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Comfy Morning Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Kuro is LIVE! And is yapping with Mata! This probably gets him his first stamp on ther ally so hell yeah and those two always have great chats. Alternatively Zen is LIVE! And is in the stalling portion of the stream. Only an hour in and 3D witchy shenanigans are happening. A horror game is later, but which one remains to be seen. Finally Froot is LIVE! And has gone full 'merican in Storage Hunter Simulator. She's buying up trash and reselling it for profit. Just like me fr fr. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/tam536000/status/1844830330563301460

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87284332
First for Zen's pantsu
I love Michi so much.
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Frooba (and Freet)
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Henya today?
I think I love 1 on 1 yapping sessions the most in VShojo content.
Where is my tongue supposed to go first?
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around her cock
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Where is this from?
>michi, you need to leave
Mata is so sweet
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>Mata & Kuro to Michi: if you stay there you're gonna DIE! Leave, now!
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Its from Vshojo lore, Zen's debut. Zen was a young cyborg locked in the testing facility and Henya saved her.
holy based Mata
Holy shit they ghost you if you try to leave?
Oh yeah this reminds me. Glad that the next time I see someone using my Froot card is Rosie using it for good. https://twitter.com/deluxe_rosie/status/1845117694393102667 Now she needs to release the racist Mouse card
>Mata wrote Michi's goodbye letter
kson's breasts
yikes. so basically they're stuck in limbo until contracts are up or if their management gets the stick out of their ass?
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Rosie is a good bean.
I think the blacked sperg got fucking embarassed and fucked off after people started calling him out. Oh, I also found out that he's a phasefag.
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>Michi, we are leaving
Kuro wants to go to Australia next year and visit Ren Zotto and Maria Marionette
>Kuro to his old fanbase: fuck you, I'm glad you don't watch me anymore, go fuck yourselves, you freaks.
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Unfortunately its apparently a very common problem in Japan to go through an absolute hellish procedure to actually quit a job.
it's from a roguelike, I think Nano Apostles?
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Youth risky
zen is really really really really really really cute
Matara likes doxxing her harassers
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No Luca? So much for "best friends"
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I want a Kuro x Mata podcast
bitch its literally happening right now
She is extra cute today
I'm sure you have a better insight into his relationships with people in private than he does.
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I want it weekly!!!!!!! Throw Michi in there even!
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anny invented tabs
Anny invented fucking turtles
Holy shit what am I missing? Please tell me there'll be a vod of this kek.
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wtf is that true? Matara was a fox in another life??
zen is chatting and being really cute. she seems to really, really like her new model. the fluidity of her new model is really crazy
Kuro & Mata yapping and venting oh his channel. Love it.
>asian fans are crazy
Based Kuro
Zen, your bones are ancient. You’re practically pre-Mesopotamian in age. You move and look like Nosferatu. When you get up in the morning, your joints sound like someone’s storming the Beach of Normandy, with how they pop and snap.
Matas bantz were too strong for the sisters
Kuro doesn't like ketchup or peanut butter? OR SHRIMP??
Uncle Tom. Makes sense, considering he's a flip. They are always the most self hating.
Mata is just saying "yum" to everything, truly a cockroach
Mata is the true omnivore
bros, it's over
i'm in love with mata
Kuro is an extremely picky eater lmao
fake brit
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i noticed this with chinese and japanese fans, there's a lot of misinterpreted sarcasm jokes video of mysta in bilibili. i also remember he post a voice tweet of stepsister insest porn copypasta , as a batsu game and he received shit tons of hate. they said kuro is advocating and supporting incest kek
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10/10 yap session
new member confirmed
Shes gonna invade Poland next
Doki is /in/
Am I doing this right?
>lvl 14 hypetrain already
how does Mata do it every time?
So, bricky?
Apparently sarcasm either doesn't exist or can't be conveyed as well in languages other than English, but regardless the eastern fans are fucking unhinged about relationships and socializing
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I love how Froot's driving around in this tiny little fucking baby blue truck with the worst southern accent you've ever heard and acting like this thing that's 1 step above a golf cart is the greatest machine on the planet.
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this explains /vt/ a lot
HoI4 Autism stream when??????
I remember like Chinese fans or something getting fucking furious at Vox for making a yo mama joke. Because apparently joking about someone else's mother is the worst sin imaginable there culturally lmao
the your mom joke...
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A bunch of brats that think their own culture is the only one that matters?
based and americanpilled
Momos better get ready to debate the merits of 24 width vs 40 width and start reading up on why cruiser meta works so well for navies.
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What’s that
That we are hiring Gumi for her tits?
It seems like Henya might be able to join the stamp rally if she opts in with the disadvantage
AINTNOWAY someone said to koru to do a cove of ksi new song KEK
>can't be conveyed
Sarcasm is universal and in almost every language, but it's almost entirely untranslatable just like most wordplay
>i also remember he post a voice tweet of stepsister insest porn copypasta
I mean, if you were to past that to anyone that isn't well versed with that side of the internet or boomers, they'd think you're a freak as well
I love that song Kuro
Froot drinks a lot of tea and eats a lot of beans, so she pees a lot and farts a lot.sdmarg
The CCP has conditioned its people to be hostile toward even the slightest possibility of seditious wordplay in everything they see and hear (and they do the same with "cunning" jabs using flower arrangements and other idiocy). If there's any negative sentiment, they'll find a reason to flip out. You really can't win.

I have my doubts you ever talked to a chinese person in your life
Is that something Geega said?
>*rambles on about meaningless shit* *laughs* Ya know *laughs* *rambles on about meaningless shit* *laughs* Ya know *laughs* *rambles on about meaningless shit* *laughs* Ya know *laughs* *rambles on about meaningless shit* *laughs* Ya know *laughs*
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Do burgers seriously believe shit like this?
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Why are there fucking corpses in a storage unit
I know, shes PERFECT
I talked to a Chinese person during the Coco drama. He told me Chinese people didn't criticize blacks "even though they were burning down all the cities in America" so Americans shouldn't criticize their chimpout at Coco. Great country, great people.
It honestly wouldn't even be that much of a disadvantage since most Vshojos still have 0-1 stamps.
i love her
>1 (singular) chinese person (out of over a billion) said some retarded shit, so all of them think like this
nigga, now you're just being retarded
well? where else you gonna store them? its what storage units are for
if you think about it, graves are just storage units for corpses
>not all
Oh brother here we go
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so true, oomfie
Yeah, they absolutely do. Chinese people will just openly tell you "I hate blacks, black skin ugly white skin beautiful". They're all like that, and there's no taboo against it like in the West. China is fucking wild.
Asians don't hesitate to call all Black people niggers while shitting on white people at the same time. That's just Asians in general, every single Asian country
When did froot become a tomato (layna boyfriend) orbiter?
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It is what it is.
china loves white skin so much they ruin all their porn with cell phone filters to make themselves whiter
I see Zen's holding a theological lesson on stream now.
Tomatin used to work with VShojo.
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>Froot trying to fit like 6 items as big as the truck's bed into the truck
It's a good thing physics aren't real because she'd lose all of this the second she drives an inch if it were realistic lmao
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I want to have sex with Chinese girl like Giri
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Sure is a lot of Chinese government apologia going around ITT...
>They're all like that, and there's no taboo against it like in the West. China is fucking wild.
Damn, guess the ones I talked with that supported the BLM movement suddenly don't exist.
She can see the numbers on No Pixel cratering and all her friends from it scrambling to different games to try and maintain their audience if it closes. It has to be so scary. It's obviously not a catastrophy for her, personally, but most of the people in her group built their entire audience on GTA rp, and if NP dies, a lot of them won't be able to be streamers at all. So there's this pressure on her to bring them into collabs and try to build up their variety audience to save them. But that's a wierd place to try and do creative work like streaming from.
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less /pol/ more tiddies
By insinuating that there's anons here who are doing CCP apologia, you're also insinuating that there's american feds spreading that same propaganda here.
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shut the fuck up
nta, but I went to UIUC which had like 20% international students at the time and you better fucking believe the majority of those were Chinese. They were hilariously racist, although not as racist as the Indians/Pakis. At one point, we had some milquetoast BLM march on campus and it was funny seeing people of all ethnicities in my dorm come together to sneer at it.
Peepeehead is right for once. Unfuck you for today only pphead
Giri doesn't like BBC?
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is she /in/?
I like this stupid game Froot is playing
Some 白左 and 爱国科学家 ass commentary in this thread. The world is a bigger place than you naive bastards will ever understand.
She should be, but good luck. You know Vei is going to consider their brands and audiences to be too close, so she'll get silenelty vetoed like Silver did to Snuffy. I hope they talk about it on the minecraft stream, honestly. Getting this stuff out in the open is the only way to heal, after all.
the junk stacking mechanic seems quite fun
The rarest stamp
I'll fix that
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she hasn't tweeted about failing the auditions, so I say she is still in the race
how did Nyan get Vei to collab with Haruka and Mousey?
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clean up your tabs, jesus
Maybe she is a hag
Henya in 6 hours. Are the Hentais ready?
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Which gif version is better
<--- this one
or this >>87311492
they have all moved on
>some /haha/ anons are calling geega "dirt woman"
That reminds me that Snuffy will hopefully get her collab with Henya now
>getting caught means an exciting car chase escape set piece
>successfully stealth-ing results in a really awkward 5 minute silent car ride
>Nyan, Vei, Haruka, Mousey, Snuffy collab
Is it 2022 again?
she is technically a ligger, so there is some cultural exchange going on
bros i want to have sex with her haha
>Tiktok open
Fuck you, I almost believed it
Why is every fucking streamer like this
this schedule is from 2021, isn't it?
that's nothing, i have so many it only shows a little icon
people with their shit together generally don't get into streaming
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I fucking love Froot bros. People who hate on her for any reason have no souls clearly. Just sitting here listening to her go full kkona gremlin in a stupid sim game and I couldn't be happier.
vei getting friendzoned while insisting "but I have a dick" was pretty funny ngl
Hell yeah brother
Nyan already had her once per year collab with Mouse
You are now thinking about Geega's butt
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something about the thought of her drawing/streaming in underwear is extremely hot
she was doing a drawing stream without pants a few weeks ago
Do she say pants or did she say trousers? This is important.
I wish Nyan would come back.
The other two can stay gone.
I think she said that she was only wearing a shirt, so most likely no trousers
cool post mousefag
I'm thinking it's small and boney
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And now you are not
still thinking about it
Uh oh
Personally it was always due to a latent desire of being "corrected" by her. And not in a loving way.
Gumi's voice is annoying
Stop thinking about Geega's ass in frilly underwear
me under her desk the whole time
she was nice tits tho
What happened to them ?
she has nice tit i mean, sorry i'm posting in multiple threads and typing fast
>checking Ari’s stream out of curiosity
>running mascara
>ripped clothing
>hair soaked in goo
what did she mean by this?
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Hi, /vsj+/ caretaker here. Do you guys want us to participate in a small friendlies taking place in late november/december? Need your approval.
venom did the joker to her
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You got my vote coach
versus whomst
sex with wolf zen
Froot raided Ari
VShojo is invested with leeches... Truly grim.
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Yeah, should be fun.
fastest tab close in the west
We must give a chance for Heavenly to play kek
I was edging the entire Froot stream, and once she raided Ari I busted unto Ari's tits on my screen
why did she raid a fat whore instead of zen?
it's tradition to raid the future Vshojo members
I saw that gooner
its fine, she is collabing with Geega right now
It is really easy to hate Zen. She's just there on your screen, shaking her fat ass and tits, while knowing you're hard as a brick and are never gonna be able to plap plap plap her.
Meicha is so fucking cracked at minecraft
Mel live on CB/Fansly.
Sure, go on
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Cute Mel singing and it's a song from one of my favorite MMDs from her.
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>Fairy Geega
>geega and applestand's partner anniversaries are on the same day
the one time I could finally catch a lewd stream I have my parents over for dinner...
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What are we doing in the dungeon today Mel?
>Mel spent all night last night masturbating after the charity stream and didn't stop until 6:30 AM her time
>now she's tired
Goddammit Mel kek.
W... what the fuck
Must have been all the Matara calling her mistress.
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All I want for Christmas is her
>she wanted to be productive
>instead she started masturbating idly because Mel
>only used her hands so now they're sore
>after 2 hours she continued out of principal
>6 hours later she was so upset with herself she couldn't even coom
>worked out a coom anyway and forced herself to stay awake to be a little productive at least
Just Mel things.
Well that helped.
now I'm thinking about her tits
My bad guys, she saw my dms
I want my dick sucked :(
How many men would be able to satisfy Mels insatiable hungry for cock. (I will aid if needed)
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Oh boy, Mel is off her ADHD meds today because she's going to a birthday party later and doesn't want to mix it with alcohol.
>I need meds to function in a manner that's remotely functional
>tehe I'm not going to take them so I can drink
God I fucking hate all faggots that do this
too many
Just be like me, take your meds AND drink
Fuck it, we ball
Eh, I'd rather trust Mel's judgement since she's been handling this for years. In the end Mel can still function without her ADHD meds anyway.
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I miss Froot huuuuuuuuu
It's hard to avoid drinking at a party if you're someone like Mel. So not taking the ADHD meds is a good precation of not suffering instant liver damage.
she literally masturbate all night anon i don't think you can "trust" her judgment
I just want to see Froot and Mouse kissing each other and giggling like little girls
Arguing that "I can't avoid drinking because I'm fucking dumb" is a good take isn't a good look guys. Besides if she takes Vyvanse then it takes roughly ~4 half lifes of the drug for her to not suffer adverse effects from mixing amphetamines with alcohol, so she should've dropped the meds two days before drinking
The real horror was marital strife and domestic violence
It's fine anon, she's still capable of streaming and she's thinking ahead so she doesn't hurt herself. No harm done.
Watching Zen play games without dialogue is GFE Girl Forsen Experience
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Froot and Mouse seggs
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based froot x mouse shipper
But it's not
>"I can't avoid drinking because I'm fucking dumb"
>"I want to drink so I'll avoid taking my medicine"
She's taking care of herself and being thoughtful about how. This isn't a big deal.
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Wake up babe, new ship arrived

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The forbidden ship.
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>The forbidden ship.
>Mel owns 30-35 sex toys
That kind of seems low for Mel.
I'll never believe Geega shaves.
The shareholders ask you delete this image of their cumslut (the one on the right) engaging in cheating
geega is not that tall
You have to account for attrition. She puts those things through lifetimes of use in a single year.
erm, why is one of her tabs a DNR form and the other an arabic tiktok??
I'm going to jerk it to this pic thank you anon
I get extremely horny when people want to fuck my oshi
Unclear for now
Possibly /HAHA/? Some goons wanted to have a friendly.
thinking about these images but instead it's replaced with me (6'4 250lb white man) and heavenlyfather (6'4 250lb black man)
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what could've been

Yeah, that makes sense. I remember the toy funeral stream had around a dozen toys or something.
Do you wish you could watch from the closet or perhaps in a chair?
I don't know, I'm not her.
Does this mean Doki might try GTA?
just watching the video of the happening from my home, because I rarely leave it
sounds kinda gay
Based buckbreaker
sounds kinda based
Ready for /999/ to bake so I never have to see you fuckers again.
Good riddance Muhammad
nigga, there was no need for you to have to thiread ever opened
this means you're gonna be here even after Henya starts streaming again, you submissive slut
falseflag-kun, try some new material
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Half the screen is Zentreya.
huge mel boobies
moobies if you will
I'm putting myself in your script (5'10 200lb buff white man)
Well masturbating for 6 hours last night has only made Mel sensitive for stream today. Apparently she was looking up cream pies and femdom all night. And she's absolutely blaming Mata for it now kek.
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There's a JP Mouse lookalike who plays nothing but JRPGs from JP night time till morning. Unfortunately she's already established on YT with 1k viewers meaning low chance of application.
VShojo needs a JRPG nerd.
She's joining EN5, any day now anon.
hat too small, should take up half the screen on its own
geega's team is doing pretty well
>the mata and Kuro chitchat counted for the stamp
>Froot and Kuro didn’t
I don’t understand
Wasn't pre-approved by management.
because the latter was originally supposed to be a trio collab, where as the former just a duo collab
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Black company
I wouldn't mind another British gremlin collab
so in 50 mins?
Interesting that they seem to have commissioned art for this.
So 4 hours and 50 minutes
Mel is just now learning about this vtuber chastity belt meme asset.
People used to be fine watching movies with half the screen literally just being pretenious black bars. A vtuber has to be a step up from that mess.
there was a froot and kuro collab?
Found this Mouse singing clip on TikTok that blew up and the comments are calling Mouse a Sistah kek the black term not the Niji term

yes, today
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Do you think Henya watched a Mel yoga stream?
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new henya VA predictions?
Aoi Yuki
Hasn't Henya told a story about that or am I thinking of someone else?
Nah Aoi Yuki is one of the 5 new members next year.
she...she grew up!!!
notAqua assassinated her and forged an IP transfer contract.
Mike Tyson
pikamee forma 2021
The nagataro VA
Mel found the first bondage porn she ever saw last night during her binge. The actress was named CandleBox and it apparently involved an anal hook. I'm not surprised.
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I wouldn’t doubt if Kuroi is actually hired by VShojo
Mel is thinking of getting a running makeup toggle. I feel like that would make her too powerful.
>Open Geega stream
>Hear her voice
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/VSJ+/ RECAP: 10/07/24-10/14/24
Previous day: >>87190946
Previous week: >>86755379
>Henya is Back from her Hiatus
>Kuro x Mouse x Bao x Mint Vmuse song teaser
>Mouse Vmuse special Message
>Vshojo DnD event raised 40k$ fot charity
>Froot 5mil hours watched trophy
>Matara first year anniversary stream date
>Zen witch outfit halloween model
>Zentreya charity stream oct 11th
>Mouse x Battle cats 10th anniversary celebration
>Froot x Novel Horizons collab
>Zentreya new halloween outfit date
>Kson Taiwan merch
>Froot grandprix extended
>Open Geega
>Hear her voice
>Open cum voice
>Hear Doki
>Geega cum
>Open Geega stream
>see Gumi there
>imagine her tits
>Open voice
>Hear cum
Someone has to stop her... my poor, poor cock...
I actually really like Mel's big boobs. They look great in motion.
Mel's findom needs some work.
i like big booba so its good for me
cumming in mel and using my cum as lube to keep cumming in mel
that shit looks scary as fuck.
GEEGA's team lost to Mei and Tob team
>I think I just lost my soul
That was certainly a pretty big coom Mel just had.
Matata stream when? she said early but it's already so late.
I love how even her hat can't hide how much Zen is vibin to these songs.
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Mata will be dual-streaming her anniversary on Youtube. Here's the thumbnail for that and now we have a countdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbohpkstj4U
Bless Mel's chat for using reverse psychology to get her to shake her tits.
however now lets focus on what could happen bastard sister incest.
There was supposed to be one, but after Kuro's stream and Henya's return, it probably got canned
she seems to really have put effort into promoting this. seems legit
Henya's coming back today right
in 3 hours
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Wait, no there was going to be a stream with her POV during Kuro's collab
That was it
Nice, thank you.
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Mel's chat brought up a good point. Mel would make a great fail dom.
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who's the best cook in vshojo?
If the stories are true, Zentreya
>Open Doki stream
>Hear Geega
I donno but the food Michi cooks sounds the most appealing.
wtf is that crossover lobby Ari's in
I read your post as who has the best cock
Has geega said anything about the goongoon situation?
yeah, stop gooning
"God I wish that were me" I believe. It was in a discord stream you had to be there.
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I don't need to know the answer to that obvious question.
Is a "fail dom" exactly what it sounds like?

Also the only fighting game I have experience with is Street Fighter 6 but even with that I have no idea what's happening in this Dragon Ball fighting game that Zen is playing kek
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Is team geega doki winning?
final showdown rn
A fail dom is a dom that gets dommed instead.
They came first out of seven teams, now they're playing the final games against the second place team to decide the overall winner.
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Mel's been pretty bouncy today for some reason and I'm all for it.
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but who cares? Why does everyone has to suffer because of that?
They won
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Holy shit, they fucking won
Now they've won the whole thing.

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