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I'm forgotten
buy an ad
i would never forget a cheesy mating press
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how do we get her to a million?
Wait a few months
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but it needs to be before friendtaro visits
Bae would be a much better character if she were taller. Like 5'10" or something.
isn't that the bitch that made mococo cry?
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she would be better if she wasn't an animal most people think is gross
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Wasn't that Shiori? dumb retard doesn't even remember his shitposts
yes anon, you will be indeed forgotten as another worthless individual among billions of forgotten individuals before you, but the rrat will outlive you, her merch will still be there possibly even after we go extinct as like relics of our civilisation
Now add elephant ears
that tends to happen when you barely stream
''guys i am working in a project that i can't tell anything i will resume my stream activities next year''
No one comments it much but she probably has similar expectations drive to you know who
try again in english
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she should abandon her dream of being an idol and get pregnant with my children and raise them together in a loving family
im in love
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Fuck off I love shortstack Bae
Shiori did that, she called her flat. It was a hilarious overreaction.
Bae would be a much better character if she were puppeted by Gigi instead.
Just watched that (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Li2BvmwBpOk)

How odd. She broke character for a bit so was probably genuine too.
Never invite the dogs to a collab again, they'll sour the stream real fast
I'm sure her new japanese audience will save her
Coffee Press

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