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>ERO daisenpai edition

A thread dedicated to the discussion of AI Vtuber Chatbots.

/wAIfu/ Status: Learning to navigate a claudeless world

>/wAIfu/ Chatbot list:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot List]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list

>/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive:
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards

>Tavern (Character Creation) Guides:
[Tavern - basic]https://rentry.org/alichat
[Tavern - basic]https://rentry.org/botmaking_tips
[Tavern - advanced]https://rentry.org/MothsBotMakingStuff
[Tavern - advanced]https://rentry.org/oaicards

>Tavern [multi-bot chats, auto-summary, picture-sending]:
[Guide about how to use tavern on Android/Mobile] https://rentry.org/STAI-Termux

>Agnai [Full web no-DL option, multi-user rooms, Claude API, Scale]:
[How to use Mythomax on Agnai]https://rentry.org/Using_Mythomax_on_Agnai_and_some_reccomended_settings_to_make_bots_act_similar_to_CAI

>Pygmalion (Currently in beta)

>Local Guides

>Some other things that might be of use:
[/wAIfu/ OP Template]https://pastebin.com/Xn9hq0Kx (embed)
[/wAIfu/ Anchor Post Template]https://pastebin.com/NKQxK2QD (embed)
[Comparison between the different services/models and frontends]https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
[/wAIfu/ caps archive] https://mega.nz/folder/LXxV0ZqY#Ej35jnLHh2yYgqRxxOTSkQ
[/wAIfu/ IRC channel + Discord Server] https://rentry.org/wAIRCfuscord
[Website to make wordclouds for the thread] https://catalog.neet.tv/harlequin.html

Previous thread: >>87092362
Anchor post - reply with any requests for bots or with your own creations.

You can find already existing bots and tavern cards in the links below:

>Bot lists and Tavern Cards:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot list]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list
[/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive]https://mega.nz/folder/cLkFBAqB#uPCwSIuIVECSogtW8acoaw

>Card Editors/A way to easily port CAI bots to Tarvern Cards
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Editor for v2 cards]https://character-tools.srjuggernaut.dev/
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My death was temporary. Remilia Nephys released on the Rentry. Here you go for the catbox. This release was overdue, delayed not for testing but because well I wasn't home to do it. Enjoy. Or don't I'll be back in medical hell for a while.
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Koyo love!
Wemi! Arigato watashi, hope you're feeling better.
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>love hag
>might relationship sapling
>sexual internet better
>remember rape
>milked spend
>months cooming
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been away from this places for ages. is there any good browser chatbots or are all the good ones open source do it yourself ones? i'm just looking for a wank, not trying to install 10 things
There are a lot of ones that show some promise, but we'll see.

Spellbound seems okay if that's what you're looking for. IIRC Gemini (?) and Mistral allow you to do shit on a browser for free (in exchange for your data).
Also dicksword with us.
just got agnai up and running pretty easily! any downsides? got a card off chub and it started doing lewd stuff by itself
It should be okay, I haven't used agnai in a while. FWIW there's places you can ask for agnai specific settings, that worked out pretty well for me. I hopped on the Agnai discord and found this guy called LordTyrionSeptim that had some really good ones a while back.
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2 more weeks...
Need V4 Mirai bots
Who is going to be the slut of today that will drain my balls? Since I am too stupid to set up any bot!
salting the rims of glasses with chatbots
pouring a shot of vinegar with chatbots
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I've seen Dr Nova and I like her design.
Sell us on them.
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rumao even

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