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Didn't these guys go out of business and lose all their talents?
No, Aviel sole the company to the Brave Group and they made a deal re revenue splitting to those who wanted to leave and keep the IP
Is Idol really that unpopular now
4? Didn't the Off Kai image had 5?
>no loli
Idol lost
>inb4 145 cm
Doesn't look like one specially with that cleavage.
No lolis i don't care
Daisy design looks great. Hope the live 2d model does as well
>what is oppai loli
Isn't the orange one just Buffpup crossed with obkatiekat
I have no idea who either of those are so I'll say no.
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Blue one bailed out, too bad, since she was an angel or had some sort of angel theme, it probably meant it was meant to be the cutest model then top left would follow.
She is clearly taller than Daisy in that art.
>everyone saying Marine
>green pirate is actually ban hada
Isn't that Siege?
Free Palestine
kill yourself I was gonna use that pic as OP
But why did they ban Hada?
No more lolis. Nice
Hopefully their talent scouting is better
Who all is even left in Idol?
add a pixel
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One person pulled out, and we learned today it was the blue angel chuuba. That was announced when the 2nd idol Brave acquisition announcement was made and talents were announced to leave.
Are anyone of them barefoot?
That's unfortunate, I'll be honest. Now this model will be locked forever, we'll never know who it was, and the mama and papa that created her; Can't believe I forgot blue girl VA had left months before, also there was no one to hire in panic? Dam son.
The Pirate one seems SEXO
Been popular matters little when the competition implodes
I like the pirate. Can't say the others catch my attention though.
Anyway, time to see how Idol runs debuts under Brave. Hopefully it's closer to V4M than VSPOen
Their last hire in panic if rrats are true was the girl that streamed 89 times in 486 days (Momo was supposed to be Waabyuu but didn't happen).
Blue girl was supposed to be Matsuro Meru.
>Riki Poppet
looks like a female Gavis Bettel
>Yena Youngblood
looks like fucking Buffpup
So which one is Koinu?
>Matsuro Meru
Holy shit, it's been a hot minute, I was actually going to ask If there was a lead/leak for a potential VA, but didn't, thanks anon.
none shes going to stellar verse
>look for me in the stars
I remember reading that she said she would not become corpo unless her model was brown/tanned
>look for me in the stars
A female holostar? Wtf yagoo?
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What the fuck is a stellar vers-
Oh, yeah that's probably her.
All of Endless, most of ES, Encore and Nikki Rei are still with Idol. The cursed founding EN 1 and most if HE all left, graduated or were terminated.
It's insane how E-sekai went from taking the small corpo scene by storm and catapulting Idol into relevance, to being completely wiped out from the company.
??? She's notably been pretty vocal about holo or nothing
Yeah, that lie is always easy to disprove so I'm thankful they keep using it
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>two standing cats sized
Can they recycle it for someone else?
Theoretically yes but practically? Probably not with the direction they are going. The best they should do is sell it on the market to recoup costs.
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Funnily enough, my first thought was Mordred, so let's meet in the middle, and say "Seige's bastard child".
Even with Aviel gone Idol can't stop stealing invaders from Phase poaching lol
Yena is kinda hot
Not sure how to feel about the rest
Any known indies in these?
Meru was the angel?? Well fuck. So one of these is Inori for sure then.
Likelihood would be Brave will just reallocate the model to one of their other brands that are more receptive towards premade models.
Lol already?
It has been like 15 months since idol EN2 debuted, so not sure why you are saying "already"
They'll soon have no one left from their breakout gen
Why would anyone still join idol at this point?
It's a dead corp except for Roca and Poko
can people not come up with cool concepts anymore, is really every theme already a vtuber? like come on a fucking lion, a buff lion, a pirate and a puppeteer. shit is so boring
There is another one ex tsunderia in this new gen
>buff lion
It's an hyena
>at this point
these girls joined like a year ago
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What she meant by this?
>lowkey admitting to have done actual porn before
V4Mirai whores might have competition in the porn ASMR scene
Unicorns are gonna be safe with this one for sure
>canine female fighter themed with same oshimark of Axel
No way he won't notice
So wait, are athere 2 Ex-tsunderias here or just 1? Also who?
Just 1
>Blue girl was supposed to be Matsuro Meru.
Damn, I can't believe they hired her to be two girls in the same gen
If she plays the role of a futa I will give her a watch.
>0 lolis
>3 hags
>1 male
I never expected idol to do a mixed gen.
Wait I'm confused. Isn't inori that blue raccoon from specialite's new fps gen?
I don't think idol will hire males
This one is just a weird choice
She has to be a nepohire or the people behind auditions have to be hanged for their crimes
They aren't dead until Rin becomes indie
Yep she is holo or nothing but rrats at the time we're convinced she was going to idol
I'm glad she was that persistent in joining Holo. HoloEN desperately needed a consistent streamer
Cool designs desu. The fags in the idol general are having a melty cause they aren’t all loli’s.
curious what themes you would like to see anon
The ones that looks like bettel confirmed some time ago that he is her oshi
This retard is just a copy of his design
If this is true, I can't blame them for complaining
Are we talking full wanna be a man tranny or just wants to fuck the stars? Not that either one is good.
"My oshi.. you guys might just be like " I KNEW IT!!"

My oshis were kai, and ... it might be obvious but gavis bettel is funny as hell"
Those are her own words
She's just a fangirl trying to score a cheap ship with her oshi by copying his design
I thought she's the the brown dog in V4Mirai

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