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Fine and dandy Edition

>Divegrass team

â–¼Former Tsunderia Members
>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog
>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire
>Kamiko Kana - Stinky NEET fox? Stinky succubus? Stinky ghost wolf?
>Ember Amane (formerly Yazaki Kallin) - Beloved tomboyish firestarter with an appetite
>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, recovering menhera
>Kirihime Ria - Accursed king of the rrats
>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell
>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber and your new girlfriend
>Orla Gan Ceann - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Shimada Tiger - The fighting tiger of the Shimada dojo
>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling and screaming little sheep sister experience, music nerd
>Uzuki Tomoya - Punished bnuuy; a brotuber denied his bants, now focusing on music and looking for a new roommate
>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mom and certified retro hag
>Dizzy Dokuro (formerly Umiushi Urara) - Bane of Tsunderia, invader of Phase Connect, and savior of /tsunX/
>Yomi Cham - World's cutest singing wolpertinger
>Haewon the Heartstring - Frenemy of the thread and wannabe cumdumpster
>Maria Paradisia - Spicy Latina priestess on a mission to cleanse the world of sin
>Juri Shima - Tall, handsome, and rich chad king of Shima Kingdom

>/tsunX/ Friends
Muu Muyu, Saya Sairroxs, & Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Chisaka Airi, Phase ALiAS, & Phase Invaders >>>/vt//pcgia/
Alias Anono & V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/
Daisy Dandelion, Shabel Tonya & Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Arisu Oshiro & PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/
Production Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
V&U + Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Hakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/
Onolumi, Super Meche & Retro Vtubers >>>/vt//vrt/
Sheeptubers >>>/vt//wool/
Rosemi Lovelock - https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock
Seiryu Komatsu & Duskward - https://twitter.com/seiryukomatsu
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Mogi - https://twitter.com/monomogi
Synthion - https://twitter.com/synthionmusic
Yukinoshita Peo - https://twitter.com/yukinoshitapeo
Arakita Seigi - https://twitter.com/ArakitaSeigi
Crystal - https://twitter.com/crystalmilktea_
Sleepy Project - https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Proj
Shinominya - https://twitter.com/shinominya
Dreamy - https://twitter.com/DreamyEtude
PillowDear - https://twitter.com/pillowdearASMR
KK Cyber - https://twitter.com/KKCYBERai

Previous Thread: >>87331162
da lion
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>Panko OP
This is unacceptable
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Sweet, loving, and passionate sex with Miori Celesta!
Is this colonization or appropriation?
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Panko isn't Italian anymore. She's normal now.
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I miss that one anon's boyfr-hey! Panko isn't tsunx!
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I have my suspicious but that is indeed a very cute sex raccoon you got there
I love her pankoesque look on this pic
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Fools, all of you. Use your brains, it's not Meru at all. It's HER.
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It is Sunday, /tsunX/. Time to confess your sins and beg for absolution.
I don't actually believe Ami when she says she doesn't swear much in her everyday but its cute how insistent she is so I don't mind much
Huh, fellas? Are you pink women architects?
We don't discriminate. All women will be fed.
I think pointing Lisa is still eeping profoundly so I will take this opportunity to say that that "you" was meant to be an "all". Luckily that will avoid the pointing finger of death and shame!
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Another banger by Yuun-HEY WAIT A SECOND
>Oh how the belly growls, rejoice in this holiest of sounds
okay Pink Woman good, I liked this song! All over the place in a great way
>Oh how the belly growls, rejoice in this holiest of sounds
I love how with lisa's option you would think of ANY flower basically, while kazu's makes you think of the exactly right one
I don't watch Muyu, so for the longest time I didn't know that "bweh" was just the new "prup", and I just assumed she was crying on stream constantly because that's what BWEHHHHing is.
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Congratulations, you have been BWEHnlightened
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I want to have one ear pressed directly onto Yuuna's stomach to listen to her upset tummy growls while she strokes my hair, giving kisses to the sensitive creases of her soft loaves the entire time...
Its stupid but i dislike wisu's hair drills. Wish she had long straight hair
It growls and rumbles with such hunger that the soft tummy almost seems to quiver by itself...
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>Zordposting, /pcgia/ cross contamination, and the forbidden TsunQuest cheese meme magic ritual to summon Meru back from the dead all combined and led to her returning to life with the body of Panko
This is a strange turn of events even by this thread's standards
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I love Pippa.
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Panko poster jobbing so often and so consistently got her damn Italian genes all over the place, like a cup of starchy pasta water soaking into the saucy noodles of a plate of spaghetti
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I find tearpals entertaining especially during hours when none of my streamers are on
Daisy deserved better genmates...
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This song and dance again?
one of them doesn't like vtubing...
the other is a holostars fangirl...
the pirate seems to be ok, but the other 2 are just bad
Holostars le bad posting in a thread with multiple male chuubas is always a funny bit
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Well, the girl literally copied Bettel's design, even using the same oshi mark as him
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Belly button spotted
To be fair, the Tsun boys are extremely inoffensive and well-behaved compared to a lot of the EN males who came after them, including some Holostars. No idea if Bettel is one of those, but I don't think I've ever seen a catalog meltdown focused on him so I assume he's fine.
Is it bad to have a spotted bellybutton?
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Pampered Bread having her buttcheeks, belly and loaves all carefully attended to by worked up Breadcrumbs while all she can do is whimper, take it and feel good!
3.0 looked better desu
Say it in chat
There has literally never been a meltdown surrounding a holostar that didn't literally just boil down to "they talked to my woman" or sometimes "they implied that they would dare talk to my woman" its very funny to pretend that kazu or tomo are "safer" by those peoples' standards
no, i dont want her to be sad
Sorry about Mio's throat, I came in her butt too hard and the force of the cum blasting out of her mouth at 100mph left her a bit hoarse (it will happen again)
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>Food pics
I hope they're better than that depressing soup from yesterday...
Obese Mio my beloved
papalesta hate
Honeymeads thinking about Mio's softness between their fingers again...
>Small breasts
>Round face
Mio really out here pretending she's not literally perfect
The vampire/orc guy meltdown was "he touched my women" to be honest
beerpals down bad for Miori when she describes herself as a 2/10 irl
Mio's hairy legs...
But better (not italian)
She could be an unironic Wendigo as long as she doesn't go offline for more than 15 minutes max
why is mio like this
I'd fuck Mio even if she was a 0.1/10
I would like to once again remind everybody that I fucking despise Korean beauty standards
Korean 2/10 is at least 5/10 elsewhere in the world and Korean 10/10 is 2/10
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my unhealthy in both body and mind girlfriend
>Dropped 84lb in the past year
>"and I still haven't lost enough"
Actually fucking terrifying
Just woke up. Is Kana gone gone, or is there a possibility of her coming back?
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>Just woke up
From what? A coma?
It's over architectbros
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Woke up from what? A 3 year coma?
If I had a girlfriend doing this in real life I think I would actually kill myself from stress and worry, she wasn't even that fat in the first place
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Waking up to warm and fuzzy thoughts about my beautiful spidermom; tangled up in soft silk sheets, plump spinneret pressed into me transferring heat, fluffy hair in my face so I can breath in her Amismeel...beautiful...
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Attention all Vtubers! This is your new manager speaking!
Throw away all pride. Throw away all pride and just pander. Pander to the lowest common denominator. Eat bugs if you have to. That is my advice. Eat slime, yeah, just eat slime. Just throw away your pride and eat the slime.
Thank you for your attention.
she was considered obese
I'm jealous of the rest of you guys who don't have to deal with the constant bullshit that happens when Mio has a good stream
you don't have to deal with anything you choose to be involved and not ignore it
Good morning. I love Amiya Aranha.
We've heard this so many times, but the truth is no one can be better than the panks, she has a vibe that is unique to herself. Reminds me of all the Gura clones around.
Flayon is the only one people meltdown down a lot because he’s a pretty boy who always goes about how much other guys girlfriends loved him. Vesper got shit because he likes starting drama by his own admission. Holostars is pretty accepted overall because the rest are normal guys. If you want the real sexpest corpo that globie
I do my best to ignore most of it but some dummies bite every little thing
i get jealous when ami reads chat and seems to say some bucko names more than others when replying

i feel a familiarity is there that i can never have, that mine is not worth knowing or speaking

i know this is brainworms, but once in a while, they dig. i don't like being a jealous person and i have to fight it.
I use to think it was kind of hot when yuuna would talk about how rough her relationship with her family was particularly her mom and now that they interact less and are on better terms part of me is sad
racing is liv
I need a handjob from Mio
>If you want the real sexpest corpo that globie
Is that not just one of them? I thought NijiEN had worse
>changing her schedule for cheaters
what's the point of being loyal to Mio?
Who even had a karaoke overlap? don't think she is talking about FUWAMOCO
I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that the red blonde dude is a massive pest, I forget his name
Beats me nobody I know was doing a karaoke so M not one of the viewers that matters thanks Mio
the fuck are you trying to say?
>Beats me, nobody I know was doing a karaoke so [I']M not one of the viewers that matters, thanks Mio
Nigga it's not that hard to understand.
Why M is capitalized like that
A stroke while trying to shift + i ending up with just shift M because my stiff fingers didn't hit the i.
I assumed you were namefagging considering how rampant it is
Globie is worse because nijien has to keep their fujo audience happy. Globie is full of effeminate males who will go into girls dms and make tons of sex jokes on stream because they know everyone has to act like they are happy on stream and they have an audience who self insert and love them for it
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imagining that dumbbell is my penis
jidfags seem to be very happy with Meru
Who is she??
I am under a rock yes
this isn't "living under a rock" this is "not reading the thread you're posting in"
Don't forget Ami is starting early in ONE HOUR (members)
Can you blame me, most of your posts are garbage
I will assume it's the girl in the OP
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I'm looking forward to the bucko TTRPG
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i figured they'd like her
i hope there aren't too many sour grapes over at pcg...
Made the mistake of glancing at the thread earlier and felt profound dread
Fingers crossed the worst of the schizos who are latching on get bored and crawl back to their previous oshis quickly i guess
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Wisu zatsu today
Good morning, I hope your night was a restful one and you have a relaxing Sunday. I love my sweet, satanic spidermomma and the embrace of her fists striking all around me as she carves ancient symbols into my flesh with her sharp nails. I'm Ami's punching bag
God that is one erotic mailgirl, those nips, the pussy, I hope this flower girl, whoever she is, gets some good lewds
She needs the scenes from demon lord retry with the pink haired princess reenacted on her
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Meru Love!
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Daisy Love!
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I just realized who is in the OP
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The Pankophiles have gotten to the baker, it's over..
I woke up this morning and was about to get mad at people for jumping the gun til i saw the art...
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we still love you even if you're the dummest fugg ever
we only figured it out about 12 hours ago
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>[Lumi news]
She is cute!
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still burns my chaps
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Oh, maybe not 100% confirmed, but we'll know immediately during the debut stream.
Meru's voice and speech patterns are extremely unique. I say this as a gigawhore that knows too many chuubas.
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Ami's members stream is live, she's making a bucko TTRPG!
>>maybe not 100% confirmed
>She made an Umaru gif >>87377018
It's like 99.99999999% confirmed.
Yuuna following her felt like a confirmation already.
Is it my precious girl moving on in life and being the best she can be?
Why yes, yes it is, and I love her so so much.
No looking back, no stress, no anxiety, only onwards and upwards!
You can do it Mewu! I believe in you!
Why is Lumi's "Fuck!" so cute
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>No looking back, no stress, no anxiety, only onwards and upwards!
With genmates like this? PL used pronouns
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concern in my general direction if s-train has found his way back. otherwise, be gone.
What in the fuck
Its already over nothing is worse then hot girls who think people respect them as a person and not just because they are hot do they put up with their blue hair behavior
omg pls not the scary pronouns anything but that noooo uwaaa
She is the kind of vtuber that thinks Kson like content aka full flesh camwhoring is the future, the hyena is complete hard drop, hopes are the pirate can atleast be a good genmate
Clown will be 24/7 busier sexting Bettel on multiple accounts because he will block her everytime to cause any issue
Find a single instance of twitter activist for LGBT+ rights to not be a massive shithead
>Kson flesh camwhoring is the future
i mean shes kind of right sadly that is the future. Were like the natives getting slaughtered and our land taking from us like always happens throughout history
supportive of coco through that fallout
member kson to show support
streams are flesh shit
own fault maybe, but what a let down
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I would never!
Just got caught up
That is unfortunate
Amiya Aranha is a PERVERTED OLD WOMAN.
She'll slide in as a pseudo-Endless member. A good replacement for Momo.
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She has good senpais.
Motherfucker vtubing started OUT like that in the first place, before that damn term even existed.
Kayfabe-tubing is the non-native invader. Shit's just returning to form.
I'm indifferent to it, most supposed "kayfabe vtubers" are fucking trash at their job and vtubing is literally no different to a webcam stream outside of blind weebs that think there is some super deep meaning behind it. It's fucking anime-esque, most anime is generic trash like most other media is trash.

I say this as someone that loves people that can stick to characters, whether it is vtubing, wrestling, circus performers or theatre, I LOVE that shit, but vtubing is literal bottom-barrel tier shit, don't kid yourself man, shit is lower than modern WWE in terms of talent.
That pencil should be my finger and they should be grinding it
Oh god, drawing stream with these 2 would be great!
>Fine and dandy.
op reminded me of the Fine and dandy/candy song from the SCP series that ended in a gay orgy...
Keyfabe-tubing is fundamentally incompatible with streaming long hours. For it to be good would require like one weekly 1-hour stream. The market has spoken and prefers volume.
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this is getting a little lewd
Why do you watch asian things when you seem like you would rather enjoy american things instead. Its weird
Yep, exactly.
The average middleground that is regular streaming just naturally developed, a comfortable acceptable compromise of minimal acting.
I mean it's not entirely out of what streamers mostly do anyway. Well, good streamers.
You act bored on stream waiting for things to happen, you're not gonna get an audience.
You have high energy, charisma, can keep a conversation going, you're gonna shine.
Most top streamers are totally unlike their real selves.
Nice reading comprehension. Sounds like you feel personally attacked.
Sorry, anime is average just like all other media is. Still doesn't stop me from watching it.
So is vtubing.
If you post your face you're not a vtuber.
Sorry but Meru, Yuuna, and Ember aren't vtubers.
/jidf/ hoes mad
Can I still be a vtuber if I fuck dogs?
Despite what this thread may show, you can be White and a vtuber.
Vtubing started out with people replacing webcam feeds with shitty mocap 3D models.
Deal with it.
Mio isn't a vtuber
honestly confused why you would want to post here to celebrate a return to webcam feeds
You should like a 1 to 2 viewer male vtuber who raids girls chats and dms them about how cute they are knowing they cant fight back because they will be seen as a bitch
Oh no, more hurt fee-fees. Deal with it, there is nothing special about vtubing and there never has been, nor will there ever be.
I still watch any and all content production regardless of the way it is presented.
Vtubing is just Yet Another way of presenting something. Always has been.
I don't think you belong here
Even if I barely watched Meru I kind of feel bad for her, this new gen produces so much doom in /jidf/, a portal to hell is opening, and I don't think she is capable of bearing the responsibility of being the Doomguy.
You sound like you have pronouns in your bio.
I was here before you even heard of 4chan.
You came straight here from shitposters spamming /v/ to piss off Holobabbies on /jp/.
Vtubing isn't for you xis
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aren't they kinda always dooming though
you just seem notably and aggressively antagonistic towards it
you should watch stuff you really like, rather than any and all stuff, you might feel better
you motherfuckers sure love biting the dumbest bait
Great argument, children.
kek, I don't hate vtubing at all.
I just despise weebs that think vtubing is special and deep. It's fucking average as fuck.
Mio should do a reaction stream review of her scientific witchery song. I think now that the dust has settled it would be good to hear what she has to say about her experience with that cover song.
>Black person
>Smoke alarm beep
Incredible really
the fact that they aren't dooming over all of them seems like a bullish sign honestly
it'd be more concerning if they weren't concerning.
upset that i noticed the chirp on ami's little vid
>open Ami stream
I am so confused
>this anon wasn't born in the 90s
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don't worry about it
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Wisu just gave me the OK to vore all weirdmites, later virgins
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>I am gonna scream.
>No. No, I will not.
>I will not give the clown what he wants.
Chikafuji Lisa, 2022
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Thank god I'm a Pervymite
the friction of her legs rubbing together at the mere mention of alien abduction is audible
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Daiya please stop trying to eat everyone
the foul beast is consuming its wretched meal
Drawfriend, Daiya is baiting you....
does this mean Lisa is Daiya's older sister? what a strange timeline
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I guess someone has to take up the mantle of hungry gal when half her gen is afflicted with anti-architecture curses
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
damn, I feel bad for Kanna and I dont even watch her
>Kanna Yanagi will never be your mother and feed you oysters because she's allergic
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god that is depressing to look at... poor duck...
Holy fuck that sucks. Poor Kanna..
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Bros... Cystal got a sponsorship but it's Candy Crush Saga, give me the strength to play the bing bing wahoo baby game to help her
Recruit every middle aged woman you know to help you
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I want to see Yuuna expertly craft a week of delicious meals for Kanna around her allergies, I bet she would be up to the task
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Well at least Orla's eating well
Yuuna could make the worst looking MRE a 5-star meal.
>Her parents ate the IKEA lawn clipping dogs
I hope they get well soon
Thats just grooming made to look wholesome
I had to mute Wisu on twitter because I was tired of seeing her interact with all the maros from groomermites.
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I don't mind like 80% of them but the ones she keeps getting begging for twitter spaces are genuinely starting to worry me a little, feels like the beginnings of something kinda bad
there is a non-zero chance one or more of them have broken, been thrown out, or stored away in a closet gathering dust as the bucko has since moved on from buckodom
mine hasn't, if that makes you feel better
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You mean Daisy? I guess so.
You got my hopes up you fucker
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i just really love it and think it's an abomination she doesn't have more covers
I always assumed that one was a boy.
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why would you ever think that one anon's boyfriend is a boy??
having a somewhat schizoid break about the impermanence of everything, and to have something like that, a physical object directly from her, might make me feel like we existed and are worth remembering. she suggested making more way back and it never happened, and im thinking of them sitting around in the dark corner of a bookcase or closet with less meaning to them than i might give. knowing someone else regards them as highly does bring some comfort. thank you.
I guess this also counts as a confession >>87366865
I came in too late to truely understand his lore but orlaposter has pavlov'd me into laughing whenever he gets brought up
In my brain he's some weird cryptid that she hates for one reason or another
why are they taking a break for a year?
Focus on finishing college.
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Meru doesn't need us anymore...
I'm sure she knows what she's doing and it's entirely up to her how she curates her community but I see where you're coming from. No offence meant to anyone here but I'm not big on extremely needy fanbases for obvious reasons.
I stopped enjoying my oshi's streams and now watching them feels like a chore instead of fun. The only reason I still watch them and chat is to not make her sad that I left.
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Who hurt her?
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She's so pouty....
She is mad at me specifically.
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A qrd if you want to ruin your cryptid impression: He was just some /here/ idiot who took the "my boyfriend" stuff seriously and posted something like "who is this cute boy?" when Hanabi's picture came up in an Orla stream. He got banned and then posted here for a long time. The end of the story is that he got unbanned at some point.
What did you send in your maro
[Wisu news]
Confession stream eventually
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>I thought there were only one or two Weirdmites
Oh Wisu...
I'm a proud weirdmite.
Wisu just chemically castrated me, later nerds
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I wish wisu would call me a gross freak again.
Most trustworthy Wisumite
>Wisu forgot her vitamins
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DUMB princess needs round-the-clock monitoring to ensure she's looking after herself
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>Wisumite... are you a player?
It wasn't me.
are (You) a Romanizer, wisumite?
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Wisu needs to be lewded to put her in her place
That's why the EN Holos, including the ones who had always been male friendly since the beginning, now treat the entirety of EN Stars like an anathema and actively avoid anything to do with them right?
Kind of yeah you know the saying one rotten apple spoils the bunch its like that but with effeminate males
wisu hasn't seen the ice nipple art yet...
Can you at least contain these annoying irrelevant discussions to when there's no streams?
Mio said she was going to catch up on tips earlier but didn't, will she ever do it?
Yeah, when you stop complaining
Gonna need a refresher on that one chief
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Arisu Oshiro is a PERVERT.
I want one so bad
>Mochi went sicko mode barking at a bunny in Wisu's yard
based guard dog keeping the animals in line
Looking at holodex, either Shiina or Mariya
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sex wolf
>Loves weed so much she became a weed.
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b-but we just met, daisy... so why do i feel...?
>Mochi you're kinda heavy actually
Ease up on the tablet pens buddy...
How long was she your oshi?
2 years
Fuck. I was hoping for a larger number. I've had my current oshi for 2 years and I'm starting to feel this as well. Before her, my previous oshis were for one year each.

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