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What went wrong?
It's crazy how perfectly this fits her, this and the other image are great
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Kiara is a great she is the strong idol woman who doesn’t let men put her down. She always supports her friends and tries super hard for her fans and always keeps them in the loop with internal happenings. Stop being an anti and support this woman!
More like she always leeches off her coworkers. Fauna gave her a singular crumb of attention and now she's stuck to her like a parasite
Orange woman bad
way way WAY to neurotic
no one wants to watch that shit
All the ME ME ME ME ME
>Uki showing up in female only offcollab again deflection
The main thing that went wrong was you convincing yourself that this picture was funny-ugly and not just plain dumb. It’s the image manipulation equivalent of a toddler scrawling with a crayon, but with none of the actual soul of a crayon drawing.
>b-but it’s funny because it’s bad!
It’s really not. The more you spam it, the more obvious it becomes that you’re trying to force a “meme” you created out of some pathetic sense of ownership on an anonymous imageboard.
Uh oh niji melty
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It's pretty telling how everytime they post it or the other one there's at least one reply like >>87373066
The voice
THIS. If i'm watching clips and her voice jumps in I close it
orange woman derangement syndrome is real
she is deranged, and she's getting worse lately
Your shitty soulless photoshop edit isn't funny anon. I implore you to find a bet use of your time than trying to force it to become a meme.
Foreigners love manipulated images.
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seems like it struck a nerve, as it always does
Uh oh. Kiara schizo is unbanned and is about to spam the catalog while having a melty again.
Have fun bumping your melty thread for 30 hours again.
no need when you eggs do it for me :)
The fag spams this image a lot, and when he gets really mad he busts out his irl edited picture in the same style.
Autists from 3 world countries that don't understand jokes? Myth brought a lot of autismo types with Gura, Ame and to lesser extend Ina and they don't really vibe with someone like Kiara they feel it's one of the popular girls that bullied them in school and stole their pagpag.
>they feel it's one of the popular girls that bullied them in school and stole their pagpag.
I remember some troon unironically said this almost word-for-word in one of these seethe threads, pretty funny
Nothing ever happens
funny because kiara has the biggest troon concentration in her fanbase after homos
she's too cute
your mom giving birth to your waste of air, dna and space ass.
Kek she do look like that
do her fans watch on mute or something?
that was me
im not a troon nor a f*lipinx though thank you very much
kiara absolutely was a meangirl in high school
so what the fuck happened to make you this way?
im a fan-turned-hater
i mostly got over it at this point and just pretend she doesnt exist instead of seething about her though
Fucking based
Hey look you were right
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quality thread
>Doesn't watch streams
>Wants to be spoonfed by catalogue
She needs to spend more time with her anti-woke mother.
Kek, art imitates life
>even more ESL
30 more hours of self bumps until this schizo collapses
The kwab was because he couldn't help but prove that anon right
fine speech
I want to choke her while she yaps at me during sex
best post itt
(Kek me up)
Kek me up inside
(Kek me up)
Kek me up inside
(Save me)
Call my No. and save me from anons
this is peak mindbreak, I'm enjoying this

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