomes.
Shigure Ui only happened to get noticed cuz she streamed a few times with Hololive girls and was just smart enough to not fuck it up. Most newbie chuba's don't have those kinds of connections so using Ui as an example here is a retarded argument.

As much as I agree that Twitch sucks and is bad, it's the only viable option when starting out as a complete nobody.
Wait, I saw this video a long time ago, but the quoted tweet is gone. Where did this person crawl out from under their rock at? They've been notorious for being a psychotic piece of shit for years.
Lm@oing at arch sisters fr

They're the sonic posters of linux users
Not to be an armchair-lawyer Andy, but the reality is Twitch is a business that deals in legal contracts, merch, and sponsorships. They are owned by a publicly traded company, and there are things they cannot do. I know it's a grey area, but when you have people who are legally partners or contractors you can't necessarily just do whatever you want to them. This person is employed by Twitch.
imagine the CP
>just give up your userbase of thousands and hope they move platform bro
>can't do what others have successfully done before
Skill issue
twitch really went and hired a cunny hunter OMEGALUL
YouTube will literally leave up videos of women showing off their clunge in the tiniest dresses imaginable in 'unboxing' videos but will soon make a move on vtubers for sure.
>They are owned by a publicly traded company, and there are things they cannot do.
Boy do I have some fucking news about you for Youtube then.
All Linux users are insufferable. I dont care what distro you use, you dont need to tell me that you're a linux user at every possible opportunity.
Yea, he hunts down dark web links to save in his PC like a true arch linux sister
I use Devuan BTW
But I didn't.
Linux users are hipsters who fucking despise the idea of compatibility because that makes them cool or something.
Yes, most of YouTube's revenue is going to be from ads, but the execs are still going to sed the data for who is generating the most membership and superchat income. And vtubers are the top dog in this field besides that one pastor.
Speaking personally, I just despise 11 (I have to use it at work) and Recall sounds like a nightmare made manifest. I was okay on 10 but support ends for it in a year so I needed something else.
This. I await the inevitable "Prominent Twitch Community Safety Manager Arrested on Child Sexual Abuse Material Charges" headlines to materialize out of the ether and then everyone acts surprised.
This is different, especially because there is a face involved. I'm not saying anything will happen, but there's more grounds for something to happen. Twitch also markets towards children, and their allowing comparatively NSFW content is actually very illegal. Illegal to the point YouTube got sued over it already, and is why the tagging and ad system got changed in there.
>default call people Lolis and Pedos
This guy has 17 terabytes
so where exactly would i report this fag to twtich for harassing streamers?
Wine's compatibility game is the best it's ever been by a long shot. Your argument is invalid.
Enjoy your spyware.
just say that it's full of horses
where do we even go if youtube starts cracking down as well? kick? pomf? holoearth?
NTA, but
>Twitch also markets towards children
Only thing I’ll give you is the app, maybe.
Could just @ them with the screenshots on Twitter, but I dunno if you're going to get much traction no matter what you do. Only affected vtubers probably have any real sway at this point, and probably only the big ones with partner managers are even going to get anyone to look at it if they're lucky.
>we investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing
Pomf is worse off than Kick and I dunno what Holoearth even is. The same reason people are using YouTube and Twitch at all is because there really isn't a sustainable, profitable platform anywhere else.
didnt vaush had horse porn of lolis with matuli or something
twitch is going to side with these moralfag trannies everytime
they unbanned shondo, so definitely not
But what if I hate both Twitch AND Shondo?
Where did this normie opinion that anyone who likes anime is a pedophile?
I feel like this "opinion" got really widespread in the past year.
>Replying to a picture of a holo girl showing her panties
>most family friendly
Do you even know what words mean? Family friendly would mean a puritan American's standards
take down the deep web containment, and people from the deep web starts flooding normie sites and projecting their woes
it's why they're always caught grooming or with cp
its an extension of the general culture war where each side tries to position itself as the moral authority
Fucking retarded baiter
is youtube and twitch even profitable? I thought it was like twitter where it just exists to lose money
Normie opinions on Twitter revolve ENTIRELY around having a moral high-ground, whether you believe it or not, whether you even understand it or not, as long as someone tells you it's good and will ruin you socially if you disagree. Always have since Tumblr ate shit.
See also: >>87280123 >>87280794
Who cares. They're retarded normalfags.
twitch cares
Are you implying normalfags are groomers and have cp lol
Thats what those projectors are, they are not normal by any means
He's also antisemitic. Could probabaly use that to say he's targeting joos.
Not for the owner. It's a means to an end for advertising and pulling people into more profitable ventures. But for the end user it's profitable enough to make a living under the best circumstances, which is what I meant.
it's kind of true, lolicon becoming mainstream is the weirdest shit I've ever seen
its free real estate
assuming enough vtubers banded together and made it an event + advertised it, it could be profitable for them
All three have fuck you money backing them. It’s more about extending the influence of the owner than simply turning a profit.
Compared to the rest of western vtubing.
arch now has big daddy Valve dollars backing development, meanwhile NixOS was coopted by annoying troons who pushed out the devs who were worth a shit
lolicon has always been mainstream, people infecting media with their virtue signalling garbage for clout and destruction of dark web containment sites is what contributed to a lot of these mass projectors
>"Israel is a terrorist state!" they exclaim, while defending actual terrorists
Neither are profitable for the vast majority. If your goal is profit alone, even achieving minimum wage is incredibly unlikely to happen. Vinesauce Joel, average, ordinary streamer, having streamed for well over a decade, has only just managed to achieve Swedish median income according to Twitch financial leaks. That should tell you everything.
the average twitch audience finds that based tho
but honestly I think they are already going to get smacked as people with clout take notice and @ Twitch directly
Yes, but their jew investors won't.
While I personally cannot care at all for the entire Levant, it is funny seeing them have to juggle this issue.
>arch linux user
100% a tranny
We should strike them where it hurts and try to remove as much investors away from them as possible until they deal with the power harassment issue
It's morally correct to do so
Man wants to portray himself as a woman = good
Woman wants to portray herself as a girl = REEEEEEEE
This staff is 100% a pedo.
Did another airfield get blown today or did another chink submarine sink?
also 100% has a pedo folder on his drive
Reminds me of when dr disrespect called out twitch jannies for being manipulative retards who will be selective in their moderation.
>Twitch also markets towards children
>Le hecking women's rights!
>Also, put on this burka, you slut.
The only thing Doc is calling out is his next teen target to his now-bachelor pad.
>Adult wants to portray themselves as an adult
>Adult wants to portray themselves as a child
It’s okay when Spoderman does it
>Verification not required.
I'm not trying to defend Twitchcucks here, but that guy literally said he was having inappropriate relationships with a minor in Twitch DM's. And I quote
>Were there Twitch whispers with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes.
You can't say he "called them out" when his ban was objectively correct.
>r***d, n slur, homophobic slur
Yeah this is a /here/ fag trying to disguise
NTA but that anon still makes a point. Even if correct, mods ARE selective. Looks like they target whatever they don't like or fits against their agenda and focus on them the most.
Fuck off Train stop trying to astroturf /vt/
bad take
People that are this loud against something they don't like are usually projecting. I bet that twitch manger has terabytes of actual CP
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>Merry fell for it
>And then OP fell for it too
Anon this is a shitstirrer taking advantage of Elon Musk's retarded Twitter blue paying people for impressions by ragebaiting constantly. If you look up their Twitch account they don't have the wrench icon next to their name which denotes them as staff.
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If this is his account
He's not staff btw
>Law enforcement said no crime was committed.
>Judge looking at the messages said no crime was committed.
>Twitch paid him a shitton of money to shut up about the case since it made them look bad.

If there was any sexting at all with a minor then he would have been nailed hard. But that did not happen. He put in bait in his tweet to bait braindead bandwagoners like you who just believe shit without any evidence.
>Verification not required.
someones getting fired for being stupid
So they can be banned for impersonating staff, right?
Yea if anyone is bothered enough to report him.
On Twitch? Probably. Offsite? Probably, but less likely.
wait i'm stupid hah
is that enough for his hormones?
kek this anon is him
Don't forget the DA's comments. If child sex crimes aren't air tight, heads roll and the wrongly accused become millionaires off the taxpayer's backs
It took over 200 posts before anybody even doubted who this guy is.
This board is truly full of hopelessly retarded dramasisters.
It started back just a little before Gamergate, in 2013. That's when Kotaku's Jason Schreier issued his infamous hot take that anyone who liked the Dragon's Crown Sorceress was a pedo.

After that, that hot take suddenly seemed to be the uniform opinion among leftoids and whenever they push for anime bans or censorship, they usually shriek that anime fans are all lolicons (even though it's usually tall women with big tits who they want to censor most of the time).
>He put in bait in his tweet
Generally speaking saying "I ERP'd with a child" isn't exactly good bait.
first time?
>Assmongoloid held that opinion too and only ran it back when he got backlash like he does with every fucking opinion ever because he has no thoughts of his own

We've discovered the ultimate NPC or is just that much of a clout chaser?

It's been a decade+ but is Ubuntu still a thing?
ESL anon...
Dorontabi tweets -> uoh memes -> Blue Archive fandom -> lolicons get a bigger spotlight (gaming is million times more mainstream than anime after all)
Because Twitch is absolutely the kind of company who would hire trash like this. See: >>87278228
That's a creative way to tell people you're autistic ngl
i don't know about any other loli vtubers but shondo pedobaits in every stream and her fanbase makes pedo jokes about raping her all the time. does that not warrant a ban?

You just made his argument for him: the only way to get discovered on youtube is by doing things outside normal youtube format; the format itself does not function.
>twitch staffs are closet pedo schizos
wow surprise surprise
Lolicon became mainstream since the internet came around anon. Unless you mean in the west in which case it's still not mainstream by any metric.
Go back FURTHER than that man.

Anime = porn has been a normie take since the like 00s and thus lolis in a thing that is 'porn' means.... PEDOPHILES!!
>That's when Kotaku's Jason Schreier issued his infamous hot take that anyone who liked the Dragon's Crown Sorceress was a pedo.
Halcyon days. Everything was so funny back then, then it leaked into actual politics and it's been miserable ever since.
seriously nobody bothered to ask "israel"? you guys are slacking.
nice try faggot
In a non-retarded world, yes, it does not warrant a ban. She’s an adult.
I mean nothing definitive has been posted one way or the the other. Not having a wrench doesnt really mean anything considering they could have a different account
But she acts like a child and behaves like a child, and she has the survival instinct of a child and she's a womanchild
Grifters smelled money and politicos saw a possible interest group to exploit.
Don't think that the latest words for "PERSON/GROUP I DON'T LIKE" suddenly spiking after political groups started to focus on it is a coincidence. It ain't direct glowposting but definitely pushed by political groups

I got no issues with loli designs but lolicons who make their entire personality into ToT shit need the rope if only because of how incredibly insufferable they are to be around
Anime was "Chinese cartoons about tentacle monsters raping schoolgirls" already in the early 90's, maybe even the 80's. Thanks to stuff like Urotsukidoji slipping through to make it to the children's cartoons shelf.
check him pc, skye is definitely an unironic pedophile trying to pretend to be a "good" guy
And yet, she isn’t a child.
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they just added it to their twitter bio very recently, the google search result cache still shows their old one
isnt revsaysdesu also a retard thats against "sexual lolis" him and strawb are fucking hypocrite retards, just looks up the shit strawb posts and how he backs that shit up. by the way this persons a retard too, just get annoyed when they act like rev is le based when he is just as retarded, i dont care if hes red pilled, maybe he should have some backbone and tell his wife to shut the fuck up but instead he doubles down
Yea I didn't want to jump too far into the VHS era because I didn't have enough knowledge about distribution to make a solid call on that.
I figured as much but I went with the safer late 90s/early 00s where knowledge went beyond Sailor Moon/DBZ tier stuff in the normiesphere
this nigger faggot is so fucking retarded
Case closed, the guy's a pedo
>incident manager
>arch linux user
how long before he's a exposed as a pedo tranny that also uses his job to acquire cp?
>Green Party Member
>last 10ish years
>anime starts becoming more mainstream
>normalfags that watch trash like Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, or other FOTM shonen garbage look at online discussion places for anime
>see places like /a/ or twitter
>shit their pants and their retardation forces them to take the moral high ground because lines on paper deserve rights too apparently
All (You) had to do was gatekeep harder, anon
they were arguing with people when Vtubers got mass banned for "fraud" so the change was some time around then
Wait the Bongs got Greens too? Are they as utterly worthless as usual
Everything makes sense now
>Grifters smelled money and politicos saw a possible interest group to exploit.
Don't think that the latest words for "PERSON/GROUP I DON'T LIKE" suddenly spiking after political groups started to focus on it is a coincidence. It ain't direct glowposting but definitely pushed by political groups
Yeah see? None of these words are video games. It became so incredibly gay so fast.
I mean it's funny now until all the vtubers who @'d Dan Clancy's personal twitter get this dude banned off twitter for impersonation
and of course Merry won't delete the tweet now even though he knows it's rage bait, he's doing the same thing as sky now and drama baiting people
im shocked shocked i say well not really shocked actually
doesnt Merry fold under the most milquetoast critique?
It's an unfortunate byproduct of the Internet becoming overrun with normies. Before it was a bunch of self regulated subcultures (4chan, SA, etc.) But social media happened and grew too fast and the whole internet became homogenized and corporatized. Now every niche and hobby is threatened by normies and activist infiltrators.
yeah i like his art but bro has no spine
>his art
Because vshoujo has such a good record of defending their own "friends" right
Anime was always considered cringe and abnormal.
It's just before people would give you a hard time in a joking manner i.e Pedobear.
Now due to brainrot they will try and destroy your life
>See vtuber/Twitch drama blow up.
>Impersonate Twitch staff and post inflamatory tweets.
>Braindead dramafags and some vtubers eat it up and you make some extra dollars.
At this point Twitter is the new 4chan, just bait (You)s from the latest drama, get that sweet paycheck, and leave.
Except we do it for free
Gatekeeping and trying to make normalfags not view anime fans as pedophiles are two contradicting goals. Repulsing everyone else by being an open lolicon (aka the Blue Archive strategy) is the only effective gatekeeping tool anime fans have.
I know nothign about twitter but from a cursory glance at the troons page none of their tweets have any traction so im assuming this is faked as well
I've nooticed an interesting coincidence between stories about chink submarines appearing in american media and american naval vessels crashing into things and sinking at the same time.

Almost like they are embarrassed about something and blowing squid ink?
Social media has been around entirely too long to really take the blame. It was smart phones. People suddenly just had constant access to the internet that didn't really use it before, their phones often pre-installed with all sorts of places to spout their own personal brand of idiocy.
That's true, twitter blew up and overtook FB because of that I believe.
>neil deletes you 200k subscriber channel for streaming with "asmr" in the title
>Twitch paid him a shitton of money to shut up about the case since it made them look bad.
Source is his mouth? Because he could have shown the obviously non-criminalizing DMs but instead he responded
>Are we in 2nd grade
Which while ironically funny, isn't really a response that inspires confidence
Also >>87285635 because you're just as retarded as him falling for his "it was bait" bullshit without evidence
it's Friday
they need something to boost up their stocks
you know, like Elon and robots
Anon they're not even a tranny. They're faking everything for views. Because Musk has a system where people who pay for Twitter blue can be paid based on how many impressions their tweets get. They post inflammatory shit constantly and piss off as many people as they possibly can and make off with free cash. This is a think people actually do and is incentivized on Twitter now and a part of why it's extra shit since Musk took over. You getting mad at them and wanting to keep replying is proof that it's working.
The general belief is that amazon is intentionally trying to keep twitch from becoming larger than it is.
Amazon just doesn't care, There is zero incentive to make twitch better since it loses them money.
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>Shitting on merry

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