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RxRxR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGgKKwc-jWg
Bling Bang Bang Born with Ina: https://youtu.be/B3kE_zxORik
LOS LOS LOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOGTtxq24k



>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png
Surprise rat
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Rrat Love
Surprise bread!
So is the gist of what Bae was saying with Subaru about dancing is that K-pop style dance moves are easier to muscle memory because they have big movements in a sequence but idol style dancing is harder despite being technically easier because it is more subtle choreo so you need to think about your movements through the song more actively instead of going into auto-pilot?
I think it's a roundabout way of her saying that It's harder for Bae, because she has to find a way to make those simpler movements stand out
I hope we also get a zatsu on her current situation and schedule
She did say don't watch
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I'm ready for maximum silly levels
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Is it bloodmoon season?
Its too early and its only 5pm her time
she gets her period next week if anything
She's seeing red! She's going to choke a brrat tonight!
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#shorts is great for karaokes, i'll never stop shilling picture-in-picture. Use it, damnit. You can get a bigass rat on screen (even bigger than usual since you don't have to see the background) while you dump money on gacha or whatever the fuck you wanna do.
Surprise, but a welcome one
Shorts are great when I wanna see her cute face up close
This is my schizo theory but I think Bae has been hanging out with Ina since she can’t stream
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I wanna set up a vertical monitor and stare at baes giant ears
ina got kicked out of the country mate
Theyre hunting her down as we speak
Do you not read bae's tweets anon
yeah they text a lot
ina cant be in the country on an expired visa
oh btw bibbo is moving to japan so hopefully more baebi! i would love if she moves with bae tho
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There's no way this tweet had the context of texting
baes wife (forma de American) in chat
They give you a week's time to leave no?
mubae bros... mumei your sleep...
its only 1 am moom time
Hell yeah
If ina was already outside japan she would be able to use social media but her manager is still posting on her account suggesting she hasn't left the country yet
My rat...
ina cant use her account because you need a work visa to work for a japanese company in any facet
being ina is her career, she cant be ina
Bae I'm going to concern
Broskis I hope whatever unforeseen circumstances it is is just work related and not some bad news regarding family members or something
Why the rrat sad.
>fly me to the moon #24525

it used to be special...
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It's still special to me
Mostly because I can't watch karaoke often
She always gets this way when her mom visits and then her mom leaves
It's still special to me
Just like Phantom, no matter how many times I hear it
I'm glad I'm awake for this
Sounds like she either just woke up and/or been crying and/or been drinking
Bae should sing the Bayonetta version
MUBAE GODS its like 1pm
Bae crys all the time, and is prone to panic attacks. prease andastand.
Yeah but normally it doesn’t come after her mentioning she can’t stream for a week
She ain't slurring her words anon. And besides that, breing a lightweight If that is how she coped with life she would probably be sleeping right now instead of being in a mood.
maybe its about her relative that has cancer or maybe a project got delayed/canned
i imagine she had plans to do shit with ina this month beyond bling blang blong and shes very sad one of her best friends is in a very stressful and fucked up situation and on top of mama rat leaving and reminding her of home
She said she had alot of hard studio work to do
She's straight up crying now wow
she's crying
Have her unarchived karaokes always been like this? Cause it's absolute kino so far
No, sometimes she's unhinged.
Do you think something happend to the family member that was sick
She seems way to sad
depends what time of the day it is
if its like 2 am thats when quirky bae comes out
she's having a big woman moment, so it really depends on that
Hallelujah my beloved
They're all pretty fun.
The Dawn of the Dork/late night ones she just sings whatever she feels like and is very silly are my favorite
Not this exact setlist but they're usually a real treat, especially when she goes off the rails
Bae has performance anxiety when it comes to singing, she sounds better than usual today when she's more relaxed
>big woman moment
Exactly this. And people need to realize: having a guerrilla karoke to work through the sads is healthy behavior compared to other alternatives. If she didn't think she could stream when having a woman moment that would be something to concern about.
>Haven't heard this song in centuries
>Mumei regularly sings it
Better than her drinking herself into a coma in the dark
well her owlwife is watching so she has to keep her satisfied
They're in entirely different time zones. It's not strange she can't catch Mumei's unarchived karaokes.
Bae shows up to them quite a lot though so it's a surprise she's missed it
this, and mumei is the one with the self destructive sleep schedule, not bae
I was thinking if Ina just secretly shows up on Bae's stream, would it count as working or just friendly hangouts? Might be a loop hole around the situation. We've had talents' friends showing up on streams all the time and I doubt they're getting paid in any sort.
I will say this. She knows how to belt.
There's no reason why she would ever risk it. They might ban her from coming back to the country for good.
I think even being on your account as all counts as work
After all, it's not "her", it's her persona or whatever
>self destructive sleep schedule
>Mumei's karaokes are normally in the afternoon for bae
>She's starting to feel better as she sings
She loves singing for me
She's improved a bunch for someone who mentions being not confident in her belting
that's... not what I was implying at all with that statement, but ogey
I am not the one who requested it but... man, the more I think about it, she'd do a great Life is Like a Boat, or honestly I Wanna Go to a Place.
Her singing in general has come a long way. Good work Rat!
>Life is Like a Boat is the goat
>Wind is the goat
what is up with the first ending of shounen animes being always the best ones
>what is up with the first ending of shounen animes being always the best ones
It is the one they think the most about.
This is a lesbian song for Ina.
I sorta wanna hear her sing Nowhere from Madlax but I don't know if she knows that one. Honestly anything from Fiction Junction would be goated.
Suddenly i see lesbians? I have no clue what this song is about
its the about the woman being inspired by famous singer Patti Smith
thats the actual lore
i have a gripe with bae and this song, she sings it very loudly when its meant to sung softly and i never understood why she sounds like shes on the verge of belting singing this song
>I have no clue what this song is about
It's a woman singing about another woman meaning a lot to the one singing after said woman left and what an impact this left. And now she is singing a second song with a similar theme.
What if some project got delayed?
thats just a problem with a day that ends in Y with hololive
Maybe? But it's more likely more work came up or else she wouldn't be more busy, cancellation means less work/existing work is out the window
She's going home for a funeral
That 3d live sounds like a pain in the ass and Bae would be the only one in Promise doing any choreo planning for it.
>may it be
ack the LotR song always gets me, fuck sake
>>87293004 (me)
also Bae speaking elvish is fucking hot
It's a good song and she sings it well
She probably can't sing it, but imagine if she sang Eyes on Me.
Bae refuses to turn on her heat yet probably before her being cold causes concernfagging.
This song will never not remind me of blooming in the mud
Blooming is so good
Didn't Roboco sing this at Fes?
Usually she has these really silly zatsu moments where she just makes noises or laughs between each track but today she's very focused from going from one karaoke to the next. She really is in a mood
Bae should sing a million miles away
I fucking LOVE this song and I treat the anime and manga like The Room
What IS it with animes having songs that go so hard when it doesn't fit the actual story in any conceivable way

eden of the east used a really good Oasis song and the OP had some cool SHAFT style kind of animation, anime was trash
That was a very cute rat squeak
Can you give me some more examples? I know what you are talking about but I can't think of other instances right now
I adore her squeaks so much
The biggest mystery is perhaps the fact that her pissing speed didn't get nerfed by a newer house
It did for a while, I think she's learning the new layout
Keep it this way onegai, I love her japanese singing
JP bathrooms are built for speed!
she has a japanese future toilet that massages her clit to encourage bladder release
I honestly thought pissfags were a myth and were just cunt's fucking around
How wrong i was
when girls squirt thats just them losing bladder control during sex
Im genuinely aroused at the idea of bae powerblasting me with her piss
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> mood to sing
> list of sad songs

my schizo ass really don't like this, hope all well will end well. Bae love
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Our Rat is hurting lads, something's not right
shes already out of her funk
the thought of a woman peeing on me is genuinely arousing, although we'd have to prep with towels because the thought of cleaning up piss is not arousing
She's not talking, like at all
>Making the brrrr brrrr noises
She's becoming Mumei.
yeah she was born with a functioning vagina and lost the gacha roll of life on it not being an annoying cunt
this is not out of the ordinary for her unarchiveds
I swear you guys are more of a woman than she is
she's sad from multiple people leaving japan
What makes you say that?
my message made her laugh and she was typing to me
She's already doing dorky stuff
Unarchived emo karaoke
They're not leaving in caskets this shouldn't be fucking with her this hard
Go to bed mumei
Where is this song from again? it's lovely
my headcannon
yeah man, a schizo woman
Suzume, movie directed by Makoto Shinkai
>bae is australian
>ina is korean
>both these asian girls have a fetish for the other ethnicity/country of origin

ina and bae fucked and it got awkward
>They're not leaving in caskets this shouldn't be fucking with her this hard
are you a lizard or do you just lack emotion
>this hard
it's literally a mildly sad karaoke
I'm not joking when I say you're more of a woman than she is, quit exaggerating
I think you're projecting but okay
>Unarchived at nowhere near her usual times.
Woman gonna woman.
prolly an early cycle this month but she doesnt wanna mention it as an excuse
wtf bae is a woman?!
>doomposters are doxfags
no surprise there
learn to crop nigger?
>can't even screenshot a xeet
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I am connected to Bae so I directly feel her emotions
Thou art inferior to me
aight, this is sad but see you guys at the quick announcement stream
a brat from /here/ compiled every single squeek she has ever done some time back
Schizos imagine their own scenarios out of thin air, thta is the real problem.
That was me kek
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Are you okay ma'am, you look beautiful today how was your day? I just want you to know you are valid.
You are a mad man
thought it'd be longer desu
2 more weeks, or maybe tomorrow, see ya there brats
this is the saddest attempt at shittery I've seen in a long time
I hate perms so fucking much
holy shiet this fucking song. been like ages
NTA but that Bae is deliciously smug
I loved when she did the off collab karaoke with mumei and she sang the japanese version of this song and mumei was like "you are such a weeb ffs"
when the stream started?
About two hours ago
~2 hours ago
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they put the funny numbers on screen for you to use
The usual archiveanon will provide one but a lot of the usual Bae classics
Suzume, Titanium, May It Be, Hallelujah
Also Crying for Rain
What a cutie
Real white girl hours.
thanks I will sleep to this stream seems chill I'm ruffian btw
Have fun mate, it's pretty calm songs tonight
This song is ultra white girl
Hope your fun chaotic rat queen gets her 1M I want my demon dogs to congratulate her just like did it today for them!
thanks brrat! I want to support your oshi too because she is kind to mine!
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Cheers ruffian, ideally she needs to hit it before the year ends so yeah I hope that ends up happening
bae still has that duel with FWMC, I'd suggest a swimsuit wrestling offcollab
It's over.
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Canon event
It will come soon I am sure, she a very fun girl. Match her with Gigi and Biboo and we are set to get a good series going on in this new full gen collabs
Wresting is fun as hell
Reminder that Bae also recommended to Subaru to interview the dogs next as part of her get to know a holomem series. Not that she had many EN kohai to pick from who speak fluent Japanese, but still.
mubaerys + krofau soon in bae's house
This but bra and panties match in the mud
And the rented sex swing
IRyS you retard that's her bellybutton.
yeah I am grateful for her being a good senpai anon I noticed that foo
Gonna switch things up.
a men can dream
I agree
The gameplay of the game isn't nearly enough to carry it for her
Sesbian lex actually involves a lot of agressively licking and kissing erogenous zones so its not uncommon to see them make out with that part of the stomach as it's just above the womb
hungy rat
Thanks for letting us know how they fuck you fembrat
I just remembered she has had an unarchived karaoke just like this in the past, same vibes where she was mostly silent and just sang, it was the one where she had a bad dream and had to sing to fall asleep
She literally said something happened that caused her not to be able to stream for a week.
idk fellas 30k subs in less than 2 months is a lot.
That was a great karaoke too (though yeah sad she wasn't sleeping well)
If she spams streams and gets overlays she could, but personally its better to not get bothered by it and do an endurance when you are near
""uber drive"" with "foood"""" that "mysteriously sounds like her coworker on a temporary hiatus""""
Bae has a bit over 2 1/2 months to make 34k
That's less than 17k a month which is completely doable
My heart melted from those cute gremlin sounds
I'm glad she cheered up enough yo start goofing around
If getting there was a huge goal for her, she would have prioritized it like others in EN did when they were close. But she simply hasn't. Friendtaro will appear on stream either way when she visits.
She's hungry kek
I think she's in a better mood now.
lmao Baetyan
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God hearing her dork around is the best, she's definitely feeling much better now
Let this be a lesson to all you virginal lonely brrats
If a woman is angry or moody just give them food
The oldest tricks really do work the best
This is what my mother taught me long ago
I mean, it's exactly the same for men
I should have checked baes twitter...
She is so happy she is now in chuuni mode.
I'm glad she feels better
Stream on monday
Bae will be back on Monday!
i now understand asmr
>soft I love you
Rate the therapy session
I love her...
Sad rat hours/10
Uber has arrived/10
I'm glad she got that out of her system, was a great karaoke too
Uploading the karaoke to Gofile now
great singing/10
mood gone/10
Fun karaoke, glad she was able to stream and feel better afterwards.
Bless you
Sadly 99% of it its weird retarded roleplay or girls munching at the microphone that forgot its supposed to be relaxing
Haha, this brat missed out on Bae saying she loves us
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Excellent Baeraoke/10
I especially loved the Japanese songs
Watching her mood go up drastically near the end of the stream made me really happy
Sad that she isn't streaming again until Monday, oh well...
Karaoke downloads and set list: >>87296189
Thanks mate
It's not.
>until Monday
Her Monday, most people's Sunday. Which is in 1 day and a half to put that into perspective.
just sat down after working, missed gorilla karaoke (live at least)
did she say why was she in a mood?
it saddens me that most of time I can't catch her when she's live due to timezones
but I'm really glad I could be here for this karaoke, love this rat like you wouldn't believe
The only thing she said was
>These things take time
ah, well, could be anything then
glad she cheered up at least!
She was upset about something but she wouldn't elaborate
she only mentioned she couldn't talk about it and said these things take time.
But she was feeling a bit better by the end of the karaoke.

Glad you were able to catch it
She wants her Tako back. Ina is now techincally her cousin in the ratfam.
Sticking together like rice.
you have been pretty annoying with this "ina is lost in the shadow dimention" angle yknow.
its just visa issues, she's not dead
My heart...
She was talking to me btw.
She's dead to me though.
but me
man i cant wait until holos move to bluesky or other platform.
twitter has been shitting itself so much that i just got notified of bae's tweets all at once
let's go back to facebook
i just have a account where the only person i follow is here and then i autistically press the heart button on literally every post
you joke but it truly was a perfect platform since it was built from the ground to create communities.
But then zucc cannibalized it and diluted the site so much its only good for AI sloppa now
i dunno about that, but it was pretty good 15 or so years ago. But that was with a lot of things more localised, friend groups and shit. We really went too far with the world wide part of the web
Man, I just woke up. Oh well. Looks like we've entered another cycle where she's being crushed under the weight of her own workload among other things, again. Sounds like she felt better by the end though, that's good.
You are literally me
Well the fact its still on use speaks over how perfect it was...yes i use perfect because even as a shambling corpse it incorporates all the functions a social network can have (communities, video and audio, multiple image formats, personal profiles, a fantastic algorithm,etc) while all the other siters are ofsets of it (instagram/snapchat was video only, tweet was supposed to be text only, etc)
The blueprint was so good that even after years of copycats and iterations you still look at it and go "damn, that's good"
I do agree on the last bit though,specially when elon introduced shit like twitter blue and made the outrage subculture x50 times worse
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I started Dark Souls when Bae did and I just finished it. As a complete noob to the genre and my first soulslike game I must say it's not what I expected... Like don't get me wrong I think it's a great game and I enjoyed it thoroughly but people talk about it as if it's so hard it's nigh impossible to beat, meanwhile I picked up some random ass club at the very beginning of the game and whacked every single boss with it without ever needing to even learn their patterns or look up any guides. Maybe the other games in the series are more difficult? I don't know. The games Bae played on stream sure seemed a lot harder.
ive only heard people say that the early souls games are the easiest ones, so im not surprised you surfed through it
i have only played Demon's Souls and Elden Ring personally and Demon's Souls is EXTREMELY easy while Elden Ring has some really difficult stuff
Dark souls exists in a vacuum m8. Its a game that's obtuse,mean and kicks you in the balls, which was extremely rare back in 2011. Even the obtuse SNES era had manuals included in the games so you werent always in the dark.

DS was hard because it challenged all of your senses, it suckerpunched you, it hid shit from you and had no problem letting you in on zones you were not supposed to go because the point was "find it yourself". The mechanical aspect was always secondary to all of that.
But that's hard to explain, so people just go "its hard" and that's usually associated with mechanical skill

TLDR: Dark souls isnt as hard as people think, it became harder as it went on because the fanbase wanted it to become like that
Dark Souls is on the easier side for souls games standards. Most of the difficulty comes from refusing to take it at a slower pace or just simply not being familiar with how the game works
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>dark souls 1 boss
Anus sucking monster of the lake. it has three attacks and one grab. You can burn the flame of salamanca in the brassier of turfid to have him start at 50% HP. Drops an armor set and two rings
>Dark souls 3/Elden Ring boss
Johnny Two dicks. 49 attacks which 20 have faint variants, 2 grabs, 3 phases, one bugged attack, two attacks you have to jump. You have to kill him with Manuel's locket of sorrow equipped to progress the Brothers of brapping questline.
Drops one spell
I see, the only bosses I'd say gave me a bit of trouble were the DLC bosses. That's when I had to actually start paying attention to what they're doing and not just unga bunga my way through.
Well if you talk to the NPCs the game kinda hand holds you and tells you what to do and where to go so I never really felt like I was lost. But I can see how stumbling into the catacombs at lv1 would make you want to pull your hairs out.
Yeah when I saw Bae ignoring all the mobs and just running around I knew she was gonna have a bad time. It's so much more manageable if you just take it slow and fight everything 1 by 1.
>Anus sucking monster of the lake
>the flame of salamanca in the brassier of turfid
lmao got me good
That about tracks with my experience too
Manus and Artorias were the only real challenges in my run and that meant 5-10 tries instead of 2-3
there's also the fact the average gamer is fucking light years above the average gamer at the release of dark souls.
I remember a lot of people thinking ornstein and Smough were absolute monsters on the level of Omega Rugal or other bullshit bosses but nowadays they are just a cool footnote because everyone instantly realizes smough cant touch you if a pillar is near and Ornstein folds like paper if you focus him
Bed of Chaos is the hardest. At least 10 fucking runbacks every fucking playthrough. Fucking 80% of the arena double swap asshole bitch.
I think this is about right honestly
This dude did a statistical study on streamers player FromSoft games and you can see the amount of deaths and aggressiveness of bosses go up clearly over time
People just got better at these kinds of games I guess
(Also notably runbacks used to be much longer and deaths to environmental damage/mobs was a lot higher)
i want fromsoft to stop fucking around and to remaster dark souls.
and by remaster i mean fucking finish it because boy is it fun when your game suddenly turns into an empty field with 3 guys in the distance and two bonfires in each extreme
Pretty much every FromSoft game suffers from the endgame being rushed or changed
Except for like Armored Core
The league of Legends season 3 championship is a silver game nowadays, and there's a lot of ex-pros that were forced to retire because they could not keep up with the game.
Nah, that's extreme hyperbole, Faker was around in S3. I'd say the average silver player now could give the average diamond/low master player back then a run for their money though in a lot of aspects
Anon Faker was the pinnacle of macro and micro skill for 4 or so consecutive years and he remains a monster of a player.
Its not an exaggeration to say the playerbase its just catching up to him, that's why he was "the unkillable demon lord" and multiple teams just had their midlaners go "just try and go even with him, dont even attempt to win that lane"
Pro players are catching up, your average silver player is not.
>>87296035 (me)
Here's the gofile for the karaoke
Thanks dude
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rat sexo
i made it mp3 so it embeds
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>Wake up
Is this how the hoomans feel, it was literally right after I went to bed
I'm gonna fucking neck myself
If Bae said she had a special surprise for you and then put up a frame for a watchalong of only One Piece filler. Would you scream?
One piece filler sucks
so no i would rather she watched something else
>it was literally right after I went to bed
Thank you for your sacrifice brat
sometimes happens yeah, but to be fair if you are hooman you know her usual time slots, problem is when mumei does a very rare karaoke at the same hour bae did
welp... i guess re2 is next
Alien Isolation with IRyS when
god I wanna press Polka in my bed
did she say that?
no but she wanted to play it again and I assume she's not THAT eager to play Dark Souls

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