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Last Thread - >>87356870

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akv2nfjvPu4
Short - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85NNg4K44lQ

Promise 1st Anniversary merch!
Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings
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Good morning /uuu/, dont forget to stream mirage to 800k so we can get fauna dance
we don't watch whores
You dont want to see fauna do a cute dance?
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So I saw Fauna started going into the trap tech in 7dtd. Anyone know how that works? Do you get exp when the traps kill zombies, or is it all like the spikes?
Curious about this myself. I think she should've grabbed that 1000 robotic turret ammo reward. Although does she even have robotic parts? Don't recall seeing her loot that, ever.
All the spike traps/barbed wire fence does not give EXP but if you have the advanced engineering perk all the rest of the traps do give EXP
I was thinking the same thing when she passed up the ammo. I assumed I was just missing something since I had to miss parts of the stream.

Sounds pretty important for the later hordes. Was she really the only one going that route so far?
To be fair the traps aren't that great to begin with. The spike/barbed wire are probably the single best ones because of how effective they are (the latter for slowing rather than damage)+ doesn't scale with difficulty. The later stage traps are just turrets which there's a bunch of shooters on the team so it's not exactly necessary.
I keep forgetting that the hordes aren't like the giant sea of zombies that l4d can have. As long that the number of zombies is tied to the number of players, it does seem manageable without turrets.
If you were primarily melee and you were solo it'd make sense but as a group it's just not that necessary and ironspikes would just simply be better for protecting the base/shooters despite the EXP loss.
Seedling detected.
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swimsuit day we eatin good boys
wtf happened to last thread, only 7 replies?
threadachizo was having xir beauty sleep
Too many sleepy saplings i guess, its usually hit or miss if a thread survives over night anyways
good moderation
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She probably should have specc'ed into machine guns as it also uses Fortitude to unlock the perks. Her build could use a range attack but it'll be much more survivable once she gets the stamina recovery and life steal unlocks for punching.
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How hard would you get punched by this scrawny vegan?
She got them twig arms i wouldnt feel a thing
But i would pretend if it would make her laugh
Would you still love fauna even if she were an elf?
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We love elves here
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Isn't she being way too sexy lately?
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Me as the gigasapling
>Goth Fauna as a boxer with knuckle wraps
Pretty much how I'm feeling:
It's almost too much
She really is addicted to this game huh
I wish she had gotten this addicted to rust...
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1 stream is all you get!
I like those streams, but I'm glad we are already at day 5, I want something solo again. Hopefully we will have a break from those long events till ENreco 2 electric boogaloo.
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As hard as she wants.
I think what helps with this (and enreco) is that people are forced to work together. rust was very individualistic, especially the start
7dtd is one of the most dangerously addicting games out there right now. Time passes by so fucking fast when you play it that it might be worse than drugs. Your whole day will disappear when you realize the horde is starting soon and that you just spent 7 hours playing 7dtd.
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She is addicted to punching because she's mad at being ignored by Kronii.
i think she would have liked rust if there wasnt the despawning buildings mechanic.
How big are your guys' Goth Fauna shirts? I bought a large because I'm usually a US medium but this thing is enormous. Does it shrink in the wash?
There were no sizes nigga
Oh damn I must have been misremembering. It was a one size fits all, wasn't it?
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doesn't feel oversized like most people said to me, i just wear european large
Someone asked for a soundpost of this a couple threads ago so here you go. I didn't know what to title it, you can change it to your liking.
No hesitation from Moom. Truly the best couple
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Fauna on the telly
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what is a vegan halloween candy....
i could guess its candy without gelatin
A lot of candies have gelatin in them. Gelatin is made from animals. So candies without it.
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She's even dreaming about GG...
not the biggest wawa fan, but its cute that they have been enjoying eachothers company
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Fauna loves kiara and gg
time to project my thoughts into a fauna-zombie eats-me dream
>No food
>Let's go questing!
Love these retards
>3 consecutive days of wholesome chicken salad
We can't be having it this good, something bad is going to happen...
Finally punished
missed you anti-squeeber
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Fauna having her 'The Grey' moment.
Technically no food is vegan as they can't keep insect particles out of the food.
Fauna can also cook
I wonder if we’re gonna get a Fauna and Bae horror game playthrough this year.
cc. Kronii
In the movie 'The Grey', Liam Neeson is in the wilderness, being hunted by a pack of wolves. At the end of the movie, he fist fights the leader of the pack. Off screen, though. Great movie.
She can bake at least.
she's the whole bakery!
I miss Gigi...
Sniffing Fauna's buns!
She's already admitted being tired, she'll need a 2 week break after this
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Maybe something if schedules align, but doesn't seem that likely now sadly
Fauna is an old lady, give her a break. Sometimes your body just can't keep up anymore past a certain point.
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She's just socially awkward and a little acoustic. Traded brain matter for fatter tits and pits.
i felt as tired as after a workday looking at a 7d2d stream for 3 days in a row
so the kronii stuff was real?
I don't really want to believe it and maybe I'm just schizo from reading the rrats too much, but it does seem awkward between them - mostly from Kronii's end.
the what?
kronii made advances at fauna and fauna rejected her.
We'll never get any confirmation. It's just rrats and a gut feeling. The energy is pretty easy to pick up on, like two parents barely holding together because they don't want their child to live in a broken home because they no longer love each other.
They most likely fucked and Kronii got clingy. She seems to have attachment and abandonment issues in general. See her towards the end of Ames aquarium stream for example.
I unironically believe this, Kronii caught feelings and Fauna tried to let her down easy and now shit's awkward
The teacher voice? Ive been told her mother uses the same voice so it might be genetic
Yeah, that was an unfunny joke. My bad.
I laughed...
have fun~
NTA but I thought it was pretty funny, actually, sapbeat love
I feel like the 7 Days to Die series has thankfully killed the rrat about Fauna being stuck up and not wanting to collab with other people in EN
Kronii isn't showing up on Fauna's scoredboard while offline, despite showing up on Kiara, Biboo, and Mori's scoreboard while offline
Implying that Fauna and Kronii are no longer steam friends
I've been greatly enjoying all the collabs lately and how it helps the girls get closer to each other
Okay retard
Yeah, it's only Kronii who she doesn't want to talk to.
Also Kronii not showing up in Fauna's UI...
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>What's wrong anon? You've barely touched your vegan mac n' cheese and grilled chicken...
she misses gigi...
Fauna misses gigi
fauna really likes gigi, it warms my heart to see her doting on her kouhai
She really misses her beaver husband (female)
Anyone have the gigi shoot yourself soundpost? Post it at this guy
what did she say? I was making a sandwich damnit
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how did I end up here?!
That she misses her beaver wife
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hey (with rizz)
what'd I miss? wasn't fauna using the restroom afk?
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You joined us with the marriage
She was just talking about how she misses her wife husband cryptid beaver
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you have to adapt to the environment
I love my nerd wife...
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I'll marry a sapling
fauna moved.....
Grems look tasty
Someone needs to go watch the promise anniversary collab and tell me if there is actual beef. I would do it myself but I can't mute Bae and Mumei.
Hey Saplings I'm going to try and start watching the vods because I've missed most of it. But I gotta ask, is Fauna's perspective one thats mostly free of mori being around?
I just don't want to have to mute too often
Kiara is almost constantly stuck to her like a scab and she sometimes brings mori along
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Well I don't mind Kiara so I can easily put up with that.
I guess I can never truly be free though...
Mori's stupid voice is unfortunately in a lot of it.
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Watch it yourself, I'm not telling shit
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Seethe. You'll never suck on her saggers like Fauna and me do.
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enjoy your horse semen deadbeat
Thanks for the heads up then, I'll just have to keep the mute handy
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You're worn out, boring and tired. Just like yo mama.
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not zombies
Kiara hate I can understand but Morilliope? Shes harmless
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Sag is natural.
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Fauna looking at chat while hovering over the mod and chat immediately understanding what she wants lol.
I was about to post that. She's so cute.
Fauna has nice perky breasts
She's been real cute with the subtle chat interaction like that during this
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That sag a bit. Breasts so large will unless they are bolt ons.
Get ready for Kiara to become the number 1 sapling now.
She can kill herself, that’s me
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who said aliens?
I guess it was inevitable for Fauna to become the target of her grift eventually, hopefully the shitshow ends with 7dtd
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I'm fine with this, Fauna needs more members to tell her how great she is regularly
I don't necessarily have a problem with it either. It's just a joke she's going to run into the ground like the whole gosling thing she did.
Kronii mentioned! Fauna acknowledged!
>falls down a flight of stairs and doesn't break her legs
wow is this a perk of heavy armor
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Pot, meet kettle
If she had the entire set she'd be virtually unkillable, to be honest. But thanks to Kiara she's obsessed with teh nerd hat even though it's only 40% so meh
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We need a reverse version of this
I thought it was my own discord... Fauna what the fuck why do you have notifs on
4%, not 40. I'm retarded and mistyped
Shut the fuck up, even with the helmet, she's still missing the gloves. And she's actually getting a fuck ton of extra EXP thanks to the lvl 5 hat.
Can't we all just learn from out oshis and embrace polyamory?
could have been an echo from someone elses mic
>even with the helmet she's missing the gloves
Kiara can literally craft it though. Fuck, I think even she can at this point.
Had to skip to about an hour in and Fauna just met with GG, holy shit I forget how much of a fucking smelly Geek GG is holy shit she must stink, she sounds like me never bathes
>This is for Fauna
are you guessing 1 or 2 more hours? They would keep the raid for tomorrow surely
im pretty sure that was kiara with the discord notification
Fuck off, Mori is probably the most low-key and chill person in the whole collab. What fucking year is it?
Sapling dreadnought..
Mori has an uncanny ability to be annoying.
about 2 more hours I think, maybe a little less. They said they wanted to stop at day 26, right?
1 more hour probably because of the others, but imo they should just keep going since they're the only ones grinding and prolly the only ones that won't be dying over and over again in the following raids.
>Kiara, we need to cook!
>Let her cook!
>She cookin :skull:
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I think Fauna sucks!
Yeah probably leave 1 day before the raid for tomorrow
yeah my nipples
She's wearing a bikini!!
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>yeah beep him
yes it's so good hearing Fauna use beep
she HATES cc
holy tits jesus christ
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>oh no
She hates cece....
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videos for the fauna route:
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GG joined!

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