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Take two
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Well that's a dude, so
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pretty much. the gf left years ago. F for retard fans that don't know
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>dramafagging in the feet thread
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found this in another board back then
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We need more Clara feet that isn't just AI slop
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I didn’t like feet until i started lurking these threads, i won’t forgive you for this
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You're welcome
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Does anyone has the sauce for this? I REALLY dig it...who's she or where is this from?
Simi and Chapchap

She lies as easily as she breathes about not liking feet
Are there any vtubers that you would like to see get more feet art? If so, who?
Monarch maybe? Picrel is the only piece I can find where she's barefoot and even then most of it is offscreen
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I want Gigi to have as much as Botan or Kanata
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Eww feet
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same with ERB, >>87413570 is the only one I've seen so far
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thinking of the feet assets Mori commissioned from Pomp, shame there's two of them she never really used
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i still vividly remember when she was using the socks asset and said "i've got my socks on, it's not like i'm wigglin' my bare toes at ya"
i am in desperate need of an animation of her doing exactly that
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>>87433961 (me)
amazing timing to find this, kek
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survive the dead hours
NTA, but I remember seeing a similar Mori art some time ago (pouring wine on her feet) and that shit awoke something in my brain
same artist, somehow did it three halloweens in a row without realizing
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Found it, thank you anon, i hope you get a footjob in the foreseeable future
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You're welcome friend, and I hope so too
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It pains me how little art we got based on the hotel offcollab
Especially the part where Mori got her feet tickled

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