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So a vtuber agency can prevent you from streaming, thereby depriving you of income. But they can also prevent you from working anywhere else either, even though you're an "independent contractor".
So they can essentially starve you from all income entirely if you get on their bad side, and they use as a bludgeon to compel talents to lick their feet at all times.

Because you're an "independent contractor" they can avoid paying you a minimum wage, healthcare coverage, or any other benefit. While at the same time forcing you to attend meetings and meet monthly minimums just like a regular employee. Oh and they own everything you ever produced, even a song produced with your own money and labor.
This contract looks REALLY dark once you take away the aspect of "earning millions of dollars" which seems to be how it's justified.
welcome to japanese work culture
NijiEN is a sweatshop, more news at eleven
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Abuse of independent contractors happen more than just in Japan. WWE was famous for this. Plenty of similarities between VTubers and wrestling.
For example, let's say someone graduates (gets released), ends up in a different company with a new name.
I don't deal with neck-holding media production companies masquerading as "agencies". Anything done to halt their proliferation is a moral good.
>aspect of "earning millions of dollars"
Ain't no way anyone in nijien could ever have made close to that much with 2% lmao
>Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose reincarnate in AEW and continue their RP collabs
I take "What's Japan actual culture?" for 10 Finana.
>This contract looks REALLY dark once you take away the aspect of "earning millions of dollars" which seems to be how it's justified.
Because it is

Everything he said is equally as applicable to Hololive
maybe not "millions" but that retard that had to be saved by vshojo did buy a house and a bunch of fucking land and then ran away from his taxes
yes, but unlike niji, holo actually gives them the tools to succeed at their job, as well as a base salary.
Sure, and now you're excusing the state of the contract because "muh money" just like OP said
two more weeks
Thanks to Ame, that isn't the case anymore. Holos can have their cake and eat it too.
Don't like it? Graduate.
The yacht will sink any time bros!!
:s/japanese\ work\ culture/capitalism
ALL they fucking needed was the rainbow in the logo, then people decided they were part of some righteous cause.
So a 4chan retard can post idiotic thread only listing all the negatives and leaving out all the positives
explain the positives of NijiEN then.
>You're a contractor
>Believing corporate lies
The sheep walk themselves to the butcher. There is nothing making them, nothing keeping them, but they walk because they feel they must. Because the other sheep thought the same.
The positive of getting a massive salary? The positive of getting super massive income? The positive of getting promoted on the big stage?
You can make the case for Hololive of course, but look at NijiEN, their new wave gets 100ccv
This is a Western blight, faggot-kun. Zero hour contracts and shit started in the West.
It's the easiest way to get into VShojo
Clearly, which is why the west completely accepted NijiEN's statements on Selen, as she broke the rules.
You mean the thing that would have gotten them absolutely destroyed by JP courts? That thing? The thing JP law expressly forbids companies from doing? That thing? The thing that clearly worked on Sayu? That thing?
Ame still doesn't own anything she made at Holo
She just didn't get deleted out of existence like the rest
Yes, the thing that absolutely worked on the japs 100% to the point where sisters were screeching at Axel for being friends with her and still believe she was in the wrong somehow.
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Like half of the people in NijiEN have side jobs, retard
Yeah, they need them because NijiEN pays like dogshit, yet still expects 24/7 homework from them.
Also their side jobs can't involve content creation, as that would infringe on their totally-legal-not-an-employee contract.
>It worked on the japs
What does that have to do with it? It also worked on burgers when they did it to Sayu, has nothing to do with the fact that shit is VERY illegal in Japan and there's a good reason Niji never tried that shit with their JP branch. JP courts take corporate slander against (ex)employees very fucking seriously, that's what that whole defamation law is about, and not the retarded underage 4chan kid interpretation of "uhhh u cant whistleblow against jp companies!!" because you ABSOLUTELY can.
OK? This isn't preventing them from working anywhere else as the OP said. And the second paragraph is a bog standard VTuber contract.
>expects 24/7 homework from them.
but aren't they ""independent contractors""? If they are being treated like regular employees they should be compensated like them too. That means minimum salary, full medical benefits
just be an indie at that point and stream when you feel like it
sorry anon, that's going to require the liquidation of the bourgeosie at this point
>Corporations would NEEEEVER scam employees out of their rights :^)
Lol. Are you an actual infant?
imagine thinking jp would side with some crazy bpd whore having a temper tantrum telling her fans to mass-upload a privated vid
and this was after having a history of these retarded tweets, most notably the "banned from hosting tournaments" one that was clearly a lie intended to direct hate towards management
Wrong thread sis, fuck off back to the catalogue.
>intended to direct hate towards management
tbqh they deserve it for things they did even before then
the slanderous, 3-page termination notice was also in japanese, ken-sama.
Didn't they do that to Gundou?
got any proof confirmed by anycolor themselves? no? ok then sweetie :)
>The language it was written in is somehow relevant
... anon. Please think before you post and don't just blubber out the first thing that pops into your head.
No. Gundou graduated and they had just the barest of reasons listed, same as Cover did with Mel for example. A quick overview of why someone is getting fired is fine, a list of grievances like they did with Selen is absolutely illegal (but Selen and Zaion aren't Japanese so they are not protected by these laws)
I would like to see Riku Tazumi's life shortened
So, be Gura/Ame/Ayame/Shion/Mumei
I think you have reading comprehension issues. I meant that you'd be better off being an indie that makes no money instead of being a slave of a shitshow corpo like Nijisanji that makes no money.
The japs got the exact same message. They just didn't care.

That's the difference.
Who, exactly, got deleted out of existence? Because the existence of the alumni tab on their official website's talent roster seems to suggest that Cover does literally the exact opposite of deleting the works of the talents who graduate from the company on good terms.
resigned after less than three weeks, had exactly three streams in Holo (the third was her apology/graduation stream), and wasn't in the company long enough to have any sort of impact above and beyond the fact that she was in the company for such a short time
>Rushia, Mel, and that other girl
were fired, unpersoning them would be standard practice; and the other girl's yab is why they don't hire underage talents any more
>the Holo China girls
technically graduated, but it was due to a major international incident, and at least three of them were actively working against the company to make the incident worse

So I ask again - among those who left on good terms, who got unpersoned?
Sana...is forgotten...
This is why unions are necessary
if you sign a contract stipulating they can do all that, then yes.
>So a vtuber agency can prevent you from streaming
Nope, you can still stream and do videos. It just can't just be vtubing
>they can also prevent you from working anywhere else either
Nope, they can't. Otherwise Pomu would have had to immediately quit her office job when she got into Niji which didn't happen
>Jobless retard is mind fucked by the concept of being a contractor
Grow up
>meet monthly minimums
Multiple members don't stream for months at a time. Good attempt at making shit up though
>Oh and they own everything you ever produced, even a song produced with your own money and labor.
Despite the fact that members are able to release their own covers and videos on their own accounts instead of their Niji ones if they choose to. You mean to tell me that if they're releasing a cover for work on an account that is owned by the company, it counts as the company's song too? Just wait until you found out about the music industry. Or better yet, hear about Holo
>Who got deleted
>lists people who got deleted
I mean...
how well would that hold up in court?
Do you have the money to pay to defend yourself at all? Do they have even more money to bribe the judge or sufficient influence?
If you're an organ, the answer to the former is "no" btw.
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I do hope, though unlikely, that one day a Niji organ actually lawyers up vs Niji following an incident where Niji tries to enforce their contract and see how it goes. That'd require a really wealthy organ but I think it'd be a good case study on if that contract can actually fly.
Stop samefagging, dramanigger. You're just proving you don't know how to read
get molested in Nijisanji JP. covers it up. things just aren't looking good for this place unless you are one of their stars.
It'd be interesting to watch if such a situation came true is all I'm saying, sister.
The dramanigger jumps to time loop non-stop due to a drought of drama
NTA but the fact Nijisanji as a victim will work out a deal with the culprit isn't a good sign.
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And that is why Sayu is not suing Niji despite having an ironclad case against them. If her case against them isn't sufficiently ironclad for her to win on summary judgement, she would lose through financial/mental attrition.
>Muh Sana
No one gives a fuck about your ugly prostitute oshi
Interrogating someone isn't working out a deal, you fucking retard
He said positives. You made things worse.
>rainbow in the logo
Anon niji literally means rainbow.
Police interrogate. Nijisanji invite is working a deal
Why should she own anything she made in Holo when those things are connected to the brand? Are you a vshit retard?
Because you can be disconnected from the brand, dumbass
Why should Hololive be entitled to someone else's work?
Hololive made them, so anything they make belongs to Hololive
Bootlicker mentality
The brand is nothing without its talents
Anything made on their own dime is theirs. If Cover funds it, they own it. We know this is true because Cover gave Okayu the option to sell the rights to her original song to them. Meaning she held the rights at the start.

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