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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
-https://cover.lnk.to/SaikyoMegamiUsaPekora (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)
-https://pekora.streamlink.to/PEKORAMDOMBRAIN (on Spotify and others)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/AlibiBunny (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/ZenjinruiUsagikakeikaku (on Spotify and others)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
Renai Nou 「New song」

>>Collab songs
[LADYBABY] Easter Bunny (w/Mito) [NEW]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


PekoNoe ASMR
PekoMoona Offcollab
PekoMama April's Fool 2024

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template
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pekotyan rabu
Goodbye anon
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increase the volume please
I have to be honest that I've never been able to get into any Atlus-developed games except Catherine. Their RPGs just turn me off for some reason.
It can stay up if nobody reports it...
Nousagi know how to keep quiet right?
There's a nousagi janny actually but he doesn't watch every stream so we'll see
Judging by the amount of shitposters who come here & never get deleted, I doubt that.
nice start pekora
I dont trust fairies
that's the protag? looks like shit
Did pre-Peko ever play BD?
dont think so
She did do a sponsored stream for BD2 a few years ago
That was the Octopath gachatrash my dude
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I was referring to this
man I hated what they did to the combat in that game, ruins the whole niche of the game
BD2 system is fucking trash that I stop playing after 10 hours
I'm not getting guruguru, maybe its only on jp side?
fuck you
Im in JP, can confirm. Fuck Youtube.
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All of Japan shit itself
youtube servers performing as well as usual I see
So... this game's plot is going to be Peko leading a revolution against fantasy racism or what?
very likely going to be the point for a bit but I doubt its gonna be that simple
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Why are you like this...?
Me neither
BD and FGO LB6
lol her stats are ruined because she chose luck for her dialogue
can you have different personas/demons for each character in this game?
What system is she playing on? The graphics look kinda Switch bad but I don't think this game is on the Switch
either PS or steam
These retards at Atlus had the brilliant idea to release the game on PS4 and Xbox One as well, thus making their already garbage environmental design even more ugly so as to release some more copies of the game.
I mean I'm used to these kind of jittery graphics on the Switch since it's oldass hardware. I get that JP is terrible at optimizing their multiplatform games on PC though
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damn using his heart as a mic
it looked pretty cool
oh done?
Someone told her treasure mountain got another update
I just got the weirdest ad. It was entirely in Japanese even though I don't live in Japan, but was aimed at my region with prices in dollars. I've never seen something like that before.
jokes aside, there's gonna be another update I saw the models for every member including justice in the files
AI at work anon, probably
chances she will continue playing the game
im not satisfied i want her to play it more
I dont even know if she can do more than 1 frame since this was a sponsorship
so rest day tomorrow?
wouldn't surprise me, she has the other shill the day after and has beena while since last rest
Pekora should play Legacy of Goku for GBA
You mean II right
Obviously she'd play the full series for the full storyline.
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Thank you Kanataso
It ain't over till the fat peko sings (or whispers in this case)
I miss pekotyan...
Tomorrow is probably a rest day...
yeah I know, I'm already missing her in advance
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Have a 4k fake Pekochan to make up for it
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what about this one
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That's an interesting looking fellow
I'm gonna post some peko nipples in a minute
I will remember your sacrifice brother
Damn, some SNITCHsagi got the nipples above removed
There is no nousagi janny. There is a 35p janny that condones Pekora shitposting though. One time the general was filled with Pekora shitposting but when some anon shitposted about Miko in retaliation only the Miko posts were deleted while the Pekora posts stayed up. Was a long time ago but I doubt anything has changed as shitposting still doesn't get deleted here. Doesn't happen as often at least.
Was the Metaphor stream good? About to catch the VOD while I play it myself.
It was alright but she was pretty immersed in the game so not much to say
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I don't trust the Pejizo
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next stream idea
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the watermelon would break first try
We're talking about her head not her ass
How many pairs of glasses has she broken that way, at least 2, right?
pair of glasses and an iphone
I wish I was both of them btw
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True angel
Is it heretical to pray to Kanatan as a deliverer of the goddess blessings?
If it is you can call the pekosition on me
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many jirus
I always assumed the yellowish tint on the light section of the fur was their pee
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Rest day or Sparking Zero, that is the question
honestly she should rest after last week but she might push it
Recording day
ganbare pekotyan
her voice has been fine though, they were mostly short collabs in the end and weren't taxing on her
definitely a rest day then if she's recording until evening
yeah but I worry very easily
Not really a rest day regardless of whether she decides to stream or not
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still riding off this high
It's really cute
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Don-chan is standing there menacingly
that's pekopapa, making sure you treat her properly
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of course, I'm a gentlebune
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Why did she rename the P kora account
she does it every once in a while
it was the day of the Pekoashbaby horror games, as for whats the reference I have no idea
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good night
pekora blanco
at least she is having fun with the recording
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Page 10 peko
Wake up, no frame... I go back to sleep
i guess she still recording
Recording is just my nickname
she did say it would go until at least evening
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koyo tits
No pekora no life
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I have to say, Donchan really is pretty creepy.
My poor, poor Pekochan
what kind of recording are they doing?
Something 3D related I'd assume
Booster pack opening ASMR. She's opened like 10000 booster packs, which is why her arms are tired.
yeah, but man this year supposed to be her relax year but nothing really change that much. busy with sponsored and recording
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PekoFlare frame in 40
After all these years, we finally get PekoFurea
Please be Polka Please be Polka Please be Polka
man thats right before i have to go, but i hope it will be a long session
but i'm so sleepy and tired... why must pekoflare be today of all days
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fake news
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on the 8th day, it happened
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You got your wish!
God bless our Megami
Rejoice anon, you win!
we had that one anon that called the hidden 8th day collab with Flare...
Oh Polka's there too
it's not a taiman anymore........
wtf how did the thumbnail update without me refreshing
It's done that for as longs as I can remember.
So I believe someone said this is a Terrarialike?
Oh man these 2 are gonna bully the rabbit hard
Marine and Noel will join too
i hope they dont get stuck or something
is that possible?
if you equip rings that boost your mining skill, it can cause a bug where you cant move
So is it fpp or fpp?
seems like a weird bug
I seriously doubt that either of them will.
Peko sounds like a little kid with these 2
yeah not only that, your keyboard and mouse are also not responsive
these 3 are fucking dead
i guess having 3 players make the boss easy
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what happens if they fully activate that structure?
you will activate the egg thing and will be told to explore more beyond the wall
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Polka's round head
I thought a big monster might come out
there are more big bosses beyond the wall
you really have to read the item description thoroughly because it help summon the boss in this game
Is this a long game like Terraria or can they brute force it in one sitting?
this game is pretty big. after you defeat the bosses and activate the statue you will unlock new era which is bigger. plus most of their time will be spent mining to explore the map. my guess it will be 5 streams if they want to clear it by grinding offstream and defeating 2 bosses per stream
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hopefully soon...
this will be another 12 hour stream
fine with me
That would be nice actually
just got home, is she enjoying the game so far?
yeah she seems pretty into it
Sex with the blondes
not much is happening but she's having fun with the game.
The stream is pretty comfy so I'm enjoying it too
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it has been a good stream for her to relax after working hard at recording
nice art
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You would still approach her, right?
there's no circumstance that would make me avoid her
they need crystal skull for this
Top noises
Cute happy pekosounds!!!
That's right, come towards the light that is Pekora!
they are progressing this game too fast
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the pure shock of how late the time already is cute
its easy to lose track when playing games like this
cute pekodirections
It was fun, I hope they continue later today.
>only 5 hours
They fucking hate each other.
comfy stream
they miss a few optional bosses but at least they can scan their location. the next area is pretty strong and they can die in 1 hit in their current armor
nice, so she's playing again after the shill stream at 17 tomorrow
remind me what the shill stream is
danganronpa artsyle arpg or something
frame up for that btw

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