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Last Thread - >>87229151

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbEW2xDMjHY
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
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Kiara crying for fauna
Ame's graduation all over again
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Comfy stream, comfy day
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Still wish we got some solo stream in the middle of all this, but I'm enjoying the collab so far just fine, this group works surprisingly well.
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i think... shes making that mac and cheese thing soon
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Huh that's a good guess, would be a good callback
eh, it's only a week. And she's having a lot of fun with the others so I can't complain.
the shake?
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Didn't she mention the shake when she was talking about her bit? Meaning the actual bit she has in mind has to be something else. It was initially just planned for Japan too, not 800k
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I miss Fauna.
I miss Fauna
I miss Fauna
What does Fauna see in GG? I reaaally can't wrap my head around it.
Probably her tight stinky pussy cling-wrapped around by her spats
>gigischizo hopped threads when he got ignored
good luck dealing yet another schizo /uuu/ lmfao
She's the only one I actually like, I'd gladly throw shiori into a volcano for a gigi collab
She loves hebes
She already has a schizo? I'm proud of her
She specifically loves Asian women living in North America and Mumei.
I didn't know she loves Ina and Fuwamoco
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I wasn't trying to disrespect GG (even if she is not my cup of tea), but the two of them have this chemistry going on and I was just curious.
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>nerissa is filthy
and she says she doesn’t stink
no she doesn't
maybe check Gigi’s thread before stating things
I did
Yeah, me, watching from the closet.
>Asian Fuwamoco
They wish but not really
>He hasnt met the gg schizo
lurk more
no u
I strongly suspect the schizo is (You). If not, and if you checked the thread, you would have seen these posts (or at the very least you’d have seen the replies to the deleted posts):
Notice the distinct lack of replies to most of these. /uuu/ could learn a thing or two, and yes I acknowledge that this very post is contributing to the problem. But again, I’m 80% you’re the schizo trying to cover your ass after realizing how obvious you are.
This isnt the schizo general fuck off
That's the schizo from this thread and Advent threads.
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>This isnt the schizo general
She's likely put off by Ina's criminality and general villainy
fauna holds a grudge against ina because when gura tried to prank ina, ina turned it around on her and this angered fauna because ina shouldve fallen for it
it is during off hours
I hope Fauna never watches dark gathering ever again
That was the sloppiest of slops
First non-stream thread?
I was heavily put off by the girl’s design, but the actual anime somehow failed to meet my already low expectations.
I miss Fauna
Wawa was very cute talking about her group with Fauna and Gigi

“Finally, even though it’s a shitty time for me I get a chance to be with everybody and have some rare bonding time with people that you guys aren’t even expecting I would bond with. It feels nice to be relied on too now that I’m doing the armor stuff. I wanna be there — I also wanna be there for Fauna honestly, I just wanna be there for her. Gigi too, but I feel like Fauna and I are currently attracting each other because of our feeling of being overwhelmed being in big groups. Just today when I was alone in the VC and I was just muted and there were people in the other VC channel she chose to be together with me, muted with me *giggles*. Think we’re always like trying to be lonelies together right now. So I don’t want to miss a day and not be there for her — Which is so dumb she’s fine without me, of course, but *giggles* if I can be any kind of assistance to her right now I would love that. Cat ladies strong! Clementine family strong! We have some history now in this game! We’re family! I can’t let my family die alone without me!”
She should watch the Gegege no Kitaro with the sexy cat girl or Mieruko instead
kfp tourists should be executed
very cute
she sounds mentally ill
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That's really sweet
Falling for someone, and having a crush develop makes people silly
not in the cute way, I'd be worried if she was with Fauna irl
>Kiara, a trained dancer
>Fauna, a twig whose feet don’t touch the floor when she sits in her chair.
Kiara doesn’t stand a chance.
this but the retard that complaints about everyone (You)
hi kfcuck, you must be lost
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Cute. Another wife added to Fauna's list.
Post membership niggerfaggot
Gigi's probably the most extroverted and socially aware EN member. She gets the others talking and tries to go with what they say. It makes her much easier to talk to. No hate to the other girls, but so many of them fail to add anything to a conversation. Often times they shut down or change topic. Most viewers don't see it since they just like hearing the girls talk to each other in general. The girls don't have that since they're all just coworkers essentially.
This but brownfeetschizo/moomposter
She's a lonely euro woman approaching the big 3 0.
That's so cute. Really glad they got to finally spend a bunch of time together. Feels like they always skirted around it
how is she lonely, she's Fauna's best friend according to kfp
>according to kfp
Watch streams, threadshitter.
eww the parasite replied to me
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The more girls that fall for Fauna, the better.
maybe you should stop posting tsun tsun
I think you're looking for /wawa/
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Nah, I think I’m in the right place.
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I fell asleep after about 2 hours, did I miss much? Did they do sex
You missed the orgy sex sappo
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I want to grope gigi through her tight spats
Fauna talked about her passion for fisting and reading about fisting. Gigi tried to show Fauna her wood. So yes?
Also >>87285396
Kiara's smitten
That is very sweet and/or erotic. I should do my vod reps.
Its easy enough to just listen to them yap for 2 hours
This slow as place could never be the schizo general, don't steal schizo valor you saplings don't even know what bad threads are.
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Reminder: Dark gathering was so bad Fauna graduated from doing watchalongs with saplings
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spade, left tit

ennacuck is seething today.
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Fauna makes me happy
i love mommy FauFau
This is the perfect game for her

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