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>completes her year long ritual unscathed
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Hint of Teeth Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
A Kid Requested Filian for Make-A-Wish
Frog Ridah!
/flip/ on da telly!!!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Dance Archive
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:09 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream (+ Bonus Collab)


>Previous Thread
Will filian ever lose her hag virginity?
filian is the cutest thing
filian is cute
nope, she’s chosen the strong independent womxn path (forma de internet cult leader)
how long until filian starts leeching off of henya now that she has more viewers. maybe a little call? live on stream? maybe disguise it as some retarded challenge?
>he fell for the meme
nufrends are adorable
technically filian plays enough mmropgs to periodically restore her virginity
First part of the stream was better ngl
not how it works
t.tabletop enthusiast
as if a fa/tg/uy would know anything about what happens after you lose your V card
fillyButt is spankable
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wasn't Filian supposed to ask if she can go to bathroom?
Scammed again
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i said she could
filian said kruleboyz SUCK
bonus spin
Running into the wall again? What a trash punishment
I guess chat doesn't know about her foot pic
always has been.
It's like a somewhat niché knowledge.

She got hurt, haha, so funny... I fucking hate this punishment
somewhat Nietzsche knowledge am I right
Is she snorting coke?
Don't usually watch her
oh how the turntables
she gained back her wisdom
I'm not doing this cringe plank shit I'm doing mark rippetoe's starting strength
No, just her crushed wisdom teeth
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you lazy fucks better be planking
you WERE planking right, anons?
Didn't plan on it initially, but the became a police officer Filian so I changed my mind. 30s is so short tho
Filian's proud of my planks, bros...I'm in...
I wasn't going to but the way she kept telling me to get down turned me on enough to do it.
*she became
Trying to sleep but this catgirl keeps screeching and making me excercise.
She’s not a dominant person tho
I should not have done it. I lasted 5 seconds and i'm sweating like a pig.
Excercise while sick is a mistake
just sweat it out bro
Us sub smackers take what scraps we can get.
Mans is feeding on scraps the size of filian’s blended teeth fragments…
1% chance to die? Don't fuck with me. I'm a gatcha player. I fucking never hit that 1%.
There should be more chat punishments in the future. It was fun to see that.
There should always be one. It would be nice if it were always colored red or something different. Unfortunately she always uses the same lazy site instead of something custom.
>she considered coke and mentons in her butt
florida rrat slain
>she tries to make her friends in a business meeting laugh
she has not graduated high school
I just got 10+ health from that filly laugh
>chat children getting hurt isnt funny
That cow tit enjoying frick from /here/ posted that
le respin
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>gradually bustier Filian next week
It was you, wasn't it?
That guy from /here/ sounds smart
why didn't she do it
>she either leaves call or ronnie mcnutts
saving it for next week
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>i played virgin spin the bottle
>if it landed on me they would skip
Sounds in character. I think everyone knows that one person who would chicken out of a lot of things in that game
rate the strim lads!
8.5/10. If the whole stream was like the first part, i.e. up to the teeth blending, it would be 9.5/10, imo one of the best YLYL in a while
>Monday stream
Vtuber Guess Who with Deme
Sounds like it could be fun, but it all is dependant on the chemistry between Flatlian and Titlian
Fefe & Filian podcast... Idk, I just can't imagine this working too well. I'm going to check it out anyway once it starts airing
ive never watched titan before
I feel like FeFe is almost reasonably intelligent but her on stream persona and bitchy entitled attitude is just fucking insufferable
I feel like since creation of /big/ flip sort of died down
>you are a famous cute girl vtuber
>just trying to stream some vidya for the lads
>discord call
>it's Filian
>check calendar
>Saturday at ~5pm PT
Do you answer it?
they did a collab before, right? or at least participated in a collab with others
you could say it did a flip
solid, above average
Yeah, it's easy content
it definitely did. there's three on topic threads to discuss filian now
flip was created for the same reason, /lig/ becoming a cesspool
Yeah, especially the activity during the streams went down.
>>87339677 (me)
like, I like /flip/, but it does kinda make more sense to have her in a global than her own thread just because there is almost never if not literally never something worth discussing about her when she's not live streaming
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
/BIG/ is a good thread now, but it does have serious potential to draw schizos. It would be premature to kill /flip/.
While it does make sense, I do find it annoying how any Filian related stuff is now so spread out across the board. Since Filian is pretty much my only vtuber of interest, /flip/ is very convenient, especially since I geniuenly couldn't care less about posts that are about other streamers
yeah, I'm not calling for that or anything, I just think it's been a perennial concern that there's nothing to really talk about during dead hours. I'm just happy /flip/ was able to go from being a red headed step child meme thread to partially provoking an outright thread split in /lig/
The splitschizo has been intentionally fucking with /lig/ to make /big/ look better for some reason.
Dudes a genuine schizo
it’s too hard to for me to keep track of all that drama and the various petty rivalries the super terminally online anons have with each other, all that really matters to me is that there’s a thread to discuss filian in where she is at least somewhat respected
>where she is at least somewhat respected
she blended her wisdom teeth into a smoothie today
it's just the same retarded "paraschizo" /lig/ has been dealing with for almost a year now, trying to stir shit, "splitschizo" is just of his personas, he doesn't care about anything but getting his kicks, the /big/(originally called /olig/) split started as a thread possible made by him but was took by actual posters
More calories for her fat butt
>>87341764 (me)
sure, but you guys don’t spam “leech” every time she’s brought up
Even if that is true /lig/ already makes itself look bad without him in the equation
You are the schizo, and you're poisoning the well trying to turn /flip/ against /big/ even though this split was made for much the same reason, getting away from the /lig/ cesspool you love so much.
Do you guys think the significant age gap between Padme and Anakin in the prequels is what spawned Filians lust for younger boys?
nah, probably all the dubious cougar porn
the catbox audio isn't working anon. link seems to be dead
Works on my machine
Let's say, hypothetically speaking of course, you have successfully gotten Filian to go on several dates with you and know for certain she finds you attractive. Assuming she's as autistic and touch repellent irl as she presents herself on stream, how do you make the first move?
I’d try to slowly break down the physical touch barrier on dates and not force anything or even invite her back to my place but keep demonstrating interest and inviting her to things
>>87345505 (me)
you gotta be careful about not inviting her to spend the night though because she might say yes because she feels like that’s the normal thing to do but not actually want to and then you’re fucked and it’s gonna end super awkwardly 9 times out 10
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Man I remember making this. It's got to be close to 2 years old.
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I type "flip" in the catalog because it filters down to /flip/ /lig/ and /BIG/ which is all I need
the trifecta
Is the vod worth watching? Did the teeth kill her?
I think the consensus was basically that the first half was above average and the second half was average or below average. I’d recommend watching at least part of it if you got nothing else to do
watch it not because its worth it but because of filly
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Borrowed from her discord
Looks good. I wish I had artistic skill
It's one of those things you can train, but it's frustrating, since when you start off, it looks so horrible that it is very demotivating.
She hasn't used that model in so long
bro just how ugly is she?
She literally used it on her recent collab with SmugAlana (first hour of the stream)
She should use it more often.
She was the one that requested to skip if I understood it right. Not feeling like going through the vod though
Fair enough. I want more lil fil, her using more of Rindo's outfits and Gilian to come back
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My favourite interaction
Cute autistic waddle
It's nice that her friends let her play too even though she refused to engage in the only meaningful part of the game.
I mean even if you’re the virgin getting skipped at least you’re getting invited to partied
tweet unavailable?
holy abomination
I hate this interaction
choose love not hate bro
lets go
Bros, is it legal to form an LLC under an assumed name/pseudonym?
depends on state law I think. but I don’t know.
In the United States, forming an LLC under a pseudonym or assumed name is possible in a way, but it involves a few legal considerations:

1. LLC Name: The actual name of the LLC must be registered with the state where you’re forming the entity. You cannot register the LLC under a completely fake name, as the LLC’s name must be available and comply with state regulations. However, you can register the LLC under a name that doesn’t directly identify you.
2. Privacy: If you’re concerned about privacy, some states offer more anonymity for LLC members. States like Delaware, New Mexico, and Wyoming are known for allowing more anonymity when forming LLCs, meaning your personal information (name, address) might not be required to be publicly listed.
3. Doing Business As (DBA): You can form an LLC under one name and operate the business under an assumed or trade name, known as a “Doing Business As” (DBA). The DBA allows you to use a different name for business purposes, though the LLC’s registered name will still exist legally.
4. Required Legal Information: When forming an LLC, certain legal documents like the Articles of Organization, as well as tax documents, will need to list your real name or that of a registered agent for service of process. So while the LLC can have an assumed name for branding, your legal identity may still be required behind the scenes.
5. Registered Agent: You could use a third-party registered agent service to help keep your personal identity out of public records, which adds a layer of privacy.

In summary, while you can’t use a purely fake identity to form an LLC, you can form one under a name that doesn’t reveal your identity to the public, especially if you use privacy-friendly states and services.
That doesn't look like a reputable source of legal advice

Now this is what I'm talking about. Nothing bad ever comes from trusting 4chan for sensitive legal information
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How can you say something like this?
fricken haters smdh
that's a man
So wait, people are schizoing that Fil is in Florida, but doesn't she put up stream times in PST, which would strongly imply california?
time zones can easily be faked
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At this point people suggest pretty much anything for her location. California, Texas, Florida, Vancouver and so on. She might as well live in bumfuck nowhere in Wyoming. Only thing that is known is that she used to live in New Brunswick and then she moved somewhere. Imo trying to guess with the info at hand is pointless
Man I Love Filian
wtf bro same
you havent been smacking to me... have you, snackers...?
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no, never
yeah, all day all night
speaking of:
new 100$ fansly and 10$ bundle.
Can't buy it myself until 2 weeks
Take a seat, m'lady, my mouth is open for you
Too sick to smack
She got off easy...
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*cums on her fluffy ears*
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The $10 bundle is old junk, it’s already been released. As for the video, let’s hope it’s not a scam like the last two
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That's kind of annoying but I guess I'll have to cross check the archives with her new posts if she's going to recycle old stuff :/
>does a 540 flip
>plants her forest on your face
This frick drank her own teeth, look at her being so proud of it
we love smug fricks here
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she survived
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editor working on overtime for new wife vids
epic fail.....
This is a grown woman btw.
She keeps reusing her fansly pics zzzzzzzz
another filAIn collab would be fun
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I know, it's great, I love her
What should she do with the extra condoms?
see how much stuff she can stuff into one.
We should make a punishment for her to put condom on the part of peeled banana take a bite of this part then chew and swallow this banana part only removing a condom out of her mouth once finishes with banana. Would make a great clip desu and thats kinda hot but not TOS
that stuff? my semen
Is this the 20% increase?
If only there were more like her
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look at this cool fanart of filian i found :D
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>satan trips
I'm sorry mam!
this filian looks weird
I will be the one who gets to lick her belly
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Is there really no female Filian cosplay?
There are Fatlian cosplays. She has a huge following, but very few die-hard fans
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Too many normie fans is a curse I guess
Why don’t you cosplay then
I'm a man.
Also I'd have to charge for that kind of content
You could shave one butt cheek and make bank from dumb smackers
I probably have the right complexion, but I have no gyatt
Maybe one of you nerds can explain to me why I am so entertained by this creature, even though I am absolutely not part of the target demographic? I really don't understand, I shouldn't enjoy this nonsense
For me I think I’m basically turned on by the fact that she’s so confident she just pretends to be retarded all day long and humiliates herself in front of people with basically zero complaints
it’s simple really, you have good taste
Hyperactive tomboys are simply the best it's only natural
I did marry a tomboy, so you may be onto something
Damn. Jealous
I missed most of the collab. Did Alana breast boobily?
I miss fil-i-an uuuuuuuuuuu
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redpill me on "Deme"
I don't know her but I'll find out soon I guess.
>we've been compared in the past
She knows
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Please do some research beforehand for the benefit of the thread anon. I want that report on my desk by 9 AM tomorrow
AKSCHUALLY they'v met already in a cottontail stream
How are they comparable? On first look this Deme chick looks like average semi-lewd Vtuber like Snuffy or Saru
Her own chat would compare them whenever she appeared on screen during eye tracker streams, it's not that deep
Squ should cosplay Filian and upload it to OF
yes its satire but it still exists and some people took it seriously
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holy shit no way
Whoever in previous thread said about hiding millionaire status from family being greedy and selfish, you are wrong.
Not flaunting your money or success is one of the smartest things lest you want to find yourself amidst the legion of suddenly appearing family members and friends nagging and begging you for money (in best case)
> success is one of the smartest things lest you want to find yourself amidst the legion of suddenly appearing family

Yeah thats called being selfish anon, I don't know how can this evade you... Her friends know she is a streamer at least close ones,
hiding your wealth from your close family is nothing but a shitty and selfish behaviour unless there is a good reason for that.
Not wanting to deal with your close people asking for money is not a good reason.
She can retire her parents that raised her, dressed her, fed her all her life, its called gratitude. And all random people popping off aking for money can be ignored, she is not a child she runs multimillion business, she can say no.
Not everyone has a perfect family anon, money can sour things pretty badly, and it's not like you know anything about the situation.
haha this snacker is so dumb L bozo
Yeah money can sour relationships quickly. Lots of shitty people out there that think they're owed something.
None of this changes the fact that hiding her wealth is a shit thing to do unless there is a good reason.
If the only reason being her not wanting to deal with needy family members its a horrible an dogshit reason.
You owe help to your parents unless they are actual scumbags, as someone with possibilities you have a duty to help your close family and even if her family is well off her kinda money could really help them with a lot of things.
So, if her relationships with her family are good and the main reason why she doesn't want to disclose her wealth is not wanting to share her money that makes her a shitty person.
But yes we do not know the exact reason why, so this is just my statement to who she is IF my theory is correct not the statement to how it factually is right now.
The only thing Filian owes anyone is sex with me
I can't do that I uhhhh I just spilled some soda on my keyboard woopsie daisies.
I think you’ll find that she owes me 10000 blowjobs (swallow)
>not part of the target demographic?
ojisan? heh, youre home now..
Access to someone else's finances is not a right you possess. Whether someone is hiding their wealth or open about their wealth it's not anyone's business but the owner of that wealth. It's their money. They get to choose what to do with it; that includes telling people about it.

I earn a lot of money. Are you entitled to copies of my bank statements? Why aren't you disclosing how much money you make? Why are you being a shitty person? Chill the fuck out, sperg. There's thousands of reasons why someone would choose to be discreet with their finances, and the overwhelming majority of those reasons have nothing to do with morality. It's simply a prudent decision to avoid introducing a complication to a relationship. If you have a strong suspicion that someone will change how they behave around you because they know how much money you make, you're naturally incentivized to avoid discussing money.

You act like someone who has always been on the beggar side of this dynamic, and never on the prosperous side.
Filian's TD is men between ages of 16-35 with very limited opposite sex experience
there are so many horror stories of families leeching off of the success of their kids in sports
can't blame her for not wanting be taken advantage of
see the 291st rule of acquisition
Guess that makes us /flip/pers outliers
i was gonna write a lengthy shitpost about your moral grandstanding/virtue signaling, but i lost interest, so im just gonna call you a faggot instead.
sure am excited about anons wanting to have the last word in this completely retarded argument though >>87403265
>Access to someone else's finances is not a right you possess

Never said you posses any right or access, I said you owe help to your family if you well off, which is a completely different thing, don't twist my words to make a meaningless point.

>Whether someone is hiding their wealth or open about their wealth it's not anyone's business but the owner of that wealth

Selfish shitty excuse by a manchild who doesn't understand the duty to his family.

>I earn a lot of money. Are you entitled to copies of my bank statements?

Completely irrelevant rant that has nothing do to with this conversation, we are not related, if you struggling with guilt because you feel like you don't help your family enough go figure it out with your therapist, it has nothing to do with my points.
We don’t know filian’s family situation anon, maybe they deserve help, maybe they’re assholes, who knows
Amount of hedonistic manchidlren in this thread who think a basic thing like owning a duty and gratitude to your parents is a " moral grandstanding and virtue signaling" is depressing, feel sorry for your family.
>you owe
That's insistence that they're entitled to it, as in they have a right to it. You cry like someone who has a rich family member and they're not giving it to you as thanks for the coincidence of being born in the same family. You are the epitome of a family member that gets nasty and cancerous after someone in the family dies and you think you deserve the shit you never earned. You drive grief stricken people to despair because of your disgusting greed.
>>87403723 (me)
well actually I think we kinda do know and they’re probably dicks
Not any of the guys in that reply chain but yeah, some people literally know nothing but to ask for handouts. They'll bleed the system dry if possible, and they unironically think they're in the right. One of my brothers is like this. Good I'm poor and a semi neet too, heh ;^) but I never ask for free shit. People like that carry a lot of resentment and blame others for their failures. They never ever change and that is the worrying part, if someone in your family was like that and you were a wealthy person it'd be a nightmare, dude. btw narc parents exist and they're one of the most hellish upbringings a person can experience
>That's insistence that they're entitled to it, as in they have a right to it

No, its having a moral obligation to do something anon... Like you have a comprehension of a child or you intentionally strawmaning my point because you made a stupid rant and want to make it look less stupid?

>You cry like someone who has a rich family member and they're not giving

No I am by far the most successful person in the family and I help them all I can, I know the only way for you to argue here is to present me as some sort of beggar because otherwise you have to admit that you not being thankful to your family that raised you and not helping them when you easily can is not a "morally good choice" but the case of you just being a selfish, hedonistic manchild with no gratitude, so you gotta attack my character instead to devaluate my argument through ad hominem attack... sad really.
NTA but you’re not going to change someone’s mind on this with words on 4chan
I honestly know that, its jus really depressing to see that the current generation being such a bunch of ungrateful manbabies who believe they owe nothing to their family and have no duties.
My SiL was like this, it got messy.
You can frame it any way you please, but when you distill away all of the extraneous bullshit there's only one thing left- you think other people have a right to someone else's money. You think it's up to you to determine where someone else's money goes. You are wrong. I told you point blank already. Filian's money is her money. Both the consequences and responsibility of that money fall squarely on her shoulders and only her shoulders. The right to choose what to do with it is hers and hers alone. That includes more than simply the decision of how to spend it. It includes the responsibility of determining who is trustworthy enough to know the details of how much she earns. Not everybody is trustworthy as I've demonstrated. You're not open with your finances here because your money is not our business.

Your critical mistake is refusing to acknowledge that your family is not fucking identical to every family on this planet. Your inability or refusal to acknowledge that her experiences may differ from your own is legitimately an earmark of autism.

You're acting like a fucking boomer that intends to drain the wealth from his children. If you're a parent and you're not doing everything you can to lessen the burden of your children you're a despicable human being. The fact that you're trying to lecture people about morality when you would take food from your child's mouth is absurd. Go fuck yourself. I hope I never see you in /flip/ again.
She was funny. Answered most of the questions. I like her
No, you just finding excuses of why you are justified to spend money on things you want instead of what your family that raised you needs.
You pretend like I am this and I am that because you can not address an actual argument I made, If you are really well of and you can drastically help your family with your excess wealth but you decide not to do that because you are greedy and ungrateful no matter how many times you repeat your mantra of " my money" to yourself you are objectively a shitty person, a shitty child and a an ungrateful asshole and I pity your family.
>If you are really well of
You're assuming she is. You don't know her finances. You can only speculate.
>you can drastically help your family
You're assuming she can. You don't know her family. You can only speculate.
You must be Chinese or something. I know her name is Filian, but that doesn't mean she subscribes to your autistic culture of filial piety. I'll repeat myself once more. Not every family is like your family. Not every parent deserves anything they ask for from their children. Some parents deserve to be set on fire. You don't know anything about Filian. You're just here to talk shit like she's a bad person because you're assuming she's unwilling to help her family financially. You have nothing to substantiate this accusation. If you're going to talk so much shit then do so with more than just "I gave her money and I don't know what she's doing with it other than blowing it on gift subs".
>You're assuming she is. You don't know her finances. You can only speculate.

Brother are you retarded? We talking about Filian? She makes around 40-70k from subs alone in one moths probably her monthly revenue is over 6 figures

>You're assuming she can. You don't know her family.

Even if her family is well off there is a plenty things she can do with her wealth to assist them drastically.

>You must be Chinese or something

That made me laught, no I am just understanding that you owe help to your family if you can help them, its like bottom of the barrel 101 morals dude, no idea what China has to do with it...

>Not every family is like your family. Not every parent deserves anything they ask for from their children.

As I said it a billion times retard, my whole point is build on presupposition that her family is normal, tho I mentioned like a hundred times in EVERY message that if they are bad people then she doesn't owe them anything, like I genuinely starting to believe you have a reading comprehension difficulties.
But nonetheless, if we are going off the whole theory that her prime motivation is desire not to share with her NORMAL family and greed then it is a morally bad thing to not help them, this point you for some reason have a huge issue with, if you struggling with your own problems because you know that you not helping your family when you can and that makes you feel like a piece of shit then go see a therapist and go start fucking helping them.

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