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Could Twisty finally be the one to save Nijisanji and reclaim their throne from Hololive?

I think she could be their key to redemption
lol no, also never watching her
Why would she save nijisanji?
Please give her a chance. She is almost back down to 2 view status
>wake up
>missed another guerilla twitch stream
She literally hates her own fans.
holy correction needed
fake fan
>male collabing whore
Why do people keep spamming this 100 CCV shitter?
Because all 100 of her viewers are NEETs who are terminally /here/
Twisty stop advertising yourself here
For the last time old man we dont want your inferior shilling
Nope. Her only audience are a small group of pedophiles. She doesn't have the normal fags watching she ain't saving shit.
Nothing should save that shitshow, the sooner it implodes the better.
>tries too hard to be a "based 4chan kekker"
>tries to hard to be edgy loli
>hates her fans
>used a voice changer and doesnt go live so her simps don't know she did another niji male collab
She sounds like an Idol EN loli before the yabs.

She sounds like Yuko specifically.
Is she Yuko specifically?
I had hope but she denied it all in her latest stream. Just when I tuned in to watch her live, I heard her say those terrible things. I hate gutless people.
No I will never again watch her.
Her simps stalk her 24/7 and don't care
graduate already
I've seen more bait threads of her here than people watching her streams. who gives a fuck about this woman
we love twisty
If you watched her you would understand

She is pure sex (child)
Half of them is Twisty herself trying to shill her channel
Respect your audience. DO NOT LIE AND CLICKBAIT.
its just the same pathetic cuck reposting it repeatedly. insinuating more retards like her is too gracious
Twisty would never post here. She hates this place. Why would I want fans like you guys who are broke af and creeps?
I don't watch Twisty, but if she was then I'm sure someone would have made the connection by now. When I say "she sounds like", I mean her personality and content was a perfect fit for Idol when their cunnytubers had loose leashes.
What did she do/say?
Can't reclaim the throne that they never had kek
They are bigger than Hololive in Japan which is the most important market
The only way that post was written by Twisty is if she's larping as an anon larping as herself. Which isn't outside the realm of possibility.
I was there and I have no clue what he's having a melty over
shes like a fucking child with all her temper tantrums
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>Why would I
...isn't that the whole point?
wouldn't put it past her. it takes a special kind of moron to think she would never be /here/ malding over her failures
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So true
>gets a third of a finana unit
>saving the company
unironically if she was in justice she'd be the most popular member. She's like a mix of Kobo and Gura, if Gura were lewder and Kobo was *slightly* less of a fucking retard. She's a perfect cunny brat and doesnt try to pretend otherwise, holofans would have lapped that shit up.
If she was in holo her general would've resulted in the arrests of dozens of individuals thanks to our brave glowies.
Missed opportunity.
holy based, I love her even more now. You know all the girls think this shit
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crack theory but she could definitely be lurking from the looks of the current live and general thread lining up
No because:

- She's still in Nijisanji EN.
- She's mingled with males and even called one 'Onii-chan'.
fuck thats hot
Its not hot because she's not calling YOU onii-chan.
>twisty or her simp resorting to samefagging this thread everyday

Imagine you are her brother too but she is fucking your brother while you watch
Her nature is at odds with her profession.
Counterpoint: this is an EN organ we're talking about.
She's trying her best but I don't think one horny loli is enough to rid NijiEN of all sisters, and in fact she keeps collabing with Ryoma all the time anyway so it won't help much to get rid of Niji's image. Maybe next wave, as long as they only hire girls.
if their wave debuted without twisty they'd be a hit. Klara and Ryo are a good slapstick duo
Their wave could've had Jesus Christ himself instead of any of the organs in it and it still would've flopped just from timing and branding alone
Hey wait a minute
>lolituber dislikes submissive fans
>prefers groomers
I'm noticing
She prefers groomers only because they cough up the monetary fee for being utterly intolerable
everyone knows that but what I'm saying is their wave would have had a higher chance of bringing in more nijifags if twisty wasn't there.
more current nijifags are not going to help save nijisanji
What value does that bring to the company though?
I find it hard to believe nijisis demographic isn't already at maximum saturation.
Why try to pull the same market you are already extracting all the wealth from?
Hi Twisty
no ones talking about saving them
fanhate schizo it's time you change the narrative
who said anything about value to the company? they can farm the niji market and get a PL boost when they jump ship
I feel like you're talking past the point I'm making.
Someone was suggesting Ryojisan and Klara would be a hit wave without Twisty shitting it up.
I'm suggesting that even if true, this would have no value if it's not pulling a new audience, since it's just moving viewership and revenue from one part of the company to another.
It'd also have no value to anyone jumping ship, since any nijisis still around by the time they debuted are nothing more than staunch company loyalists.
its a truly hopeless situation
Already seeing some sisters mad in the replies.
>daily twisty self-post thread
Please get a noise gate for your live asmr Twisty.
I looked and there was literally nothing. Why do you lie?
she kept shitting up /uoh/ threads and is trying to pretend to be one of us

Klara Ryoma General Thread

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:


Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.
I already checked every one of the replies and they're all neutral to positive.
Twisty's viewer loyalty is fucking insane.
You're a dirty fucking liar btw.
There are no circumstances the gen would be a hit. But including a male for no reason? That's a guaranteed shitter wave.
Also Twisty has the behavior of a crack addicted whore, I can't believe this person got hired somehow. Of course because Niji has no reasonable separations between genders, her very first move after getting hired was to lunge for the male's dicks sabatoging whatever career she might have had
You just got engagement farmed by Twisty
From the bottom of the void in my heart, I think about that while I gave her free engagement. Thanks to gullible anons wanting to see some drama.
>incredibly slutty brat
>refuses to learn how to use her 3Dio
>doesn't do ASMR anymore
>plays ASSFAGGOTS instead
nah she's done
>twisty anti threads failed miserably
>now attempt to shill her pretending to be a twisty fan
>against hololive
What is it about Twisty that has destroyed your brain to this capacity, OP? It's been 4 months of non stop daily anti threads
>Also Twisty has the behavior of a crack addicted whore
That's the appeal. She's also just unstable enough to see narrative progress as the months pass by. It's peak "character" because no matter how hard she yabs it'd be perfectly on theme and thus kino instead of rage inducing.
Her last public ASMR was 3 weeks ago and her last members video was ASMR.
Shit, the brat got me. I'll have to correct her later.
i fucking hate leagueshit
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There is no appeal. Nobody watches her. She is a 100 ccv shitter. /lig/ is an entire thread filled with vtubers that completely dwarf her despite none of them being in a major corpo
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She had the potential of becoming god tier menhera GFE and she ruined it.
Hey, I watch her.
That one bratty sister video to be precise where she makes clear that NBR is disgusting.
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clearly you don't watch her stream, just fapping to the images
shut up and post ka-maid-oshi
Okay I wasn't really convinced before, but only Twisty is this obsessed with Klara.
Ask yourself why Twisty doesn't want you to watch this clip, why is that?
It's kind of amazing how Twisty gets to be part of the richest and most expansive vtubing corporation in the entire world. And yet she gets absolutely dwarfed by 100's of random shitters in /lig/ lmao
>richest and most expansive vtubing corporation in the entire world
lying by omission is still lying
>why would I

this isn't even menhera anymore its just pure copium
Eternally seething Rosemi and Maria do loli better kek
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Don’t care.

Still love her.

Will drink her piss straight from the tap.
If false sees this she's fucking finished KEK
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How does Twisty plan on becoming the world's top menhera vtuber when she's competing with the legendary Michael Cat?
She doesn't even have any money to blow on host clubs.
They need like 5 Twistys just to get out of the hole
i thought she hated perverts? why is she acting like this?
Graduate her holy shit
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>disgusting, never

Shit-tier loli
imagine fucking her ass knowing she is hating every minute of it. much hotter that way
Based. Just like Kiki and Shondo.
From what I understand this girl gets basically zero support except some of her discord groomers who donate to her PL. In fact when you think about it, her entire pedophile roleplay doesn't seem like a feminine act at all, and is more like something her discord groomers thought up
If this thread had IPs there'd only be 10 people here
holy based
It's over simbros
At least she put condoms in the right spot
All I get from this thread is that this woman is based and some SEAchimp is mad at her
Yep, that's what it's like being a woman on the internet. God men are so fucking annoying.
100% Twisty like no way a stupid gaylord cock loving anon would larp as her.
Twisty should have a lesbian sex stream with Klara.
I'd watch her then.
Submissive bros...
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This is why Finana is superior. Anal is one of her favorites.

>Yeah but parasocialfu
Don't care
Me when I enter a profession all about taking money from pathetic perverted simps and its full of pathetic perverted simps
>hates futanari
Welp I'm out.
A Loli being disgusted by anal is the best part though
Any normal person would think like this
Behead all socially retarded coomers
>a loli who hates pedos

what kind of logic is that?
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Better than being a loli who hates lolis
Anon, don't bother unpacking Twisty logic. This girl will rag on trannies saying they'll never be women only to talk about how feminine looking men are in fact women 3 minutes later.
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The only true menhera way: murder.
I also hate futa ngl. Dick on girls is fine but vagina on the balls always look weird.
Good your kind needs to be purged from this earth.
I literally don't comprehend Twisty. It's like she has multiple personalities in one. She tries to do this, but also that, she attempts GFE and "uwu I'm cunny~" but also flirts with other niji guys and pisses on parasocials. She shits on all of that but also spams ASMRs.
It just makes no sense, none of it.

What even IS her goal? What does she want to be?
Why are you hiding the name, anon?
>I hate it
Who hurt her?
She doesn't even want to do that. She's a diehard fan of La+.
Every time you repost your shitty narrative it gets less effective.

She doesn't piss on parasocials. She pisses on pajeets who spam "show bobs and vegane" under her every tweet while not even having decency to actually give her something.
Her brother or classmates.
She hates dumb people like you who take everything literally. She wants strong men who will correct her.
When was the last time she did anything lewd towards her viewers, anon? When was her last ASMR?
she mentioned she wanted to get DP'd one time
Was that towards her viewers or just a general desire she off-handedly mentioned? Also, was it just a one-off mention and followed by nothing?
It was after offpako.
>why would I
Finana and Reimu did that shit before, find your own thing.
You people fell for the most obvious bait in the world. Shame on you.
Last guy didn't i'd say

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