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What can we learn from this?
two is better than one
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Will Kiara seethe when they overtake her?
I learned that OP, is a faggot.
Orange color is a debuff
Parasocialism is a buff
First impressions mean a lot
Hard work and determination pays off
Also one bad quote, misunderstood or not, is a debuff that can throw everything of the rails.
subs are a meaningless metric mostly related to how many shorts you made
GFE and no male collabs = do well, simple as
honestly i have no idea. bijou best of gen and fauna not the worst of gen but still middling subs
apparently you have to double the sub count if theres 2 people on 1 channel
>967k is bad, actually
That you have to divide by two.
>fuwawa 500k
>mococo 500k
dogs deserve better fuck this gay earth
Why don't Hololive fans like Shiori?
Advent deserves more and Bae deserves respect for the grind
90% dead subs
Since this is very unlikely to ever happen, no
Be a white girl
wtf why is Nerissa that high
holofags only like noombers
by this logic Fauna should be at the top of her gen or at least higher than Bae. But she's dead last.
Acting like a retarded baby makes you popular with lonely incels
Fauna has cultivated actual viewers instead of dead subs.
they all have actual viewers, don't change the goalpost.
Cunny does not sell anymore....
yeah, me
She is by having the biggest amout of views on her streams VOD and live. Sub count alone means nothing.
Ceres "I'm not your friend" Fauna...
Advent had a bigger impact than Council
A bad quote on debut
The goal is the ambiguous notion of success. Fauna has a higher average CCV than anyone currently streaming in EN, and if you calculate the conversion rate (i.e. avg.ccv/subs) the difference is even greater compared to her genmates. I'm not moving any posts.
if you divide by 2, FWMC is at 500k and the worst in the gen.
but we all know that's not the proper split: fuwawa deserves 200k and mococo deserves 800k
Either put out higher quality content than your peers (Mumei)
Or produce twice as much content as your peers (Fuwamoco)
cope. Yagoo himself rewards number of subs. Who cares about ccv.
She will and it will be delicious.
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It's guaranteed to happen within two years and likely earlier.
Fuwawa 1k
Mococo 1k
Pero 1M
I like Mumei, but come on, her content almost the entire year has been
>some zatsu
>FPS games where her viewership drops in half
And that's like 7 streams a month on average.
How the fuck Gura keeps getting growing lmao
That Phase Connect and NijiEN should both graduate?
No...He ate the noombers, that fat fuck....
I can't wait
Her feminization arc is one of the most pleasant surprises.
Asmongold said her name recently.
normie + coombait
ameritards eat that shit
If you aren't already into hololive and mostly get recommendations based on activity, Guras old vods are the most likely holothing to pop up randomly in your recommendations, especially the minecraft stuff and people still watch alot of minecraft, just think about the parkour meme.
Her music, especially early on, got a nice amount of views and casual subs.
and despite no streaming memes, she has more than enough content to satisfy most of casual viewers
>OP is a SEA number monkey who waste another thread for this shit
lets see
yeah okay OP you fag
Tbh Shiori is just boring. Worst hire since Sana.
That FUWAMOCO won.
CGDCT won.
GFE won.
Hololive won.
you are a number fag
Appealing to both English speaking fans and Japanese speaking fans gets you a bunch more subscribers. Therefore, every EN member should start doing a bunch of Japanese only streams and every JP should start doing a bunch of English only streams.
>phase out of nowhere
Not obsessed btw
Look, a Holo anti thread. Discordbros, who should be our target? I see our specialists are already going for Kiara and Fauna. They'll go for Bae x Kiara x Shiori at any point, so Kronii it is. Should we use Sally again? It's only been 9 months since it happened so it's still pretty new, right?
Oh, our Irys specialist is busy in another thread, but he'll be here soon enough.
Waiting for further instructions, brothers.
That dark-skinned models are, unfortunately, a debuff. Don't tell me you wouldn't have minded seeing Sana's chocolate Jupiters bouncing around in 3D.
Advent and Justice didn't get culled by Youtube. The fact that Council lost more subs than Shiori and Biboo has subs is just comical.
Brothers! One of our allies deployed the Doxx weapon too soon! Requesting a KEK drop at the next point ASAP!
Can't believe Nerissa was in The Fast and The Furious
They'll never reach 2million so they'll always have to divide the one million between each other.
sorry, back hurt cant do 3d
What is this weird shitposting angle?
That sub numbers mean shit
To shut your mouth about your collab choice during your debut
The last one really doesn’t fucking apply to that picture
She makes great money and her streams are comfy with few shitters.
If anything, it did even better than she planned, as it filtered out the worst scum from her fanbase.
biboo bros wasnt she meant to be the next gura?

Female Kronii.
I kneel
wow look at ame's sub growth the last 30 days, she's well on track to hit 2m at this rate
Biboo has been climbing ever since the JPs found her in GTA
numbers are largely determined by first impressions over the first few weeks
> Hard work and determination pays off
If that was the case Bae would’ve been the most or 2nd most popular girl in that pic
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We can learn basic math and understand that 1mil divided by two is significantly less than the rest of advent except maybe Shiori.

And I'll be honest I have no clue what Shori's appeal is or what she even does for normal streams. Does she game? Karaoke? Just random yaps? It's odd that there is so little to identify her with if you don't already watch her.
Begging works.
Towa is probably a better example.
Who works harder than Bae? Biboo maybe?
In holoEN? Maybe Mori or the dogs, but it's tough to say.
I learned OP is a lifeless pathetic faggot.
She should have gotten Miori to be Shiori
It's called quality. She nailed what she was going to be and set out to do it. Kayfabe Shark behaving like Konota Izumi while being an improved version of her PL.
your mom
Too autistic, which is a pretty substantial filter for most people tuning in for the first time. She comes off as the weird girl.
Thankfully, she found her niche, so she has a dedicated fanbase regardless.
You numberfags are pathetic.
CCV is incredibly fickle. There’s a reason it’s a metric most people don’t bother to brag about
>967k in 3 years compared to 1 million in 1 year
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I'm not going to specifically talk shit, but this image shows that one of those talents in particular should have remained indie.
In another timeline Mint takes her place, the one I'm talking about joins VShoujo. Her content would be so much better in VShoujo, honestly shocked she even got into HoloLive and I've been saying that since day 1.
Then why is Fauna the runt of her gen?
You can smell the cope and seethe from this post roru.
Bae can dance, Mumei can sing, Kronii blue buff and hard carried by model. Kronii's actual subs without would be 400k
Promise didn’t do as well as expected and Advent started strong but then went out like a wet fart after the initial buff period. The exception to Advent are crisis because they the bau baus, but they’re in the midst of a crisis because their EOP fans are feeling left behind since they cancel their EN streams over their JP streams.
Holy ESL pls shut up, Advent is the second most profitable Gen in all of Hololive this year.
This is a falseflag attempting to place the Filipino race in a bad light.
Different streamers have fan-bases of varying sizes. Any other pressing questions?
Sana is/would be the runt
The rest are close enough that there basically isn't a runt, if going only off subcount
remembering that Sana's debut numbers were higher than her final sub count (maybe even almost as high as Shiori's are now) but she got fucked 3 times until she was sub 90k and became the runt of the whole branch.

heck all of Council would have broken 1M last year if it wasn't for YT (RIP Susan). Mumei might have hit it in a year and a half. thinking about it, those debut subs probably were botted for how crazy those numbers were, but I guess the hype was pretty damn high back then as well.

maybe being over 800k in year 1 might have given Sana the leverage to get Ame's exit deal where they could still have her work on merch, still talk about her on stream, and actually show her up the sky the next 100th time everyone stares up there in a video. ...oh well.
fippy bippy
No one wants to hear their bartender lecture them about alcohol being bad
No one wants to hear their oshi lecture them about parasocialism being bad
I feel bad for Irys. She would fit in better with advent than the gen 2 shitshow
>Either put out higher quality content than your peers (Mumei)
Oh yeah, random ass noises and endless karaokes and zatsus in-between taking 2 weeks to a month off are tippity top quality content. It's definitely not the subs she bought that got periodically pruned by Youtube or anything.
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2 of these 10 people had to beg on reddit to reach 1M subs, can you guess who?
Biboo just streams a lot which is good but you can't compare it to how hard idol reps are.
pride of US
I wonder if they REALLY want to beat Kronii, Bae, and Fauna. That would be pretty awful of them, wouldn't it? And what for, for a Visual Noivel?
I wish they were culled, it'd delete ERB'S dead subs
Never recruit ENwhores ever again.
Sounds like 2view cope
That numbermonkeys are the equivalent of a braindead subhuman?
aiee your ass
FWMC is the best of advent
what was the quote?
this, it doesnt matter what she does now. she can forever ride the aftershocks
Shitposting aside, what's the reasoning for numberfags not dividing Fuwamoco by 2? They technically took what would be a 5 channel gen into 4 channels only.
Never trust whores
The vast majority of hololive account followers are prior to debut, the majority choose based almost entirely on deisgn concept and promotional art before the model and voice are revealed, and this trend consistently follows throughout a vtubers entire career irrespective of what they actually do.
It’s a single channel
This is a big thing that's hard to notice since we're so in-the-community. If you're not a hardcore Gura fan who's been around since the very beginning, then Gura has probably made more content than you will ever watch. This is true even if she graduates right now--or, what is the same thing, doesn't steam for months on end.
bau bau
And here I thought Kronii was female Kronii
Kiara begs for all her shit to hit a million
Shiori would have been better in a small corpo.
Runescape buff is real.
Shiori would have been a perfect fit in phase with her inclinations towards NTR and colored gentlemen. Hololive is holding her back
You better learn to, because it's never going to happen, lol.
It's really funny how every gen has had someone that made kiara more and more irrelevant
Proof next thread cuckfian?
is this really the hill you want to die on
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All she does is beg for numbers
The side-branch DEV_IS first gen is going to fully overtake EN3 in 2025.
#monkeys out in force lately. Disgusting
Subs are meaningless but shiori is at the bottom in almost every metric while Fauna is near the top in every metric besides su s
Fauna doesn't sing and stopped doing ASMR. She doesn't really do anything that would attract new audience. She just keeps putting out solid gaming streams. Green debuff too.
Kronii got all the attention on debut, Mumei and IRyS were big because of singing ability, their PLs and also unique characters. Fauna doesn't have any of those things.
We need to learn to divide the dogs' subs by 2.
I've completely forgiven her. I don't even know why I was angry in the first place.
Opinion discarded
>Fauna is bad, Grug want ASMR
Every single time. Fucking kill yourself already
view goals =! begging on reddit for subs
t. braindead KFP
>braindead KFP
that's redundant
>no arguments
I accept your concession.

>replying to yourself
Who cares?
With 2 members. Then it would make sense to numberfag the others in pairs if they go about it that way.
Begging for subs works? and also don't hire artists as vtubers because they are quitters?
Retarded saplings get the rope.
I was explaining that she lacks mass appeal to get more subs. I didn't say anything negative about her. Hell, I even praised quality of her gaming streams. You are the most insufferable shits on this entire board.
>doesn't know about the third in the triplet
Who let the shoncucks in?
That Sana is a lying bitch?
Can't wait to see what Kiara does when they pass her
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it's ok when JP does it
probably shitting her diapers and crying about her fans not loving her enough or something
FWMC consider themselves JP so it's okay too.
someone gets it
she vents to nerissa about it like she does about everything
but nerissa gets upset about talking about her genmate and a rift slowly begins to form
Nerissa is already tired of Kiara, she has been trying to distance herself from that schizo for a while now
No we fucking don't, it's one youtube channel!
Kiara destroys any admiration people have for her the second they meet irl, with the exception of mint. I can't even imagine that level of annoying, to have people idolize you despite obnoxious as she is in public, then all it takes is spending like a week with her irl to get sick of her
No wonder Mori couldn't wait to get away from her
I agree with this.
She doesn’t shit on her fans like every single grifter streamer and that’s enough
Subs quite literally mean nothing. Fauna is the lowest sub member of Promise and has one of the top ccv’s in the branch.
Don't take a vacation break near debut
Ccv also means nothing as anyone can bot anyone. Same with views, the only measurable metrics for success are superchats and merch sales.
That those that aren't catty and get in Hololive find success
She appeals to the largest non-vtuber demographic which is children and the largest vtuber demographic which is pedophiles.
Each one of Gura's streams is like a Rolls Royce of NA VTubing , rare but of the highest quality
Yeah, lets focus on when they're streaming consistently in JP and openly said they were trying to scoop up subs from JOP viewers as a good metric for their growth speed.
Do /#/tards have actual data on this? I never see them talk about earnings, only ccv.
Ruffians win
I mean like if we try to be objective.
Kronii and Mumei would probably have higher ccv than Fauna right now, if one didn't backstab her fans and the other streamed regularly.
But Fauna just does what is expected of her, and she is likable and entertaining. The only drama she had was being honest with her fans, and the longest break was like two weeks cuz her cat died.

Her "low" subscriber count is because she doesn't stand out like the other two, she is much more quiet both in collabs and solo, meaning her first impression doesn't hit as hard as sexy low voice woman and screaming crazy girl. Nor does she have JP to boost her subscribers like Bae, but she has gathered a loyal fanbase by staying consistent.
Man I Love Fauna
Lol, no, it's why /#/ fags are retarded
They don't call it a horse race for nothing. Sometimes I play into it for a little bit of fun, but basing anything on it is retarded when there's so many details that are unknown on the back end. You can make some inference on things based on what talents have said over the last 6 years, but things change and there will always be a lot hidden from the viewer about it.
Don't make your chuuba model black
Raora is all in on hololive though...
Shiori is dead weight. They need to ditch her and get someone talented. she is clearly isn't working.
Whores her family drama. Normies love that shit
>ccv don't mean anything because you can pay for bots
>merch sales are meaningful because you have to pay for merch
>They are retarded because they base it on things they know instead of things they don't.
Anon, you're not a smart. Below average, really.
>They are retarded because they base it on things they know instead of things they don't.
Anon, you're not a smart. Below average, really. If you believe that something is being botted, then it is up to you to prove it to invalidate certain numbers. Assuming it is all unreliable is retarded, as more successful streamers, do in fact have higher views.
Graduated early on
Been around for multiple years
Been around for multiple years
Been around for multiple years
Been around for multiple years
Been around for going on 2 years now.
Been around for going on 2 years now
Been around for going on 2 years now
Mix of heavy JP audience and EN and going on 2 years
>What can we learn
They all have subscribers. What the fuck am I supposed to be seeing in these numbers?
>superchats and merch sales
So both things that Fauna is currently very strong in, alongside CCV? The subs are the only thing she lags behind with, mostly due to her having zero interest in numberfagging them, and pandering only to NA audience, so that's the only metric her antis focus on. Simple as.
That's a lot of dead subs.
Kiara would probably be lower than Sana without them
How does Nerissa have more fucking subs than Biboo?
How does Shiori have less fucking subs than everyone?
Music and a metric ton of vertical streams.
why is shiori the runt of all EN?
Vertical Streams
Bi and open about it
Musically talented
Genuinely nice so her coworkers love collabing with her
Female viewer shit with her sisters

She casts a really wide net.
She should come up with new creative ways to “graduate” without actually graduating. Keep the pity subs coming!
Her sister and mother collabs. Multiple and had their own models. So in short, fetish
Sana quit way too early.
Baelz is still too underrated. She's the best dancer of all vtubers, not just Hololive.
Fuwamoco might have 1 million subscribers but they have to split the pay for their channel so each of them might as well just say they have 500k.
>remembers fauna's acrylic stand was the last one to sold out in breaking dimensions
Oh no no no Sapkeks how do we cope now ??
Weird Kiara cope here, glad subhumans are still subhumans.
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>Baelz is still too underrated. She's the best dancer of all vtubers, not just Hololive.
When she dances in that like half chibi model she's above everyone else. Im a super casual Bae fan and don't usually watch dancing shit but something about that model and her is super entertaining to watch.
>vt cucks will vouch for chuubas known to be getting pegged and hate those that dare slap an anime dude png on screen
The absolute state
Shut up, we're talking about Bae now.
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It's still insane how hard they got fucking NUKED.
The craziest thing is that it actually had reverse ratio to their initial subs, the runts actually got hit harder while the highest ones got hit the least.
>Susan was a nijitroon
That Hololive is better than Nijisanji.
This was just one of the culls. There were a few more.
Everyone who isn't kidding themselves has know that for like 3 years.
But sisters told me nijiEN is toe to toe fighting for the crown with HoloEN
"Once you go black..."
Nerissa doesn't rely entirely on bots and doesn't cater to zoomers.
It wasn't mentioned in his post but either doing or not doing the other stuff he mentioned will negate any hard work or determination.
First impressions with hologirls really do matter. It could be wrong first impressions but most people don't care enough to see if they were wrong.
wtf happened
I don't think they do it as bad anymore but Susan would viciously cull new vtubers who got new subscribers faster than normal. Since a lot of hololive fans tend to just sub to every girl even if they don't plan on watching her to show support it lets to youtube thinking it was bots.
they had botted subs but councilfags keep crying about the "cull" if they were interesting, why won't the people that got "culled" sub again?That is the funniest cope councilfags have kek
1. What's the appeal of Kronii, after what she said? Are they dead subs? Do people not care at all and just watch it as slop? (This, likely)
2. What's the appeal of Nerissa?
numbermonkeys should stay in their quarantine
t. pebble
BBC&NTR enjoyer
Biboo was heavily botted, so it made her seem more popular than she was.

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