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Unmedicated chaos edition
Previous: >>87145206
Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg
Haachama Dark Web: https://youtube.com/hannel/UCHj_mh57PVMXhAUDphUQDFA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/akaihaato
Red Heart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9HY4DsRTCg
Infinity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?=9mj2QJE-UOI
BUTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWd6cpvnfd0
Girl with pink hair: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJtcmSbyUA
ブタサンダー【Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GozEv0IruEE
Boo!【Cover】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXasW1OSb10
Ban RTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WphWiNYbzk
I love Haachama!!
Christmas music for Halloween is one of the best Haachama traditions https://x.com/akaihaato/status/1845259308130611688
Tbf she just sings Christmas songs whenever she likes
cookin in new hologra
Quite a lot going on in this one lol
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I hope this is real
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Jumlers cute?
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Got any proof?
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Board fast...
It is suddenly...
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They posted the English version of the new HoloAlt manga prologue https://x.com/hololiveALT/status/1845102151686815906
Chammers with normal English dialogue is cursed. Not that I actually expected them to write Haachama English, but still
Tbf the other girls would then have to have even more broken eigo
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Really nice animation.
Sex with Haachama
Being shrunk down and injected into Haachama in order to find the source of chamabyou and amplify it.
Thanks anon.
Did you create it? It's amazing
No lol, I just said thanks because I would not have found it otherwise.
kek, my bad
Page 8 love
Goodnight piggies!
Goodnight pig
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Reminder that Haachama enjoys a tastefully done dickpic.
y'all need godchama
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Relistening to Chamas karaoke
Love her singing
Goodnight pigs!
bath time pigs
Like this>>87366770?
Eating all of Haachama's hair.
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>sips haachama
For those that have watched her for the longest, or who have at least perused her earlier streams, has Chama always used those giggles as punctuation? I don't believe any other holo does that and I've not noticed any other chuuba, from the small repertoire of non-holo chuuba I've watched, with this kind of verbal idiosyncrasy.
I wonder if she does it in private offscreen when she's with friends?

Better than the ole aussie standby, "cunt", as a sentence stopper lol
>used giggles as punctuation?
Try to find a stretch of time where she speaks but doesn't giggle.
You can't. You're probably so used to it you don't even notice it anymore. It's basically audible punctuation for Chama-speak.
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chama said this as a compliment to me uwu
I posted this
Small Chama love
early Haato giggles were mostly forced, but it eventually became more and more natural for her to giggle
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I miss Chammers...
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fauna does the same. she is a fan of chama i think.
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>>87426558 (me)
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Ah, the Haachama
The normal one...
ear of haachama
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Chama, no...
The known one
Yeah, by me, carnally
goodnight pigs
Not talking about me there
gn pig
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Foraging for Haachamas
Be careful. The pink ones look delicious but they will make you very sick.
Reminder that three rare Haachamas of the same name can be exchanged or one Haato head
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I didn't notice it and watched the last 30 mins of her recent archive and holy ahit you were right
She also says "OUCH" a lot, basically whenever somethings technical does not work as planned
Do you have an example anonchama?
Honk if you're chama
Chama if you're honky
Flight attendant Haachama
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Goodnight pigs!
goodnight piggy!
I really like Haachama
honky tonk chama...
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goodnight pigs!
bath time
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I love that about her.

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