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not the kronii thread
not the early thread
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>3 threads
aim better
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Oh nyo, the bait threads...
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I love this doll!!!!!!!!!!
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GREAT news guys I can post CC again
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So what exactly are the rules for AZKi vs Watame?
Are neither of them gonna do an oktoberfest stream? Seems like missed opportunity.
Uhmm erm sir I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to.. eh.. (what the heck..) fuck a train.
i would like to see some of our (pretend?) retards post something that isn't reliant on comparing fanbases, numbers, or hypothetical relationships
its getting kind of stale and most people just filter/mentally filter them out
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I like CC and GG and Hololive i'm gonna have a good day watching streams
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I like sharp girls
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finally I can post my cutecelia
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Why is YouTube's watch history search so garbage?
Why is this Anya so smart?
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based KFP
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OK KFP you win
FWMC are failures
now please stop shitting on them and pleae stream baubau journey once or twice ok?
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It works perfect are u stupid
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His mother manages it every weekend
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ATTENTION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRdK3bPGBng
song sucks, sorry.
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Takes one to know one.
Kiara has been having the time of her life
Gura can't even bring herself to shill merch
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>buy game cause fauna made it looks fun
>music is actually unironically good
What a weird game
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is it fun alone?
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A chumbud and a waitress got married in real life and people still try holo vs holo.
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you assholes killed Bae's split......
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>Kiara dox instantly deleted why everything else stays up
Gets the nogging thinkin, huh?
about as fun as any other survival crafting game solo
What happened this morning?
That is one cute Suisei
updatilia doko
i need to listen to her stuff more
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No u
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A Tako and a Deadbeat also got married. Also a Tako and a Kronie. Also a Tako and a Hooman. And a Tako and a Koronesuki.
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I miss Ina...
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is ogey
Seems fun so far. The start is rough cause zombies take awhile to kill without any skills leveled but it might be because I set the difficulty to warrior which might have been a bit too crazy.
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Lapsama my friend
I really like Cecilia. She has a cute voice that I enjoy listening to, and she makes a streams really fun to watch.
Lesbian married?
>spam shit so much that every janitor on the site knows to delete your shit when the thumbnail shows up in the ping
It speaks more towards how much of a mentally ill freak you are than anything about our moderation staff tbdesu
Why does kfp try to force kiara into everything?
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they will never get me to hate anyone
glad Mirage is doing so well
Right here, Ririkafriend!
You may not know this but Ollie is actually a great streamer.
ruffians struggle to understand this
is just more entertaining desu
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My hyped up wife is so cute
I'll never know.
what is that pebble doing?
You're laughing! The chicken is shitting herself to death and you're laughing!?
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is the best germanic in EN!
Kino moment. Kronii intentionally getting diarrhea after too was teetee.
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you awake?
imagine the smell
Gura only had one friend in EN and she graduated
dangerously based bud
Put her pigtails back.
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I'm thinking
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Damn I hope he can give a good life to that broke ass
Imagine working as a waiter/waitress lmao
not sure what dows that have to do with holovholo with kiara though, im a little confused
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She's just so cute and sweet and kind and clever and creative and smart and talented and cool and silly and dorky and she loves her otomos and she's a parry master and a professional mixologist even if she fucked up her drink today and she's hiding like a FUCKING COWARD and she can play the violin and the piano and she makes the cutest little noises and her humming is adorable and she comes up with the funniest little skits and she makes a great collab partner for Justice and her senpais but especially Gigi the two of them are so great and cute together they should kiss and she probably smells really nice like freshly brewed tea or maybe mint and she's just the cutest sweetest most perfect doll in the whole world and I love her so so much!!!!!
Don't reply to me you freak
>hlgg during yurohours turns into KFP-only general with anti-unity hate posts towards every other EN
would Kiara be proud of you for doing this? it's not a samefag either there's at least 10+ IPs engaging in this activity, and I'd wager over 30-40% of the current IPs on this general are KFP
I could really go for a Chinese-American fujo womanchild wife.
That is neither funny nor cute. It's dangerous. She needs to get down from there.
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>I’d like to share a revelation I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and I am the cure.

Why did Ceci say this?
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stop that
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DRUMK SEKIRO TIME I GOT SOME DRINKS TOO hopefully your hand is healed up
can she sing and dance?
>post Kiara dox that has been spammed to the point of it instantly recognized
>Surprised it gets deleted instantly
Reminds me of when anons spammed Mori's RM name so much to the point that it started to get deleted almost instantly, causing them to be surprised. Hell, the same thing happened with Gura and Kiara's RM names at some point. Some of it is automated though, which is why schizos making a slight edit can result in a dox image that normally instantly gets deleted staying up for like 20+ minutes. So realistically, it's your fault for spamming Kiara dox so much that that it results in it instantly getting deleted. I thought we figured this out in 2021, but I guess not.
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I'm starting to think takos are whores..
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Watch out for Shioriface
I've yet to see a single attractive Chinese American. Many attractive Korean ones. Japanese ones. Taiwanese ones. Filipinos. Thai girls. Chinese? Bugs.
>noooo stop mogging my irrelevant oshi!!!
this is u rn.
laplus actually said this in her debut stream
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Holy shit true monk just swatted her out of the air
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is it me or are cecilia immergreen's eyebrows thicker
Is CC dropping frames, or is it my connection/youtube?
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It's not our fault. We get hunted down at every event for some reason.
I liked playing it alone
Sort of existentialist and stuff sitting in your giant base popping heads
Yet it’s Ina that got deported for your green card crimes…
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It's all better now so I can get back to doing what I love.
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I like when cc is just sitting there making this stupid silly dumb cute face
Probably because you're small and weak and impregnateable.
CC got mogged by kiara during 7D2D tho
femtakos need to sit on my face
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I gotta say it's pleasant to hear such a cute german speaking holo
Kiara knows what 4chan is like and openly hates this place
I mean eyelashes
Mumei doesn't wash her butthole
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its really cute and dumb looking
youtube had the same issue a few minutes ago
fwmc are gonna kill themselves when they see this lmao
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Please just shut the fuck up about KFP already. I genuinely don't know what KFP did to make you faggots this obsessed with them. This is nearly as bad as the obsession you retards had with deadbeats back in 2021-2022.
picture unrelated of course
when did antis start getting so violent

whatever. CC is cute today
CC is a femtako
Same desu. It should replace the current "thoughts?" ritualpost.
>see this image
>glance over at other monitor
>the exact same face and angle
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She's a little special.
cute faufau please leave this wretched thread
Why are they so shit?
I want her SO bad.
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woman post
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Why would anyone take time out of their day to record a "dance challenge" for some who cares song?
Hell for DO U Laplus was literally the only other holo participating in the challenge
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would a fuwanee
need more
Looks like you messed up your link, anon. Let me fix it for you

Remember when deadbeats used to be the doxxspammers? When did KFP take that title from them?
I'm watching Cecilia Immergreen
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I see i came at a bad time... I'll just watch CC and enjoy my break but before I go, did I miss anything else since yesterday's colla
Ennacuck is acting up because one of his oshi canceled a stream.
>telling the truth
It really triggers them seeing Kiara succeed where they failed.
Kiara handpicked her guests.
Inferiority complex
that's biboo
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I'm practicing my karaoke instead of reading the thread.
Nobody gives a shit about the lazy shark. Kiara mogs her in every relevant metric anyway.
how do you people constantly have something to complain about. just fucking watch streams, jesus
what are your techniques for when I go karaoke too
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Do you know the kind of shit they did to try and get ahead pre -holo?
Gura also used to say she liked streaming and her fans
Guess what?
Reminder that Ennacuck cried Enna blocked him on twitter few days ago in a different thread, this guy is a lost cause
small dog syndrome
nah objectively worse
1. Shitposters don't watch streams
2. in b4 "no good streams on"
good streams doko?
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Maldives soon, I believe
like clockwork
I'm not obligated to defend your bad oshi just because someone is shitposting her
hello bibooschizo how was your day
lol called out you bitch
i'm getting tired of this boss's ost
Stop fighting. This is a safe space. No drama, no fighting, and no Ruffians allowed.
Why does nurlge job so much in immortal empires? Tamarkhan gets cucked by Archaeon and Ku’gath is stuck in gay baby jail fighting ghorst. Epidemius just jerks off in the chaos wastes until malakai executes him.
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She reads.
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Now chumbuds want to suddenly pretend that Gura saying that actually means something? Don't try to memory whole the nearly full years worth of shitposting you fags did from saying that Gura didn't actually mean that towards Kiara and how she doesn't really give a shit about her.
Kekked up brother
Why should we care about some bottom of the barrel shitter?
Bummer I guess
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Towa appears in anime
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I'm at work right now. I love all holos and all fanbases but I have a life outside of here. Some of you schizos and falseflaggers place way too much value in this thread.
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why are you guys so predictable
Anon... sundial Maldives is cancelled, but they still want to plan another trip together
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yeah yeah we already know mr slowpoke
Just execute everyone who posts in the numbers thread at this point jesus christ
stop replying to bots
truth hurts huh
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towasama daisuki
because literally no one is genuinely fooled by this act
they never have been
they never will be
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1. Learn to read hiragana/katakana
2. Practice reading it fast for your favorite anime songs by finding karaoke tracks on youtube
3. Make sure you're not a fat fuck with low lung capacity
4. Have fun
Yea it's fun. Especially if it's your first time since it's actually pretty spooky solo and there are some really awesome POIs mid-late game. Like you take a high level quest for a seemingly innocent 2 story house but it has a hidden underground door that leads to a huge zombie bio-lab like a resident evil game
How did he know???
>please reply to bait for me
great example on how sad it is that we even can predict their shitposting pattern
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I promised myself that I'd practice Japanese for the next Fes but I've only opened Anki twice...
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nyooooom vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr beep beep HONNMMMNNNNNNNNNK SKRREEEEEEEEEEEET
Why don't KFP in here do the thing KFP in /wawa/ do whenever there's a falseflagger and ask them questions only KFP would know? It works 90% of the time. I would say memberships, but like half of Kiara's antis/schizos have memberships for her.
>kfp PLEASE fall for or play along with my shitposting
Get a life faggot
this is awat now
cute wtm
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They call me the Nostradamus of /hlgg/.
based desu
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I can tell by the windshield reflections you're in Baltimore.
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aren't the DAM machines in japan equipped with romaji anyway
that's why I said believe!
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I'm starting to think those people might not really be KFP at all
But maybe I'm thinking too much
Asking ERB out on a date!
Being visibly disappointed and trying to back out when she mentions her doll daughter!
kill yourself, tourist
It really did look like her didn't it?
Kiara x Wawa collab when?
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Bae's karaoke really made me reevaluate her singing, I think she might be top 3 EN
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stop thinking bro
thinking is cringe
Please don't hurt yourself. This is a thinking free zone
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Saturday Sven Co-op, with /hlgg/!
If you're not watching streams, doing vod reps, otherwise supporting your oshi- but you are but can also multitask with some gaming- you're welcome to join us as we play through cooperative goldsrc maps that include puzzle solving, platforming, and violence.

If it's your first time, make sure you've got both the game and the /hlgg/ custom server asset pack installed before connecting, links found in this post >>87303486

[NEWS] The server has just been updated, please make sure you have the latest patch pack, v24, downloaded and installed before connecting today!

Once in game, open up console with ` or ~ and enter
>connect sven.hololive.global.gripe
The password is:ILOVEAME
I was buying gas and a hoagie >>87314089
not gonna kek you up sorry
I've already called out these retards like a dozen times, not sure why you think doing it more will change anything. Don't pull up deadbeats, since them doing it has also never worked.
>Kiara is funny
Watch streams


why is she like this
life is too short to defend vtubers I don't care about
>no one responded to my bait so I'll link it here
She did it!
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Ehhh? Romaji? Only elementary schoolers can't even teach themselves kana...
she did it! and she's cute!
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Kiara also dresses in a rape-inviting manner
Please understand. Kiara hasn’t utilized her timeslot in about 4 days since she’s started participating in the zombie collab so the schizos really really miss the kfps who usually post at this time as they are likely power napping for their daily allnighters.
it's sad how predictable you are
>she has her own victory tune
What the fuck is this doll?
>"all this shitposting is kfp"
>tons of dox and anti Kiara posts
uh huh
Newfags think on this website having edgy opinions and hating on shit makes you based. So many dumb posts that are worse ragebait than on twitter, except you don't even get Elonbucks or any updoots. I just assume they have a mental illness where they need to argue all the time to be happy.
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but I can read hiragana and katakana and some N5 kanji......
fuck off nacho
why was she singing anyway?
There are only 3 good ENs and none of your whore oshis are one of them.
We're KFP because:
a) we support the most consistent EN who's objectively superior and been the best streamer of EN since day fucking 1. She cares more about hololive NOW IN YEAR 4 than some year 1 shitters like ERB and year 2 whores like Shiori
b) You can be complacent about your oshi being fucking lazy and/or talentless and be taking this miraculous job/opportunity for granted because they're an ungrateful grifting bitch. We don't. We're not here to preach unity because none of you faggots stood up for us when we needed it during the early days of myth and everyone was shitting on Kiara here. We fucking stood in the weeds and waited until we could fucking take over because, hey, Kiara is the only EN who streams consistently without any real breaks.
c) Owing to the first and second points - Kiara is the best PERSON. She's been through hell and back and never takes this opportunity for granted. She;s always hololive 4ever and wears that badge of honour proudly. Your dumb whores seem to be content with hololive as just a money making grifting method for 5 hours of streams per 2 weeks. This is why Ame is fucking dead to us btw.
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Same, but I have opened jisho a lot while reading porn in Japanese to learn some vocabulary, it unironically helps just to start to recognize some kanji to common words, though that does little to help my actual spoken grammar...
Too many white people around me to be Baltimore
Mori hit the wall pretty hard so deadbeats don't really like posting the pics she didn't have a chance to filter.
wtf I thought it was a montage
Post Kiara merch, membership, and timestamp.
No… enemies to enemies…
angst over being beat by the dogs
Do your parents know you do this everyday? Are they proud of you?
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If you're gonna come do Karaoke at Fes, you gotta be hardcore

You should be able to read and sing this
gura still #1 in views, merch, subs
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cute doggo
>shipper brainrot
Tough choice
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well if the threads gonna suck this much ass I may as well post this. fuck you guys
Oh no guys he's keking himself up
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Based me up brothers
based and true. teamates real colors were revealed with her new career
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Is the Otomo the official drunkard of the /hlgg/house?
B- but.. lovers..
>flower mention
>some people still type "F L O W E R" in chat
yup, holo en still has SOUL
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All this over a successful collab event? Really? Why?
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Oh lawd he coming
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souls MCs are pathetic
these are teammates
Based me up bro
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brothers I am kekking as hard as I can here but they aren't demoralized yet
Who do we blame for this literal toddler having access to alcohol
I should really watch Gayass. I really like Kallen whenever she shows up in SRW, even if every fucking time I hear Lelouch I'm thrown off by how deep his voice is.
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>this much effort
>every single day, for years
>literally not a single person falling for it
for what purpose?
too much fisting
Why did she steal miko's bench
w-where's the bearer of the curse...
The femhooman is supposed to be watching him
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why are europeans like this
wouldn't you fuck with a board full of angry nerds if you were sixteen and your funny troll buddy handed you a list of talking points? I used to go on /a/ and argue that anime and manga were shit compared to comics and cartoons until I got banned.
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must a serious mental illness. let's just enjoy the CC stream
It's like the reverse of Room 101 from 1984 but he has to convince himself of his hatred
Asked /wawa/ and they're really not helping themselves.
Would you watch a livestream if the egg decides enough is enough and shotguns himself in the face?
where is the bearer of the curse and the ashen one and the tarnished
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I'm actually gonna tune into CC for a change since I know it'll trigger these fags
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Could Dante reasonably beat 621?
Need monster girl holo
You are so fucking obvious to read, it's hilarious >>87314705
go back
Hollow Knight clears because smaller hitbox. He could just crawl of Dante's ass and abyss shriek his prostate until he cums.
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Why do people keep falling for obvious bait and falseflags?
Thanks for baseding me up brothas we did it!
Zeta should have been a furry....
I mean he was fighting the Savior and winning so I'd say yeah, Dante stands a chance.
you were just trolling for fun
this is dedicated almost like there is a grudge behind, too much time being sinked on it
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that event was so sad I'm not surprised she likes Ena
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Post Blanca Laplus.
First of all /wawa/ doesn't do that. Second of all the retard is already trying to bait replies in there and got called out immediately
You know if the sword glows you should be more noticeable to the mooks
It's almost like people post in splits to avoid global schizos.
I can’t believe that in comparison to what you just described I actually had a life at 16 as a relatively harmless cringe emo nerd. Thank you for making me feel better about myself.
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>369 posts
>ctrl f "KFP"
Why do we live rent free in your heads so much? kek
Is this the input reading boss version of wacky woohoo pizza man from 4?
The C is stealth is so stealthy I didn't even realize it was there.
based /wawa/
FWMC should be beheaded
KFP are based
some people are so desperate for meaning in their lives that they'll even make hating something their entire personality.
happens all the time
Nobody talks like this on this website
Why are you people so incapable of blending in when you post, it's like you're wearing tiny identifiable skullcaps
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going by project X zone, he's capable of dealing with SRW-level threats, so yeah.
does anyone have that screenshot of towa typing towa... in among us
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At 16 years old I was making funny mspaint comics on /v/ as we laughed at people who took smash bros too serious and actually paid for cosmetic DLC in games. It was actually better back then, teenagers now are going to grow into soulless husks.
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These threads have been really shit lately.
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A bunch of posts on /ggg/ got deleted at the same time as the ones here
Pruning is always funny
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i had culvers
EN stream rundown!
>Mori- stream in an hour, but its ASMR
>Kiara- stream shceduled but has throat hort, so may be canceled
>Ina- the funeral is scheduled for Saturday
>Gura- MIA after eating the Hamburgalar
>Ame- on hiatus, but even if she wasn't Tuesday isn't a stream day for her anyways
>IRyS- has the fake flu
>Fauna- stream late tonight, but its ASMR
>Kronii- said she would put out a schedule today, but also throat hort, so stream status unknown.
>Mumei- most likely no stream, but possible late night guerilla
>Bae- Zatsu later today
>total tally- 2 ASMR streams (easy content), 1 zatsu, 1 possible stream, and the rest are out of commission.
Weird angle when they literally just shat on you for going into there and trying this not even 10 minutes ago.
this but unironically, also i actually laugh like this when the girls are live and doing fun and cute things
erm are you allowed to make posts that based here?
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No, but you can have this instead.
But did you eat the top bun?
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Why are you midwestern?
This was before he got his super devil trigger powerup in 5 (and also after he could use basically the same thing in 2, but that's another story)
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you grabbed the slurpee lid?
nice, im thinking about getting culvers next week
Literally a 5th of the thread was deleted.
was it good?
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>on hiatus
W-When she will be back?
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Anon, that was 15 years ago
is this an AI generated post
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dios mio
These "people" are legitimately content with just being a nuisance to others. There's not even a goal of pushing a narrative, they just want to cum to the thought of making people angry for a few minutes.
Timetravler-kun, you went in the wrong direction, you gotta go back!
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>50+ deleted
astounding thread ladies and gents, real proud of you tonight
should have been more
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No, I mean this thing.
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Azki is asking Watame to 'let it out'.
not really surprising
it's not that many posters trying to derail the thread
Silly little fella
I guess I'd be bored too if my oshi stopped streaming
woah too based wind it back down otomo
Didn't notice, I hid all that shit.
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me too double deluxe, mushroom swiss, large onion ring, large cheese curd
lap sex
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I'm doing my part!
I was actually hanging out with my friends and playing video games like a normal person at 16
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Any of you anons planning on going to FES next year? How many of you have been there before? Any tips and tricks to getting around Japan if I know diddly squat of Japanese?
>Kiara- stream shceduled but has throat hort, so may be canceled
Where are you getting froat hort from?
I don't see anything on twitter suggesting that.
Yeah, from me.
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I'd like to learn how to do the Bibbity Bobbity karaoke but it's just fucking impossible, these lyrics are impossible.
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sorry im doing ulduar
wow it's been demonstrated that all these keked up posts come from the same handful of people falseflagging to hell and back? for the 286th time? shocked, and to think i was just about to fall for it this time.
Still missing at least one schizo
Would probably be another 40-50 deleted
>until I got banned
well that doesnt happen here, it simply goes on all day every day
He’s from the distant past of 2022
>he uses ggg
what do they even talk about there LMFAO that bitch aint streamed in months
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the first time I posted on this website I used my actual email and got all kinds of shit in my inbox
Bro, you're late.
I was doing Ulduar 15 years ago...
>Tue 13 Dec 2022
JESAS, you're desperate
According to Kiara’s Tier 5 chat she just finished discord sex with everyone who participated in the collab and she’s not feeling too good.
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that poster is a mimic
Stop being insensitive.
i was playing tf2 and doing smw rom hacks at that age. also if i trolled a 4chan thread it was a once a month thing or something, not every single day for 16 hours straight, i probably would've killed myself by 18 realizing i was such a waste of oxygen.
>deflecting to chumbuds
nobody likes you alt-egg mfers
get it through your head
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Be honest how old were you, because when I first started posting here I didn't even have a personal email address, and was also not dumb enough to put my personal information on the internet.
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>Kiara destroying her sleep schedule for gross malnourished vegan pussy and stinky chink fujo pussy
I got a 30 day ban evasion for posting this wtf >>87313535
KFPmeido power tripping when I didn't evade shit
Meanwhile his protected schizo runs free because he doesn't shit on Kiara
I had a lot of fun on 711chan and 420chan's /i/ boards back in the day. 420chan even taught me how to buy drugs on the internet so it was almost like having actual friends.
It's just practice anon, ganbare
squish it
just like me frfr
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>I got a 30 day ban evasion for posting this wtf
who amongus wouldnt
worth it
Speaking for most of hlgg when I say these are my thougths:
>Mori - will not watch lmao
>Kiara - watching
>Ina - lmao
>Gura - lmfao. next stream in november LMFAO
>Ame - gave up on hololive to be an indie whore to collab with guys. i'm gucci
>IRyS - might watch
>Fauna - meh, kiaras asmr is better
>Kronii - LMFAOOOOOO no
>Mumei - lmao
>Bae - nope. homobeggar
Kiara please give me more Sundial
not him but i had my first email address when i was 9.
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I just played minecraft or whatever my friends wanted to play
Payday 2 maybe?
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I just bought a Dreamcast
Yeah I think Dante would clear AC6 ACs easily. A NEXT would be an interesting matchup for him though. Can his regeneration overpower Kojima particle contamination?
apparently that's worse than calling for fwmc to be beheaded lol
its timewalking...
just like me fr fr
Holy shit I LOVE Elizabeth SO FREAKING MUCH
suisei kakkoi...
Make sure to buy some CD-Rs so you can burn some games.
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worth it
she seems to be getting along great with GG
i guess you could say...
it was better back then...
You could not be more obviously a tourist
go back to bed grandpa
i just consumed anime, manga, and video games etc at 16. then messed around school and hung out with friends. i was cringe and annoying but never to that extent, no. that sounds sad.
>gura anti posts
>getting deleted
you could post gura's IRL address while making bomb threats and it wouldn't be deleted, mods are that biased against her
stfu retard. I'm only here for Kiara
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freshman year of high school around 2009-10 my first exposure was my friend showing me a picture about a guy sucking his own dick
it goes like
skibidi dibidi TOILET
skibidibidibi toilet, yeheeaa~
Wtf lol. She's just making noises while stuffs are happening.
I honestly just might, depends on my schedule for next semester. I’ve got a longtime online friend who lives there and I’d love to visit him in the meantime.
stop crying
Wash your penis bucko
should have been 60 days desu
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i got a bacon deluxe burg with fries and cheese curds
burg was very fresh and meaty, moist without being wet. very thick, sexy pieces of bacon. i like the choice of purple onion and pickles that arent toxicly sour.
the fries are honestly not to my liking at all. crinkle cut, very salty, little flavor, dense potato feeling in the mouth, pathetic almost nonexistent crunchy crisp exterior. theyre not outright bad, as delivery vehicles for sauce theyre okay but i just dont think theyre good.
cheese curds were good. when i go again i will get the fried cheese curds instead of fries. and speaking honestly, the cheese curds were basically just mozarella sticks, which is not a bad thing. as a kid in the midwest you grow up wanting to only eat mozarella sticks so this is a nice peek into a bizarro world where they were the norm as sides instead of fries
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*uses time powers to remove Shion's shoes, exposing her socked feet*
lmao imagine unironically believing this is a thing. also enjoy getting banned again
just use romaji
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Yet, she’s pregnant again this time with a green baby.
Nah it's kfpmeido, doesn't give a shit if it's doxx or other stuff about other holos >>87315343
Trying too hard my man, it's Saturday. Go out and enjoy the sun or cook something nice
That tard was banned though, which is why the shitposting stopped for around 6 minutes. Funny how both you and that other retard took almost the same amount of time to ban evade.
>stalling until his trannycord buddies reset their IP
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>stinky chink fujo pussy
I thought you were talking about Bae for a second
that was prime hlgg man. now we have "kfp" shitflinging on this general for 8 hours during yuro times into gigifucks during burger hours and a cacophany of stream discussion over 20 different ENs making it hard to focus discussion on any small number of streams.
No. Why would I intentionally make things worse for people, especially people who haven't done me any harm?
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Stream power stone
good taste
Why is his post still up then? He wasn't banned
CC is so funny guys
I refuse
only if you inspect it after
it's like burning ants with a magnifying glass, kids are kind of antisocial
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And what about it? Jealous?
pretty sure Shion would do that willingly while teasing you about how you're a creep for liking her feet
who the fuck is that?
This is a mimic
Bae is more like an ABG. She knows surprisingly little about weird internet shit for being a weeb.
Pretty grim state of things desu
It's not really that bad. This place only discussed 5 ENs during year 1, that continued to year 2, and now there's probably only 6-7 ENs that get regularly discussed here.

>Year 1
All of myth ofc

>Year 2
All of myth -Mori -Ina

>Year 3

>Year 4 (current)
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Ceci went to the beach that makes you old
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Gura cute Gura cute!
nice. you should play slave zero.
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Sometimes I think about buying an N64
Kiara doesn't get discussed, it's literally a discord raid
CC doesn't get discussed here at all. Always a schizo thread
>that was prime hlgg man
>Check thread
>See Sapling falseflags shitting on Kiara
>Last third of the thread is Mori vs Kiara
Literally nothing changed.
bravo Shyamalan
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>lmao imagine unironically believing this is a thing
you have to be delusional to think he's wrong
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Nah, at some point doing that will just get me bored and exhausted
When is a holo going to watch Lady in the Water?
people discuss every holo here except FuwaMoco and Raora
Lol, the "futatsu juubun" noodle scene from Blade Runner. What is this show?
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Where banana?
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My first post was a girl from an anime I didn't watch and it was on /pol/ since I didn't know how to go to other boards
I then lurked a billion years before posting again after people called me rude things
Their own lives are miserable and they resent being at the bottom of the social ladder. Trolling people makes them think they're some mastermind manipulator and for a 16yo loser, being taken seriously is the only thing they want.
She gets consistently discussed during EU hours (now) and it's far from only shitposting.
Although sadly some of the discordraiders have decided to use her while avatarfaging. Otomos lay no claim to them.
holy cope

Your oshi sees everything you tweet btw.
Do they at least repent when they wait their 30 day ban?
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got a license for those time powers?
I want to rub my hands and face all over that mons pubis.
15 minute waiting time doko
flags and ids doko
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Look at the state of the thread right now and tell me that CC gets discussed
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In these trying times, we need more hagsex.
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What are your thoughts on this 1M sub wish?
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Whenever I see an Aqua image being posted I imagine that poster is an Aquacrew femboy and then I think about raping them and I get really horny.
sorry bro posting gura without antiing her gets you a ban
He was banned. Every post from a banned person won't always be deleted. Some meidos only bother to delete the post that got the person banned and leave their others up, some delete all of their posts.
lol. the only people who think there's a "kfpmeido" are eggs, which you openly admitted to being >>87315343
CC just said Sekiro looks sameish
can't wait for this game to flop
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The fact that there will always be more teenagers is always mildly disappointing.
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>carpe diem
>He was banned
Please don't mog Ollie she suffers enough
Will it have H scenes?
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>carp diem
haha thats our Ceci!
Kind of a weird waste of a wish. Especially since other holopro members (I don't want to elaborate further on this) have gotten visual novels made by staff for free.
that's what the fucking begging was for? use your 1M wish on something cool
It's been proven multiple times he only deletes the mildest shit about Kiara while leaving stuff like this up >>87314894
I always look at this and think its not chocolate...
Cecilia always seems like she's trying very hard to make her stream funny. Sometimes it actually is funny and sometimes it isn't.
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now post the naked scene
never been discussed here and her split became popular because we bullied her fans out of here
doesnt' stream
gone lol
doesnt stream
nope. never been discussed outside of her shitty anime karaokes. horrible debut filtered most
lmao. 2 people post her pngs as a ritualpost and she only gets brought up in the context of shitflinging and numbers
rarely discussed because she gets overlapped by more popular streamers
kronii basically. annoying as fuck idolfag liggertards with their own split
never ever discussed here lol
barely discussed
also never discussed even during karaokes
see >>87315871
Those were kusoge so maybe the wish is for the game to be unironically good?
visual novels are cool to them
gura death threats get fucking spared man, I'm not gonna pretend the mod is unbiased
just pay for it like Ollie and aqua did
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>for free
And it was dogshit
>no sip counter
so much for Da Kreative
Is this guy a KFP
How bitter can you be
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That 50 deleted posts are from ggg
If it's on Aquarium levels it's gonna be great
watch threads
Will there be sex?
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What else can the holos even use wishes for anymore that isn't just another outfit (they get one for free every year already) or 3D live (almost all holos that make it to 1m will get at least one of these regardless)?
what if all shitposters are takos?
Nah it's fucking obvious that there's a bias no matter how much you pretend there isn't >>87313767
I can keep giving more examples in this very thread lol
Sometimes she comes up with something funny. Sometimes just trying to come up with something funny but failing is funny too. I like it
Knowing them, is it gonna be full of gore and rape and execution of them or other holo girls?
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I stole them
It’s fascinating how obsessed with KFP you are.
Which EN member hasn't had schizos claimed there was a biased meidos for? Honestly surprised it took this long for it to be Kiara's turn on that ride considering that every other Myth member had their turn back in like 2020-2022.
You got to be kidding. If they get an Aqua tier game that's objectively a much better and bigger wish than an outfit or a single 1 hour live.
Ok now kiss
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Moona got three different MVs funded
very few people will get a sololive that gives you the alt 3D
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That anime that had Towa also had HoloRo
Anya on the big screen!
visual novel is the worst game genre
>awful post
why are spoilers still allowed in this board?
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It's literally impossible for a tako to shitpost
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now this is a good post
They are going to get the Ollie version and not the Aqua one
>Anya-san in a bloody thread!
[Sad News] 5ch has become British.
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been saying they're Pioneers but no one believes me.
You mean she’s German?
and it wasn't gura anti shit, just sperging about FWMC for some reason, ggg is like dox central and it never gets cleaned
It's KFP's fault their oshi gets more discussion?
What the WatAZKi doing?
So that you don't have to look at awful posts?
Mods have always had a Myth bias
What anime is this anyway.
Don't open this, it's a cross dressing hoshiyomi jerking off his tiny penis
solo live

probably the "behead fwmc" guy
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Suisei? More like, SuiGAY!
Here's a thought: maybe Gura deserves to die?
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well I'm going to return them
see >>87315871
Demon Lord 2099
Then I will report their oshi to the authorities.
Platinum gen baby
No, that's still RTS
This is what all this reddit shilling was about???!
Open this, it's a crossdressing hoshiyomi jerking his tiny penis
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that's basically what I said, meanwhile you can wish for gura's death for like 3 threads in a row ehile going unpunished
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>watch threads
Is that what you non-KFP have to do? Your oshi doesn't stream so you need to fucking watch /hlgg/ instead, pathetic lmao
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The server is going down for a few minutes, but we'll be back very soon.
this but fighting games
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Go Ceci Go!
I think its the color green. Shitposters like green.
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Thank you Peko for forcing taso to cash in the sex she owes me.
Hey you. Fuck you.
God, I just want to start kissing Cecilia whenever she gets evil.
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I hated this water area
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>tiny penis
I'd say it's average. Maybe even above average.
Kiara is the most popular EN for a reason.
wow toxic much?
What are you talking about, people have brought this up many times before. The three you often hear about are the kfp one, the deadbeat one and the phase one. Obviously there's no hard proof.
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I still don’t know what Ame ended up using her 1 million wish for. Like first it was paladins and then it was the weird new face tracking??
What if this is actually just Suisei revealing her suicock?
you don't have to prove my point that blatantly meido, but thanks anyway
notice that the guy openly admitting to ban evasion is still not banned and back to shitting up the thread
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Visual novel can't be the worst game genre because they're not games. Fighting games still reign as the worst
See >>87316220
We're talking about CC's stream over here
NTA but he's probably basing it off the fact that the shitposting towards Kiara and the other EN girls instantly stopped the second the banwave hit. And didn't start back up for like 5 minutes? And all of a banned person's posts won't always be deleted alongside the post that got them banned.
If you've ever said anything about the people who regularly ruin this thread you'd have proof
Hell there's proof in this thread right now
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That's beat them ups
Her 1M wish is her non-graduation graduation.
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1m wish to become an affiliate instead of graduating so she can still keep collecting royalties.
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Opening cards until they pull one worth over a million. Loser has to play a horror game.
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Guess I'm gonna go jerk off for a bit
Ogey KFPschizo
i actually belieb this
wrong thread
stop having this thread as your oshi, paperbag skin faggots
It's morally right to evade unfair bans.
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>shit up the thread to promote your own site
I think it's time for you to buy the moom outfit
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Good morning global gripers
It's once again time for some Saturday Sven Co-op, with /hlgg/!

Before joining, make sure you've got both the base game and all the parts of the /hlgg/ server asset pack, linked in this post >>87303486

Once in game, open up console with ` or ~ and enter
>connect sven.hololive.global.gripe
The password is:ILOVEAME
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>no argument
thanks for your concession
t. someone who got destroyed online
They should up those stakes. Loser has to smell the winner's pits.
Ame is a Hololive affiliate.
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My 1mil wish is for my hemorrhoids to go away
Azki won the original 2h competition and Watame's punishment game was to stream Don't Scream. They then went for an hour extension to see if they could get a million yen card. And now they're just straight up doing an endurance until one appears.
Right thread!
Someone should kill you.
I clicked on this link and it gave me a virus and my PC violated me sexually with my 2.5 to 3.5 SSD adapter
lol. Seethe schizo.
im not giving you my IP bro
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Stream it!
I ate too much binding food a few months back and was shitting blood, go see a doc or get some cream that shoots inside your ass to reduce the swelling, then eat a lot of beans and lentils or whatever so your poops are extra soft, and drink a lot of water
wtf I love this link now
Not even FG players like them
I think CC would call me a nerd
But giving your IP to Hiroyuki is ok?
Tomoe sequel when
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the kingdom of dreams
Only once SmolAme stops doing that Hitler salute
She has a heartwarming laugh
Amelia? A hero in these halls.
cute insect
I have blood from a tear maybe once a year, it's not often at all and I'm just exaggerating the problem to sound cute
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I had one for years that eventually went away when I shitted so hard it popped them. I didn't even realize they popped until I went to bed and woke up with a bloodstain on my sheets around where my ass was (I sleep naked).
Isn't this Lapfags site? Kek
I have fond memories of playing a beat 'em up with my brother and being goofy for hours.
I'd literally suck him off for free and it wouldn't be gay
Shouldn't you be posting in your ligger split? Ame hasn't been the face of hlgg since 2022 when Kiara took over.
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I'm behind 7 proxies
I would give Hiroyuki my virginity
I don't know, but it seems like a website by people who like Hololive, unlike this one
I like CC's emotes a lot
stay mad
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Liz on the telly!
Ina Halloween stream soon
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If I get lucky with HoloFes tickets, definitely.
And yeah I've been there last year, it was my first in person Holofes and first time visiting Japan, and it was absolutely amazing.
What kind of tips are you looking for? General travelling tips? Things that are specific to Japan? Maybe even ideas on what to do or visit over there?
Also, do you have any travelling experience? Just to know if I need to give you basic travel information or not.
There's nothing cute about bleeding out your ass anon, you don't want to become a nousagi.
Is CC taking a piss?
Azki is going to make me cum.
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I like them too but they are a bit too hard to differenciate I wish youtube would have a hover option atleast so we could see the emotes being bigger
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totally cracked
They share that face through kissing with tongue.
>GG soon

JUSTchad hours!
Was it Gravure to have something to eat?
Or was dancing in a school swimsuit so they could pay their rent?
Maybe having a wrestling match in a plugsuit and getting groped?
Sex with Otonose Kanade.
Shakey shakey.
Shion only went 6 hours in TCG Card Shop Sim today, is she finally tired of it?
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I'm falling in love with this dumb doll
>grown ass woman openly intoxicating herself in front of her young and impressionable audience
I’m writing an email to Cover HQ
Anon… that was your period.
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haha good one
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she's gonna go pee soon I can feel it
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You deserve to be disemboweled with a spoon.
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My tip is already planned (assuming it's in mid-March again), so I'll see you fucks there even if I get no tickets.

I have been typing up some advice for anons who want to take a trip to Japan, both in terms of trying to find deals on plane/hotels, and advice for transit and such.

Remember to get your passport done NOW so you have 2~ months for it to get processed if you even plan to come.

Suica cards are coming back into availability, so they make it very easy to get around on the train and subway.
I bet CC makes a mean drink
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I think this place SUCKS
>young and impressionable audience
i'm glad you agree 35 is still young!
You just don't understand the culture
yeah on me
I imagine she's talking about the card she's looking for, rather than your cum
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What exactly does Shion need to be corrected for? What is she doing wrong?
Yeah, because they ban evaded, just like the tard who is complaining about a supposed KFP meido also admitted to.
>denying reality this blatantly
I want to have sex with Erb’s voice
When did Azooki and Watame become friends?
>this is my schizobox
seems like no one is noticing them... sad..
nah it was sucking off dozens of japs to try and fail to be idols
pathetic dogs
me on the left
I don't think it's fair you people can post cc nudes while I get banned for posting my oshi's
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Gura cute Gura cute!
That first post was deleted before you even mad this post, retard.
If I can get tickets, yeah. Otherwise, I'll probably just end up going to Magical Mirai... again.
>Any tips and tricks to getting around Japan if I know diddly squat of Japanese?
It's in Tokyo. Unless if you get super fucking lost and end up in Saitama, you'll be fine. Everything is in English, and if worst comes to worst you can just point at shit.
I had a passport appointment scheduled but the fucking post office cancelled it the DAY OF THE APPOINTMENT.
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Just mostly how to even get around. I have no clue what to even do. I'll be honest I've never left the US so I am kind of worried how I even will get to my hotel from the airport
tell her to embrace the machine god
which holos would watch terrifier 3
I'll say it, balltomo was more of a hindrance tha help
Erb should hang out with Watazki
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skill issue
Is it hard getting a tourist visa to japan?
but enough about Ame lol
a train
What do dinosaurs and Gura have in common?
Better get on it ASAP because I know from experience the first appointment can take the longest (I had a USPS insider take my photos for free and expedite my application). After you get a passport, doing the 10y renewal is pretty easy. But you don't want to be screwed out of international travel when Fes could be in about 4.5 months.
Is Watame or AZKi winning?
Watch your fucking mouth dude that was my homie
holy shit her voice
my fucking dick CC
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fuck you
>inb4 deleted
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Why would you say this...
they make people seethe
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Yeah that sucks
They are still kinda differenciable but we are at like the limit, and especially a couple are very hard to distinguish
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they're both extinct...
>implying nobody else can see the blatant favoritism ITT
That's not Gura that's a dinogura
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Why would CC have an evil emote if she's not evil at all
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would you?
as a joke!
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What's she drinking?
I won't be able to take time off for FES, sadly. I am planning a trip next summer though and hoping that there ends up being some kind of Holo event while I'm there.
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Even if the curse doesn't break after I kiss her, she can still be my faithful companion.
something with gin
Cici is so sweet and german. Why did Kiara fail?
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my cum
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what. the. actual. fuck.
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please don't ever post this again
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make your decision
I hurried to get my passport and got the appointment for literally the next day and got the passport handed to me that exact same day lmao.
Just waiting for FES dates to be announced to hand in my vacation dates at work.
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Neither of them are. They're just slowly losing their minds as they continue to pull until they see a million yen card.
something strong, if you know what i mean
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Sunshine sheep
I want sex with Watame
marry Kanata
fuck Azki and Chloe
kill (You)
holy BASED!
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I pray the schizo dies painfully and alone, and no one finds his body for weeks because no one cares or loves him.
Get a pocket wifi from the airport. You can reserve them online from the vendors with a scheduled pick up time, so you can just stroll by after getting your bags. Having access to Google/Apple maps at all times will save you from looking like a retard enough times where the cost will be worth it.

Take a train everywhere. Seriously. I can't think of a single thing I've done in Tokyo where there wasn't a train stop within 10-15 minutes of walking, except for the Ghibli Museum.

Aside from Fes, really it's just kind of up to you what to do. Tokyo Disney is a 2 day affair, Akiba itself can be an entire day of wandering around and shopping. Yokohama, Ikebukuro, Shinjuku, Ueno, Shibuya, Skytree, Tokyo Tower, the Palace, etc are all close enough to visit multiple in a day and large enough where you can spend all day in just one part of the city.
Why does her back hurt?
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To show you what she would look like if she was evil. As you can see, she's not evil
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Gin is great, something I can actually thank the british for making
marry azki
fuck chloe
kill taso (sorry)
kill all
marry the blood murder god
If you take the green tea out, this doesn't sound too bad.
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I miss Shion...
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>Mizuki just fucking up and gone from the game
Save himer, Ena...
Japnese Roku Gin is also very good. It's so rich in different flavors.
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Tickle time with Ceci...
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Watame doesn't need a Polka charm when she has the real Polka
Tried it it's pretty good (even with tea)
Will GG coach CC while playing card shop game?
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I feel bad for them student A hate.....
How dare those dastardly deadbeat meidos prevent our good anons from harassing Mori's mother on social media
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What kind? I like me a nice roku, mare, monkey 47, or even wild burrow
me on the left
man that pizza looks good...
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Im blowing my head off
Loving kisses with Cecilia Immergreen.
why does anonette's penis look like that?
Hold on baby I'm coming
me on the right
yeah they should just stick to harassing gura's family, that has their blessings
based but you have to explode
What kind of pizza should I get tonight for 7D2D?
Do you both need that much pizza?
I am happy that she's enjoying a new game
detroit style pizza
If ceci were evil, wouldn't ALL of her emotes have her being evil? Because there is only one evil emote, that must mean every other cecilia is good!
No, anon, don’t, let me blow it for you…
I should order a pepperoni and some cheesy bread.
Me and my femboy (pregnant) heimin
Azki made more money within the initial 2 hour limit.
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She talked about it but I don't remember
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Why is no one hanging stuffs on the walls anymore? It looks so bleak and hospitalistic.
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me on the left (male)
I'd have to go somewhere else for that and I like the place I go
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How the hell are you gonna do that I got a big head bro
>retards here think its from an anon and not off of twitter
I already found the original tweet
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Evil woman going after Watame now
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pep, jalapeños, mushrooms, xtra mozz
I know the filename is twitter mobile but that still makes me wanna blow my head off from being so lonely
TV is crooked as fucked
Sausage, mushroom, jalapenos
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If you are the person on the left, your pizza sucks and I feel bad for you.

If you are the person on the right, your pizza looks tasty, but you are brown so I feel bad for you.
how do you put the squiggle line over your n
Is Watame the least intelligent holo?
is no one gonna talk about how its clearly photoshopped, you can juts search it on google and find the origina-
Then go date someone retard
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you really think somebody would do that? tell lies on the internet?
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>CC and ERB streaming
>thread is slow as fuck like it's dead hours and they'd rather talk about random coupleshit on twitter/KFP falseflag ops instead of streams
Why? Why won't you discuss EN4 not named Gigi?
mediocre living room, sorry
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Should have done this part.
/an/me status?
Fancy silicon doll
Gigi is American, the rest are not
Are you free tomorrow at 7?
imagine having this thread as your oshi
I had a brainfart and thought the woman had the meatzza while the man had that spinach crap, and was going to make fun of him for being low test.
And you stole this from twitter.
And normie explode
too obvious, try some subtlety next time
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unironically what is there to discuss on CC's stream? She's cute. she said "big carp means big trouble glub glub". She had a drink
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my Ina is doing something right now
Wrong. Pizza on the left looks like a kebab pizza and good. Right looks burnt.
No, I'll be watching streams
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I'm perfectly happy to talk about CC but she's just playing Sekiro right now.
I think cc is drunk
CC is a LA CREATIVIDAD one trick
her regular gameplay streams are not entertaining
like holy fuck she was bad at HL2. even w/o balltomo holding her back she can't aim for shit
Right looks way overdone
They're both the greatest beings to have ever walked the Earth.
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this thread could use more ame desu
Is big carp related to bigfish?
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yeah I watch her but there's not much to say about the stream between the boss fights
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Oh nooooooooo I hope she doesn't strap her to a chair with vibes in and whisper in her cute fluffy ears until she pisses herself. That would be awful.
Ain't her hands extremely fucked up to the point she can't even hold a controller? She probally has issues with a mouse to.
No that's you're oshi.
I’m sick and tired of this battle music
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they say if the IQ gap is greater than 30, you can't communicate. she's just too smart for you
Why does Watame keep getting away with it?
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those lap pits will be lickedclean, by me
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ame graduated. teamates are no longer welcomed in hlgg. you can hang out with liggers
>ERB 3k ccv on the buff game that got Mori of all people 15k
what the fuck lol. Why is ERB such a 2view
Biboo's hot piss
that’s actually kinda sad
Not deformed, like tendon pain issues. She uses switch controllers with them laying on the group like a keyboard since she can't hold them.
Yeah, me.
*laying on the ground/table
Kys cunt try. Try spinach and mushroom on a normal pan crust with garlic parmesan sauce (no tomato sauce). Better than pepperoni slop.
homos. Pander to men? Get no views. Simple as
Imagine being upset when you could just watch Watame
is this how you find out CC is a hag? all humans get random body pains once they hit 30. 99% of gamers will have permanent repetitive strain injury at old age
I want to fuck Kronii's ass
Super cute.
reminder that originally you were supposed to fight Tomoe after the dragon
please have an original thought in your head for once in your life
How does she play violin if her hands are so fucked
but she eats spicy noodles every day
catalognigger slit your throat. you only read threads
Because she never did anything wrong to begin with.
tyrannosaurus sex
Sweaty Gigi spats pressed against my face
your oshi
your favorite racial slur

ERB should do a MTG packs opening stream
ball tomoe
then explain ERB's ccv and sub growth retard
she just came out and she gets less monthly subs than most EN gens that came out years before her LMFAO!!!!
Even better
spic is really funny
>watching ERBs stream
>she's using british currency
>customer gave her £100 to pay for a £57 sale
>the only way that would make any sense is if they gave her a fucking £50 note to pay the remaining £7
That's definitely a fake £50. No doubt about it. She got scammed.
Good, imagine the heat on my cock
Snow bunny
>ERb says MUMMY and at that exact second I pull a full art card of that mummy
What the sigma
Better than all the pokemon opening streams I've seen lately yeah, at least MTG is fun to play
Think about how often she done it since she debuted despite it being one of her "things". Like one time?
uhh erb is being cute?
>ERB exposing herself with another ancient tv show
u-um...that's not...a racial slur...[Fauna.jpg]
Man that's sad.
Is it just me who didn't notice her before, or has AZKi been on a real upwards trend lately? She's seems to be turning up everywhere. I'm glad she got the cute redesign.
Herb and Watame should be friends
When we need her the most
even with arthritis you can still play guitar
It’s not that much of a strain in your hands as you think
a-anon's asspussy
Is another episode of
What is erb doing?
If you ignore the homo stuff, what has she done?
She spams karaoke and streams 1-2 times a week. That's why she's doing badly. The homo stuff is just unicorn confirmation bias.
Her growth since last year has been pretty insane. Helps her design and personality is so nice.
The tism got to her
she's doing autistic noises
nigga if it counts
not reallly because its a slur but because it feels like a more genuine down to earth version of "dude" or "bro"

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