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>What is /tingles/?
/tingles/ is a thread to discuss and find English-speaking vtubers who do ASMR. Be it short audio roleplays or lengthy audio trigger sessions.

>Can I shill my oshi here?
If she does ASMR somewhat regularly at least, sure. The minimum is at least once every other week.

>Can I talk about corpo vtubers here?
As long as they fulfil the above requirements.

>What about lewdtubers?

>What kind of ASMR is the best?
It depends.

>Who's live right now? Any lists?
More lists to come. Probably.

>Friends of /tingles/

Still trying to get this list right. (´・ω・`)

Previous thread: >>87330390
just a crumb... of femdom... please...
even a cocky tomboy...
keep it up zenya i'm gonna coom to the scoreboard
look at those stats baby oh yeah
how is ANYONE supposed to jack off to this
My wife Pillow
just close your eyes man
count down from 60 for me you dirty whore
i remember watching someone start from 100. who the fuck is gonna edge for that long
can you really edge for that long? 20 is the sweet spot for me
bro I can goon for hours how is 60 seconds anything
Xiulan is back in my rotation, thank you Pillow
it's more like 5 seconds each count but also it's reserved at the end when you're about to cum because the earlicks before is the foreplay...
Speaking of countdowns, I've been doing something new where I gather a bunch of r34 stuff from the person doing it and scroll once through the pics after each number. You guys should try it
For me, it is kisses
Yae's latest twitcast fucking sucked
Yeah, me
She's pretty. Who is she?
You can thank Hello Kitty for that
Best way to countdown:
Have a significant pause between numbers, with larger pauses the further it goes. I like it best when the countdown lasts at least 2 minutes; usually streamers blow through it too quickly. She can also repeat the same number several times for unpredictability. These things build tension.
Also, stop at 0, not 1.
how do you feel about multiple zeros?
>Also, stop at 0, not 1.
ENs get this wrong all the time, drives me nuts.
if they go past zero into the negatives, do you have to put the cum back in?
you swallow
piapiufo both yt/tw, but that's a booth body
her normal look is a bit more cartoony
How was the parade? I've slept to Mischief instead of deciding to listen to the whole thing. Were there more RP or there were actually ASMR that contained triggers.
Oh, I was triggered all right.
somebody was asking about good vods with intimate kisses/earlicks and a cute voice. This is probably my favorite EN vod for that
kind of a clusterfuck, missed the end I think
appreciate the effort, but maybe something a bit more focused next time
Yeah, it felt like more of free advertisement, especially after knowing some of the ASMR from there is their first time.
I had to leave during shiki, but I think essie was my fav from the girls I saw for the parade
Mine was Xiulan then Essie. Fuyo's would have been perfect if she took it seriously and then I left during Yae. Special mention for Strawb because of the nice tappies.
Awful if you intend to sleep or relax, one girl might make you relax and the next one will be loud as fuck. It's ok if you want a quick way to check on a bunch of girls but honestly only a handful were somewhat decent.
im gunna listen to mischiefs VOD now while I go to bed, shes really cute
More a showcase of ASMR chuubas with scattered themes and volumes
Also a fucking tranny which was incredibly disappointing
>showcase of ASMR chuubas
There were only about 4 of those from all 48 chuubas who participated. The vast majority have never touched asmr
I think most of the girls there didn't even have a binaural mic
eepy hours upon us
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I need Yuuna to do more ASMR now
Anyone have an archive of pikon's 2nd channel? She nuked it recently.
Something to pass some time.
Need these entitled twitch asmr vtuber to start with some nsfw asmr.
Lewnabun's always so nice to listen to. She doesn't go on a very long yapping segment or does it while doing other triggers
I do not mind yapping as long as they don't forget they are sitting in front of a binaural microphone.
Too many yappers on twitch just chat and do some trigger from their chats remed channel points.
A lot does that but some of them were nice with their triggers but unfortunately they tend to go on a long segment of yapping without doing triggers
Same yapping is fine as long as they don't forget they're doing an ASMR stream. I like the redeems since I can spam my favorite triggers if it's available or just spam redeems if they're yapping for too long.
big fan, really

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