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Continental bloc continues on two more European tracks this morning. One is more known for its grand prix motorcycle racing; and the other is more well known for its ginormous near-21 km track, which we won't use in favor of the shorter GP layout. That's right, we'll be at Assen and Nurburg for these next two rounds. Stream scheduled to start at 10 AM ET, but may push back start a bit, up to an hour if need be: https://youtu.be/nBlycAu7wO8

Also simulcast on the VTL CyTube: http://vtleague.420699.xyz/

Top 5 (after round 9):
1. Neuro (/swarm/) - 264
2. Poko (/jidf/) - 253
3. Liacon (/lia/) - 245
4. Italian (/choc/) - 224
5. Fubuki (/fbk/) - 209

>Series spreadsheet:

>VGTC info:
>Cars, tracks, current entries list, and link to video for creating templates:
In related racing news, Formula Holo 2025 track schedule is up: https://youtu.be/7uSrJk2OWVU

See you guys at the top of the hour for VGTC racing!
vroom vroom
Going live on CyTube!
reminder to let threads know its going on
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Round 10 about to commence at Assen
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>another fucking pit stop killing Neuro's ranking in a race
>the ONLY pit stop ANYONE took in the whole fucking race
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Go koro, go!
It's too late to change cars, right? My thread has a few anons who are still tuning in but who are sad about our car's extreme lack of pace. I'd be willing to do another livery for them if it's allowed.
Round 11 about to commence at Nurburg
Finalizing points, then wrapping up for the day
What a race
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Doki finally did good...
Assen top 3:
1. Korone (/doog/)
2. Hikari (/pink/)
3. Airi (/pcgia/)

Nurburg top 3:
1. Fubuki (/fbk/)
2. Astel (/stars/)
3. Snake (/vrt/)

Championship top 5 (after round 11 of 15):
1. Neuro (/swarm/) - 294
2. Poko (/jidf/) - 286
3. Liacon (/lia/) - 277
4. Fubuki (/fbk/) - 276
5. Astel (/stars/) - 259

Picrel is your two winners for today, as the day belonged to hololive GAMERS members! Korone was certainly grabbing a whole lotta yubi's at Assen and don't get us started on the "Eating Mike Tyson's Ass" meme for her 2nd win; and Fubuki, showing consistenly high points results, but only having just the one 3rd place finish heading to today, finally showing true racing prowess at Nurburg as she gets to victory lane for the first time in VGTC action. And for once, we got a slight change to the top 5 as Astel joins the club while the local Italian falters a bit in both races today.

Please keep an eye out on the VTRP discord server and the news thread the next few days for scheduling updates for rounds 12 and 13 taking place at Magny Cours and Goodwood. The stream is scheduled for the 19th, but if there's a HoloFightZ stream announced for that day, we'll push back VGTC action to the next day, the 20th. Anyway, thanks as always for tuning in, and we'll be back with more racing action soon in the VGTC and other series~
>while the local Italian falters a bit in both races today.
Livery changes are allowed, but there are points penalties for too many livery changes during the season. Dunno about entire car change, though, if that's allowed or not
Assetto Corsa AI is silly in that regard. Dunno how to fix the pit lane issues on some tracks, I'm afraid
At least Goons are still ambitious.

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