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thoughts on kyrio debut
cute design
never gonna watch him
he looks like a they/them jewish girl i was attracted to a few years ago
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At least put your garbage in one of your dead threads
I hope he does so horribly he gives up on the medium like Quinn.
literally fucking who
That's a good description of him.
Persona 5 guy
not bad
I will grant to him it's a better model than the previous one. Atlus really knows how to make th....what do you mean it's not....oh.
>wheres drama?
>if not, who cares
something something sayu drama something something who follows who xitter
only drama here is that he unfollowed Shinri's pl account because there's rumors that shinri is even worse of a sexpest than he is
So cut for kyrio?
shinri admitted on pl voices of the void recently that he's too horny so timelines line up there
*that he himself is too horny. not kyrio
Gay faggot nigger tranny
is that okarun
When will this faggot do an exposé on Doki like he promised?
>not doing asmr for a long time
>no lewding
>not chats boyfriend/bfe

already an improvement
Your question implies that someone has watched the debut long enough to have thoughts on it.
I'm laughing at the retards who promised he would end up in Vshojo.
Joker with Ike's glasses
I don’t have any interest in watching him, but I think the model looks pretty good
Did he debut on YouTube or Twitch? I won't watch if he did it on Twitch. Ran into a clip of his rigging on Twitter, pretty amazing NGL.

The model is better than most, but still sorta fuccboi which I'm not really a fan of.
this artstyle is like the male version of the succubus big titty tentacle girl rebrand
The reality of male vtuber models is that you are either a non-fucked up looking bara like Belmont and Vesper(Rip) or a handsome lite-androgynous type with or without big anime eyes, and the hair style need to fit, unless you are going for an otoko no ko look or just more androgynous but not as girly looking like Kuzuha, Fuwa, Kanade types. I don't think he looks like "fuccboy" here tho. ANYWAY, his redebut model is on the bishounen style with his ofc and it should not surprise anyone, more appealing to women and the gays.
>gives up on the medium like Quinn.
Didn't he commission a vtuber model while he was in niji? Why do people waste money and artist's time like that
Yeah, and he's said that quinn model is the biggest waste of money and that he regrets getting it.
I refuse to believe this. He acts like way too good of a pure innocent angel on stream for this to be true
Who's the artist?
it seems like he wants to get more male audience members but how he does it is yet to be seen
Why do you normalfags never know how to use words properly

>brotuber begging
You're never going to watch him so don't even bother.
>it seems like he wants to get more male audience members but how he does it is yet to be seen
Interesting, maybe I should keep track on him.
I believe he talks about it in voices of the void part 6 or 5 when the topic of horny 4 pay and lewd voice lines came up and then he admits he is actually "incredibly horni" off stream but he only plays games that make it hard to be lewd so he's not tempted... if you watch his old clips before holo you'll find a lot of lewding too
Not sure if he's the only one, but he put in his request for graduation in early February. I suspect he may have also been one of our fabled leakers around that time.
He also trolled the shit out of all the organs trying to pretend managers were using their socials to promote black stream, by promoting it in a way that was definitely him.
But he's a Nijimale, so even if he actually did the things the kurosanji bandwagoners wanted everyone in niji to do, everyone /here/ is still going to despise him.
A guy with a mainly female fanbase commissioned a model that appeals to women? You don’t say.
Yoclesh and momotex.
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two mamas?
He had the model in works since January. This means he had made up his mind even before the selen shokku. He just officially put in the papers in Feb.
>brotuber begging

perfect time to ditch the crazy fujo cunts from before and get a dif audience Kek

even matara and kuro recently said they hate their old nijifag fans
Then he needs a more shouneny design like cy yu.
Grim. I liked her porn.
Quinn went on a several minute menhera rant about how much he hated the sisters being yumes.
He banned someone for making a "Hawktuah" joke but when someone in the chat told him that the person is male he reversed the ban.
I don't think he's trying to lose the old fans, because he would recognize the old ones in his chat. He just wants to set some boundaries so things don't go out of hand. How long he sticks to them is another matter. Remember vox did the "im not your boyfriend" thing but then turned heel. Can Kyrio handle being a 3 view for a long period of time? He certainly has the potential to cross 4 view territory without BFE

wonder how many more are waiting their turn for the guillotine
vox has always been a sexpest he can't help being a whore
He still does "ohhh kill me" but a tad too much. Second thing is him going on about how he isn't a clout chaser or whatever which can also rub some people the wrong way.
I don't think matara had any old nijifag fans.
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i prefer NotTheo
I don't think there's going to be any more of that given his latest stream.
It'd be pretty grim if his old content style was due to manager advice
Never gonna give this grifter a view and everyone who did watch him for the sake of drama is a faggot boosting him in the algorithm
nta but she complained about how her fans were harassed for being fans of her, mostly by the sisters.
She cited specifically an example of when someone cosplayed Nina, and the sisters went and hate raided the post and harassed them.
He said that?
Yeah but those harassing weren't her fans. She didn't have a lot of those in niji. Kuro had a completely different problem. His fans were a lot and had become too rabid. That's why he did the face reveal.
Kuro's fans were one of the fanbases harassing hers.
He has a better chance sticking around unlike lil' wigger. When can wigger stop being brought up? He isn't a vtuber anymore. I don't want to hear of him or see him ever again.
Because she fucking killed them.
>Luxiem debuts and she globe trots with them and does Luxiem centered content
Guess what happened to her fanbase. Became sisters to get more Luxiem crumbs and a lot of her old fanbase said fuck it, I'm not here for her to fuck around on vacation with a bunch of guys.
He's the first ex niji male to get a model that actually appeals to his audience. All he has to do now is show off his model and he'll get EZ views. Quinn's model is an abomination and Kuro's model looks average to below average.
Eh, the artist and rigger got paid, so at least their time was well spent enough.
As he should. Wigger may be a menhera but yumes and fujous are a blight.
Not surprising though, unfortunately.
>His fans were a lot and had become too rabid. That's why he did the face reveal.
those rabid fans already knew how he looked like. who do you think was on the dox site and bilibili? he already posted selfies on his alt twitter before as well. the reason why he showed himself on stream is because he didn't want to be restricted to just vtubing, especially for content like traveling.
>16K followers on Twitch
>68K on Twitter
>3K viewers on debut
So even the sicklings aren't loyal, huh
Not a chance. He does the exact same shit as Kyrio and always has.
Quinn said that he gets more viewers in flesh than as a vtuber and that if he knew that before he wouldn't have spent that much. Said he still appreciates vtubing and yadda yadda
Pinoy Joker.
literally who
He's half white
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>21yr retard(ATT) doesn't know what he wants and throws money away
This guy proved to be brain dead in such a short amount of time. This shit doesn't even look good or attractive.
I'd look down on him but I was also retarded at 21. Still am to an extent
jesus, and I thought Doki was milking her previous model. Dude just grew his hair out and dyed and and he's fucking identical. Still looks like a bored, monotone faggot to me
>Doki was milking her previous model
What are ya on about, laddie?
she literally is blonde Selen now, dressed like a hobo
So is Kuro. Still pinoy.
Still kinda hard to believe that guy is that young. I thought for sure he was mid to late 20s.
the barry white voice makes him sound ancient
I don't think kuro is half white. Just grew up in white clay.
his biological dad is white, his mom is pinoy
Damn he doesn't look like it at all.
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Pic Rel is going to be one of those Anilive vtubers, this concept with only a head reveal looks way better than what Quinn Vtuber model ended up being
Quinns model looks like shit but that's his own fault for having shit design taste and no fashion sense
he's twitch only now from the looks of it. prob to get away from youtube only nijisisters
Sorry, he's twitch only with highlight videos on his YouTube channel.
But he may also dabble in youtube in future, although not in any near future.
>prob to get away from youtube only nijisisters
Nijisisters really wouldn't touch Twitch, would they? They didn't follow Matara and Kuro.
Oh they followed him but got filtered over time. Also you shouldn't put nijisisters in a box. Plenty of them left after the selen thing happened and plenty of them actually took note and criticised the corpo for things. So not all the ones who follow the livers into the next life are bad.
Yeah my Mistake adding Mata.
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Ves 2.0 was the most bara Stars model we had till Ruze
How many viewers do you guys think he'll have in the coming streams? I predict around 700 occasionally touching 900 or over 1k. He will not retain any raids by any female vtubers.
pinoy genes are strong
I'll be surpised if he retains more than 1 Finana, to be desu
Really? He has a good model and is a stronger streamer than quinn who gets 1 finana too.
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exactly what it sounds like, anon
They are indeed
60% chance he starts pandering hard
Pandering to whom?
damn shame he didnt last long enough to keep using this
His middle hair lock under the glasses bothers me a lot. Like shouldn't it be over the glasses?
it looks like he's moving away from his nothex content though
He looks like a sexpest character in a jrpg.
>sisters still seething about Doki
I'd rather he move away from the entire fucking internet.
I mean, well see if it lasts. Miload also tried to put his foot down but came back with his tail between his legs.
Why do you act like that matters? A bfe female pandered is now trying to appeal to males and a more general audience for real growth? No that’s not happening. This happens to both female and male vtubers thinking that they are entertaining and people watch them for their personality after they heavily sexually bait their audience (in a corpo) then they back track and fail 100% of the time. He is no longer in nijisanji. Not that it’s much of an accomplishment these days to get in but that’s 80% of what made him even remotely interesting to begin with. When a corpo vtuber is pushing boundaries it’s spicy and fun. When an indie does it nobody gives a fuck.
someone's mad kek
It's the sarcastic, acerbic "friend" who turns out to be the main villain all along. Weird that he went for that look.
Enjoy never getting another thread kek
It’s quite close to the pre-Niji Kyrio model to be fair
Like if his old model and Hex model had a baby
Oh it's you.
Doing that just says “I am nothing without the corpo” if you cant even trust yourself to design your own vtuber.
Anon, I fucking hate hex and that's a retarded take.
He's not a character designer. He's a shitty content creator with a disgusting fanbase.
Dunni what you mean. He seems pretty cool.
I'm happy you feel that way anon, and we shall agree to disagree.
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He will be streaming in 2 hours 13 minutes!
>>87432261 (me)
I meant 1 hour 9 minutes. Oopsie
he says he sent pictures of his hair and clothes as reference and it still somehow looks better than quinns waste of money
whats he streaming? more chatting?
Silent Hill 2
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>it looks like he's moving away from his nothex content though
Bullshit. He's already doing the same shit in his last tweet.
Pandering to you lonely and pathetic fujos who are desperately advertising him.
>you fujos
No need to get all worked up. If that's your standard for bfe then every single female chuuba is a gfe.
>posts screenshot of mundane model lean showcase
>anon claiming pander
bait used to be believable
nobody who knows anything about hex besides that he left niji thinks hes cool.
Is 'nobody' the name of your imaginary friend who tells you everything about kyrio?
Total brotuber
Whoever claimed he was a brotuber?
>sub 1k viewers
>That view count
Is he botting?
he's up to 2.7k now
Can get the liver out of niji but can't get the niji out of the liver I guess.
What does niji has to do with it?
Known for botting views.
I thought that was pixel link
How when he is doing bfe shit on twitter
God he's such a yapper.
he always is one kekw
yeah good one anyway
>chinese subtitles incident
>blatantly fake voice he has to fight his throat to keep going (says its because of a mystery illness because he's aping corpse)
>le therapy shtick
>liked untagged selfies from underaged fans on twitter
>he clicked on his fans twitter accounts, found pictures of them that had nothing to do with hex or nijisanji, and liked them
>he did this multiple times
you don't have to like everyone that leaves niji anon
the voices must be telling you those
I wish him a very pleasant penile fracture.
damn, that's actually perfect. the sidekick friend that is kind of a dick but turns out to be a bitter psycho murderer in the end
His ccv does seem inflated. Maybe because it's a buff game.
He reads messages and chat pretty fast
Wtf is wrong with you?
tbf silent hill 2 is pretty in demand + it was anticipated he’d play it bc it is his favorite game
silent hill was already trending on twitch so the numbers make some sense
The high views are to see what's going on, in a few months he'll be at 500 average, that not bad btw, it's just how it works
>nijisister posting
no one is going to care now that he's not niji anymore though
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>male audience
The only regular male watchers Ive ever met are bisexuals or full on homos, and at that point I'm not sure female yumes are that much worse. I'm not really convinced le epic brotuber is a real thing.
He does not have the energy to be a brotuber. Or even halfway through that. He would need to be involved in events and collabs to keep himself visible.
He's getting raided by 25, 18 or like 11 people. Medium to big indies hate him!
Finally dropped under 3k
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>thoughts on kyrio debut
They've done it again
There are multiple male vtubers with majority male audience. Kyrio is not going to be one of them.
True. He's a horrorslop enjoyer. He needs to play competitive games with some boys
Wtf his cat keeps meowing in the background.
cats are good
Cats are good
cats are good.
the fuck was Cover thinking hiring someone like that or Flyon and axel for the matter it sounds like a terrible fit, potentially disastrous.
didn't watch, don't care
>Flyon and axel
Flay voice acts and was a yandere shota type on his old channel (perfect for the character they wanted)
Axel is the "singer" of HQ and had been streaming in jp for only 1 year before, he is very proper when speaking Japanese
No red flags were visible on either
cats are good.
Cats are gnodab.
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exactly as advertised
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That doesn’t even look sexy or hot at all
yeah its cute
its more of cute.
Old Aruran was closer to bara than Vesper ever got
he ain't hot in the slightest but the new model makes me want to take care of him like a baby
personally he’s more cute than hot to me and i want to just squish his cheeks, put him in a hydraulic press and turn him into mochi ice cream and eat him whole. the cuteness aggression is over the roof and with his voice its just duality at its finest
you get it. I hope he gets babypilled and starts acting cuter
That is the Holozhangs Holokeks
And trannies jannies seaniggers.
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i love you anon you get it
its early enough in his debut that chat can make it happen, they can babygirlify that man
idk even aside from acting like a sexpest seemingly even before debut (that's why they created that fake shipp with a staff member nodoka who pretty much sacrificed herself to prop him up) that dude can barely talk on stream he struggles with the basics.
real shit he sounds tired as fuck like he doesn't wanna be there anymore
He's doing university assignments and class every day, so yeah he's a little tired
listen its starting to take effect because he tries to scare us with the knife and all and yet we still find him cute trying so hard to
no, let it die
We'll see how long this love for kyrio lasts.
I wish he was more active on twitter
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That ship was Vesper’s fault. In one of his zatsu, he mentioned that Axel had a crush on Nodaka. Cover just ran with it because it was a bit of a meme for the fans. It also helped Axel get out of his shell a bit but it gave him the reputation as a sexpest.
Oh yes him calling indies his personal tenga has nothing to do with it
he says shit like that to the boys too
are there actually seriously people that think Hex of all guys is suddenly going to stop pandering to women and be a vtuber for the boys? Listen to yourself for a few seconds.
This thread is about KyrioCifer not Hex.
He gave a shout out to every single 2 view raid
>he clicked on his fans twitter accounts, found pictures of them that had nothing to do with hex or nijisanji, and liked them
Holy shit this is genius engagement
Briefly wondered why GFEs don't do this (at the low cost of encouraging the most dangerously deranged fans)
>men don't post desperate validation seeking selfies to like
all ex corpos do that
>men don't post desperate validation seeking selfies to like
Anon…that’s not even remotely true, and you know it
no they dont
da thinker
Desperate for what exactly? He is somewhat new to twitch( after such a long time) and just considers it good manners
>Hex Code

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