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birthday next week!

>Latest & Upcoming
Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w/community?lb=UgkxK6r2LC00TNlB7tBkjVe1MVkDWX_mMI6z
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice

>Recent Streams:
TCG simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_IFMvjKD4I
Unarchived karaoke can be found here: >>86914123

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>87254371
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Eat the eGGs. All of them.
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depreciated schedule
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daily reminder:
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>Gigi got smooched by Fauna during the trading card game
>The shoebox now has a floral scent to it
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eagerly awaiting my turn
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sh-she's fast!
I really love hololive and the girls
this is a good take. personally, though, i especially love Gigi
She is the chaser after all
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i love when her little yapper icon randomly lights up when she's silent. looks so funny
>Autistically chopping trees nonstop quietly in the corner
Why is she like this?
she's dedicated to the bit, please understand
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You’re confused why the girl who sang the same song for 8 hours is committed to a bit?
she's just hard at work gathering resources for her wives
you need a lot of wood to satisfy multiple wives, after all
I wasn't trying to be mean about it. I think it's goofy and cute.
nah you're good, i knew you were just bantering
YOU'RE goofy and cute
Alright Grem, meet me at Gigi's first Meet & Greet and we'll dress up as Gigi and go make out in front of her. We'll get to hear the spats getting ripped off instantly from her.
no you have to start off by fighting each other then midway through stop and start kissing eachother
Shit you're right!
I think it would be easier to just dress up as the shin impact gays.
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JGH is GG playing right now? Which POV to watch?
yes, fauna or biboo
I think she is with Fauna and Biboo most of the time
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Alrighty thank you giggers
wtf the spikes are too op
shiori went all out with the fortress of autism
just like her virginity
domestic violence
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Gigi cute!
it's over...
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7, I eat so good today
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Gi Night Grems
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She doesn't have it in her schedule, but i am happy that she might still play tomorrow.
easy 4
4 for me. happy to see the wife as always, but i was so eepy today. i was napping during most of the 7d stream
11. Got home too late but heard wife's voice so I'm mostly satisfied
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She's loving it and it's been a lot of fun.
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Today was a good day.
we still don't know what her birthday event is gonna be or it's scale but as far as guests go this is how its feeling

>99% guaranteed

>Good chance

>"I'll come if I can"
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I feel a lot of the girls (Fauna and Kiara especially) are having more fun and playing this game BECAUSE of Gigi. The power of Gigi is too strong. I'm looking forward to the girls lining up to have collabs with Gigi next week.
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Yeah I got that feeling too. She just has a positive effect on anyone she collabs/plays with since she's so approachable, funny and takes everything in stride. As such she has a very easy time making others feel comfortable around her. It's a very good quality to have. She took a mostly mute and awkward Nerissa and turned her into a happy chatterbox simply by being her usual bubbly and cute gremlin self.
She's really one of a kind and, in my opinion, the best hire in years. I love this adorable dork of a gremlin so much and I will always support her!
As someone who's been watching Kiara, she loves when someone can give back a little and comes to a collab with some energy. It's not that EN are all wet noodles, but Myth had 3 semi-quiet people so it's nice for her to have someone who can match her a bit. Add in that she's actually steaming at a terrible time to make sure she can be there when everyone else is. I'm glad Gigi and Kiara are getting some fun collab time together.
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Liz will show up, she's always on Gigi's chat and sometimes spamming there too
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i fell asleep and had a silly gigi dream
>She took a mostly mute and awkward Nerissa and turned her into a happy chatterbox
i think this is because gigi made and maintained alot of female friendships. which isn't something amazing or extraordinary, until you notice how almost every other chuuba behaves like the shy outcast who "likes anime so that makes them weird" archetype.
gigi is like the friendly, socially aware, quirky girl who happens to like anime/vtubers because it's adjacent to her real hobby: kpop and melodrama.
i also had a weird dream this morning... about parkour civilization because i had it playing overnight
lmao my dream also had some parkour. some sketchy dude was trying to kidnap gigi, and i was chasing him through a giant mall, sliding down railings and stuff. i saved her before i woke up, so it was a good dream
i think that's downplaying it a bit too much. if she's able to take someone who's known for being awkward and basically a dead fish in most collabs and basically making her as chatty as herself if not moreso then that's pretty impressive. but keep downplaying it i guess
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Gigi cute!
gigi and mumei collabing on monday
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Guys. I got free membership for month when I was watching CC drunk Sekiro.
I am not grem anymore. I am Gretomo!
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Welcome aboard.
we are going to eat you first when the marshmallows and ham and pineapple pizza runs out
How can you eat me when I am in armor now!
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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
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Gigi Cute!
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No Gigi day! Well maybe for 7dtd
This might be one of the better no Gigi days because my Gigi might still appear. I live in hope.

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