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The 266th Wind



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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous thread: >>87314955
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Cece sex
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there's this tea that I can't handle at all... it's called reality
wife is joining!
>no stream
I sleep
CC is with Mori and FWMC
i will never get over the fact that fwmc are way older than ceci
wtf i was waiting for her on biboo's stream. Did i miss something
You missed everything
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Mori party only has her and FWMC so CC probably want help them out
proof she's not evil entry #2
FWMC wriggling when CC does her club beat sound is cute
>joins the group with Fuwawa "the evil twin" Abyssgard
if anything this proves otherwise
I don't think she sobered up
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Made one of these a short while ago. Breddy gud. Not something I'd drink often but would be nice every once in awhile. The cucumber flavor comes through a lot more than I expected.
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it's just like me 2 hours ago!
Despite winging it she does alright with the flavor combos
>assisting the needy so they feel indebted to you
She’s playing the long con.
I think she was inspired by this: http://www.cookindineout.com/2015/05/cocktail-green-tea-and-cucumber-gimlet.html
It's the same thing without the Sprite.
I mean sprite is just a simple syrup replacement in that case
True. I took a sip of it before adding the Sprite and it was pretty potent so it also helps tone it down a bit as well.
Kronii likes Ceci’s jokes kek
which pov
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Come here Otomo....
She’s been with calli the whole time
she's been swapping between calli and kiara. going to kiara when she needs stuff
The birds are attacking CC
fucking ototori man
they did it!
They did it ! The spike tactic is definitely op
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They are making fun of drunk CC
>35 enemy kills
hey at least she's not last....
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What did I miss?
just use cucumber liqueur? I don't want actual chunks of fruit near my drink, unless it's sliced and placed on the rim garnish, or separately in a bowl to eat.
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*Cecilia eating sfx*
Immerheim über alles!
Everytime CCGG meet up, they argue
that's their dynamic
>CC being useless in the party
Why is she like this?
just like us!
she was drinking
close enough
ceci is alone with the hot trader right now
CC gone, TV off!
going to bed or awakening up?
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Enemies to lovers...
You muddle it and strain the pulp after shaking, but cucumber liquor or juice would work as a substitute I guess.
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Finally I can eep
If you have good ice like CC you can just shake it hard instead of muddle memeing, but I get it if you like the ritual
They attempt to beat their previous world record speedruns of enemies to lovers every time they collab.
Which POVs for Ceci?
by the end of next year:
till the end, then Fauna/Kiara for the rest
I don't have big chunks of ice no.
CC on Moom's!
She's literally incapable of skipping any opportunity to hang out with hololive friens. Absolute madwomen.
Good lookin' out
fruit punch is code
at least link....
I'm on mobile... too lazy...
Gugugaga *I* am the baby
CC will never let me sleep
why do they always fuck up the pit ball joints... god fucking damnit
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I'm so sleep deprived I don't even feel tired anymore....
We've never actually seen her pits and her shoulders are oddly shaped for a doll
Just opened mumei’s stream how much did I miss
cute cute cute
~15 minutes
She's gone...
exit again
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Thank you!
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First time?
Roblox arc is officially over?
Looks like I missed all of it...
Except Mumei barely streams. You get plenty of sleep.
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Back to eeping
aren't like owls nocturnal?
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love your oshi hootie? hooman? mooman? I hope they do more collabs together
That one is
WAKE UP WAKE UP!!! she's on my stream
Thank you. Ceci is great but there are only so many hours in a day to watch..
I have not a fucking clue how Moomans made it past even the most basic QA.
ceci should get this drum sound effects for when she tells her jokes
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We're sleeping for real now right
>I won't be joining
Fine I go to sleep
>I rested a bit so I'll join
Fine, I'll stop watching 7dtd then
I'm developing a mild paranoia right now, she could be anywhere...
Wake up otomo there’s a geurilla stream
Get some meds
She's doing a guerilla member stream rn
imagine a gorilla members
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I can't belie-wait a second! lol
I don't like meds, they're bitter when I chew them...
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you're gonna have to take suppository ones
I love this silly german woman so much... she's such a dork
this is revenge for fauna
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i can't sleep...
It's 8AM the sun is rising beautifully, wake up anon it's time for a brand new day full of fomo
Eh, without her POV it's CC speaks every 2 minutes in the distance and you have no idea what she's talking about experience and she doesn't tryhard in these events so it's not like you are missing much.

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