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Could Use Some Relief Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>87279639
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
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Sex with Moka.
The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas

Jumpstart Program — 2-month anniversary, updates, and more!
Lulu and Momoko played Roblox together
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Osian, Harue, Mia and Trix are playing Barotrauma together... kind of
What would make you to drop your oshi instantly? Asking for a friend.

By the way, don't say male collabs 'cause I know that's not true.
Replying to anyone but me
Showing contempt for their fans/supporters.
Elise : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
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Been gone for awhile. Did I miss anything big? How was wave 3 (I'm assuming they debuted by now)?
Momoko feels bad that she may have to leave because of a meeting, so if there’s time later she may do a guerrilla or twitterspace
Wave 3? We're on our way to wave 4 now.
you missed the funniest thing
Backreading the last thread is worth it
scamming and lying to chat to gain donations
Saying she has a boyfriend. Showing obvious favoritism towards chatters.
Rune sounds like she just got out of high school and has shit taste in media like the average zoomer, what a tragedy. She might get better in a few years, hope she keeps the model
honestly all it takes is for their content to become boring or stale
I'm watching chuubas to be entertained, not to be parasocial
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Although I'm posting happy and cute doodles, I'm severely suffering from Nowi withdrawal.
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What a coincidence, so am I
openly showing support for transexuals and other gender snowflakes.
I know it's getting widespread in some countries but the rest of the world is still sane so keep that shit off streams and vtuber related accounts for fucks sake, you're only alienating your normal viewers and summoning schizo ones
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Lottie threatening muslims with bacon bits in their pasta
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>Mazey says he uninstalled the app and left but also he's been /here/ for months
>that one annoying sheepfucker says he moved over to /wool/ but also he's been seething /here/ for months
yea… this stream is boring
based charity nexans
Thank God that autistic Gojo larper came in and interrupted the autistic muslim discussion with his pickup lines
A frequent fate of zoomers, all they know is Hoyoverse slop and kpop
It's actually disconcerting how 90% of them seemingly only know about shitty gacha games. Momoko knowing about classical music actually gave me hope for the future
Her knowing retro games was what intrigued me
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lulive reliefsso: https://www.twitch.tv/lululasso
>Saying she has a boyfriend.
I second this. No need to break immersion by stating the obvious.
It also means chat can mold her to become a patrician gamer, you just gotta trick her with promises of twitter sexymen
not gonna try to un-black pill you but some chuubas are actual unfuckable femcels and it shows in their content, they're fun in a menhera way but they're the minority
I rarely unsub on an oshi, even the ones I don't watch anymore . But if you ever show support to any person or entity with questionable agenda that doesn't belong in the Vtuber space, I am dropping that chuuba like unwashed laundry.
you remember which chuuba had Kenji the whitewashed nig as a kami oshi?
I do but I refuse to say it /here/
Many chuubas in AniLive has Kenji as their oshi. Even some thread darlings here, but I will stay quiet on that. If you are asking about Kagomi the ninja cat, she already left.
Choco, Asura and Elise are live.
Momoko is a special case, she grew up in a family of anime fans and gamers, and did orchestra in school for a while.
Honestly every stream feels like we learn a new fact about her, I feel like once she’s able to go on youtube it’ll be a lot easier for her to dive more into her interests
>un-black pill
not at all. I'm even fine with knowing whether the "puppeteers" have a spouse, just don't fucking say it on stream and don't make them part of your content. this applies outside of vtubing, too, like if I'm watching a carpentry channel I'm not there for the guy's wife and kids
da wose is cute.
live and playing a lot of farming sims https://www.twitch.tv/magicalroseli
Since everyone is /here/ already, how did you guys come up with good oshi marks?
they're just whatever you think best represents you, your model and/or your kayfabe, anon, its not rocket science
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average Lassocialist
Male collabs and I mean it
But I'm retarded. :(
It works for some fleshtubers because it's just what people do, have a GF/BF, relatives, friends and do stuff together it can be nice to see. But watching those happy families too much it makes me feel like the guy from One hour photo so I tend to watch lonely chuubas more lol
don't know what kind of advice we can even give you since we'd have to, yknow, know everything about you and what content you're gonna make
so unless you're down to break NDA, ask your genmates anon
oshi marks are like can badges, if you put just one or two then go to a place where you don't have a badge for you might raise eyebrows, and if you put too many on your name you'll look like an ita-bag
just go markless and make chat decide on them for you once you have enough regulars that aren't retarded
it's all a farce anyway
Juju playing Horror Minecraft live.

Friend Noriboshi is also streaming.
bro I thought you were a viewer asking, first stop reading here as you WILL see comments about you that you won't like and it will make you menhera, the idiots that are here have shown we live in their head rent free.
Second it literally doesn't matter at the level jumpstarts and even Nexans are, viewers will only wear oshi marks for actually popular and high quality chuubas unless they're a weirdo like Foxxy
>because it's just what people do, have a GF/BF, relatives, friends
I know, I just don't care for that kind of content, no matter if it's 2D or flesh.
LMAO. Why would any person miss a Nexan
Sorry Nano, while you were mourning a cat for 4 weeks there were 20 other debuts of cute girls about the same as you, so now most people are watching those.
look at this pleb who doesn't know about Rixxy uuuuu-ing
I'm not giving up hope.
>literally me before I lost hope
Take the Lumos and/or Arane pill, brother, it'll help ease the pain
Jellymom is often imitated, but she will never be duplicated. Any day now, a pre-debut vtuber is going to appear in the Genesis girls' following list posting cheesy positive affirmation pictures. I know she'll come back, I just have to be patient.
Nanos break was about a week or so, but go on groomer whore (cedric)
And then Harry will vaguepost and her accounts will get deleted
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moka zoochosis and noodles: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gFV4_cMc8dM
>This Thursday, I will be hosting a YOUTUBE DEBUT!!!
>I will be debuting on Oct. 17th @ 7:00 PM PST / 10:00 PM EST
>We'll have a room reveal, my first cover song, and more???
>Find out next week!! YouTube in the replies

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mizu-sama productivity: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
>scooby doo marathons
Tell me about this. I fucking love Scooby doo
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>I fucking love Scooby doo
Oh boy do I have the vtuber for you. Mizuki is obsessed with Scooby Doo. She can talk about it for hours. She has ALREADY talked about it for hours. One of her streams pivoted to making a tier list of every Scooby Doo movie, something she was very qualified to do because she had seen almost all of them, and seen many of them several times. She already did a watchalong of the live action movie, and the only limiter on her doing more of them is making sure the movies she wants to watch are easily available for everyone else.
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Do you know if she was autistic enough to watch the lego and puppet scooby movies? Either way I'll be checking her out. The amount of vtubers that enjoy any cartoons beyond spongebob seem so rare.
I am a viewer asking someone asked me to help them and it was harder to come up with something than i thought
What's her opinion on the WWE-Scooby Doo movies?
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5 minutes before Arane's stream.
Arane is live.
I am pretty sure that VOD where she talked about it got nuked and she is a dummy who never posted the actual tier list, so I can not verify. I remember her having a kind of neutral opinion on the WWE ones? And I don't remember her mentioning the Lego one but I might have just not registered it because there are literally 50 of them.
Her maros are open if you wanted to ask her, I am sure she would be happy to talk about it. https://marshmallow-qa.com/k3eyaxv62rq2zh0?t=qE6brc
Arane: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
kyohei block game: https://twitch.tv/kyoheitekma
charmorg karaoke: https://twitch.tv/charmingcharliemorgan
Enaria streams with announcement
>not gregnant
she said nothing about not being pregnant :^)
Enaria is graduating! Yippee!!!!
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Pyon and Nox are live

bro ended stream during "starting soon"

use the jump anchor
I can't tell if this is a "fuck off jumpstarters" or a "please use the anchor" post
Fuck off jumpstarters
>bro ended stream during "starting soon"
I like Tekkers but sometimes I think he is too much of a bitch to become an entertainer.
how many people usually watch him?
i'm always surprised he's stuck with it this long
Usually three. Both on AniLive and Twitch.
Damn, that's grim
He's got decent energy, but good luck finding an audience as a male 1view without pandering
The NEXAS guys need to network hard. Clotho is good at it, but keeps shooting his own foot by collabing with shit dramatubers.
Asura live with Phasmo collab.

There's a Twitch stream with PoV, but the streamer sounds like a faggot with a synthesizer so why bother?
Enaria : https://www.twitch.tv/beeb_sack
>male collab
why bother watching
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it can be done without pandering but you gotta play by the rules of content creation in current year
>network with the right people that will get you views rather than with who you get along with
>leech without being too obvious
>clickbait but don't lie or over-promise too much
>do stuff with viral potential
>get on and off bandwagons at the right time
>research successful people's content
and so on.
It's not fun or easy, plus no one at Nexas or Anilive has an idea on how any of this is done.
The few tributes at the top are doing some of these but it's mostly luck that they reached 2view status. 1view hell is full of talented people
If you want GFE, go to Dottie instead
Shindigs actually puts in effort into his content though.
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I love Nano!
I hate Nano's ISP!
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yeah but he puts that effort into stuff that viewers migth like instead of autistic passion project only he and 3 other fuckers will like. It falls into
>do stuff with viral potential
that's how many people find him, clips that take days or weeks of work to achieve
Uwo Slab also realized this formula and he keeps growing stronger.
Just playing games won't cut it as a male.
Pretty boy L2D model might actually be a debuff since only horny female weebs will chat with you and they're like a CCV repellent.
Singing won't make you a star unless you're Dacapo-tier and even he gets loads of hate.
Uwo has a fully rigged model and good vocals but uses neither on stream, only content that will make him money. Maybe he'll coast once he's large enough but it's grind time until that
>Pretty boy L2D model might actually be a debuff since only horny female weebs will chat with you and they're like a CCV repellent
Great example of that is Kenzo's AniLive streams. Guy wants to talk about guns, but his chat are too busy thirsting at him openly, and don't really show up on his gaming streams.
I find the vtuber ecosystem fascinating.
Guy fans of girls will normally at least pretend to care about what she’s talking about, but the opposite is not often the case.
Maybe it's the anilive app that's not working for her...
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formally cancelled
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Nell is live
Kaisha and MelodyW are live for a date collab.
What nexan is weakest to the kabedon into rape combo?
Real talk: what are the chances of us getting physical merch of our oshi?
When they earn enough to make it themselves.
We literally got cards. What more do you want?
well, is your oshi Poette or Esila?
Only if they get picked up by another agency.

And who realistically has a chance of that in Nexas?
It depends on who your oshi is.
>Esila, Momo
Possible, given enough time
>Anyone else
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Oshi someone motivated and has google
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Odette got a single merch from that useless AniLive event.

Kaito you can’t still be obsessed with being /here/
You can diy these easily
if momoko goes at the rate she’s going and fulfills her content plans, probably her.
variety content, artist, cute voice and personality, interested in dabbling in a little GFE, a bit parasocial to her chat, big on /unity/
>>fulfills her content plans

Weird way of saying constantly canceling and delaying.

We will see if she has success off of AniLive, I’m still highly doubting it.
Soma gaming https://www.twitch.tv/somafujimori
Asura is live again. This time with no faggots.
There is no such thing as success off of Hololive.
It's go twitch or bust. Anyone that says to go to Youtube knows nothing about Youtube.
Setting aside all bias and looking at pure growth on other platforms; Lulu, Esila and possibly Moka has the highest chances of making it.

This could change once Mia and Momoko debut elsewhere, but as long as they are stuck on AniLive they are not going anywhere.
What did Enaria end up announcing?
i assume you mean anilive, you retard
anyone that gets into holo is automatically successful
this guy prays to yagoo before sleep and retweets all gura's merch tweets
Is Kenzo actually an old man with edge? His palworld streams turned me away.
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Has any Jumpstart filled the mommy niche Lumi left behind? Feels like a lot of them play it off too lewd; they’re not gentle and comforting in the same way she was.
No one at all. Most jumpers are zoomers. The best that they can do is play Onee-san. Ame is probably oldest girl, but she doesn't give off mom vibes.
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he's not really edgy but his zatsus have bro appeal if that makes sense
but since male viewers are too busy gooning to watch him most of the people in chat are women that don't get what he talks about and end up saying fujo things
Recently he said he got burnt out of doing zatsu on anilive, might be because of what I described, might not.
He plans to keep playing games on twitch, so far it's mostly Steam garbage
in the genesis days I would watch his anilive zatsus but his stream time wasn't the greatest for me, and it only got worse when he started to fight for the timeslot
call me a gooner all you want but as a straight male its more interesting talking with a cute girl than it is a dudebro dad
Fuck off, Nekogroomer! Stop inserting yourself in every conversation.
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da wose (and lulu)
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Mizuki please it's getting close to 7 hours I just want to compliment your bosom and then go to sleep.
Isn't it like morning for her now?
I suppose Mizuki's tits will be unbeatable today, then.
She's CDT so it's almost 3AM, but she's said in the past that she pretty regularly stays up until 4AM to get shit done. That's also presumably why a lot of her "good morning" tweets go live at noon.
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anilive followers
1. Nox 772 +27
2. Mia 757 +3
3. Pyon 686 +9
4. Esila 681 +9
5. Nell 650 +5
6. Yukiko 622 +0
7. Nekosoma* 606 +4
8. Reverie 564 +0
9. Roseli 564 +2
10. Momoko 516 +5
Rixxy 513 +10
Odette 503 +0
Poette 491 +0
Ochu^ 490 +6
Rov 478 +0
Soma 463 -1
Moka 451 +8
Nano 445 -1
Enaria 441 +6
Hikari 437 +0

>nox retaking the lead with +27, what in the fuck
>double ckecked it, it's real, which one of you botted her to put her back on top of the week to week chart, you sneaky bastard
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>endra's pfp
twitter game on point as always
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and anilive followers week to week

>mia's illness cost her top spot, but she might have lost it anyway with that +27
>+100 asura, +68 mizuki, +61 emiko, pretty good grinding to be that far outside of debut window
>+51 pyon, a return to form, +51 ruri and dottie, good consistency, slowly but surely
cannot believe we botting Anilive now
>lumos at 40 after two streams
>gremmy at 104 after a single stream where she giggled and disconnected for 30 minutes
eurohag... ganbare...
noticed that a few times
don't know how well it turns into ccv, but making an account early and at least getting their name out there / farming a few pre-debut follows seems to make a difference
her streaming time is pretty killer, her twitter game kinda lacking and her debut only went for 30 minutes with little fanfare. It's tragic, but she really is not setting herself up for success
Gremmy's presence in almost every AniLive stream and debut scuff got her a lot of eyes. Compare her to Lumos who only existed once AniLive's Twitter announced her, was never on AniLive during pre-debut phase, and when she did only lasted 30 minutes on her first stream in the worse time slot possible.
look at her, she's trying, bless her soul
she is firing up my savior complex like you wouldn't believe
I get not everyone's in it to make a bunch of friends, but man...
even endra has twitter game, for what little it's worth
not sure where exactly some of them think their audience is going to manifest from
>mizu talking about wanting to do a collab with yukiko but she's too introverted to ask
I just imagined a 3DIO off-collab where each one takes an ear and my soul just left my body
This just means that Anilive is a popular streaming platform!
Jasmine is live.
I can't believe Captain's hard work has paid off! Doubters absolutely BTFO!
Every girl in this damn company has the "what if I try to talk with them and they HATE me" brainworm.
for real, its incredibly how Harry managed to find this archetype like 30 times in a row
Jasmine Live!
>what are vtubers
actual outgoing girls (or shy girls that learn to larp) are a rare exception
anon, there are so many vtubers that do NOT have the issue to DM mutuals, i didn't ask them to throw a party as off collab for others
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Scuff video from Lottie playing Content Warning with Maria Halina!
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Aurora stream maybe!
>she plans to hopefully get a 3DIO to do ASMR in the future
Guerilla Aurora live.
Aurora: https://twitch.tv/meesteeknight
aurora, please post more pictures of yourself onegai
perfect time for au
Mizuki's tits were jaw-dropping today, too.
not for aussie wagie

god bless you, mizukititsanon
send her a maro:
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they truly were
shouldn't have chosen a career that needs you to get up at 5am
every day I regret my choice of occupation more and more
no nowi again, its over
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been meaning to do this one for a while
currently top 20 jumpstarts history
>ochu, chocobitsie, and elise very consistent growth
>asura a fucking rocket ship just cutting across
>sebastian's fallen off some recently, but he was pretty consistent for a long while
>rip reiki, aina's kind of fallen off but still growing
>melody and dottie had really strong starts, cooled into consistent growth similar to ochu and chocobitsie
>aurora's curve's a little odd, so bursty, also thought she'd be higher given how much praise she gets here
>renji fucking flatlined
>it's interesting how many of them there are clustered very close to 250, not sure that's anything more than coincidence since some of them are newer but growing faster while some like sazuki are older but fell off
>also it's hard to tell between emiko and micte, but emiko is newer, so her curve is on the right and she's not quite asura, but doing well
>rip kagomi
I'm still surprised there are that many anilive users
It's not that hard to make "totally real" accounts
I wonder what the real retention is, because I feel like people in general probably underestimate churn
even in like the average twitch stream if the ccv stays pegged at 100, who knows whether that was 500 people or 5000 people coming and going
so nox and mia might have ~750 followers, but still only like 15 people show up to streams or whatever and some of those aren't even following
there's probably thousands of dead accounts at this point that people didn't bother to delete
aurora is a very irregular streamer and debuted in the midst of travelling
I don't think she's done a single weekly schedule, for example - all she ever does is guerrillas
Stella sched
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Aurora takeover: https://www.twitch.tv/vapenationv9
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Melody drew this while watching Aurora
Kaisha Live!
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I forgot the pic :)))))))))))))))))))
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
the early 2-3 waves had a nice headstart and it shows when even so many no shows and dead ones are still in the top20
it also shows their engagement and quality when Jumpstarts top talents compete with NEXAS lower half, Ochu aside
Aisha is asian? I can't even hear an accent, is she a flip or something?
both. the live anchor is for Nexans
Doesn't say that anywhere :^)
how likely is she to get restreamed? I know I can't interact with her that way, but still.
Not me, but you can use vograce or other websites for merch making as long as you comply to their demands.

> Have an artwork
> add borders 1cm~ away from your artwork
> give it to the company

It doesn't cost much, but for a streamer the issue would be mailing it and such.

> ghoat captcha, we were on the verge of greatness, we were this close...
oh, I was hoping for actual DIY.
For good quality I wouldn't know, but I'd suggest watching YouTube there's most likely a DIY tutorial.
I'd say it wouldn't really be worth it though.
I'll probably do it on saturday but during the week I doubt anyone other than misty could since that's early morning for the americans
you could use something like printable shrink plastic if you have an inkjet printer, just need something to seal it with like resin or a spray coating
The only thing I found at a quick glance is dropping almost 400 bucks on a Cricut and making them with vinyl transfers but at that point you could have ordered hundreds from some chinese printshop.
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Juju live!
Karaoke stream I was under the impression they were playing some sort of game lol
thanks anons, I also did a bit of digging and it's possible to 3D print the transparent parts. too bad I don't have a 3D printer
sleepy sundays
It’s Piko’s birthday
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Elise live!
(I will need multiple devices to catch all of these random streams)
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Odette is so back bros!
Cute owl daughter
is she still in AL jail?
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Wawoi Live
good news
The good news in question is most likely the fact that she is live.
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Emiko is live!
>Someone asks Emiko if she knows about the ancient race of sugondese
>She can't pronounce it
She's so retarded she can't even fall for the joke
a true daigo parry
Emiko claims to be capable of seeing ghosts and says she came to an agreement with the ghost of the man that died in her room. Says she sat down with him (in her dreams) and talked it out.
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Nano stream imminent
Ame : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
damn, I took a nap, dreamed I was in a workshop, my coworker crashed a towtruck, said fuck that and took a nap in the dream, only to dream all my posts got deleted
think she got the better deal there
Nano : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
Mia : https://www.twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
Yes, she 's Flip.
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>Nano threw her mouse across the room and it exploded
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Spending the weekend without Nowi is too much for me to handle... is that what Grapebros felt when Enaria was away?
or what we felt when Esi went abroad on family business.
A weekend? Manonitors are entering their third week without our kaichou...
>ohhhhh fuck
>I need to get naked
well this mia stream is going places
sugar in her crack, butter everywhere
Speak of the devil and all
Manon schedule: https://x.com/ManonMerope/status/1845545576047513635
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you get used to it...
She's moaning so much too
>its so stiff
this stream is sus as fuck
>It's like a good solid
My dick
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Piko is live on twitch!
>I'm enjoying the things happening in the stream!
>I know! I'll bring attention to it and make it weird so that the streamer won't want to do it!
Juju is live.
is rixxy fat
she is a robot she can be whatever you want her to be
100% and that's a good thing
Not fat enough
Cute pudgy hands...
>hobby: biting people
>"accidentally" stepped on a ladybug the other day
Kinky angel chan
Who is this pink creature and why do i want to have sex with it?
I never would have guessed that Koyori and Piko shared a mama if I didn't know. They barely resemble each other.
The Mizu-Animation is finished
Asura is live.
Rune : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
Odette's added and Manon's checked, thank you!
nano kisses
Nano is so sweet and giving to her viewers, she deserves more love and recognition here.. that being said those Nano kisses were all for ME!!
I wrote these posts

These are all me btw
Possible Momospace soon
Momoko twitter space live
Rov : https://twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
Nowi, Moka, and Lottie listening too
>I'm really really tired and I was really quiet today so I felt bad! I've been doing a lot of schoolwork and some video editing
>I woke up around 6am and went downstairs to turn off the air conditioning because it was so coldddd. We have wood floors too! We got it fixed recently, after the summer is already over...
>I made a whole to-do list for things I wanted to do today, but I mainly got schoolwork finished. It was a pretty boring day but I missed you guys and wanted to check in
>Today I went to buy Momocat some food because we ran out! Her usual food wasn't there, so I tried to get a different brand, and she tried it, but she threw up for the first time ever...
>I want to answer some maros after this because I got some cute ones today!
>It's been over six month since I had hot pot, so I'm craving it. Momomama recently got an instant pot so I am hopeful! I want to try it but arghhh I'm so bad at cooking. I follow recipes and it comes out tasting bad. I follow the recipes! I don't get it!
Momo housewift arc
>I have more pictures of cute ducks I'll share, here you go guys! Ducks to eat? Nooooo! But they do taste good....
>Last night highschool trio worked on a bunch of stuff! And played some games! Kaichou is back yeaaaaaah!
Is Harue Latinx?
Never say that word ever again
Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue Harue
>I used to have an anteater phase where if I died I'd want to be reincarnated as one, but now I think I'd want to be a duck. Geese, people have issues with geese, getting chased by them and such, so even though I like geese they are problematic
>I'm feeling pretty good today, I'm just eepy because I keep waking up and falling asleep. I'm not a caffeine person. Nowi's here, she drinks like 5 Celsius a day, if you want energy drink advice ask her!
>I've been doing my work with a pomodoro timer, 15min work and 5min break, this is like my long break because I wanted to talk to Momodachis. My timer's gonna end soon, I have 5-7 minutes left...
>I'm a bit worried, one of my most annoying traits is talking too much when I play games or do art, so we'll see how those types of streams go. When I was playing Plate Up with Hikari and Roseli I was getting distracted and telling stories while they were stressed and trying to play the game!
>I had some guava juice and it wasn't good... I thought it was mango so when I tasted that guava I was like "this is so ASS"
Rixxy showed herself a bit naked on stream uuuuuuuuuu
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>to turn off the air conditioning because it was so coldddd
that's familiar
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>no stream tomorrow
>One of my dreams is to become a vtuber mama and I would for sure design an anteater vtuber! Or a stream of us designing a vtuber would be really fun
>I need to get my violin restrung but it's an hour away and no one wants to drive that far... maybe it's an American thing but it feels like most places you can't just walk to all the places you need to go, everything is so spaced out!
>My timer's about to end but I don't want to leaaaaave. I'm a bit extroverted where if I'm doing stuff along for too long I feel bored and lonely... maybe I can ask some classmates if they want to do work with me
>I said I wanted to do a space last night but I fell asleep right away I'm sorry!
>*reads out all the people streaming on Anilive and Youtube/Twitch right now and urges people to go watch them
And she's gone, she was very Momocute today
I miss her so much Fentbros. She's never been gone this long and she hasn't been too active on socials, hope she is doing okay.
>maybe it's an American thing but it feels like most places you can't just walk to all the places you need to go, everything is so spaced out!
it's definitely a murrican thing.
She was listening to Momoko’s Space so she’s probably just taking some time for herself
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I'm gonna WORRY
'Been watching some old vods these past few days and everytime I do I feel empty as fuck. I genuinely don't understand vod watchers, nothing beats the real deal.
become autistic
> I genuinely don't understand vod watchers
sometimes you don't have a choice, anon.
sometimes meatspace just doesn't allow you to have the designated time to enjoy the one you love.
Ah, the genesis days of catching up on a bunch of vods after work... those were simpler times...
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Mogga horror :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaDCnia2k-g

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