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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: Schedule soon

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
Streams soon

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia debuted a new Tenshi outfit! New outfit merch out NOW!!!
>Lia had a wonderful 3D concert with Mint, Pippa, Uruka and Tenma! Buy the replay on SPWN if you want!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>87343925
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Thinking about Lia's brown butthole.
thinking about Lias pink angel butthole
i feel sad and lost motivation to post
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see what fat posting does? lowers morale and breaks the spirits of good men. cunny posting has never had such effects
I miss lia
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good morning beautiful
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I love lia my chubby princess
no such thing
My lia is personalized. I feed her pancakes every morning.
Is this oc? Very cute
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I want this image to be burned and never posted ever again. I think I get Catholics burning people at the stake for bad ideas
shameful self reply
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takes 30 seconds to 'shop that doe
I would say take your meds, but I'm also unmedicated.
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you are untrustworthy, I don't believe you. you are a bad evil man
I'm gonna start commissioning chubby loli lia
You dont have the balls
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for every disgusting piece of fat art you make i'll commission 2. you can't afford your fast food and your degeneracy, fatass
This is projection
post tummy
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>so ugly janny deleted it when it was the OP image
Not the boss of me.
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the guy posting all this gross shit is the brownbuttholebozo btw. I can tell it's his crass work. he doesn't believe in beauty, he wants to corrupt all that is cute and make it gross. he stands for the corruption of our beautiful thread
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>picrel michibro anatomy
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>post girls wemi
I don't keep track of random anons, I just come here to post about lia.
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ya fib, ya lie, ya obscure, ya deceive, ya a demon
Just like Lia
she doesnt do those things though
SHe does. She comes to me every night and tempts me with her lies.
Oh I see, she tells you lies like that she's fat and her butthole is brown.
No. She tells me lies like that I'm a twink mexican femboy
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behold! he exclaims his hatred of all that is beautiful and pure! he wants nothing more than to tear down the divinity of the one true god Lia! he is an anabaptist, a denier of the daughter of Rinmama, the one true queen of heaven. he is a foul heretic and corruptor of the people. he would not stop until you speak of the teen idol sensation the way you speak of a common street whore like himeyora rie. see the enemy of the public, for he is before you
You act like one
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It's true doe unironically
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Wemi is so based, luv her
truth, I want to put a baby in there
Wemi is a baby how can you get a baby pregnant
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I'm going to the liquor store do you guys want anything
I have some vodka im good actually.
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
Take ya meds
based what brand, I'm about to buy some smirnoff
cheapest bottle of 1.75l whiskey they got
will probably end up being evan williams
I wonder if Michibro's booty-hole is brown
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fucking lil faggot ass nerd
Kill yourself
A chubby teen idol sensation
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please die onegai senpai
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why? don't you think it would feel good?
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so fucking true and real
true, Lia would be better as an oppai loli
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blatantly false
absolut SUCKS its for FAGGOTS
what's wrong with it?
Absolut is Swedish, so yeah, for faggits!
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>fishnet crop top
>baggy sweater
>maid dress
yes yes this outfit is meant to appeal to men
but why are all these things usually worn by femboys instead?
and no real women outside of asia wears those
>sees a cute girl
>thinks about femboys instead
the problem is with you
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why are you thinking about cute boy cock
these sorts of cute outfits are only on idealized anime vtuber models, or femboys who try to argue that dressing like that is "masculine" and justifies calling you gay for feeling attracted to them
women will never wear those
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hella based
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wrong thread retardchama
If anybody wants to see the birfday stream...
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honestly Lia would be better if she had a little twink cock
what the fuck is the relation between that webm and Finland
>he doesn't know
please enlighten me or something
We won't know until AI generates Pailolia
I wish the Soviets destroyed you desu
The hydraulic press became a meme a couple of years ago, I don't know if it was shortly before the pandemic or during. I never watched it but I heard about it.
I knew about hydrallic press channel before it was cool
i miss lia
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taking a knee for the entire FF14 stream btw
monday and friday look interesting
lia pigging out on ff
>I KNOW it's a game
kek, Lia has been reading the thread
No, normalfags on Twitter are unironically calling her a bad person and other shit for not knowing that Castlevania is a game.
twitterfags are literally the worst
>pink fashion schedule
You can say that again
Lia working jabronie marks into a shoot
someone with a twitter alt hit him with the Lia stare. please
Lia rattled some of Tenma’s twitter tranny fans too
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It's called X btw, there's no such thing as Twitter. Please stop deadnaming xer
That's a troll, 100%, look at his name
I will dead name Twitter all day every day
wtf is your problem mang
just fed my lia
you ordering 3 happy meals and eating all of them isn't feeding your Lia and imaginary kid
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I just smooshed it into my plastic standee.
lowk based though
Not my boss.
is this a new memephrase I like it or something
Will it be a pokemon creepypasta deepdive
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>be me
>find old, dusty Pokémon game called Pokemon Blood Edition at garage sale
>lady says her son never came back after playing it
>lol ok
>pop it in my Game Boy
>everything seems normal at first, except Pikachu’s eyes are bleeding
>starter Pokémon is a Cubone, can't name it, its name is just "Why"
>weird but cool.jpg
>every NPC just says “Help me” over and over
>gym leaders don’t battle me, they just stand there and cry
>catch a wild MissingNo, but instead of crashing the game, it says “Now you’ve done it”
>game freezes, my Game Boy screen turns blood red
>smash A button out of panic
>suddenly hear a knock on the window
>I live on the 5th floor
tfw no more Game Boy
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holy fucking shit this happened to my cousin that I fucked
is your cousin a guy or girl
Is this a pasta?
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No it's an AI generated green text
guy, I sucked his peatnis
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Honestly whenever I listen to music I like to imagine a Lia themed music video in my head where Lia is performing instead of whatever faggot is actually singing
thats kinda weird desu
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Phase friend Meru has finally turned up...in the latest Idol gen.
(Before you tell me wrong thread, Meru has come up in this thread occasionally)
literally who
Which one
i was happy for her upon learning, but once i started reading about her genmates i feel great pity for her now
/tsunx/ officially is NOT a phase general now. It is legit contested ownership between idol and phase.
QRD I don’t post outside of here. Who else did they get besides Meru
It will always be a Phase thread. The core of Tsunderia is Phase now.
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why ya gotta lie
I'm serious, go check the idol X page and listen for her voice
Lisa and Meru beg to differ
It is rightfully a disputed territory
it's not a gang war nigga you need to get a life
nobody that's a big catch. the aussie is a twitch asmrtist, puppet is a bettel simp that does metal covers, yena is a generic social-ladder-climbing korean like juna that is very openly an alphabet person, meru is the one true gem out of them. all of them are on the small side in terms of success and numbers, and half of them have evidence of having boyfriends which is causing the thread to meltdown to my amusement
>which is causing the thread to meltdown to my amusement
it is gang war in divegrass

none of them are rurumi
that meme of sakana having to do nothing while his competition sabotages themselves just doesn't stop being true
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Divegrass is like watching your little brother's middle school soccer game, it's fun but if you get too invested in it then you're weird
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is blud lost?
>calmly accepted our massive losses with little to no seething
No I dont think I am
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Ask me how I know you're not from here.
Ok how you know
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>Rurumi is still a possibility for Invaders
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faggot of the month award goes to this retard
dare i say the odds of her joining went up a little bit. meru was the last of the tsun girls realistically available who was worth a shit.
still betting on at least 1 prism girl being in the new wave. god forbid fish swing for the fences and pay up for an established jp name who can get them all into the door with the jp network/collabs
I doubted at first but the timing of the phase audition closure announcement triggered something in my brain as though there were some numerological detail connecting the two events which I did not calculate but could feel on a subconscious level
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When will Invaders debut? Will Sakana have the discipline to wait and have them debut in April/May to keep the Invaders anniversary consistent?
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>with the jp network/collabs
Pico-chan, Loki-sama, Yuu, Memory they are doing work. It's not like they just sit around and do nothing.
I'm having an existential crisis over Lia company mate Clara basically being the extrapolated arc of Lia's idol ambitions. I must know what Lia thinks of this. Will she be different in not having subjected herself to the depths the other went?

Lia's flippant attitude towards her progress and the disregard towards needed momentum in her act is distressing. I must know what Lia EXPECTS from all of this.
the biggest event at that time was the kawaii announcement, that's a more realistic possibility
no one cares lil bro
if i were him, either do it in november or would wait until march.
december is euphoria anniversary, january is jp.
he completely fucked anniversary consideration with gen2. their anni always feels like an afterthought because it is 2 weeks after origins.

I am not saying they are not. They deserve all the credit for their branch being steady.
but imagine if they got an extra hired gun? i think a jp invader would be intersting.
This makes sense to me
stop talking like a zoomer on Xitter lil bro
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You're not my boss though
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Not anymore you're fired
>he completely fucked anniversary consideration with gen2.
I don't agree. It's good to space out the birthdays and anniversaries but at some point they will have to be close to each other. For example, this month of October had Yuu's, then Runie's birthdays, and next week is Clara's birthday.
Each gen or girl is supposed to have their own fanbase, so even if they are one week apart, it's not a big deal. Two weeks after OriginS is a good way to celebrate two generations close to each other, save on costs, if you want to package two sets of merchandise, etc.
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Listen, folks, let me tell you about Anon. This guy, he thinks he’s so clever, typing like he’s on Twitter all the time. But let me tell you, that’s not how we do things! I’m a winner, and I want winners around me.

So Anon says, “You’re not my boss, you can’t fire me.” Well, guess what? That’s just wrong! I’m the boss, the best boss. And if I say you’re out, you’re out!
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no green arrow, you're not Trump
Lia achieved her idol dream
I'm lonely without Lia
what are you using to Gen? might buy it this week
NovelAI, it's $25 for a month of unlimited gens, with extra features you need tokens for. If you aren't retared like me maybe you can set up the NAI leak. Check the AI thread first before you pay
I already tried, shit PC can't gen very much
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uwahhhhhhh i fucked it up
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NovelAI is good and very easy if you don't mind paying. Keep in mind it can only do danbooru tags and you need to basically build Lia from scratch.
I know where this pose came from...
novel AI can do loras can't it? plus I already have your tags from the cat box dump
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I didn't give it any pose that's just what it generated, what are you thinking
>novel AI can do loras can't it?
I don't believe it can, I think only the leak can do loras. I really don't know. And yes those tags should make a half decent Lia
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My retarded nipponese bear Bliss trapped on XP hill daughter.
You don't know, you don't need to know, the AI knows, bozo.
I think... you lost
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I ain't never lost a single thing in my life. I aint never gunna lose. Never not once.
based winner
I won bigly because Lia is my oshi NO CAP on a stack
i made this post
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I'm driving in a VW
In service of the
In this country theres lots of snow
and no man wears a single shirt!

I hurry it up
to my headquarters
Because they sit here
They count
They say cripes!
and often say EG
to each other

They are all terrible criminals
Because theyre wearing blue jeans
They must, for I discovered them

I got power
from the warsaw pact
I have done more
they count
They say cripes!
and often say EG
to each other
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why didnt she post the new schedule on xitter
You liacons need to watch your profanity.
it's a bit of both.
some fanbases are punished more than others in terms of big events/merch all within the same time. This year specifically they demanded a fair bit from Lia's fans in a 4 month period. We were asked to hopefully do some of the following
>buy a ticket to offkai in june
>buy anniversary merch in june
>buy birthday merch in july
>buy a ticket to anime nyc in august
>buy summer camp merch in september
>buy new outfit merch in september
it was a lot. not even including any likers who donated to oshipush in may or at these cons lia had 3rd party plushies and shirts and stuff.
now, i know they didn't go heavy on the bday merch package because of they knew new outfit merch would be 6 weeks later, so that was a way to remedy it.

it is first world problems at the end of the day I would rather there be too much lia merch and lia con stuff than none at all.
because she's a stupid cunt bitch
I purchased one (1) 3rd party Lia standee and that will be the whole of my contribution to chuuba merchandise.
>missed opportunity for “third (3rd)”
all of my lia merch is only from third (3rd) party places.
i am waiting to see if chocola ends up selling a lia plushie before i buy the other lia plushie that is for sale
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Gays out!
/pcg/ vs. /jidf/ should now be the Battle for the Crown and whomever wins gets custody of /tsunx/.
Fire goes out
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Anon sucks cock.
Yeah, mine.
Honestly a fat ojisan Liker should post his cock and tummy preferably if he's stinky and dirty
If only you were co-conspirators with my neighbors you would be in heaven, an-non.
Hiyaaa Lianons
Michibro dont use this kind of language...
at least attach an image
I couldn't bring myself to be so gratuitous in this instance. They're watching.
Same energy
I wanna fuck that thing

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