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How is it a smart branding idea to associate yourself with condoms when you could've been a violinist or music artist. Hate marketing doesn't work, it's a fucking meme.
4chan dweller finds out normal fags like every vtuber they worship have sex! What a shocking revelation. I learned something new today!
What did Cover do this time?
All the eop chuubas are leaving the western cultists for jp chads.
>Hate marketing doesn't work, it's a fucking meme.
then why is this whole board obsessed with Phase and brings them up every second post, even if the thread isn't about phase at all?
I don't mind sex but why condoms though?
Holo JP viewers are just as psychotic as the EN ones.
Eop are broke these days barely donate anything jp is where the money is at don't want them to leave you quit poorfagging and support your oshi otherwise she'll leave to place where she'll be supported
Enjoy one month vacation anon
I want Uruka and that lewd cosplay pianist to FUCK
Mmmmm, more like phasefags have small dog syndrome and feel the need to shove themselves everywhere while shitting on everyone else, as seen in this thread
Being more successful than phase cucknect
Thread theme
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There doesn't even need to be a reason. All I know is that, as there's more and more graduations over there, there's been more and more anti Phase threads. Seems like holofags have more time freed up.
What happened to the "content"? What did they use those condoms for??
My morning turds are more successful than phase cucknet.
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not this shit again
pictured for your convenience: a japanese condoms box, the finger condoms they found, and an used condom
if you still don't get my point, there is a don quixote walkalong, try to spot the condoms
I don't even watch this girl or anyone in pc, I just think this threads are retarded
Everyone is burnt out and dodging EN collabs to avoid pretending to be friends.
2024 is the year where small corpos die, phase yabs can't compound forever
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It is not okay for vtubers to have sex. That's cheating.
Literally delusional.
Parasocial = good
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Why haven't you killed yourself yet RJ?
Tenma was the only phase I actually thought was worth a damn
(You) = retarded
Grow up for once in your life.
Holy copium. What a fucking retard kek
you're trying way too hard
No cgdct for you, cuckbro
ok rj
>page 10 bump
why not? safe sex is important
Phase is an edgy vtuber agency for more mature fans. They allow their talent more freedom to come up with their own idea of what their fans would find interesting and funny.
The people who has the least amount of experience with condoms are the ones doing this shit tho
And the people with the least experience with women can't stop talking about cuckoldry and how vtubers are their literal wives.
kill yourself
hurts being reminded about getting cucked huh
too bad she didn't find a corndog instead
if it would be things like "yeah but phase is better" then you would have a point but most of the times it's the same as calling someone a sister. So i still think the hate marketing works. At least everybody knows about Phase which i don't mind because as long as Gura isn't streaming, some of the Girls are quite a good substitute for her. There's no such thing as bad publicity
You could have just ended it at "I don't get phase connect "
sasuga phasecuck
quod erat demonstrandum
>the actual video
>full dressed
Pan naked finger censorship thumbnail are such an exquisite meme
speak english phasecuck
Ratmannjones, it's been three months and you're still seething and samefagging threads about phase. Do you really have nothing else in your life?
Loser and gay.
Yeah same, I'm curious about this too
but that's just stereotypes though?
Yet another thread full of obsessed holofags spending their entire day bumping anti threads instead of watching their own vtubers.
You don't like japanese? Sounds like you need to leave this hobby.
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sumimasorry ken-sama
It's not hate marketing, Phase fans like that kind of thing.
> Someone posts about not knowing what condoms looks like
> You interpret it as letting people know every vtuber has sex.
Retard-kun, your reading reps...
You will stop caring about appearing grown up once you finally grow up.
His post is true, while yours is not. Having relationships does not, in fact, make you less you controlling or paranoid about your relationships. It makes you more. You are merely applying one negative label because another one applies because you are a simpleminded social retard.

Also, you brought up cuckoldry here, but you lack the self awareness to apply your labels to yourself.
how dare she side with her coworker and not some random entitled schizo!
Didn't read.
no one cares about twitter, dramafag
lmao this is 100% the OP. I can smell him from here.
Are phasefags the largest fagbase that enjoys cuck content?

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