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Tengu Edition

/wvt/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss English-speaking VTubers.
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ooh, cute art
saggy tits
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tsundere otaku maid's hunting down chaos emeralds in Sonic Heroes!
I heard she does things with dogs
Nothing like resting your head on her lap and be breastfed
>Not a Miri op
Wasted opportunity
Formerly Josabelle
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there was like, one miri post in the last thread anon. you only have yourselves to blame for this
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The vtuber who's roommate used to be known as Josa
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new spider chuuba debut!
Request it next time. Passive aggressiveness doesn't translate well in text format
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the starting soon screen is animated with uh, ashes i think drifting in the air
it sounds like she's pretty nervous
I like when a vtuber can remain calm cool, and collected during horror games.
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this background is animated the rain is specifically splashing off of the flowers and she's already showing the model aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
spiders creep me the fuck out
Conversational vtubers can be enjoyable. I tend to prefer vtubers who can carry on without input, but when a vtuber wants to converse with their chat it can be nice.
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getting cucked by ads
Sometimes I think some vtubers would be happier as no cam vtubers.
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the skirt has been slightly adjusted to be more safe but miri is still risking it
i wish i could've gotten a closer look at the physics on the webs
the monster hands are a bold choice, the fungers look like they move individually a bit. the arms apparently blackened here because they're kinda dead?
Vtubing needs to categories:
Casual: no lore usage, heavy IRL social media usage, and conversation with viewer oshi, reads jokes from chat bar without crediting chatter.
Professional: skits, original songs, original recipes, skilled at gaming, poetry, inferno cop live style stuff.
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this model has forwards leaning implemented on it
Same, I have arachnophobia, but I like Josa so I'll make do and her model isn't too bad anyways
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Nice touch btw
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save me...
she better watch out with those new twitch rules
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there's some details here that aren't super visible if you're not looking close up, you can see the decay on her arms with the veins showing through her skin
She won't use her model, or lore after debut.
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It doesn't resemble a real spider in any form, You are fine
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only one wing?
Most phone circle vtubers let their model, and lore rot except to point and laugh at how cringe vtubers are with self deprecating humor.
put your fucking trip back on
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she's so flustered...
one of the most annoying things about rebel is that miri/josa actually does do stuff with her lore and has detailed story
he always complains the most about people who do actually reference their lore regularly
>having a wiki is having keyfab
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she has the kind of pretty you'd see on a girl and it changes your life forever........
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it's not quite a yukari-level foofhead but the hair is incredibly bouncy
the gems on her hair here also change their angle based on where the head is facing but the way it's done is a little funky
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there's face tracking works pretty well, it has mouth tracking and winking
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blep! also i forgot to mention it earlier but her ponytails are toggleable
Raids are the worst.
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glasses toggle! by hiding the hair here a bit, you can see that miri has little charms hanging off her glasses as well as drawn ears
the ears are a nice bit of futureproofing in case she adds hairstyles that show it
sigbird boner stream
Are glasses a debuff? I feel like they appeal to a certain group of people and not many beyond it
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here's how the full body looks!
If you don't actually use your model, and the toggles beyond debut it doesn't really matter.
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cute fangs!
miri's planning to add more features to the mouth so that she can do a wider more monsterous-looking smile
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i thought the gems represented the rest of her spider eyes but no, they're just behind the bangs arypie-style
they follow the movements of the "human" eyes
both of sides of the bangs can open and close so she can either show the spider eyes on one side or on both sides
I like digiko lore she seems to lean into it quite a bit
her setup and stuff is real nice for being in the lower end of viewership too
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i haven't seen this kinda thing before
for her blush toggle it actually gets more red depending on how much she's smiling
also there's an ojou hands toggle
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miri weh
instead of tears she has
Mascara running down her face?
*instead of tears she has runny makeup
the intent is to make give off a more emo vibe
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i won't survive
she only has two eyes now
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the lore behind miri is a world reset...
i think i saw a crashed bomb or plane in the background, maybe it was a giant war?
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miri's world is essentially in a timeloop, it's going to reset until the timeline ends up a certain way
there's some interesting implications here for future model showcases, if it'll have to do with the timeline resetting or not
ngl, I haven't been paying attention to her lore. I've been too busy looking at her massive knockers.
because he doesn't watch them because they don't play one of the three games he knows about and he's a delusional retard who thinks he can groom someone
he'll bitch and complain about nobody does lore or they never use toggles on their model or they don't write original songs or they're part of the boba blow bang cabal phone circle or they used a handcam once in 3 years or some other retarded thing
remember his thing for hauntvania? he doesn't watch them cause they don't play ark or FNV or minecraft so he doesn't give a shit. kitanya doesn't do original music or anything with her lore but he'll spam about her vods cause she played minecraft or ark one time
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miri sized as an actual spider
also there'll be some debut slides coming later, after some small talk
Don't disrespect Rebel. He groomed Nina into the successful vtuber that she is now!
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gaming screen! (i think)
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oh, instead of slides it's a diary
Everytime I see this chick I think its HinaBobina
>Making her character share her real birthday
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I can see that
That's more common than you think
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garage kit painting owl's looking at the DLC stuff for dragon age inquisition!
Tried to tell you. These ladies don't like to perform. They're e-girls who do the bare minimum to not be stuck shilling on /b/ and /trash/ in the proper e-girl threads.
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>forever 23
miri's starting with blank pages and filling out the lines one by one while talking about them so this might take some time
since the debut and birthday dates changed, miri won't be celebrating the old dates for josa so be sure to update your calendars if you have them tere
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oh neat, eve is here
is the winged cat thing here her viewer mascot? it's been appearing in a few places
Blasphemy. Nice...
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this IS the viewer mascot
it comes in two variants and if i heard it right ther color schemes are interchangeable with eachother
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ah, jumped the gun a bit there
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here's another full view of the model with some detail notes
i think the hair forming a spider silhouette is fun, it seems like something fanartists can play around with
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the new fanart tag has already been in use for a while but i think the fanart rules are new, NSFW is okay for stuff of miri's OCs but not for art of miri herelf
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except for her emotes which were done by another vtuber:
tabaha in shambles
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he'll still be able to draw josa and eve i'm sure he will be okay
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diary reading endan
there's some extra credits, including this one for the raining background:
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lucky clover gnome's playing through funamusea's Mogeko Castle tonight
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>some species of jumping spider produce milk
thanks for the fun fact miri
uh oh schizo melty
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don't worry about it
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mecha mechanic jellyfish is building bandai's remake of the original Gundam model kit!
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game localizer cat's playin more P3R
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she is now playing with plastic ducks on-stream
Maple is a geniunely nice hag.
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chuuni brat dog's playing... candy crush?
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Local Radioactive Cat is streaming a Fire Emblem Awakening Ironman run!
Man her expressions are so fucking good
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What did she mean by this
I'm banned from her community. She wouldn't want me to click this link.
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thoughts on chloe's witch outfit?
chloe the giraffe
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I don't really care about outfits. It's how you use it.
I prefer the bear
Cute, but isn't it kind of late to reveal a Halloween outfit?
it's a booth outfit, there's been a few other chuubas using it
It's not even Halloween yet. Plenty of time. Besides some keep the pumpkin party well into Christmas.
Do new subscribers even pop up on stream?
Captcha: HAGMN
Not on Youtube, I'm pretty sure
She wants gacha players to stop trying to fuck a png and fuck a real girl
Be the change you want to see vile succubus.
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programming socks cat is continuing her interactive game with her viewers! (i think)
RES is streaming Skyrim if you want to react.
I will be streaming Dwarf Fortress 3
>page 5 in 6 minutes
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Soror SMT
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Wait, are Charlotte and Chloe the same person?
I had two viewers!!! I made it!
I'm actually really liking this girl that Charlotte raided
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no, chloe just streams on charlotte's channel. are you gonna ask if mimi and nezuhimesama are the same person too?
Who do you think my viewers were, and why do they like Skyrim so much?
Same answer why you like Ark so much
Did their oshi play Skyrim in front of them one time?
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corpse is starting her daily Dragon Quest VII streams tonight!
Well good news for my Skyrim watchers I jorked my Xbox so that Skyrim is all I'll be playing for the rest of the month and perhaps even until spring.
They were two underaged kids with their mom tablets clicking on random Twitch streams
views are views
Watching the VOD to see if my viewers chatted.
Oh jesas this is going to take months
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the bratty vampy is gonna shoot..... YOU
(Fallout New Vegas)
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I hope someone warned her about r*b*l
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ikemen /tg/ elf's painting trench crusade minis
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house arrest magical girl's mourning her dead wife in silent hill 2!
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ninja hacker bunny's debuting her Live2D outfit tonight
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mimi's starting out in her png form
there's a neat 3d background here though!
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unhinged sea spirit lady's playing more RE2!
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her canonical age is 12
hopefully i don't get in trouble for posting her on /vt/...
>she doesn't know what a live2d is
oh, i guess koragi wrote the stream title
RES has 2viewers now. Intrinsicly that means that intrinsicly your oshi has to intrinsicly lick his hairy nipples.
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nekoragi's here!
it appears that nekoragi is mimi's math tutor, they were about to start a lesson but mimi's going to try to learn about live2d from nekoragi
I wonder if she wrote a script prior or if she's simply improvising
Why are you linking Fallout New Vegas vtubers? You know that's not allowed.
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of course, mimi has her own waiting screen but it's scrolling through koragi fanart at the moment
it feels a little scripted
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nekoragi is pretty strong it seems, as she's carrying that table around while trying to get home
this is fun i am so happy to be here for koragi and nekoragi and mimi!!
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>tries to do a "ninja roll"
>immediately falls over
Finally... Axecutioner but good
I would have a lot of fun watching that stream if I wasn't banned by koragi.
I can't believe Mimi is fucking dead
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mimi tried to fight an evil spirit nekoragi was dealing with but ended up getting kidnapped by it
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slick mimi art
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it seems that cat_channel will be teaching mimi about live2d instead of nekoragi
OOC, koragi being able to switch between having the png model tracking her and the cat model tracking her is kinda neat, i thought she was just moving the PNGs manually
If only the dog didn't hate me then I could watch.
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>blue superchat, red superchat
>"the original vtubers remember, but as platforms emerged..."
>"the blue superchat will return you to your png existence, the red superchat will show you just how deep this rabbithole goes..."
the great migration being part of the ragiverse lore kinda fucking rules
She was found dead in Miami...
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That's not Nekoragi you fool
mimi actually fucking died*
sorry brainfart trying to watch corpse at the same time is messing with me
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mimi awakes in a hospital bed
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those are some thick fuckin loafers
she's going through the feet kinda fast so i guess there's not a whole lot of impressive rigging going on down there
Is it possible my two viewers were a glitch? When I watch the VOD no chatters showed up, and the VOD count was 0 before I watched my own VOD.
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outfit detail
the carrot charm here moves around quite a bit but the rest of her is kinda stiff
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the zipper and the charm and other stuff has better movement but she's alreadying showinghtefaceaaaaaa
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i think koragi actually drew the model this time, unlike with the nekoragi model
the face is kinda cute
Reminds me of ichigo mashimaro, it's insanely cute
She really outdid herself with this
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full model view!
the ears' movement don't seem to be tied to the eyes like typical, they look like they're setup the same way hair usually is
the expressions feel like they're imitating koragi's model a bit
the proportions indicate she's a lot shorter than the other ragiverse characters
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nekora- fuck i mean mimi got carried away by a giant headpat hand
da ragi is always so cute :3
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nevermind, i guess mimi and nekoragi are the same height
from what nekoragi is saying, the png world is a fake layer of reality with the live2d world being the more "real" layer
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ragicorp is an organization that works with live2d artists and riggers to free people from the png world system
Height seems like a very loose measure when she's juggling two models at the same time
This is incredible though
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that's fair
i figured you could use some standard like the head sizes of humanoids being the mostly being the same as eachother
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shadowrun specter's getting jumpscared by alien: isolation
Nezumi my beloved
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ragicorp looks neat, nekorag is going to introduce mimi to some members
based nezumigod
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nezumikeks... how will we ever recover from this...
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wow holy shit, cat_channel is fuckin huge
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that's all the main members of ragicorp down

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