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What is going on between these two? I myself don't sense any animosity between them but things are, at very least clearly akward. Give your best rrats.
Fauna rejected Kronii's sexual advances. That's literally all. If someone said no when you start grabbing her boob you would feel a little awkward after that too.
>Concept meant to be paired with Sana.
>Fans ship her with Fauna and Mumei.
>She feels comfortable with Kaela.
Fauna is an awkward bitch who never shows her real emotions on stream so they confuse her behavior for animosity.
Fauna prefers solo streaming, it's nothing personal. Even in group collabs like ENreco, 7 Days, she prefers to talk to saplings until others invite her to do things
Kronii finally managed to see Fauna naked and was shocked to see that she's shaved.
Kronii likes girls with some bush and this has made things more awkward than just "saw coworker you kinda got a thing for naked"
Could've fooled me with how much fun she can have in 1-on-1 collabs. The CC one not too long ago was great and she clearly had a good time. Even when CC was giving her chances to end the stream after a couple of hours, Fauna didn't take them.
I guess it's more accurate to say instead of preferring solo, that she prefers not to invite people. It's the same for Kronii, which is why you never see them in a 1-on-1.
It's more of holomem just like talking to CC and GG in general. They're just easy to get along to regardless of heir own tism
I have actually avoided her collab streams because I was afraid of it being a 3 hour stream with 5 people talking all at once.
But then I saw her first EnReco stream and she was just building her house alone.
She really is the perfect streamer.
tbqf that would be devastating, Fauna would go perfectly with hairy pits
I could go with the entire 'seasonal' trend with I'm not sure if Winter to go full fluff because of naturally animals going full fluffy to keep the heat in or it being a jungle in the summer because of plants fully in bloom.

Does lead to the barren time Summer if aiming to mimic animals or Winter if aiming to mimic animals.
kronii homocollabed, stars is a mistake
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I don't care about hairy pits but hair around the butthole turns me into a monke
Here's my best rrat you retarded failed abortion. Your mother is a whore who fucks dogs and horses for a living. Any thoughts on that, cunt?
What happened in shit tier corpos now to make schizos like OP to sperg out?
I think you're being mean :(
I don’t know, probably some shipfag shit causing issues yet again.
How many times are you gonna recycle this question?
based hair enjoyers
t. doesnt watch streams
>b-but discord told me
thats not the problem, its kronii who hates fauna. we know fauna tried to bury the hatchet
>lesbian sex once
>more offcollabs
>Cinema dates
>that moment in the getting over it battle
>get into a lesbian relationship
>Japan August 2023
>Fauna has a lot of recordings
>Fauna denies Kronii sex due to being exhausted from recordings
>Kronii goes drinking with Mori
>Kronii and Fauna have a feud
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Fauna is straight white woman. Kronii needs to keep her Korean dog hands to herself.
>I don't sense any animosity between them
kys sister
Not sure is it ever got to them having sex. The current akwardness resembles one sided crush, where other party is aware but feigns ignorance.
Definitely something is going on behind the scenes. I thought I would see some krofau today but kroni ditched right after some awkward interactions.
who cares, Fauna is with a better girl now
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Kronii is going through something rn. I doubt it has anything to do with Hololive and probably to do with her dysfunctional family
Fauna is everything Kronii isn't. Years of bitterness must have finally boiled over... It's a good thing they keep this feud to themselves without involving anyone else though.
His mother is kronii?
Fauna just realized Kronii's true nature so she distanced herself from a shitty person. I truly hope Kronii gets closer to everyone so they can all realize she deserves to die alone
EnReco was super comfy. Unfortunately the 7D2D streams are really exhausting because Fauna is always grouped up with Kiara and Gigi
I wish she would either play solo or pair up with someone a bit more quiet next time
Gigi is fine, the problem is Kiara constantly bringing Mori along too for maximum schizo rambling and banshee screeching. 7DTD is the most boring arc in the history of holoEN
This. Gigi knows how to keep the ball rolling and plays into bits but Kiara is just rambling about most boring shit imaginable. I'm surpriced she hasn't brought up normie tv slop like rings of power or some other shit.
She did, she tried to shill it to Fauna
>krofau dead
>kromei dead
>faumei dead
It's overonii
>faumei dead
in your dreams, the only issue is nijirissa inserting herself in every single faumei collab
Fauna ate all of Kronii's bread and now she's mad.
She raped her during the Christmas collab
If Krofau or Kromei don't return in some capacity before one of them graduates I'm hanging myself
Just do it now
kronies pointing the cuck finger at anyone else is hilarious
>faumei dead
When was this? I haven't caught up yet, plese tell me she said no.
Isn't this the girl that grifts with GFE and calls her fans husbands?

Jesus that's cuckmaxxing KEK
Either day one or day 2, I don't remember and I don't care to find the exact timestamp because listening to kiara is torture. Fauna didn't give a concrete answer iirc but kiara was very adamant about it
yup. she baits her little cucks with gfe so they pay up, she actually hates her pedo fans and just milks them like an ATM. truly the most cucked fanbase on vt
Kronii was eventually tamed and learned to love her role as an idol. Fauna didn’t. Fauna hates it therefore she hates Kronii as well. It’s just how it is unfortunately.
Kronies trying really hard to snatch the most obnoxious fanbase title from KFP
but that's shoncucks
why are there so many schizos jealous of shondofags having a loving oshi
And it only manifests specifically with fauna? This isn’t the first awkward interaction by any stretch of the imagination.
I don't know but Kronii seems to really despise Fauna enough to outright ignore her on stream. Even had her muted in 7DTD.
They need makeup sex under male guidance. I can do that for them
Least transparent samefag attempt.
>meanwhile advent have all freely molested each other and seen each other naked while on stream even
Imagine how jealous Kronii must be.
The evidence suggests that they met up, fucked and things have been awkward ever since.
ok egg
Why do people post this as if it's something Sondo hasn't fully admitted too and us common knowledge on /vt/ for years?
what a fucking whore
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Twitchcucks have been seething at her for exposing the biased moderation for a while now
Twitchfags seem to think her fans are all unicorns but she's been open about the boyfriend all the time, so they are kind of lost because they don't know how to attack a girl who actually admits to these things(unlike 90% of twitchtubers)
Hmmmm it just happened.
>that moment in the getting over it battle
qrd? I've always heard soemthing happened during their pov, i was too focused on the mubaerys kino to watch that.
imagine if fauna had been on myth or advent. fauna lucks out and ends up being on the quietest gen. which is ironic because shes not loud but she yaps like crazy
Unironically one of the two wasn't ok with being just friends. Or Fauna tried to rape her.
I'm not arguing that Fauna and Kronii don't avoid each other, but some of the comments about 7d2d in this thread show people didn't watch it. Yes, Kiara tried to push Lord of the Rings. I think Mori is going to have to watch it now. But yesterday Fauna was happily interacting with others, and she's been streaming very late hours for her. She might be enjoying the game.
she pushed rings of power specifically, important distinction
its been made very clear in the past few months that Fauna has no problem with Kronii. In every collab she has tried to interact with Kronii at least once, usually a couple of times and every time Kronii just either ignores her completely or goes "heh yea" and then moves on
Mori admitted she didn't remember much about the movies. I'm sure Kiara will make her rewatch them.
>She might be enjoying the game.
This game is dogshit though. I don't think I can take 3 more days of this.
Good news! You don't have to watch. Bae is streaming Yakuza tonight!
He's probably being forced to watch the streams at gunpoint or something.
most feminine woman vs. most masculine woman
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Yeah, I only watched her pov, and she is always the last one to log out alongside Kiara, Biboo, and GG. She also chatted on GG stream today, which was pretty cute. Thanks Mori for the box game.
A night of incredibly terrible sex, Fauna can barely look at Kronii after that fiasco
>gigi interactions
>but also ki*ra
hell of a monkey paw
you first egg
Kronii just sucks with her man voice
ngl Kronii concerns me in more than one ways
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It sucks that Kiara is in the game from beginning to end, constantly glued to Fauna's side. Watching Fauna's stream, it's 70% just Kiara's irritating voice and asinine comments. Why couldn't she just have latched on to someone else? I watch the streams because I love Fauna, but holy shit Kiara makes it so hard to enjoy them
man I'm so happy I'm not the only one
>Fauna ignores everyone in 7DTD!
>Actually she doesn't
>Adjusts his shitposting angle
Desperate today aren't we?
Same here
Discordniggers hate when HoloEN has kino back to back and the fact the EN branch is only inclining drives them insane.
Maybe it's kino if you're a kfcuck glad people are forced to interact with kiara
Kiara ruins everything with her ME ME ME ME
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Case in point
Pure seethe, man, being a holoCHAD is awesome.
nice stolen image kfcuck
how did this turn into anti-ing kiara
She has spent almost the entirety of 7D2D talking with Gigi and Kiara anon, this is just not true
so is there anywhere on the internet that you can talk about hololive without 9/10 posts being trolls/idiots?
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Cheers brother. To another 100 years of total Holo domination.
kfp like making everything about themselves like kiara
I think Fauna's just jealous of IRyS getting along with Kronii
prechat, maybe generals
Well, not the catalog, that's for sure. Nijiniggers ruined it for everyone by yabbing too fucking hard, global and generals are your options on 4chan and in both you are gonna need to learn how to ignore or filter schizos.
my oshi's general is full of this shit, too. it's hard to ignore when it's almost every post.
I'm fortunate enough to browse generals that know how to single out schizos, they do get a little overwhelming sometimes
Last stream conclusively showed Fauna didn't ignore Kronii, she even responded to what Kronii said aloud. Kronii however completely ignored everything Fauna said. So their "feud" or whatever is entirely one-sided.
That is true... Or at least it was, everything changed after the TTRPG collab when she got to know GiGi better.
she wants her so bad
Their banter was great. I liked them much more that either of them alone with Mumei. Kronii may have fallen a bit for Fauna after the off collab closet ASMR, but Fauna already has a bf, so it ended up being a proto Sally situation. Shame really.
Kronii* already has a bf
>I don't think I can take 3 more days of this.
Then go sit in the corner while we watch it then, lmao no one fucking cares.
Blame Kiara, he's obviously trying to turn everyone against eachother so they only like HER
Obviously kfp wouldn't care that their whore ruins other members' content
>Kronfau schizo thread
>Turns into Kiara seethe
Youre not slick
Kronfau schizos are just about as insane as kfp so I'm not surprised
Yeah, her hand.
Not for kronii, her free chat is just a bunch of people circle jerking each other
I think the rrat about Fauna and Kronii avoiding each other is mostly an exaggeration but it's obvious that a lot of bad stuff has been going on with HoloEN management which is stressing them out. That likely has put most of them into a bad mood which only got worse when they found out that Ame was leaving. I am sure that Fauna has sympathy for Kronii but there are obvious negatives to getting on the wrong side of management since your projects mysteriously fall into development hell.
true love
Fauna have a limit if I remember, She is fine collabing with 1-3 people but past 4 she mostly stay quiet and do her own thing to the point she kinda strays away from the group entirely to talk to chat. It isn't just me but others aswell kinda notice how she will often isolate herself if not given a role which is acts as a leader and even at that she is to much of a pushover to even assert herself with enough people.
My rrat is that Kronii came to comfort Fauna after she broke up. At the time Kronii was still coping with Sally’s marriage and these 2 emotionally unstable bisexuals thought they could rebound off each other. They got serious for a bit but realized it wouldn’t last and it’s been awkward ever since
Prechats are usually discord circle jerks.
Whatever the actual cause, it's been almost a year now and Fauna seems relatively normal. Why is Kronii still acting like a jilted ex?
She’s shy and emotionally stunted. And/or she did something real stupid and feels guilty
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i can tell you whats happening to Fauna :)
This is the less schizophrenic and "reasonable" rrat
Fauna holds nothing against her and it shows, she just wants to move on and keep things professional
For me, Kronii's pride doesn't allow her to cool things down with someone that hurt her, because her feelings were one sided. This is a situation that will only get fixed with them talking for a couple of long hours

Imagine how hard they'll both end up hate/make-up fucking, jesus
Yep, shondocucks are seething again, i'm sorry your menhera whore failed the vibe check.
Not just how hard but how long, Jesus... Hours of raw, violent, emotional sex.
Gotta be one of the clips of all time.
I hate how true this fucking rrat is. When Ame was showing her aquarium Kronni was nerding out hard until Fauna's exhibit. She didn't talk about the axolotl, even avoiding looking at it. Ame (of all people! Ame!) went out her way to talk to Kronni and make it less awkward.
Someone said that the situation is like a breakup inside a friend group, and yeah... I can see it.
I don't know what happened or why, but Fauna at least tries to be civil, while Kronni is getting obnoxious with her attitude.
The sad part is when kronni got emotional about Ame leaving. Imagine what will happen if Fauna leaves. When the realization that a real friend is going away hits her. Man, I was hoping for the Ame moment to awake something inside Kronni, but no. She has the opportunity to spend time with Fauna, but instead is wasting the precious time being petty about god knows what.
Yeah, I'm mad.
>i'm mad
dude, you're too invested in this.
They're actually in a committed relationship with each other so they feel awkward flirting on stream. Only the straight girls are fine with business yuri, the actual lesbians never flirt with the other girls because it's real to them.
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The rrat is not true simply because don't want it to be true. Mind over matter guys, it's just that easy
Kronii is jealous of Fauna giving zero fucks, because Kronii can be easily pressured into doing things by management, and Fauna just does whatever she wants, plus the bare minimum of idol stuff.

Moreover, since videos and non-mandatory trips overseas take quite a bit of money (the talents have to pay for most things themselves,) Fauna might very well be pocketing more dosh at the end of the day even when Kronii is (technically) doing more; and since Fauna is a vegan who isn't fluent in Japanese, even trying to feed her in Japan might be a pain the ass, so maybe management doesn't even *want* to pressure Fauna, which would be pretty much unique to her.
Fauna raped Miko, Kronii raped Pekora and then they took turns raping each other
They're method acting for the upcoming musical, which will have a rift between Promise members (and most likely Krofau themselves) as a plot point.
Kroni got a hotter and better target with raora. she has no time with to deal with your not friend oshi.
This is but a taste of the PekoMiko suffering, the EN side has it relatively good
Kronii vored Fauna and current Fauna is actually a clone born from the egg she laid, which now serves as a reminder of the incident that Kronii tries her best to ignore
Kronii, did you lay this egg?
>mostly an exaggeration
Kronii didn't utter a single word directly to Fauna in over a year.
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damn, respect
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This so much and people who disagree just don't watch stream. Fauna tried many times to interact with her but Kronii is acting like Fauna is a fucking ghost. It's really sad because i like to rewatch their ASMR offcollab stream from time to time (it's fucking kino) and it pains me to say that those days are over
Not /vt/ that's for sure. The worst fucking board on 4chan
Wait what? Circumcision is really mandatory in Indonesia?
PekoMiko are back though
Yeah because she DMs her. During the promise collab she responded on discord to something Fauna said that mumei leaked. They just don't interact on stream.
>I think the rrat about Fauna and Kronii avoiding each other is mostly an exaggeration
The funny thing is that if you look at the overall picture, it starts looking like they avoid each other, but each individual example has a legitimate reason to not yap to each other.
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Congrats you managed to create a rrat even worse than the "Fauna raped Kronii" one.
>amesame off collaboration
>both avoid each other for a year afterwards
>Fauna and kronii off collaboration
>both avoid each other for a year afterwads
>try having a ldr
>try to remove the ld
>end up removing the r
Many such cases
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his rrat is
>they're women
Tried how exactly?
I have no idea what this could possibly mean other than sex. They definitely fucked.
This is where I'm at too. Feels bad. That asmr collab is genuinely one of the best streams they ever did. I think the only way they can even hope to patch this up is a long in-person conversation. But it seems like they are avoiding it.
how many times is bvtm discord gonna try to push this?
There's an upcoming holoen promise musical titled
This is simply an act, a promotion, a meta, a keyfabe beyond proportions
If they hated each other, it's way much easier to just outright avoid each other in collabs by not joining them together OR still act fakey like things are alright so as to not show attention to any tensions between them but nooooo. Its fucking deliberate, they join the same collab, Fauna initiates, Kronii stonewalls her, repeat ad infinitum like wtf. They have a script bro
Kronii plays the jilted wife, Fauna gets to be the good girl
Are saplings behind this rrat that Kronii is doing the stonewalling?
Like when they claimed Kronii didn't tell her something they heard, while listening to her stream?
Big if true. Only problem is that it goes against Hololive's general ethos of unity and cohesion above all else.
It really isn't a rrat if you watch streams, and especially if you've been watching since Council debuted. The rrat is the explanation, not the fact that it's happening. We can plainly see it happening by watching streams and comparing them to past streams.
>She is fine collabing with 1-3 people but past 4
Yea, that's why she functions so well with snot, or whatever the name is now with CC replacing Kronii.
Except that I have been watching streams and see no evidence of Fauna initiating.
Remember the whole trimming nails thing?
I can't believe Kronii went all in with sharp nails and permanently scarred Fauna, just like she did with the retarded dog...
Well your powers of observation must be failing you, because Kronii and Fauna were flirty as fuck before, and now Kronii doesn't even mention Fauna's name, and can barely respond to her in group collabs. For her part, Fauna straight up said that she likes Kronii in her anniversary stream.
This. Silence is deafening on Kronii's part, Fauna at very least acknowledges that Kronii exists.
It wasn't LOTR, it was Rangs of Powah
I can't buy this because Kronii is the worst actress of all time, and because I can't imagine conflict-averse COVER allowing it. Also, it's just kind of stupid. Let's ignore each other all year in a fake conflict just so we can say "gotcha!" in our musical? Honestly most fans are too stupid to even notice, including /here/.
It's obvious kronii got mad at Fauna because she only pretends to be a lesbian
Promise was raping bae and fauna didnt feel up to it. Kronii took that personally.
The lesbian sex rrats are the most fun but the truth is more likely that Kronii is just emotionally immature and won't get over her melty because "betrayal" or whatever her bpd causes her to believe.
They bonded over hating their respective audiences but can't really discuss it on stream.
What conflict is it creating necessarily?

If this really is some sort of elaborate bit for the upcoming musical, it's not much of a rrat to consider this is something they both agreed to do behind the scenes regardless of Cover guidance anyways, and in most cases the average Holofan doesn't want to come across like a fucktard containment breaker sending a supa saying "WHY ARE YOU IGNORING/WHY IS SHE IGNORING YOU?!"

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