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>what? moaning? who? I don't know what you talking about
>I'm gonna draw now! I have to take the pencil out my panties first
>wait, panties? who said that? what are you guys talking about?
>well I finished 1/35th of a single Neuro drawing.Time to react to a video
>I wish my pussy wasn't itching
>huh? pussy? what are you guys talking about? who said that?
>I ran out of videos to watch
>welp, time for me to cry
her and the majority of the western vtubing space
Post her drawing. I need to know her power level.
Anny and Camilla really piss me off with the amount of grandstanding they do about how "unjustly" they are treated by Twitch
>Bitch and moan about how they get banned and suspended over nothing and other twitch roasties don't
>One of them literally has a toggle specifically so she can flash her panties and the other one is barely wearing any clothes to begin with and constantly talks about sexual stuff
>Both have 3D models where whenever they're on stream they try as desperately as possible to show off their asses and tits
I wish every slut was just as honest and earnest as Mel, she doesn't beat around the bush but she also plays by the rules and doesn't act weird on twitch. Meanwhile the other two are trying to hold the morale high ground when their entire careers are built on riding the coat tails of a fucking AI and talking about vulgar things while reacting to other people's content.
her voice is so fucking annoying
Anny invented seethe threads.
kill anny behead anny roundhouse kick anny into the concrete slam dunk anny and her kids into the trashcan crucify filthy whoretubers defecate in anny's food launch anny into the sun judo throw anny into a woodchipper rip anny in half with a chainsaw toss anny into an active volcano crush anny's skull open with a hydraulic press.
ukraine lost, porky
the feigning ignorance thing is more of a jp pilled behavior since anny is the only popular indie that likes japanese culture
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>*blocks your path*
one year and million dead ziggers to take over few kilometers of wheat field
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>Recreated her real photo as a fanart.
You are the fucking legend, Anon!
Keep telling that to yourself, piggy.
Anny lost 10kg the past 2 weeks.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, Ivan
and gained 1000 more pounds GEEEEEEEEEEEEG
there's a real pic?
Of course. Some oiler leaked privet pictures of her.
>real photo
Not her, just a larper (she's fatter irl).
I don't watch Anny. Does anyone have any particularly egregious clips of her? I want to seethe without reason this morning.
I hate camila for always trying to out other streamers down on twitter. I mean it might be unfair but there're playing by the rules no need to point fingers
Jealous woman thread
(but they are adult men)
I never knew about Anny before today but from watching a few seconds of her she has a nice voice, her voice reminds me of Shylily's voice.
Lazy bitch.
Yes. You don’t want to see it
If you want to see her seeth on stream you should type the following
>you sound like nyanners
>you sound like vei
You'll her her breathing louder while seething with a smile
She is doing the classic E-thot coomer bait voice, so she sounds simular to the other ones

you misspelled Sakura Miko
damn that's a fat ass
>Are you _C_oming chat?
You know full well annysimp that she'll diet for few weeks and the pig will be back eating doing react streams
Extremely accurate.
You are watching this kind of slop over there on Twitch?
Thanks Anon, that's a nice, round ass.
It's Twitch. The standards are extremely low, vtuber or otherwise
Youtube is more sophisticated, true
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Her voice sounds like a hundred other vtubers. Oddly enough, most of them that do this kind of voice are indies.
sobs..for one second..
>Iloveanny gifted 30 subs
>annysimp gifted 100 subs
>annycuck gifted 50 subs
>cries..for five seconds
>eats her 5k calories cake
>oopss..i spilled my drink all over the table and my *BIG TIDDIES* (for the 3670 times)
>chat can you wipe my titties dry?
>Iloveanny gifted 50 subs
>annysimp gifted 100 subs
>annycuck gifted 100 subs
>what? Tiddies? I meant the table
>sorry i'm esl :p
Anny is a pretty good streamer, whoever posted this OP must be a woman, stop being jealous
hop on hrt sister
She had a headstart in her career because she used to date one of the LPichu mods just to end up cheating on him multiple times. Its hilarious.
Hahaha thats so fucking funny
How do Anny fans watch her knowing that she flirts with a male on stream. She even had him on call for hours and didn't let him leave.
When is she finishing the new Neuro model? It's been ages.
Other Vtubers of Neuro's caliber would have gotten 5 new outfits by now.
Good steamer.
>react stream
>pitty begging
>sexual innuendos
So just any other streamer?
anny is the kind of foreigner who does the BBC-white woman JAV porn
Oh they actually ship him with her infact they are the majority. Thats why they're called annycucks
ment for >>87379140
>twitch whore
>good streamer
good one
A woman or a seething numberroach.
I wonder how many antis on this board are women
That's pretty hot
OP do a thread on Saruei next
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OP here and I regret making this thread.
if some twitterfag wants to start drama, why don't he posts his own words? If you like twitter so much, why don't you stay there? Only come here to steal shit and deflect the blame into /vt/
The best thing about 4chan is the inconsequential rants. it does not escalate into something more than it should be, besides a skitzo screaming at the walls.
it's just venting, it's just a little trollin, it's called a little trollin.
now we can't have fun without some asshole taking it too far
that's a lot of anger for a tweet that hasn't even gone viral
As an OP, you are automatically a faggot, but slightly less of one for this post.
Fuck content vultures, death to content vultures.

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