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Yet Another 1 Million Ruffians Edition Edition
Previous Thread >>87282565

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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This is going to be fucked up but the only Ruffians I remember were the non white ones just because they stuck out more.
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
kek Fuwawa
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erm why is my youtube homepage filled with Shioli
I only introduced myself to like 4 ruffians total, but was really talkative. I couldn't find the right time to say "hey I'm xxx" and no one aksed
Because you've been watching more of her content and she puts out shorts, which youtibe likes.
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The fluffy brain...
t-thanks I guess
true we didn't really do one big introduction except for the final day at the final hour
Ruffians you gotta give me a ride to round 1 and also spot me some tokens so I can play and let me borrow the plushie and the towel for a bit.
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Do people finally understand that things won't change much? You're either with them on this idol journey or you're not.
If you need them to be like they were back before the move again then that just isn't happening, ever. Not tomorrow not in a year or three years.

They are in Japan, they have their 3D, they are well liked by holoJP, they'll be invited to a lot of concerts, 3D lives, official channel programs, they'll be at the studio a lot, have their dance practice, they'll do offcollabs etc.
If you can't accept that then cut your losses right now and save them, us and this thread another year of whiny posts.
I really earnestly mean it, do yourself a favor and think about whether you're on board with their holo idol journey or not.
Fuck off Pero you're just gonna steal it anyway
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>for the final day at the final hour
I had to leave early so I wasnt there. I'm a ghostffian
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>Mococo: It's not gonna be that much change
>Fuwawa: Yeah... We'd just want to be able to do a stream in Japanese *occasionally*
>Mococo: Yeah
>Fuwawa: And the Golden Week... Is a sp-
>Mococo: It's gonna be-
>Fuwawa: one time a year! So...
>Mococo: a bit surprising!
>Mococo: So please don't worry, okay?
>Mococo: Like I said, our main language is always gonna be English. We wanna-
>Fuwawa: We are HoloEN, we want to [unintelligible] strong!
>Mococo: but even beyond that! Beyond that! We are most comfortable in English!

>(Explaining what the Golden Week is)
>Mococo: So... We are gonna be streaming in Japanese a lot more for that week, okay?
>Fuwawa: But we'll do our regular streams when we can!
>Mococo: Yeah, okay?
>Fuwawa: Yeah
>Mococo: But it's *just* for Golden Week, okay?
>Fuwawa: It's *just* for Golden Week! Yeah, so...
>Mococo: Un!
>Fuwawa: Uhm

>Chat: Are we invited to JP stream?
>Mococo's voice cracks and loudly says "of course you're invited" while on the brink of crying
I really don't care about your gay meet-up where you fucked each other's asses.
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Fuwawa remove the bib.
if it makes you feel better Im bad at names but I have a really good facial recognition so if I see you again I'll remember you
Or I'll just come here and post nicely when they're streaming something I like or shitpost when they aren't. What are you gonna do, kick me out?
I asked, but only so you could understand what it feels like if someone actually cared about you
kinda based desu
what is this supposed to remind me
This but unironically.
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Baused. They're my idols not my babysitters. Take the idolchad pill, menheras, and join us.
baused. always look out for yourself, nobody else will
Okay. That doesn't mean they can't replace JP horror slop with VNs and retro games though.
They wont change the way JPschizos want them to (i.e weekly JP solo streams), but they also wont revert to never interacting with HoloJP. Basically, things will be like they've always been
They're not even doing idolshit either you disingenuous trannies
Ironic weebs leave. Do you hear all the "love" in this stream? You don't just easily leave people you love, you fight for them.
"Idolchads" are the most menhera.
That ARS reads like a chat bot
what does mococo’s vagina look like
My wives are extremely cute tonight, might give Fuwawa a baby to celebrate.
please stop refreshing...
idk why but ytcfilter won't let me download the message list. I've only got a partial list but I'm trying to get it anyway
That they love EOPs and don't want to change the language of their content.
Do your best, Rissa!
Sure. They might even reduce the amount of solo JP streams a bit now, but all the rest that I brought up will not change. You'll see them in a lot of JP collabs, official channel events, 3D lives from other JPs (recording for those also takes time out of their days, etc.).
They already did
mollusks and salty coins
Fucking really
kill yourself jesus christ
Absolutely baused.
a puffy innie with some hair cause she's too scared to shave down to nothing, but doesnt like having a forest
Anan sending a BD rainbow just to piss off menheras kek.
Go superchat them "I want you to stop doing collabs with JPs or being at the studio or joining 3D events or anything else like that, please just stream games again and that's it" right now.
>sending a superchat about breaking dimensions now
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Kys. Fuwawa is my mommy.
based anal
That's not what I want at all though.
So basically how things have always been?
Go superchat them "I want you to stop streaming and focus only on idol acitivities, do more JP streams and reduce the EN content" right now.
But you so-called "idol-chads" dont want them to do that stuff, since you only want music and that would be a "waste"
Am I tripping? He definitely already sent multiple SCs about BD.
he was menhera and about to oshihen please understand this is guilt superchatting
You're the one making things up.
YOU want them to not do all of what I mentioned, you want them to go back to pre-move when all they did was streams.
I on the other hand am okay with a mix and them spending some of their time on all those non-normal stream activities.
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I almost sent "MOCOCO RAPE" in chat when Mococo used her angry expression.
No you aren't, menhera-tard lmaoooooo
kek fuck you phoenix I know you're reading /here/
>I was at BD
>I was at the Meet and Greet
FOMOfags don't look!
Did anal have a stroke? He already sent supas for BD.
>backpedaling already
Dumb tranny, don't ever post again.
Uh oh pissnix must not have been happy seeing the anan reaction.
I didn't realize you know what I want better than I do.
I'm looking forward to their 3D collab with Patra. I'm looking forward to them being in official programs. I'm looking forward to them having more offcollabs with holoJP. I'm looking forward to them being guests in 3D lives of other holos. All while I'm also looking forward to them playing games or spending time with us too of course.

You on the other hand only want the last part. You're the extremist, not me.
>didn't realize you know what I want better than I do.
I do. Stop larping and pretending you care about them. You don't want them to engage with holoJP or do anything at all cause you're a psycho. Kill yourself
>Take the idolchad pill
>t. fag who isn't into idols to begin with
anan went for the menhera kill shot
read your post back to yourself look in the mirror please
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How did menheras read this and interpret it as "they should stop all EN content and focus solely on music" kek. Their ability to twist words into a worst case scenario that nobody even implied explains why they get so angry at imagined scenarios
the pinkspam is real...
>ruffians are supposed to be one of the most hardcore fanbases
>no one archived one of their biggest moments
Why are you guys like this.
what? did he post something, or are you just obsessed
this nigga CANNOT read
I didnt send a superchat immediately after faggot
There's too much Japanese in the chat right now.
kek it's so obvious at this point
Every paypuppy is a fucking menhera lunatic
I didnt read past the first sentence cause I know its a garbage cope-post.
And I'd be okay with that, but I don't want the only moments they have to stream wasted on horror slop when most of the doggy pack, *and* FWMC themselves want to play more VNs/retro games.
i have the archive but it's only for me
They got wet from that
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>fuwawa misspeaks
>I headpat her
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can they ban pins already this is out of hand they wanted to let us go to sleep on time
Anyone know why Neal took down the stream?
the fuck are you talking about?
The real laugh is when a month from now that same twisted delusion of a misheard memory become a PROMISE they have BROKEN
These days they only "want" to do things instead of actually doing them
Then you're not one of the people who posted "I just want things to be exactly like how they were before the move"
always looking for submissions but you never pick me once
Hayao Miyazaki did not Neal
I met him and think he's a cool d*de so it doesnt make me menhera. I feel the same about the rest I met!
JESAS hope they do Fuwawa next
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submit cat pictures wuffian
>go to sleep retard BAU BAU
That's it, i'm unliking Castle of Cagliostro
It'll happen eventually as long as you keep at it
get over it Raul
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ahhh I forgot about this guy always wanting last
what did they do to deserve such schizos that force them to stay late
I've asked the local divinators, one of the had a crystal ball. They'll come to a conclusion soon enough
I feel you anon... Almost sending retarded shit in chat is a staple because I come here too much. One time I went to a con and had retarded one-word punchlines flash through my head when seeing cosplayers because of holofightz. Saw a Marine and went 'WOMB', saw a Ui and went 'RAPE', saw some performers dance and went 'SYNC'.
>force them
roru. They love it
Mococo sitting on me
>ashamed to tell them he loves them in public stream
What a fag
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>She is insecure about losing the race to 1 million and would never congratulate them
VOD got nuked because of ghibli copyright claim.
ruffians why is mococo crying in the thumbnail did she get assaulted?
>force them to stay late
Its 5pm
they didn't get enough attention in the first stream
>Saw a Marine and went 'WOMB'
It's hilarious that this fag says the same love thing every single super chat
They've always been nebulous as fuck about what they want to do with their stream time. It's not promises broken like that one dickhead up there thinks, but just hearing 'We want to' with very rare followthrough when they have some time to stream is just lame to hear over and over.
I am the strawman who said that. Her manager must have sent that tweet.
Don't refresh
I've come so close to saying "God I love hags" whenever they let their hagdom slip out
mugetsu is their favorite ruffian and no one can deny it they masturbate to him nightly. wow he got the full always with us on this journey lets see the leaves together talk
>jp chad getting the last superchat in
I am their favorite ruffian, because they love the ruffians, and I am one of them.
>he thinks that's the last SC
GODnix god a better version of this. It was to the point the CHADnixschizo decided to spam KEK
I am not sending anything Fuwawa you are not reading me end this now
one second
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>mugetsu is their favorite ruffian and no one can deny it they masturbate to him nightly. wow he got the full always with us on this journey lets see the leaves together talk
>They've always been nebulous as fuck about what they want to do with their stream time. It's not promises broken like that one dickhead up there thinks
But they unambiguously promised multiple times?
Holy fuck the final superchat is a fuzzian.
don't go...
deploy the pinks...
>even the jps are getting the "why you love me"? impostor syndrome question
No I'm not, but you have to admit that they've been focusing on numbers too much recently, and their content has suffered a bit because of it. As I said, I understand and accept losing streams, but I don't want the only streams that we do get getting wasted on "mbembe" tier games.
They have a lot of work behind the scenes, they want to do a lot of things but they have to prioritize. Your issue is that you disagree with their priorities, that's ok but it's pointless to keep complaining here that they're not spending their time on what you want them to.
this was a masterful way to milk paypuppies again. she knows how to drain them dry
ruffian you were too late...
Suzu2 really is the master...
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G'night fags
They don't have priorities. They want to do everything all the time and keep trying to do that until something breaks. It's just usually streams that break
What the fuck is happening to the stream these last few minutes?
I do, but this already makes you and I much more reasonable than the schizos who antipost here every day.
I'd also like to see them play better and longer games and do less throwaway one-off streams. And I do think they'll do a bit less of that and that the frequency of JP solo streams will go down slightly too.
But the overall amount of JP streams might not because we'll also see more JP collabs, which is fine by me.
im not sleepy
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Now time to make dinner at 4am
don't forget to tweet using the hashtag for a likespree
The happy tears...
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I want to be milked by my findom goddess
The stream was stuttering like crazy and it sounded like this...
don't forget to kill yourself right now
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ending messages doko
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they love us
do we post those? it's been a while since the last memgen, I forgot
Isn't it Suzuthree now? They said their manager was new, but I don't think Suzu getting fired in June would count as new.
fuwawa’s piss in my mouth
Time has been flying for them, so to them she would still be new
>I wish they'd stream more VN and retro games instead of the JP horror games they put on every schedule
That's basically all I have that I personally complain about around here.
New to the company, so they're probably the first talents she's managing, as opposed to someone who was already managing someone else and got assigned to them.
they said they had some disagreements with suzu 2 so you can expect suzu 3 to come soon
give tweet, I need to sleep
man do I feel bad for her. hopefully they get a commission or something off of their talent's success but I doubt it. And even that won't make up for the stress she's going through compared to other managers
tezki retweet soon
i've said it before, so I'd be happy with one singular VN stream every week. Hell, I'd even accept one every two weeks...
>Imposter syndrome talk
>thanks for your support
>are a bit tired from all this activity
>still will keep doing it because there are lots of this they want to do
>thanks for the oportunity to do them
>no you cant ask for no homework, thats the majority of their job actually
>talk about food for 30 minutes
>reasuring ruffians they are not gonna to abandon them like 20 different times thru out the stream
>some plans about future streams
I think that was pretty much the stream right?
was he clipping in the middle of this stream too?
>Talk about fruits
>Talk about JP food
>Moco-texture autism
>Say fruits are expensive again
rrat The managers aren't getting fired. They just leave and they get reassigned a new manager because of how uncooperative they are
>>Imposter syndrome talk
>>thanks for your support
>>are a bit tired from all this activity
>>still will keep doing it because there are lots of this they want to do
>>thanks for the oportunity to do them
>>no you cant ask for no homework, thats the majority of their job actually
>>reasuring ruffians they are not gonna to abandon them like 20 different times thru out the stream
>>some plans about future streams
Most of this was within a 5-8 minute span
how big is mococo’s penis?
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Fuwawa's Japanese milk in my mouth.
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I dont know why this soundpost bums me out so much lmao ive been listening to it on repeat ever since you posted it
surely some of these paypuppies have to be hitting a financial limit right? How can anan, pissnix, agri, monsters inc send this much money this often?
Remember when shitposters tried to say people using "cozy and comfy" to describe their streams were Antis? Even they know cozy and comfy streams like this are what people prefer.
Video unavailable
This video contains content from Studio Ghibli Inc., who has blocked it on copyright grounds

I wanted to watch the parts I missed later...
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They remembered me, I sent them an alarm supachat and they remembered me. BAU BAU
This but Pero's
Enjoy, I remember the time I had to make spaghetti at like 6am or go to bed starving after a stream once lmao
What disagreements??
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Death to all Copyright holders.
They only said that because pissnix their favorite said it in the superchat. I dont' know why they worship that annoying fag so much if they met him like I did at BD they'd know he's a fucking autistic creep
Love you, you two!!!
2zu asked them wich 2hu they would fuk, and wouldn't accept any answer that wasn't marisa
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KEKAROO they didn't even read your full rainbow. Stop posting about yourself and go see the fireflies.
What is Mococo doing when this pic is taken?
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I imagine that FUWAMOCO are like Tom Cruise and their managers are like safety guys.
>Remember when shitposters tried to say people using "cozy and comfy" to describe their streams were Antis?
I dont remember this at all, but to be fair I've been away
standing awkwardly beside the door out of view
I don't think anyone said this, you're missing the important context that the people who were demanding "cozy" streams were schizoing out about how they weren't doing them enough. Cozy streams are good. Constantly complaining that they're playing "slop" or doing collabs or any other kind of content deserves criticism.
Passionately sucking on my cock
how alarming
Do not open this link, a succubus will steal your soul
kronie here, congrats for 1m to the most lovable doggies in vtubing, baubau!
I went back and checked and nope.
>it's blocked in every single country in the world
What the fuck
On the verge of tears worrying that she'll embarass herself and that you'll think shes gross or weird.
likespreee as expected
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Thanks BAU BAU
>post my tweet
>6 wuffians instantaneously like it
how are you all so quick...
got my like hehe thanks
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Thank Gabe.
Now that the million has settled what went wrong?
Bigger than Fuwawa's but Fuwawa is the top anyway
Not enough Fuwawa farts on stream.
Finally, I'll be able to get that double paizuri from Fuwawa and Patra.
ojisans, we're watching RLM hunt for ghosts at the ax murder house.
Why are you sisters focused on such random nobodies? Did the old loop script break?
They will never ever give me another like. It's been months.
sending $588 and getting a 4 minute response with half of it being a raid talk still is more than it deserves. Money can't buy their love and it's getting pathetic it still tries so hard
how many hours to Patra? I want to know if I have to sleep or stay up
I already watched that. spoiler They ax murder house is in Iowa
I'm one of those million and I'm not settled
it's next week
>thank you for being with us every single step of the way
Thats worth infinitely more than any amount of time. GODnix and Mugetsu were the only ones to receive love like this. Everyone else got a generic "thank you always" kek
I can tell this set you off cause you've been going menhera ever since KEK
How many hours to Marine event
how many hours until the graduation of Pero
26 ish
26 hours 20 mins
He sent almost 1k just to get that pity phrase that means nothing. They rushed through his schizo babble and have never thanked him for anything specific. He is probably seething that they never thank him for clipping. notice how he has stopped them completely after they raised standards and stopped retweeting him
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it's a cardinal sin that the umas can't be widely sexualized. anyways Mococo would look cute and sexy in this outfit
anyone got a DL for the 1 million in case it gets edited or something?
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>oh its a very drivable distance
>7 hours
Imagine being a fucking midwesterner, jesus christ. How does newissa do it?
>The fucking hololive main channel in the list
It's faster to list who doesn't have 1m.
America is too fluffing large. I know friends who drive an hour plus just to go to work
I don't see anything wrong with that
>that means nothing.
Oh you're mad lmao. Just kneel to your GOD already. Its clear he occupies your every waking thought KEK
i hope you seethe every single day when he gets read in chat, recieves nonstop love, and gets almost every single post liked AHAHHAH
An hour doesn't seem too outrageous
Why do the worst of EN get to 1mil
Jesus... I live in a city and everything is pretty tightly packed. I used to walk 20 mins to work(short 5 min bus ride, give or take) and I thought THAT was a ridiculously long time to travel.
Gura got hers before debut anon
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so what's this about?
IRyS is great
marine is schizo and hearing voices
schizo stream
IRyS is the best Promise though
Marine brings up a worry/issue/problem/whatever and then everyone else tries to convince her of using their idea to solve it
I miss el globlino, it was endearing
No idea, and I'll never know since I skip all JP streams/collabs and consider them nonCanon slop
Different holomems are gonna act as the inner thoughts/emotions of Marine to solve her problems. Kinda like Inside-Out
Still funny how they showed her 2.0 stream instead of her debut during BD
I noticed that too
What a fall from grace
So which emotion will they be?
More like the angel/devil on the shoulder thing. In Inside Out the person isn't aware of the anthropomorphized emotions
Fuwawa will be desire and Mococo will be passion
Sex and sex
Marine picking Mococo for every situation out of pure love for her and ignoring Fuwawa just like their collab
Yea, I should have went with that analogy
>just like their collab
Threadreaders are so funny sometimes
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gn ruffians
it might not sound bad but spending 2-3 hours on only driving to and from work adds up to 10-15 hours per week, it's a lot.
kek some holos are really game illiterate
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good nite
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Mayushi trailer for the Stein's Gate mahjong collab just came out
hey anons what is the name of the en concert again? I am getting it confused with capture the moment
I guess it didn't really hit me until they crossed the threshold. I've been caught up in my own head lately. But watching that moment happen... Seeing how much it means to them and how much they mean to me. I'm glad we could celebrate it together. And many more moments to come
obliterate the galaxy
Breaking Dimensions!
How was the members stream? Was it really informative?
What actually happened then?
I can't wait to get spooked by Okabe instead of any of the other 3
15 minutes of actual 1 million talk, 30 minutes of food talk, and about 5 minutes of schizo reassurance in the middle of SCs
not at all. still watch it though
members stream
It was adorable and cozy, which is exactly what mengen streams should be
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ruffians I too speak Japanese
Congrats on the million. I tried watching the stream but it seems like they're still intent on doing ear piercing fake voices and baubau every sentence. Maybe at 2 mil they will be watchable
Try watching it
archiver bros??? where we at???
Thanks, but all vtubers have fake voices.
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trust in mane-chan
I knew I should have archived this. But I was just living in the moment, ah how fleeting life can be.
To be honest, I dont think anyone was expecting that stream to get fucking flagged down, especially since they only sang songs that they've sung before in karaokes(which are all still up IIRC).
Cumtastic!!! Saved for sure.
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Icomochi-mama rabu
Well, you won't have to wait long. Only 3 days left
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I love them
Well well well look who it is... Mocotan... my little cum princess... back for more, I see?
Come to me, my sweet toaster strudel, my rambunctious frosting receptacle , and "sit" heh on mine lap ehehehahaha
Oh no dont be shy, I dont bite.
Much *chortles*
Now, lets get to work shall we? take off your shirt. Let me see your hilltops.
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This unironically.
what the fuck
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I really love Moco-chan. I want to show her my pure love by brutality raping her. I want to choke her, and make her climax so many times that she'll end up falling in love with my cock.
Bets on what the 1M merch will be?
Hopefully dakis with one side bordering on lewd
Did you accidentally sent this to this thread by accident? I am all for some ER, if it’s with Shiorin but this made me laugh.
Sorry. Accidently leaked my next SC
we lost atm thanks to this thread schizos he archived every single karaoke before
Replica bowls
picture frame containing their 1 million message card shown at the end of the stream
sub counter acrylic stand
good riddance
Was he also the soundpost anon? Cause we lost that guy as well.
How many ruffians did we lost? Wonder how many died and since they were just another face on the crowd, their contributions will fade away. I am just grateful to have made it this far. If in the future I were to get busy and unable to follow their journey closely, then I am just happy to have been able to watch them reach such a milestone!
I don't think so, I remember when that guy said he was checking out. Unless it was just atm being exceptionally schizophrenic about things.
I said I would learn to archive and make soundposts but I never did...
On the topic of archiving, I've wondered why youtube allows you to access the whole data stream on live streams with "DVR" disabled. You'd think the point of that feature is to prevent anyone from being able to access anything but the most recent fragments. Its only on youtube's own player does it disallow this. On a technical level, why is this the case?
>I don't think so, I remember when that guy said he was checking out
Huh, I dont remember this. Did he say why? When I noticed he was gone, I kinda assumed he either turned into a twitter/YT clipper, or he just left the threads cause it got really bad in here.
>If in the future I were to get busy and unable to follow their journey closely,
Make sure you dont feel bad or guilty if this happens to you. Cherish the time you have with them
>DLan going menhera
come on now timestamp champ!
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>That moment when their voices broke at 999,984 subscribers and then sang "because it's filled with dreams!" exactly when it hit 1mil
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Milky love!
I already hated Miyazaki's movies before but now I'm literally seething.
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Good night!
>America is too fluffing large
Yeah, when Biboo was talking about moving to Japan, someone said "What about Shiori and Nerissa?" and she said that can't really visit them anyways because of how big the US is (paraphrasing). I went and looked and if you assume that Biboo lives in California and Shiori/Nerissa live in Texas (because they're the closest states of each timezone, I don't actually know where they live), it's still like a 20 hour drive
>it's still like a 20 hour drive
What about a flight though, it's not like they can't afford them
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good nite, for me as well though im not quite going to sleep just yet but im not visiting the thread again
I don't think he said that much about it, from what I remember it was just a combination of lack of time and less motivation. I don't blame him, he was our only consistent soundposter so it was a lot of work for not really much reward
Does he need to? Judging by the views FuwaMoco liked his menhera tweet already. Must be nice being an oldfag.
Mane-chan love!
3 hour flight but you also have to pack and prepare for the flight
Having to fly every single time you want to see one of your friends sucks
t. lives in the middle of nowhere, Australia
Did the member stream die at 1:40:24? There's a weird jump like something was edited out
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I'm not hearing it, just Biboo making a weird noise from dying in 7DTD. If the VOD was edited, the chat logs would be gone
Autistic pink woman love
love this
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I guess it's gonna be something lame and unnecessary.
I'm still waiting for the merch that will surprise me and make me want to spend money like kedama korone plushie.
We are SO back
What is cut?
It seems that 1 second is missing, the original vod was 1:44:04, probably a YT error, since the vod was not edited
Does this mean FWMC will be with her on Halloween night(JP time), or that they'll be watching?
Hololive TCG card of them with special art to commemorate 1 million subs
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Last Halloween they did a comfy stream reading our original horror stories, right? Do you think they'll do something like that this year?
I looked back at the archive. The moment they reached 1 million subscribers was incredible.
It truly was something magical the way the timing lined up, combined with their emotional singing
Who is Pandaboy and why does he get such a special shoutout and reply
Oh right, okay
Happy Lucky Doggos

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