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this implies that you follow randon, anon
you just posted this in the ame thread
scooby dooby do
Dooby is Ame and Randon is Vesper.
>she doesn't follow randon
>OP follows randon
way to out yourself LMFAO
The orc is alright
Holy fuck you're fucking retarded. Kill all holofags.
It's shows what YOU follow, you vagless, sissy. Way to out yourself.
Go back sucking on hormone pills and keep your asshole plugged.
based holo unity
NotRandon followed Dooby, but NotMagni did not follow Dooby, I will now construct a narrative around it
Fuck off RANDON! I know you are here
Why do you follow the orc? You really can't stop thinking about cock 24/7 huh
More like Yabadabadooby
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I came as soon as I heard my mating call.
Hasn't Magni come out as a ]whiny bitter bitch since the graduation whereas the Orc was clearly just an autist not suited for a corpo and seems comfortable being an indie again?
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?
We got some streams to do now
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?
We need some streams from you now
Come on Dooby Doo, I see you
Pretending you got a sliver
But you're not fooling me, 'cause I can see
The way you hop and quiver
You know we got a stream to do
So, Dooby Doo, be ready for your act
Don't hold back
And, Dooby Doo, if you come through
You're gonna have yourself a Dooby Snack
That's a fact
Scooby Dooby Doo, here are you
You're ready and you're willing
If we can count on you, Dooby Doo
I know we'll defeat that boredom
final boss looking ass
hes honestly bitchmade and orc is doing him a favor out of loyalty
nail on the head
hmmm yummy orc cock...
Based I hope they destroy hololive and the unicorns.
Not gonna watch them though.
I still dont get why randon is associated with yabadabadoo? Is it just because of yab? I'm very new.
/dbs/pics from /a/
No... fred....
It comes from his apparent unwillingness to collab with his genmates but suddenly dropping everything to collab with Kronii.
just wait for inevitable collab this board is going to explode
I don’t get it, doesn’t this mean randon follows her but not vice versa?
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>all the dooby threads the past week were from homobeggars all along
Correct, he is just shooting his shoot and see if she follows back
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notrandon is proof that the guys join holostars for the sole purpose of having access to the girls
It was a group collab with Mori and Magni too, this was during his unmedicated breakdown in Japan.
Now that I think about it, he was there for personal travel, not on a work visa, I wonder if he got slapped by corporate for that or they didn't care yet.
>2 years later
>/vt/ still seething
it's fine if you kill him, anon, everyone will celebrate.
and here's to two years more
why did magni not shoot his shot
>zoomies getting their hannah barbera slop mixed up
streaming was a mistake
More like 1/3rd into the game boss.
Magni fucking HATES Dooby, confirmed
/dbs/pic meme
OP is probably a psycho stalker who has an account that only follows him.
>Get a chance at making the easiest pun of your life in the form of YABADABADOOB to make your shit bait thread somewhat entertaining
>Flunk it
Third worlders simply does not have enough braincells to ever be funny or creative
goodone, i'll use that in the future
>unmedicated breakdown in Japan.
what is Vesper like an actual schizo or some shit, meds for what
I genuinely thought he was gay
No fucking way!!!!
why are they thirsting for mid asian american girls and mid white women, they could just groom one of their fans, statistically some of them ought to be hot
Ok, but did you improve yourself, anon?
You'll get a reply about weed or something but I'm pretty sure Vespers unironically schizotypal. He shows all the classic signs of it.
He tried to get into the Cover offices while girls were there and security turned him away, so he threw a big fit but later excused it by saying he was off his meds. Probably he was just trying to creep on the girls.
actually, yes
NotVesper did, he's taken his meds
>be member of Company
>not able to get into offices of said Company
japs are autistic tbqh, personally I wouldn't throw a melty but I would let them know that's retarded
unironically yes
why did he do it bros
>contractor shows up unannounced with no business being there.
>it's a sensitive time when you're looking after the girls' security and comfort.
>it's pretty obvious this guy is just there to creep on the girls.
of course you give him the boot. he probably should have been terminated on the spot.
>nazis thought of jewish cock 24/7
this is how retarded you sound femcel
schizotypal for sure
Yeah why do you think they made them get naked?
Randon is gay. Not gay as in "I don't like him" but "he only likes men" kind of gay.
Obsessed and mindbroken
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>Attempts to make game for this new person
>Gets blocked on sight because there's no management to prevent that
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So, did she follow back or...?
>Orc has Flintstones
>Dooby has Scooby Doo
Which (ex)Holopro member will get Yogi Bear?
literally who
>no Jetsons
Imagining dooby blasting this into Cover HQ after another bad quarter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1AWN-ZqGGQ
are most gay people just bisexuals with a 99% same sex lean?
best thread on /vt/ right now for sure
proof next thread
More things can be a spectrum than the spectrum everyone on this board is on you know
they did lol, they still do lmao
most mental illnesses come on a spectrum
>No sexy robot maid to bang while Jane is away
Why even live
who fucking cares, it's not like you need to ask permission to follow someone. if I follow the president does that mean I'm now his best friend, etc. the only way this couldn't happen is if ame pre-emptively blocked him and I don't think she would do that given her known holostars affinity.
a friend of Dorothy if you will
I dont know but Gura and Mori are very hanna barbera coded, Kiara would probably be best represented by some obscure yuroslop cartoon
kek literally graduated to collab with a male
the ss invested millions in trying to make black magic real because they thought real physics was a jewish plot, that's a degree away from thinking of bjc nonstop
NotVesper followed because he still cares about NotAme and considers her cool, NotMagni didn't follow because he is a seething homo and still not over it, NotAme hasn't followed back NotVesper yet because she fears rabid holoponies would commit acts of terrorism if she did.
i am masturbating right now
eollowers only shows like that if you're one of his followers. OP is a faggot (literally)
a friend of Dooby if you will
finally Ame is free to make all the male collabs she wants
mods? amelia is not retired.
teammate we need to talk...your oshi wasnt actually sent to the farm..
He's a faggot. He knows what he's doing. He probably already slide a collab DM at her
but... but she told me it wasn't a graduation!
Man her hololive fans must feel betrayed right now. She was quite dishonest about this whole thing.
ame lied, people died
how do I gain access to mind reading powers like yours anon
They literally did.
This joke is overused, which is a shame because I like it when used properly.
his meds was weeeeed
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Only the chosen ones can have this power
Japan be like
>Is that a le heckin WEED? GO TO JAIL IMMEDIATELY
>Hundreds of thousands of rural housewives addicted to hard meth? Sorry that's too much effort they need to cope with loneliness somehow anyway
You might be too retarded for this website, anon.
weed is worse than meth retard LMAO
Japan has that whole Asian "Saving Face" shit where they will punish you harshly if you are a respectable member of society doing degenerate shit, or at least whatever the law says is degenerate, and this is especially true for the metropolitan areas of Japan. But bumfuck nowhere rural Japan is another matter, there you can do meth, heroin, and whatever other manner of degen shit and noboby cares. I mean, maybe a boomer will care but good luck getting the police and goverment out there to do anything about it.
so true sis
I'll be honest and ask
why is "yabba dabba doo" associated with vesper as a sort of catchphrase for cucking? it's a Fred Flintstone quote. Last I checked
Ask and you shall receive, it's a /dbs/ meme.
that's... fucking retarded
(they aren't)
Can you yabba dabba don't
Fuck off retard, she chose this shit over Hololive. She's nothing without it but she's greedy enough to stay as an affiliate rather than graduating properly if she doesn't want to be part of Hololive and the things it entails (homework, idol stuff, etc). Fucking cunt.
uh oh holokek melty...
What makes you think thats not a disgruntled Ame fan?
It’s either some schizo who cares more about holo than the girls themselves or someone false flagging as that
They want their numbers. Plus, a lot of the boys who inclined did it by flirting with girls, getting shipped with girls, etc. So, they are trying to be EN Roberu, Astel, Kamito, etc.
This meme was funny but since he came back he has only collabed with girldm twice and tenma once and thats in the last year and three months. The yabba is no doing.
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I love that meme so much dude. The other day someone was joking in global about how the holostar seahorses escaped from Ame's aquarium the moment the girls came in from multiplayer. Someone replied 'SCUBA DOOBY DOOOO' and I fucking lost my shit laughing, such a good evolution of an old joke.
Wait... WHAT?? They're the same person all along? I've listened to them separately but never put two and two together. It's been years ago tho... Shit...
The Randon and Dooby collab will be the collab that saves /vt/
Meds NOW!!!
ruh roh yagoo
Spot on.
>like, zoinks Dooby, we gotta save Holostars man!
Doesn't feel like getting involved with Hololive again (remember, affiliate Amelia).
...according to Japan. in reality it's kinda harmless honestly, just makes you aloof and kind of half-retarded/forgetful. even the stereotype that it makes you some creative dynamo philosopher is bullshit, it doesn't do any of that. it makes you just wanna sit there. meditation/sleep aid is more like what it really does.
Dude should be thankful that no one called the police. Could have gone really fucking bad.
I am a schizo because I like the hololive culture and hate dishonesty like in this case? So be it then.
Fwiw, This event never happened
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Kek fuck you man this shit is too good. I actually like the stars too, but this is one of the top /vt/ gags to me.
From now on, please note that a portion of any superchats you send her will be for hotel rooms, condoms and birth control.
I gotta make me unicorn bait threads. This is incredible.
the schizo demon mind of a jew is truly something else
Is this seriously a bait thread about someone following her and not even her following someone?
it yabba dabba is
/vt/rannies stealing /a/ memes, /dbs/ specifically
I see,and where does op following him fit into all this
randon will rape notAme and OP wishes to happily see it all from his cuckchair, that's my Interpretation so far at least
ok so why dooby? what is this gay shit? what happened to sachi?
I’m just so happy Kronii isn’t at risk of this rapist now

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