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One Million
Previous Thread >>87289711

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
How are FWMC so fluent in Japanese if they're White and never lived in Japan?
>skipped on YouTube
>skipped on the hashtag
Did they finish with both? I knew i should have waited until after all the streams to make my posts they probably aren't ready any of the old ones
They did their reps, and so should you.
They consumed mostly Japanese media for years and studied
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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The reason he went menhera is they pinned the other timestampers comment on the endurance. It's funny how the supposed here for you always PLfags go crazy when they don't get attention or preference
There, there. They made sure to hit their favorites
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Are you sure your YouTube isn’t shadow banned? Did you get any likes? I looked through FWMC’s last post and only 2 JP comments didn’t get a heart
How do people still not know that editing your comment after it got Heart'd removes it
I think I'm not shadowbanned but it is how it is. hope they can still see it eventually but I'm used to them missing my posts tweets everything anyways so it's not surprising that's true today too
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Oh idk what happened here then
I found it strange that I got a second heart notification. It turns out they're heart'ing both the video comments AND the community post ones.
I fell asleep. Did they finish all the superchats? That seems fast.
They got started on page 2 of 3 but didn’t finish and had a guerilla memgen stream. They’ll read them later
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I am pleased with all the new art emphasizing Fuwawa's huge floofies
I give up. Nothing I sent was seen
My heart overflows with overwhelming pride, joy, and gratitude today. To be so close by your side, to witness this incredible dream come true, and in days past and future, to walk together on this path of our dreams. I love you both, with all my heart
Every day, I wonder how I could ever possibly be this lucky, this blessed to have ones so precious, so lovable, so warm, so silly be the ones to always be close by my side. It is something I deeply cherish, I struggle to understand, and I want to put all my heart and soul into
How your sweet voices bring me peace, how you make me feel at home like no one else, how sincere and close you stay beside me, how fiery and passionate yet gentle and loving you are, each song, lyric, and dance that steals my heart… I love about you, and so much more FUWAMOCO
know I can be more silly than Theo, but #FUWAMOCO, your Ruffian loves you, is cheering for you with just as much fiery passion, and will never, ever stop believing in you You have such a brilliant future ahead, and I want to see every dream that comes true, by your side
Did he even drop a super?
They never read tweets from during the stream. This one is on you
Who the fluff is Theo?
I guess not. Thankfully.
no but he's dual streaming with sobbi right now. Schizos before, he's a top ruffian without sending a cent
they're looking at the tag
no they're not stop lying. they finished already
is there such a thing as idol otaku in the ages of their 50s and 60s? or do they give up their penlights around that age?
imagine missing out on their sololive tickets I'd kill myself
All that's missing is more crying
Same. I've already got my scheduled suicide tweet all written out.
>I'm sorry, FuwaMoco. I couldn't get tickets to your first ever sololive. I can't live with this unbearable pain and regret. This is where my journey ends. Forgive me, Fuwawa and Mococo.
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I don't want to wake up from this dream, bros
>not just killing one of the menherapigs and stealing their ticket
Two good things in one
I haven't gotten a like from them on Twitter in like 4 months despite always tweeting nice thoughtful things and cheering them on. Do I end it now or wait a bit?
fuck off tekzi we get it they love you
Reminded me that Miko tweeted this out recently because tickets sold out quick for her sololive
is he about to go to the green girl instead?
Sanpo got muted in the VOD... it's over.
That's always just cope
neither do i, brother
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Demon dogs strong
With them, all the HoloDogs are at 1 million subs.
The canine mafia's stranglehold over vtubing keep on getting stronger.
wtf Ghibli, fuck you
See that’s nice and all, but like Fuwawa said, those who can’t attend will only be getting 80% of the experience
based on how bad the stream of BD was it's less then 80%
I got Marine tickets in the first lottery so it can't be that hard.
That was her being generous too. After seeing the BD watch along, I'd say you guys got maybe 20% of the experience.
Being in the audience is overrated, it's like being in a football stadium. You get a lot more atmosphere and all of course, but your POV will be a lot worse than if you saw it through the camera. Especially if you don't have the very few perfect prime seats.
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The 80% comparison isn't the best in the first place. It's like a venn diagram with some intersection. There are things you miss out on with either way and people value those things differently.
I disagree but there are a lot of other factors that make live the most preferable choice, like being able to witness your oshis’ first ever concert in their 3D bodies in person. There’s also the fact FWMC talked about watching ruffians from afar before and after the event and how happy that made them feel.
I get that, the overall experience is great no doubt if you're in there swinging your sticks, but in terms of just seeing the performances on stage and all I think people overrate it a bit.
>actually being able to see the dancing is worse than a shot of the ceiling
the cope is strong
Meanwhile I haven't gotten any in months.
Give me one reason to keep going.
>Meanwhile I haven't gotten any in months.
I don’t believe you
Does it feel like they're right there in person or is it very obvious that there's a screen?
Is that yours? Nice
I'm grateful for my two(2) likes. Even a single FWMC like is wasted on a person such as myself.
It's true. Maybe they hate the other oshi mark on my profile... but what did Nene ever do to them
Meanwhile I got 1 despite many posts. I've always thought the favoritism loops were schizo nonsense but seeing things like this really hurts me
If anybody missed the Endurance and wants to hear them sing Sanpo:
The 3D is much less immersive than a movie if that's what you're asking.
They were never loops, they do have favorites.
Yeah, me
Well that will make sure he's the top of their feed yet. They should follow him already do I can stop going menhera over them stalking his profile.
You wish
Anon realizes that anyone calling that made up was most likely one of the people those very posts mentioned
Like 80% of them are here anyway
I've never noticed a ruffian that has FWMC + nene oshi marks. You probably are either shadowbanned or don't post a lot at all
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>Like 80%
Where did this guy come from? I never heard of him before. New rufferan?
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he's basically FWMC's version of Nerissa/neah
They go to his profile multiple times a day based on them liking his pinned post each time along with untagged posts and clip retweets.
The reason they saved all their money and only spent like 1% of it in the past year is because they will use all the stashed up money on their VN, making it the best, longest, highest quality giga super good VN of all time
Latest Ruffian gossip news
>sobbi oshihenned from the clique and is back to baucord with purityschizo
groomers in shambles
Don't you have anything better to do
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Beautiful Fuwawa, even If I'm invisible in your eyes you'll always be my #1 favorite idol until the end of time.
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If you ask me I think every ruffian on Discord should perish
ojisans who are too old for zoomer gossip bullshit, we're watching Mary in a bit
you say this yet attach it to an image posted by one of the worst discord ruffians
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I was thinking it was pretty quiet, I guess there's looping. Once again, the sun is rising and I'm heading to bed. Goodnight
Who is mary
no idea but it looks like she has a nice rack
Look I agree with you that gossipfags should kill themselves but
1. literally who, buy an ad
2. ASMR sucks
3. Raora is streaming right now
All aspects of being a ruffian would be better if those fags left and never returned.
I think i am getting close to getting piasnix to meltdown
NTA but she’s a hag who does ASMR, big mommy vibes if you’d into that.
>more 7DTD
I can rest, gonna skip that. First event I don't care for.
can they still be useful on the server?
did you even watch a POV other than FWMCs? this event has the most natural EN chemistry we've ever got, in unexpected groupings
an entire spree and all i got was a single like. Why do some people get 11 and others 0 or 1?
another huge Bautist W posted
wow only 11? sheesh, couldn't be me bruh
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I'm going to bed. May Fuwawa yobai me as I sleep.
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Good gosh, I feel so incredibly light today. They're amazing
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>wake up
>vod comment was given a heart
If their visual novel doesn’t have multiple branching paths, bad ends and the ability to romance their coworkers, I will be slightly disappointed. I personally hated how linear the experience was of Aquarium and the fact that there was only one true heroine. While I understand that Aqua is the main girl! That shouldn’t mean that the other routes have to be jokes or super short. I am honestly expecting a lot from them in that regard. Of their visual novel isn’t excellent! I don’t mean story wise but that it uses the best elements of what makes visual novels great, then I will be disappointed.
Anything interesting from the member stream? I fell asleep about 30 minutes in
More content means more time and more money. Resources are finite, more detailed side branches means less detailed main branch. I think the way it was done in Aquarium in that regard was more than enough. They should focus any branching paths and choices on their own routes, not coworkers, those can be just funny bad ends.
Are they still timeskipped? FWMC are screwed if they log back in and they’re already 20 days in.
Ok, that is fair. I just want the main route to have lots of replay value! Also no bullshit change of time at the end! I don’t want to feel awful after finishing the game…. I can honestly feel like Fuwawa will make a school drama since she likes those so much.
If their visual novel doesn't have Fuwawa breeding Mococo with her huge, throbbing futacock I will be slightly disappointed.
>a side path where you can fuck Biboo's little girl cunny

But unironically, it would be cool if the game was the real deal and very big with a lot of high quality scenes. And some romance and very slight ecchi of course.
Pero route
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why didn't they get the fat cat carwash?
If there was a time for them to pour a ton of all the money they made back into something, this is it. Make this VN as amazing as it can be, make it even bigger and better than Aqua's.
Yes, but people have been dying left and right and it hasn't really mattered, they'll be fine
The ponut...
would you play a vn with just fuwawa infodumping you fate tier bullshit for hours on end
Romance and some slightly ecchi scenes would be great! Also a part where all of Advent goes to the beach and we see Fuwawa’s massive floofies in all of their glory!
i didn't get the thanks for being by our side yesterday so I'm taking a break to reflect and reassess.
Of course
If it has voice acting then I'd put it on auto play and listen to it with headphones in bed.
>would you play a vn
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They could take it as far as this in their full VN, no?
that phrase means nothing stop letting schizos affect you
Don't fall for shitposters they only said it a couple times and it's just something silly like ESR. They know you are there.
I don't think there's any problem, the only limitations seem to be explicit imagery. Aquarium had you fucking Marine all night long. When it comes to scenarios, it's really up to what they're comfortable with.
Okay ... now what?
Nothing. We just wait for them to get a solo live and their VN… After that… What is left? I guess becoming tour mascots? I think that was one of their goals.
Am I crazy or did Mococo randomly talk about never turning off superchats?
In text and only implied, but yes
Yeah it's because she read /here/ again and saw posts telling them to become like Suisei in that regard and they said no
Now? Now we Bau
I would like the VN to be fully voiced
seriously though has that even been mentioned anywhere else? Did someone say it in chat? It felt so out of the blue
It hasn't. People will pretend all day that they've never checked here. It's retarded to think they visit every day or something stupid like that, but they do look occasionally.
when? i don't remember that
Fuwawa and Mococo if you are browsing the archives thanks for listening to our feedback. The members stream was great and calmed all worries I had. I'm also happy you've stopped retweeting low effort clippers. You deserve better and those menheras should be left behind because they do not support you.
Nta but it was during the mengen
Then that would be a lie because they already did before.
She was talking about in general like Suisei. They only had it off for streams they legally weren't allowed to like RE4
I got caught up in the moment and ended up subscribing during the stream last night, but I'm kind of regretting it in the clarity of morning... They won't mind if they lose one sub, right?
>did Mococo randomly talk about never turning off superchats
I don't remember her saying anything like that, but it could just be my sleep deprivation, does anyone have a timestamp?
it's just a schizo
Are you the autist that watches all of their streams but refuses to subscribe?
Fuwawa and Mococo if you are browsing the archives, please play more VNs and retro games! Also, we would really appreciate a Shorts video of the Fuwafloofies bouncing and the Mocohips moving!
well that's a little rude, but yes
kill yourself Gorilla
Entergram develops FWMC's vn, recycling stuff from Aquarium's sequel. But that also means we get a longer game.
>You rike?
The sad most likely scenario for the VN is
>they are perfectionists
>spend years working on micromanaging every single aspect to make it perfect
>cover/hololive/they face some unforseen circumstance and they are no longer with the company
>game cannot be released because FUWAMOCO no longer exist
the pains of the past coming back again
Mococo said, "there were some superchats saying... that felt like maybe we would go away and I just want you to know that's not a worry" and I think that anon misheard her and thought she said something about superchats going away
I'm the anon that misheard and you're right. I was almost asleep at that point.
Of course it was her worrying about that faggot laughing fox's traumadumping again
By the way going through the vod to find this timestamp and having Fuwawa say "you know... so... yeah... so... you know... ehehehe" every 5 seconds was pretty funny
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Nerissa Ravencroft will look up and shout
>Fuwawa, if you want you can come over to my house and I'll let you stream from my room
And I'll look down and whisper
i wanna cum on her fwoofies
It's going to take a year and a half minimum. I'd think 2 years max. It'll be a long while before we see anything at all, but it'll get here eventually.
FUWAMOCO have access to IPs /here/ and know the posts that you've made. Do better, Ruffians.
KEK baused
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Ghost banned again
Does she know?
they announce the release date at the end of their sololive
>"Available now"
I'm burning all by ghibli DVDs right now.
>Sololive in 2 years
I don't have as much faith in that.
Mary is Patra's big sister, if Patra is FUWAMOCO's big sister then Mary is their bigger sister
I can't help but feel guilty when Mococo said some people made them feel bad recently by saying things they weren't expecting from them, but were they actually talking about ruffians?
Throwing shade at junk email.
Has to be. No one else who matters to them currently would have anything but nice things to say about them, at least in any public facing capacity.
they were talking about their past
They were talking about other holo girls who badmouth them behind their backs of course like Fauna or Ayame
Why are they wasting their wish on something that a ruffian already made them for free?
It's a mix but I think they primarily were referring to people like >Pero who told them to give up and moved on to another group because he thought they were failed idols. I'm sure they also see people like tekzi and junk email shitting on them with stuff like saying the wrestling was fake or that jp streams are a betrayal and waste of time that's going to destroy their career.
I know FUWAMOCO will prove all the doubters wrong. They already have been and always will.
Anon, he... he's a jamstone now
There is absolutely 0% chance they are aware of what a snake tekzi is and how he talks about them. If they did they wouldn't give him a dozen likes per day
If you believe enough anime does in fact become real
They want something that has at least a modicum of quality to it.
This is from the member stream, right?
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Are you macho enough?
I just... to PatoKoyoAzuFubuMariKoroPoru...
I'm busy with my twin sister wives, are the jailbirds not macho enough?
They definitely get rundowns on different parts of the community and know about all the slimey shit people do behind the curtain.
Then they will see that I've made every post imaginable and am just having fun.
If they did they wouldn't do what they do still, not to half a dozen people
After seeing that clip of Shiorin wanting to get inside my room and wanting to give me handjob. I am macho enough for her and FUWAMOCO only.
When did Pero say that?
Daniel bros what went so wrong? WE HAD IT ALL AT ONE POINT!
You mean like all the people who gossip about men nonstop?
They want the VN to actually be about them and not just another self jerk off session of the Ruffians.
They wouldn't like 11 tweets in a row of a person saying they're fakes if that were the case
Yeah. Why else would they bring up comparing the Ruffians? That specific talk is already a ritual post here.
I really wanna hate because of their annoying voices and stupid way of talking but they seem like good people so I really can't bring myself to
Congrats for 1 mil or w/e
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they liked my throwaway half asleep congrats post on #FUWAMOCO but didn't like the actual art I drew and posted on the 1 million hashtag
necking myself now
Mococo lurks /here/ all the time. I bet she's seen the clique discord images of one of those fags calling their 3D wrestling fake and saying they hate JP streams while saying they love them on Twitter.
Just their way of trying to convert them to be more positive but are too dumb to see that will never work.
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>After seeing that clip of Shiorin wanting to get inside my room and wanting to give me handjob.
She was definitely talking about all the people who didn't believe in them before they made it big. I'm willing to bet Papa Puppy told them to get "real jobs" more than once. Which I completely don't blame them for, yes they worked hard but getting into Hololive still has a large luck element in it, same as anything else.
Use ears, they were replying to a superchat bringing up those times and specifically saying they still hear those things nowadays.
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Don't talk to me about what they said when you're clearly an ESL.
specifically the traumadumping loser
>they accomplish their biggest goal
>men men men
actual NPC thread
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Hello. I really like anime women. Especially if they have kemonomimi.
atm bros not like this...
The only time Fuwamoca were mad with someone in their holo time was with that retarded redditor, i still remember the reply kek
Just noticed their post on r/visualnovels only got 72 updoots kek
what was the context?
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The only man I want to talk about is Jesus Christ
A nigger was shitting on them over no hitting 1 million in a year in a way that sounded like he was not doing it (everyone was shitting on him even before fuwamoco reply)
It was like "the ruffians need to get 130k subs in 15 days or Fuwamoco will fail :("
Hahaha, what a fucking asshole. What did FUWAMOCO reply with?
Truth hurts
Ah, yes. Instead of admitting fault, he chooses the good old, delete my comment tactic. Funny stuff. Thanks ruffian. Incredible that they met their goal only two months later.
reminder that if you want personal attention from fwmc your best bet is their reddit DMs
What inspires a person to send $500 for 2 minutes of a girl reading your message? you could be traveling the world with that money
They don't seem mad at all in this response. It's their usual positive cheerful upbeat talk. They haven't even banned the BR Fuwawa Anti/Cuckschizo so this Redditor is probably fine.
KEK did you report them for self-harm/suicide?
Those people also have the money to travel the world.
Leddit care spam is real, whenever you make a FWMC post there you better be expecting to get a few
Hahhaa nigga thats how you tell someone to fuck off without saying it
Unironically should because they're killing themselves with their health
If you have money to burn, and you want to support your favorite content creator to make cool shit. Spending such an amount of money is no problem.
It's money I wouldn't use myself for starters
Why is this community so shit? I'm getting tired
That's my point why aren't they going to every single con then? Agri and Andy are maybe the only ones that do it. All the other paypuppies send tens of thousands and routinely drop a full trips worth of money in a stream. it's insanity and kinda pathetic. It's not like it fwmc much either
I don't post about my travels on twitter.
I think the 1 million milestone is a good spot to drop them. It was enjoyable ride most of the time but they are way too different now and I don't feel the connection anymore. For the remaining Ruffians, godspeed.
Why do you care so much about what other people do with their money? Maybe start by asking yourself that first.
Because fuwamoco cuddle menheras and gachikoi instead and amplify them by giving so much attention which just makes more Ruffians try to emulate those fsgs instead of being better people
It's all relative.
If I only have 10k in the bank no way am I gonna send a 500 bucks akasupa to someone.

But if you have a million then whatever.
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Mococo hides her wrists for a reason...
>Maybe Shiori
>Maybe Fauna
Rate the upcoming 7dtd team.
That's the kind of shit that gets you killed in the long run, just saying
>Maybe Shiori
How? She has a con to attend.
There's no way anyone but anan are millionaires
She had a gorilla of it last night. What time is her con appearance? Seems like everyone is having a pretty good time and there's been lots of girls just sticking more of it in their schedule than they thought.
like oshi like femruffian
because she actually enjoys spending time with other EN members and her fans.
So everyone got their twitter likes from them this morning right?
Some people are dumb and spend way beyond what is reasonable.
Giving half of your net worth to a streamer within a year is not a good idea no matter how you spin it, unless your doctor told you you'll die soon or something.
Why bother about who sends them more money? why? who fucking cares, none of it matters
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I seriously doubt she will do a gorilla tonight.
Some people live in really poor coutries and think that 500usd is a massive amount
And if she doesn't, can I shitpost and say she doesn't care about other EN members and her fans?
Because knowing who blows the biggest money load, helps me understand who FUWAMOCO favors the most, and thus I must hate them for it and be envious.... Probably a reason why people give a damn.
I just hope some of them run out and join the wall soon
wish list is aeon, pissnix, myoto gone. fucking mentally ill fags
lol no, I'm never getting any at all
It's like they only bother to give the first 20 ruffians that show up one and that's it
I don't pay for twitter premium or w/e and I'm not in the clique so no free +10 likes right away from the circlejerk either
>Giving half of your net worth to a streamer within a year
Do you people really earn that little?
I make more than that in a day and I'm still not sending it to some women for free
>terrible community
>soulless content
>can't understand half the streams
>even more homework incoming
Give me one good reason to stay
I wish sisters weren't keeping the leader boards and Pandora box secret now. at least with it public we could know the truth
see this guy here >>87312266 It's all about the dopamine rush, it's all about the thought of feeling recognized because they are invisible in society
It's fucked up but that's how it works
If you give them 500 a month on top of membership/merch that's 6k per year.
Yes it's relative, but 6k could also get you a really nice two week trip for two.
Alright then. They've been breaking up into groups of 3-5, so it'll be FWMC, Kiara, Mori, Biboo, and maybe Fauna.
Mori and Biboo have been great together in group A, and Kiara ans Fauna have been great in group B. Lots of chit-chatting and cute dumb shit happening. Wonder how tonight will be with the slightly larger group.
the 30 people using this thread daily are hardly a reflection of their actual community and fans, but you actually know this and just want to start shit
I love fuwamoco and that's why I will anti their worst fans into graduation. I was waiting for this celebration to be over to ramp up so I didn't ruin a good moment. it might hurt a little but everyone will be happier
I wish raora is here. It would have been nice with them and her.
>500 a month
the losers we're talking about sent more than that just yesterday
Because I work my ass off to send them money and when this fucking nobodies with dads money send them loads and loads of it it makes me feel small and miserable so yeah it does matter, I care
Do you think they can't make it work with that group dynamic or something?
you just described the entirety of society poorfag
Skill issue. If you worked smarter not harder, you'd have more money.
If your dad wasn't lazy and stupid maybe he'd have more money for you.
Biboo, Mori and them will be fine. I just find Mococo and Raora together nice.
I worked my ass off to get into FAANG. Do better.
And fuwamoco stopped giving them extra attention so it will end soon because that's all those losers care about. trust them it will work out
I hope they start playing MonHun and do co-op with her.
I'm hoping Kiara or Mori set them to do some easy task tonight that they can handle. Gigi spent a lot of time just gathering lower level mats for everyone yesterday while messing around a bit with the girls in her party. I think that could work well for them.
KYS GODnix and CHADzkzi are the undeniable ruffians that they dream of each night. they check their profiles morning and night and love them
Man I know you are not going to understand what I'm saying right now but you are just insecure, the internet completely warped your understanding of reality. You are just upset someone is getting more attention than you over a fucking pay to read message. It's not normal, you, are not normal
Mococo wants to work on the farm right? Kiara can do that.
>sad song gorilla after FWMC reach a million
QRD on why these two random ahh ruffians are suddenly the only thing sisters loop about? They just seem like normal fans that sometimes post clips
My rrat is that the people who were originally talked about started talking about other people to get the loops off them. IN MY DAY WE TALKED ABOUT 2SCHIZOS AND THE HUNGARIAN AND WE WERE FINE DAMN IT.
I am still shocked they didn't play the buff game that is TCG. kek.
they don't need it anymore
We'll see with their game choices in the future.
They are going to join Shiori in the house wife role and stay at home farming and decorating.
Voice mimicry...forgotten...
I don't really understand why them still but maybe it's just schizos and there's no logic.
Because their clips get RT. That's it.
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No more soulless sub counter on the top left corner of the stream
How many of you thought their next goal was 2M subs and were relieved when they said it was a sololive instead?
they aren't getting a solo live as ENs without a record deal
not anymore KEKAROO
Oh right. The raid is probably gonna happen soon after they start today.
Garbage streams will return!
do you really believe that?
I said I love them yesterday and now I feel self conscious. Maybe other people are able to throw around that word casually but not me. My crush told me she loved me in high school (she meant it casually) and I got light headed. I made a joke and she laughed and said "I love you Anon".
You're not like the other girls
I am a man though.
>in high school
so yesterday?
I'm older than they are.
Oh Gigi will be there tonight too. I assume if Fauna shows up, it'll be Gigi, Fauna, and Kiara again in group A and Mori, Biboo, and FWMC in group B.
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Why do they feel so much trepidation about getting a Sololive before some senpai but they absolutely lapped most of their senpai to 1 million?
decent odds GG calls out sick
Newfag here, 1mil wishes aren't a guaranteed thing, right?
They are not, but Cover makes every effort to do so.
Why? I know she was talking about feeling like she was pre-sick, but she seemed pretty excited to play again and said she was likely going to join in without streaming her PoV yesterday.
they can also get refunded
The wish itself is guaranteed.
But you can't wish for anything. Like for example you can't wish for a solo live at an actual venue, that's too much. Nor could you ask for Yagoo to make you CEO of Cover or anything.

A full VN (who knows how big or good it'll be) is probably as big as the wish could be. Commonly holos go for an outfit, a 3D outfit or a 3D live.
Because getting a sololive is way harder than 1M subs.
I'm watching some older streams and their voices were much more pleasant on debut I wish they would go back
I see. Well, I can't wait for the vn! Thanks
I feel like it might be the hardest internal thing to get at this point.
just that she was feeling sick and has another stream in a couple hours
It will take a while. Aqua's took nearly 2 years.
they'll get help but will probably have to finance some of the costs themselves
It's also because it involves third parties. You gotta get an actual venue to agree to let you have an event there.
Other people have said that sure it might seem like a holo would easily sell out 15k-20k tickets so why don't we see many more solo lives, but not only are slots limited at those venues but they are apparently very elitist about who they accept, so even if you might easily sell all tickets they want you to have an actual reputation and name
well the paypuppies are making sure the fuinancials aren't an issue. about the only thing they're good for
I hope she's doing well. I know Mori is getting absolutly blasted right now with sickness but has been pushing hard to be there for all the times because it's her event.
Another issue is Cover won't let people go for smaller venues.
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>If I really wish for Cover to do something, nobody can resist.
>For example if I told you to "kill all the Japanese" it wouldn't matter how you felt about it.
canadian thanksgiving in 2 days
garbage day?
What was the smallest sololive? 10k or 12k?
no it's a holiday where you eat turkey
700. It was sora's 1st.
>Elite Japs own venues that are possible for them to have it at
>Majority of elite Japs are older
>Older Japs more likely to discriminate against gaijin
>They are gaijin
It's over...
Who cares, they're Japanese now.
which is bullshit, I'd rather go to a series of underground idol style shows like Bae proposed than some stadium event anyway
Yeah, the only chance some talents can even get a sololive is if Cover agrees to what Bae proposed.
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It's not just elitism it's profit. Sure a Holo might sell 15k-20 tickets. Most won't though. And Holo is still niche so people wouldn't be talking about it much as if some band performed there, who will also easily sell those tickets. Take a look at Suisei, she's going to do the music countdown but not Hololive's this year. Look at the names on that docket. SPYAIR, Uverworld, Aqua Timez, Creepy Nuts. Popular bands, all of whom have sung multiple OPs and EDs for popular anime. Vtubing is still very niche.
It's about the branding. Just think about how many people complained about the Kings Theater size. Then think about what a company you're trying to do buisiness says when you go 'Yeah, we fill up sub 1k concert venues!'.
Well.. ok. I guess they wouldn't do that again.
I should note though, that Suisei loves surprises and has lied before so she might appear on Holo Countdown anyways, just like when she was saying she couldn't appear with the rest of Shiraken on Fes Day 1.
>a series
Sure, but imagine how pissed fans would be if they had to fight over just 500 tickets to see the one solo live of their oshi
I'd get a ticket no matter what the cost
At this point, fans will just be happy that their oshi get to have one sololive. It is soul-crushing to see them stuck in limbo.
the only negative to Bae's proposals it all but guarantees it's only going to be JP fans that can attend. I assume small venues will be last minute announcements and short term ticket sales because it sells out instantly. There's no system to get it in the hands of overseas fans
maybe small venues would have scalping instead of the lottery and ticket ID system?
Bae's proposal is a better build up for some talents. They can do a couple of small ones that lead to a bigger one a few years down the line. The issue of course is the studio is fully booked all year round.
>only going to be JP fans that can attend
Exactly what FWMC want, it's perfect!
People will also go to concerts of holos that aren't their oshi if it's nearby just to experience it.
I'd go to see a lot of holos live if they happened to be not far from me and I could get a ticket even if they're not FWMC.
FUWAMOCO should do an impromptu street concert like Suisei but in America. Ame can set it up.
Yeah, in my bedroom.
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 431: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.

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