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The Scarlet Goth Edition


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Current Live:

>Unarchived Karaoke:
13 total

Archived Karaoke:
https://youtu.be/T68MKhkRS-g (Monetisation celebration)

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】
>【MV】START AGAIN【ENigmatic Recollection Chapter 1 Theme Song】

>【COVER】OTONABLUE (Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame)

>Short Covers:
>Whisper Whisper Whisper - Azari

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

Previous thread: >>87278494

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
We live!
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This guerilla TCG stream caught me off guard
Let's goooo
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Remember to watch Liz's new short!
Liz is not for bully
This is becoming more of a gaming store than a card shop lol
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Silly Liz, she's certainly having fun with all the voices lol
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She's really hamming up with the voices today
The sad but true reality of most IRL TCG shops, honestly.
Less cards, more videogames
I wonder if she's planning to stream to stay up until her Q&A with Roboco
I've not watched this game before, is she doing good?
Well, she's not going bankrupt at least, but I don't think she's being very efficient or anything like that
>Talking about dice and dice towers
D&D stream when
On voice skill alone she would make a decent DM
Collab with Roboco changed to 2200 JST/1400 BST tomorrow
Loving the box fort she started making lol. Wonder if she'll keep going with it
Has she been having any issue with motion sickness today? She seems fine but I haven't been able to watch the stream the whole time
The fort is coming together, slowly but surely
She put on her training bands and they seemed to have helped a bit
It would be pretty amazing to hear Liz sing Disney songs one day
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Right on top of ollie's 3d? that doesn't seem like something Liz would want.
Liz always forgetting to save lol
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Honestly surprised that Liz has collabs with JP. It's cute that the JP girls really like her voice, too
I have this idea that having a DnD game where ERB is the DM would be incredible. It would really let her flex her VA skills. Or am I just delulu and the hololive watchers are not really interested in dnd at all?
Well the recent GUN TTRPG was pretty popular from what I could tell, the problem with longer D&D is that schedules might not line up so ends up taking long breaks and taking too long leading to reduced interest.
i think she said on stream she's only played once or twice, so going straight to DMing might be a bit much.

any excuse to get her doing voices with a little bit of prep would be amazing though, her voice switches are incredible
Plenty of people start playing TTRPGs by being a DM. But if there are more experienced people available it is probably better to have them take the lead as the DM yeah.
its true, but the amount of time general corpo shit seems to take up, it does seem a little much. seems to be the main reason they haven't gotten much done beyond the occasional one-shot. should probably get professional DMs in
I can't remember what stream it was, but she also said that if she invites Mori and Fauna to play D&D with her, that she would invite them as players and not GM so they can just chill and play too. So either she'll be the DM or most likely look into a professional/non-holo DM
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I forget has she said anything about more doctor who tomorrow? could have missed it but no schedule this week means I can't be certain and she usually puts them up last minute and it takes me more time to prep them
No Doctor Who this week she said
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The first tabletop with Myth was pretty popular, and both GUN sessions that Calli had with the Salt group, and with Hololive were both really entertaining.
There's interest, just not a hardcore interest. But, keep in mind that DM'ing is a whole different ball game than just making silly noises and voice acting.
Yeah the timing isn't great, but I doubt it was set by Liz since its not on her channel. We'll just have to see if they change again or not, but pretty sure JP overlaps even other JP 3D lives, so I wouldn't expect it
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The plan was to do a different watch along right? Although since she hasn't said anything about it, maybe just no member stream this week
Oh I'm aware it's more than that as I'm a DM myself. I was just thinking that there are pre written modules you could run, but for stream they would probably want something custom and that would take a lot more work.
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I wonder if we'll get outfit swap art between Liz and Roboco
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the robolegs would be hard to take off again, they seem permanent.

more roboco art is never a bad thing though
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Is the stream starting in half an hour or is that the old time?
Old time, it should be starting at 2200 JST/1400 BST. Approximately 16 hours from now with no schedule change
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>Liz reveals her Gothic outfit
This is the ideal bloodraven relationship
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/innit/ I have a serious question.

Does Liz give off mum vibes or auntie vibes? Personally she gives off mum vibes but alot of people see her as an aunt and I respectfully don't agree with that.
Well, guess it really depends on how you would differentiate between mommy and auntie vibes, but I got the dorky cousin/auntie vibes from her
A witch!
Hmm. She does give off mommy vibes but not mom vibes. If that makes any sense.
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