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>respect my collab choices!
>never collabs
what's the next part of her master plan?
>master plan
the collab choices plan fell apart the moment people pushed back and she got 2view flashbacks
Making you seethe...with no survivors!
I mean if you listen to the full thing that's exactly what she said would happen. Not sure why people took something else away from that, she outright said she doesn't make friends easily so will probably only collab with a few people.
writing an erotic novel starring cia and masketta man
To fuck with me after stream
She specifically said that if she collabs it will only be because she is close enough with them that she sees them as a friend.
The collabs choices was made up and twisted, and anyone that fell for it is an idiot. You still have time to fix your life and stop being an idiot that gets led around on a leash by drama monkeys.
Ride the Advent wave until her graduation. It's sad because she has a lot going for her, but she's cursed with how broken she is.

>Moaning on screen that one time (more NTRing)
>Potential coalburner

Her fans have yet to realize this and believe her stories. No one suspects the time she got kicked in the vagina by her friend was because she was NTRing her in the love triangle, and the entire nut goblin yab was her. The Freudian slips retell her own stories. She's also a single Mom(hair cut speedrun explanation).
>>respect my collab choices!
That was her collab choice. Not to collab.
>kicked in the vagina by her friend was because she was NTRing her in the love triangle, and the entire nut goblin yab
what the fuck?
Watch streams/clips. You can search those terms on youtube

>kicked in the babymaker
>nut goblin
All she meant was that she needs time to warm up to people so she might not collab as much as you want her to. Non-retards understood that immediately.
I just find out worse shit about her every time novelites try to shill her
>>Potential coalburner
Reminder that Shiori has more 1on1 JP collabs than 1on1 Promise or Justice collabs. Let that sink in for a moment.
That's how I felt and ended up unsubbing. The more you know the worst it gets.
You’re talking to a clipfag who can’t even get the clipshit right. The fact that you believe someone who says “watch clips” unironically is pathetic.
She collabs with Haachama so she has my support
Now this is a boring angle. Folks are not gonna get riled up over Shiori
Her only personality trait is being unhinged, that shit seems completely right up her alley
>Novellite shill

Nah. You are in total denial. Her fraudian slips and inclinations can't be "clipped" artificially.

rrat only hence potential.
Jesus, Shiori has some of the most insufferable antis on the board. What they lack in spam, they make up for in being pearl-clutching gossipfags who parrot the same quarter truths over and over.
Lack of collabs is a choice
>quarter truths
you wish
>reddit spacing
>it’s a baseless rrat so I must repeat it
Do you call every single vtuber a coal burner then? Because there’s a “made for bbc” post in basically every thread.
thats what the phrase implies ESL
I don't know any other vtubers who made blacked jokes on stream
Then explain away the nut goblin story and NTR then? I actually watch her streams.
you realized she never collabs because we won right? she got scared
that's the only likely explanation, it would've been funny if she became the first 3 view in EN by still taking that path
Does this count?
shiori mindbroke phasenogs
what company is she from, shiori should migrate there
Flayon is too busy with his Phase harem to bother with Shiori.
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This last act of sacrifice is mine
Being a boring yapping machine, honestly she is the closest thing to actual GFE. Her hot design was wasted on her, imagine Nerissa with that design.
Everything you said is wrong and I am glad no one listens to you
But I love the BBC they are a lot less biased compared to American media outlets
didn't she use to blow kisses at her fans
>Y-you are wrong because I said so

Cope, the only thing that Shiori has is that she was just used by Eilene, and become one of the earliest EN vtubers thanks to him and Comdost. Besides that, she doesn't have any definitive or amazing trait.
when did shiori make blacked jokes
I love american women
She was entertaining when she was blue as she is now and I am the one telling others about her NTR/Haircut slips. Shiori's design is wasted on a girl who is worst than what she portrays, but her voice, yabs, and off-color humor is perfectly fine in what is a stale environment for Hololive EN. Shiori has a mean spirited 4chan humor she never grew out of her from Moe days. You're just a coomer who wants to hear Nerissa on every girl and probably like safe bau bau humor.
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>Catalog retards think they have any influence on anything
qrd on the haircut thing?
why is this thread so reeks of femcels
Well are you respecting her choice to NOT collab?
Yes you are wrong. Why would I want Nerissa as Shiori you fucking retard? The tall diva model fits her style much better than a goth girl, kill yourself.
I can enjoy all of those things by being AdventGOD
excactly, mad they didn't poach her
it reeks of filipinos having a script being lent to them since they barely know anything about the topic the are """discussing"""
I never took that to mean male collabs, just that she intended to keep collabing with the same friends she spent years collabing with on her PL. Turns out none of them passed hololive's collab partner vetting process.
zayum dude no need to prove me right

>Y--yo-Your Daug

Your daughter.
that fake giggle is so insufferable
Yeah somebody posted it itt, Shiroi would fit right in
This post right alone proves Shiori's antis don't watch shit and take every thing out of context. Watch the clip, she talks about how she doesn't like getting haircuts at salons because the stylists always talk about each other's baby daddies and other random crap she does not care about. The clip is almost 9 minutes long and you take 5 fucking seconds from it out of context so that it'll fit your rrat. Kill yourself
why would anyone watch 9 minutes of shiori unless they hate themselves
and you still go to threads about her
dunking on novelites is fun, they're so easy to bait it's crazy
Damn really have an expert troll here huh?
>no U Oreo woman bad
>gets debunked
>no U Oreo woman bad
>gets exposed
>no U Oreo woman bad
This board makes me feel good about myself. I may not have my life together entirely, but at least I am not "this anime girl has kids and loves black dick; this is based on nothing but a slip of the tongue" levels of delusional. This is GUR levels of reaching.
Not collabing is in fact a collab choice. Also 2 more weeks
>Shiori and Nerissa are Nijis!
>They just are, okay?!
Yawn, the pagpag-eating antis on this board really don't have anything original, do they?
The worst fanbase in existence.
>He lied as easily as he breathed.
if you actually watched either of them it would be obvious to you
"not collabing" is a collab choice, what the fuck do you mean, anon?
I watch both of them, retard. Come try again when your rrats about Shiori being a homobeggar actually come true like how they haven't after a year
you watch them with your eyes closed and your ears plugged or something?
Now that the dust settled, what the fuck did she mean by this?
and don't give me this
bullshit you disingenuous fucking ratsnake lying cunt. You don't just give our weird-ass ominous warnings like that for no reason.
she wanted to collab with her 2 view male friends
No, but you clearly only watch them to find reasons to seethe, so what does that say about you?
that's the fun part, neither I nor anyone sane has to watch them for more than 5 minutes to realize that they're a better fit in nijisanji
she meant she wasn't going to collab much but didn't want it to look like she hates the other girls
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She cut off all contact with them when she got into hololive
The part that stuck out was her saying something above the lines of “you wanna be a good boy right? So you better respect my collab choices and my collab partners” which implies 2 things, A. That her collab choices were gonna be controversial, and B. The people she was gonna collab with may not have had the full respect of the hololive audience

When you but A and B together, it’s not a huge stretch to say she was planning in collabing with the homos
She quite obviously meant her old friends when she said they're going to be friends.
so she said she's going to collab with them and then cut all contact? weird
That pretty much seems to be what happened. Most of them were girls even, so kinda weird
not collabing some more and then more solo streams
she is great!!!
>Most of them were girls even
ok anon, no need to lie
Based can't into Eigo but rush the room anyways chad don't ever feel discouraged
>what's the next part of her master plan?
To do whatever the fuck she wants and have a comfy vtuber job 'till she gets bored of it. It's pretty clear at this point that she is doing things for laughs and making some money on the side.
You cannot read or write english.
To make /lig/gers seethe and post doxx until they are all on a vacation again.
No one posts it anymore, but I remember just after she replied to a Flayon tweet and got shit for it, she posted one of her members/community writing prompts about "comforting someone who you're forbidden to interact with". I don't think she's publicly talked to them ever since.
This is the most schizo shit I've read on this board in a while, thanks anon
it really sucks that a vocal minority of closed-minded fans don't appreciate her passion for NTR, flayon collabs would've been kino
she's retarded
>filter out the sissies who piss, shit and cry about male collabs without ever doing one
anon, you fail to realize that her master plan was already executed
Keep seething.
If that had happened the catalog had never let go of it.
Instead you retards try to twist her nagging about chatty hairdressers into having a daughter.
Damn, I'm almost jealous of homosexual guys with mentally ill girlfriends
kek, phasecuck meltdown
That's it. That's the plan.
Considering it filtered you, it works.
so many en want to be jp so bad
The fuck are you even talking about? She collabs all the time.
Pending does scripts.
BakaTsunami makes her shorts (I don't think her other editor was around for her PL).
Lemiscus made comic strips (member only content IIRC).
She met Yuikai in Japan (top tier cosplay by the way).
She even had Yana (who did her PL emotes) make her membership emotes.
There's probably a few others also involved behind the scenes. Wouldn't be surprised if Deat is credited with some 3D stuff.
They all knew what she was up to whilst her PL viewers were given a few days notice that she was "quitting".
If you were of some use to her you got to be involved with Shiori, if you weren't, well fuck you.
When she was a blue haired girl she rarely did collabs and when it was, it would always be with the same people. This is basically the same script for Shiori except it's only certain Holos. It's just how she is. She could have networked more before Hololive and collabbed more and got noticed by more viewers but she wasn't interested. It worked out for her in the end though, she can now make money and have thousands of viewers on YouTube instead of languishing as a 2view playing Omori on Twitch, a platform where only whore tubers and their orbiters make it big..
we will never watch your streams /lig/
Lmao. I used to think it was hilarious how much people used to twist Mori and Kaira's words to bitch about them, but what shiori antis make up for not having the numbers Mori and Kaira did they sure as hell make up for with total delusion. It's like they prepared a fuckton of shitposts then got cucked and mindbroken when she didn't do anything close to what they were hoping kek.
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She's still a grifting boring ass whore who loves black dick and NTR. None of us lose sleep over how easy it is to own cuckvelites.
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Still seething I see. Good.
Nerissa literally appeared on one of their 3D debuts, retard.
fuck off
You mongoloids really net to stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
Grifting doesn't mean streamer you don't like making money with their usual program.
but enough about ironmouse
> mongoloid
> net
Gomen ESL kun
How can ironmouse like any shade color of dick if she’s bedridden all day with her diseases
A probably-wrong theory I've had is that some behind-the-scenes drama happened around when Magni and Vesper left (that may or may not have been related to them leaving) that poisoned the waters between the EN girls and EN boys. Would explain why Shiori, who came in right before that event, seemed to be down to collab with the boys early on and then never did while the only current EN member who seems to be interested in doing anything with Stars EN is ERB, who came in after all that went down.
I just saw a Youtube video about dead stocks, and how a community makes up excuses that they're going to get a payout even long after their stock was deleted after bankruptcy. What you're doing is kind of like that. Inventing new excuses and trying to explain things in a way that doesn't require you to admit you were wrong. It's really fascinating, but also nothing there can be done to make people like you see the truth.
>Shiori, who came in right before that event, seemed to be down to collab with the boys
And then you woke up.
I shudder at the thought of Shiori being a mother, let a lone a single mother
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I will be Shiori, thoughbeit.
Together, we are one.
At this point the only reasonable explanation for the people still lying about the "respect my collab choices" shit is that the people posting this are those "friends" she said that only started talking with her again because of holo and they are mindfucked because she isn't a gullible teenager anymore
bvtm made this thread btw
She will raise a great shitposter of the future.
Getting to 1 million subs. WITH NO HOMO COLLAB
and yet you still don't respect them.
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You somehow managed to choose the week where she has 3 collabs to shitpost about her not collabing.
God I love how chuubas will say one perfectly reasonable thing like this and it'll give this board brain worms for years. Keep it up
That one was real 59529800
I remember people talking about it so it easy to fine one of the posts from last year.
>don't believe your lying eyes
How Semitic of (You)
>he doesn't know
>which implies 2 things, A. That her collab choices were gonna be controversial, and B. The people she was gonna collab with may not have had the full respect of the hololive audience
it implied neither of those things, schizo
May allah smite his wretched soul
unfathomably based.
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Her next plan is for me to facefuck her until her mascara gets ruined
and now he and his fanboys are laughing at you retarded bait-biters on discord
the most pathetic kind of schizo, the one that thinks he matters
Wow you really ran here to your bait thread after your bullshit didn't work and got deleted over at /shig/ >>87410109
now quote exactly what she said including the part where she said it would be "quite rare"

god this board is fucking retarded
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>Sep 28, 2023
>Shiori replies on twitter to Flayon with "thank you~"
>Sep 29, 2023
Normal people believe she got rid of that plan because of the massive backlash.

I guess her fans believe she never changed her mind but all the undesirables she wanted to collab with stabbed her in the back or something. I seem to recall they claim the reason she uses her Hololive account as a normie basic bitch feed is because her friends stole her personal account after she got into Hololive. She probably underestimated how much her circle would still hate Hololive after she got in. I mean she still tries to avoid Hololive as much as possible even if she doesn't hate it.
BVTM decided to gaslight everyone because they decided before debut that she was going to be Advent’s designated shitposting target. If it wasn’t this, it would have been something else.
Anon, he’s samefagging, it’s so blatant that I don’t know how you could miss that.
>it's just coincidence she said the opposite thing to every other Advent member!
>if it had been Nerissa instead, the target would still have been Shiori!
Imagine being so delusional.
You’re forgetting C: she doesn’t want the equivalent of schizos spamming about how Ame hates Gura because they didn’t interact on stream for a while after Rust, or all the recent Kronii/Fauna threads.
>making shit up
>dragging Nerissa into it unprompted
Since you seem to be illiterate, I didn’t say they (You) were going to target someone else, but that they (You) would pick some other nonsense from Shiori’s stream to spam about because they (You) wanted to shit on Shiori to begin with.
Nobody fucking cares if the only people she was planning to collab with was Takamori, Kronii and Laplus. What matters is the intent right from the start. The other Advent girls were like "I want to be Koyori, Kaela and Suisei" and Shiori was "I want to be Rushia". Shiori laid the boundaries from the beginning because she never intended to be a Holomem, she just wanted the extra attention from the brand. She's not unique in that way, well, maybe she is unique to have decided that from the start but there's several other peripheral Holos that have been like her. Including in EN even.
She likes to collab with Biboo. So respect Biboo.
That’s a whole lot of words to say absolutely nothing.
Even if this schizo theory were true somehow, it would have been based on their PL's (which is where Nerissa would be the other Advent member to be a likely target). You're really trying hard to pretend like there's no difference between someone debuting and confirming they want to leave their PL behind them and someone making it clear this is a rebrand in name only.
Anon, I saw the predebut Shiori threads. You’re not fooling anyone, except maybe yourself if you actually thought this angle would work.
Man you faggots are worse than women. The amount of stupid shit you make up to gossip and hate on.
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are you kidding? That's just a regular community post series that she does to encourage fanfiction.
Unless you're implying that she commissioned that picture and had it completed in under 24 hours specifically so she could vent about Flayon.
She does one of them roughly each month.
When you’re a schizo, there’s no such thing as a coincidence.
Ah yes the cohencidence!
Case in point.
ok schlomo
>Normal people believe [schizo headcanon]
rofl even
>Majority of vtuber fan don't like mixed collabs
>schizo headcanon
You're 2nd choice for a reason nijisister
When is the last time you took your medication?
nta but I thought she was going to have weird non-holo male collabs or some shit because of the way she sounded when she said that. It sounded the same when Kronii and Ame both said they'd continue collabing the way they wanted. I think it's weird she made such a huge point on saying that like it had some huge meaning for what her content was going to be like but it's genuinely meant nothing.
The schizo headcanon part is your belief she had some controversial plan she had to abandon.
Obviously normal people don't even have thoughts, if you had any reading comprehension you'd realize we're talking in the context of people who already know about the debut stream. Screaming about how vtuber fans aren't normal isn't relevant.
You might be overestimating how much importance she was putting on that statement.
Nobody thinks she's afraid of being controversial or that she abandoned the plan and became watchable instead. She just saw the people she attracted and focused on keeping them in line once she realized how easily controlled they were.
You do realize the other Advent members put even less emphasis on their opposite statements, right? I don't see you crying about how nobody is allowed to take those seriously.
maybe, it was a debut stream though so first impressions are a lot and it's something that's stuck with me
That's actually fine if those collabs would have sucked anyway.

personally I found it much more offensive she took a bigass vacation like 2 weeks after debuting but that's just me. no I don't care if it was planned beforehand, who gives a fuck. it shows a huge amount of hubris in not-caring about the job, her genmates or fans. that first couple-weeks window after debuting is the most formative time of a corpo career and sure-enough she's been the runt generally despite turning out not as bad as people thought.
I respect that
>opposite statements
You’re really trying to push this bullshit, aren’t you?
Fair enough. After Ame and Mumei, I learned to take what happens in debut with a grain of salt.
It was future proofing so if someone complains with "She should have said so before" other fans can pointout that she did and to shut up.
Collabing with Hololive seems to be fucking difficult, even collabing with old and trusted friends is difficult, I think Mori had like 3 collabs with Milky
Two more weeks, right?
Good riddance, Milky deserves no big collab partners because of that NTR stream she did
Guess that explains where all those flat earthers and 9/11 truthers come from
Intent doesn't matter. Only consequences.
This statement can be equally applied in both directions so it's unclear what point you think you're making.
unironically holonigs can thank phaseCHADs for this, otherwise you'd be drowning in homostar cum right now
>you should thank me for launching a smear campaign against one of your girls
English vtuber fans are all about drinking cum, they literally maintain their stance for as long as a moment is the current thing and then go slinking right back to all the girls they criticized. None of them ever watch the girls who were never part of controversies.
counterpoint: Michael cat.
So who did phase fail to leech of this time?
A less boring angle is that she was thinking of collabing with the homo at first, but after talking to one once she realised they were boring piece of shit and sexpest and so, like everyone on EN she dropped them cause no need to waste her chance for a bunch of worhtless thrash nobody want to have to do anything with.
This kek
>implies she's not going to collab much
>doesn't collab much
wow that's crazy
she dropped them because she realized they were the fastest road to becoming a 2view again

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