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Sexy Pirate Edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>87167274
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Thank you for the thread! I love cute boys!
Congratulations Gale on the 3D!
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Thanks for baking! Captain love
I need to sleep but my head and heart are too full of cute sexy pirate
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Thanks for the thread!
Btw congrats to pipsqueak, your captain was adorable!
I'm excited for other Avallum boys in 3d too! More cute boys in 3d is always a good thing.
Sex with Gale Galleon on top of all the treasure on the ship! We will fuck like bunnies on top of all those coins!
Stay up just a bit more for the after party!

Thank you Bossuposter! I've seen quite a few 3D debuts and skits in my time of watching vtubers and it's nice to witness one that I feel so strongly about and have cheered so hard for. What a wonderful night, thank you all so much for posting with us aaaAAAaAAaaaaaahhhhhh~
Gale 3D After Party!
Vantayu are such cute drunks
He's being so cute....my heart is warm and full. I can thrive off of his laughs and giggles and smile forever.
Oh shit I forgot about that collab tonight AAAAAHHHH CUTE BOY OVERLAP
How drunk are they?
I.....I miss the rat tail....
Sussy drunk with a side of Wilson slurring
Oh God the tsundere face he's using along with the slurred words ....too adorable T o T
>if you're the main character of a story you should just stay away from people
Vanta you're literally in a superhero wave
Gale's right abs.....I want to take a bath with captain!!!
That explains why he's night themed and barely sees anyone
Oh I'll explode all right Gale. All over you

*tight abs
I eepy......
Gale is just too too cute ahhh his giggles
He's so sleepy and wants to go through the supas but is having difficulties..... silly captain, take your time. You deserve a rest after all that. Now he just wants to chat and hang out with us. Cuddling my Peanits-kun plushie so hard right now I love this man dearly.
Rio Karaoke
Gale showing off how dominant he is .......aaaahhh
Hope he had fun at Anime Impulse! Ooh starting off with FMA:B
Wait I just realized ...the next 3D is on a Sunday while Gale's happened on a Saturday. Could that mean.....?
No.....it can't be.
I'm hanging out with friends on Saturday so I hope not lol.
Oh my God stop enabling the genderbend fags they're so obnoxious
gale put on a dog collar??
The waiting room says October 20th 9PM EST. Maybe they're doing debuts every other week but still....kinda sus....

Yeah! Check last thread for screenshots!
Tatamaru is live!
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Uggh.....I want to stay up and draw lewds but I have work in the morning...FUCK I'm just going to say it I really fucking miss being a NEET and having more time to draw. I just want to draw lewds of boys but there's barely any time. I want to give them some good lewds instead of having their tags just filled with genderbends, out of context clips, and stick figures. Life sucks. I had fun with the 3D though.....
cute boys!
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Next one up for the Atanaru aong relay is Takao

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