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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm
/asp/iring doodles LIVE!

Previous thread: >>87339979
First for gumping my jorts!
dead thread
Yeah, that's me
good tbdesu
You’re the worst to talk to some days.
I'm afraid.
hope gumpai's next meltdown is the one that finally puts her in the ground
Before IP count was removed /asp/ was getting like 80 IPs per thread, sometimes 120+
Very weird post.
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>mfw before starting stream
Some people think "fake it until you make it" are words to live by.
Of what
Getting fucked in the ass by a 323 pound aspie...
Post Thrones, I just got paid
hope it puts her on my dick tbdesu
save 15 bucks
I'm gonna open comms
Nice try fed
I sort my throne listings by expensive to cheapest so its easier
No, I told myself I would and I can't NOT follow through.
Playing more Echoes of Wisdom. Stuck in the snowy mountains of Hebra trying to make my way to Lanaryu.
0.7g of protein per lb of target body weight
0.6g of fat per lb of target body weight

your remaining allowance of carbs is informed by your remaining calories.
For gradual weight loss, you need to maintain a caloric deficit of 250-350 calories per day.
Assuming you're an average build sedentary adult, your maintenance is 1700 Kcal, so your daily intake should be roughly 1400.

Yes, you will have to track calories. A kitchen scale is $15 and calorie tracking apps are free.

Cutting out sugary drinks will help with cravings (that includes diet soda).

>I'm not going to do any serious exercise.
at least get 6k steps per day, but staying sedentary is a non-starter for anything approaching health.

>t. Kuromaru
what if I go 1000kcal a day diet?
>of 250-350 calories per day
nta but im glad to see my ana tendencies win on this
This mouth skin stuff is the bane of my existence reeeee, prolly gonna have to re-mesh it.
Please do not help that person kuro.
Read the reply chain and then delete this post.
too aggressive, unless done under strict control, pharma support, and for a very limited time frame.

You will constantly be hungry, have horrific brain fog, and be at an increased risk of opportunistic injury and/or organ failure.
what about 1500?
Eating is such a fucking chore. I don't want to eat 1400 a day.
It doesn't take away from me to condense the information into a format that's easy to follow.

From here it's sink or swim
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thank you for adding the magma link to the bake, anon!
I guess now I can stop posting the link every thread. perhaps only for updates.
based DIY aspie
what's your maintenance?
You may not be literally killing someone but you're damn close
How much do you want to eat?
kuro you're giving weight loss advice to someone with a 16 bmi
Whatever I can grab one handful of without cooking before i go back to bed
I looked through these and on one of them I wondered why they would want shit quality shit like that. Then I remembered people said they were transgendered.
no worries, it usually trips me up too. the bottom lip skin is usually the part where I have to do the most custom meshing, but it's pretty easy and even with all of my early floundering I didn't mess it up. if you remesh that part to heavy it won't get rid of the rigging you've already done. ganbare!
>6k steps a day
How do people even have time to do that? I already barely have time to even play games with a regular 9 to 5 office job
oh nvm then.

your daily target is 2200 calories.
Protein and fat targets are the same as above
kuro there's been an aspie who is pro ana, be careful
I don't own a car or a bike so its easy for me. I also have tons of time on my hands. Have you tried being a retarded manchild virgin with no friends like me
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I love this place
Not going to cut it I'm afraid.
Look into meal prep so that you have time to re-heat it later 3 times per day
You never walk for more than 30 minutes a day? Just drive and then get on your fatmobile to get around?
I am unaware of what that is.
My standard assumption is that I'm dealing with (mostly) rational actors
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i remembered to because you told me to a couple threads ago!
just go outside for a walk or jog before work
This is how nearly every American lives. Its not a choice. We build dogshit cities. And rural is no better.
my meal prep is a small pile of protein bars. after sleeping for 12 hours ill unwrap one and eat it and then sleep again. i hope I die in my sleep
But why the fatmobile? Why can't you walk from where you park your car to your office building? Why can't you walk to your desk? Why must you use the obesity go-kart? You would get at least a few thousands steps if you just walked when you're not in a car.
20min session with a skipping rope will burn more than a 6k step walk
sorry to hear that, anon.
I think you deserve to treat yourself better
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oh, that wasn't me lol, but I'm glad people are enjoying the project that much!
pro ana aka pro anorexia
I pace around my room a lot because it helps me think.
sounds gay as hell, ngl
Anon I'm not saying people use fatnobiles. I took that as hyperbole. Do you really think average people use fatmobiles? You can't get your daily steps in when everything is a 30 minute to 1 hour drive away so you only go out once a week if you're a socialite and once a month if you're rural.
it really is and they've been trying to push it onto other people on the thread recently. glad to see you back tho o7 i still need to catch your vod
Always appreciate the viewership o7
Let me know if you think anything in the VOD is worth editing down for YT
Oh yeah lip skin can be such a pain, you got this though! I normally just heavy mesh the skin and don't have to do much custom meshing. you might just be able to do some minor mesh editing to fix the issue too.
I'm sure some of the DIY people would be happy to help if you want to reach out.
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>new viewer tells me he was having a shitty day and watching my stream made him feel better
I think I’m gonna make it, lads.
Once you get out of the cities in America travel time is like 2 hours of driving for groceries. And its to a wal mart. Most people just make one bulk trip a month. No wonder everyone is fat.
Just hopeless antihuman design.
If you just walk normally to and from places then you will get a few thousand steps. You can get a few hundred just walking around your apartment getting ready for work. Getting 6k steps a day isn't just achievable anywhere you live, you have to avoid any exercise to not get 6k steps.
I think you're profoundly missing the point. Or you don't understand how spread out America is. I also don't understand why you are using the 2nd person with an exasperated tone. I get my steps. I'm not the one with the problem here.
If you're talking about Fwofie, she gets suggestions for items being added to her throne and she accepts them if they're funny enough
I'm working from home, I live next to a store, I have literally nowhere to go. 1,5-2k steps a day is my average.
Who's live?
Streaming makes me miserable because no one's there, but it helps me being more productive, should I keep doing it?
So you're saying Americans are literally not allowed to walk to their desk or break room when at the office?
The only way you're not getting minimum a few thousand steps is if you literally don't move at all. When you're at a few thousand steps it's nothing to get it up to 6k. You act as if 6k steps is a marathon or will get you anywhere in the normal world. Most western people commute to work and still get more daily exercise.
I put stuff on my throne for the first time today and someone got me stuff!! I'm so happy YAYYY!!!!
It's funny how we all know what's up but there is still a song and dance of excuses.
Now post their Thrones
You think someone is going to get 6k steps a day walking from their office desk to the bathroom to the break room in a 6 hour work day? You really think this?
Thats not even mentioning people who work from home.
>you act as if 6k is a marathon
No I'm not. I am not saying its a high number. I'm saying the average person is not managing this.
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Walking is for losers.
Being ryona'd by fwofie and malphon at the same time
So am I, but we have to be strong together.
These are all women
I said they would get a few thousand steps minimum. If you park your car and then walk to the building, and then need to walk to your desk, then that will probably be at least 1k one way, minimum of 2k in a whole day. JUST GETTING TO YOUR DESK. Realistically we're talking about someone not being able to do 2-3k steps explicitly for exercise because hurr durr bad infrastructure or something.
women earn money just by existing
men have to earn it
I honestly have no clue what you're arguing man. Are you even American? What is you bottom line point? Are you trying to say Americans are dumb and lazy? You're right.
not me.. im a tranny and i cant find any chasers
When I worked in an office it was less than 800 steps for me to go from waking up from bed to sitting in the office chair.
So you're a man.
That it has absolutely nothing to do with infrastructure. It's such a small amount that most people around the world do at least half of it without thinking. That you have to go out of your way not to do it, and that's not going to change if they lay sidewalks on every road.
no im a third thing. tranny<3
Exceptions exist. I get about 10 steps getting out of bed and to the toilet to take a piss.
It 100% does have to do with infrastructure. Are you one of those people whove hyper politicized city planning? Other countries in the western world get more steps because they have better infrastructure. I mean its just logic. You're never going to get steps if you're never a pedestrian. Again, are you American?
Laying sidewalks on every road in major cities would be a start though, eh?
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We solved the ruins of La Mulana, but can we solve a game designed for children...?! Tune in to find out!

when you need to go to the convenience store and you're only option to get there is to stomp through a muddy dugout that homeless people piss in you're going to take your car instead.
It 100% has nothing to do with infrastructure. You're imagining a fantasy where other countries are full of people walking on sidewalks all the time, instead of commuting by car or public transport. That's just cope.
It's so depressing that not even my friends want to watch me. The only people who watch my streams are the ones I link it directly because they feel obligated to click on it.
I checked my phone and I've averaged around 200 steps a day this weekend. Depression is great
>nobody drives everywhere outside of America

hard pass
Source: Trust me bro
In the US it's not even possible to pace around your house.
nta but if its not obvious to you hearing that voice, youre delusional
Are you American.
You shouldn’t rely on others for your own happiness. Especially not vtubers. They have lives too.
NTA but come on.
that's medusa, you dumb fuck
do your reps
Wow I never said either of these things!
Stop coping. Start moving. You could have already done more than 6k in your room in the time you desperately tried to make up excuses.
I get well over 6k steps a day. Did you ven read my posts.
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Well, that's the point. I started this whole things because I wanted people who are genuinely interested in just casually talking to me and spending time with me, interested enough to occasionally show up on my stream. I always knew I was never going to have an audience but it seems I'm not even interesting enough to become a 2view unless I literally force myself on people. This is so pointless.
Then why are you being a whiny bitch making excuses for other people intentionally being lazy and using dumb excuses? You're worse than twitter activists.
go walk out of this thread already david goggins, nobody cares about your autism
Man what are you having such a total meltdown over. You're like a strawman of your own argument. People are going to think I'm samefagging myself with a totally unreasonable silly character. Get off 4chan and go to bed. You're losing you mind over nothing.
You're the one with autism. I just made a reasonable argument for how easy it is to get the steps in. You're the one going out of your way arguing about theoretical limits on the ability to move one foot in front of the other, and being an obtuse autistic retard.
You seem confused. First it was casual with friends and now it is 2view. You don’t even know what you want. Selfish and confused. Seek mental help and then try vtubing after you figure out your problems.
Yes I'm losing my mind because I just stated the obvious. Right.
im not even the person you were talking to you fucking autist, im telling you to fuck off with your "reasonable argument" from the vtuber thread because its offtopic and nobody cares
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heck yeahhhh
Thanks! Yeah meshing is somewhat confusing to me, I auto meshed most of my stuff but from what I've gathered it's recommended to manually mesh the eyes/mouth stuff.
Hey whats your twitch channel.
Then don't bring it up you autist.
They should stop relying on me to keep their streams alive, then
what is this autism
What is this weird projection suddenly? 2view as in, 10+ viewers, that's usually still barely anyone in chat, if they even talk. I get that you just want to be rude but at least be upfront and don't try to mask it as advice, that's such a pussy move.
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thanks for stopping by today my necks hurts
Unironically. It’s unhealthy for both you and them. Artificial numbers with ersatz interactions. It’s masturbatory and will lead to dependence rather than growth.
how else do you even find growth? nobody clicks on people with low viewers, let alone sub. your only chance is hoping to have a lucky viral moment one day
>I can't move my legs 6k times a day
>you can definitely move your legs 6k times a day
>no you can't hurr durr autism
A big reason I took a hiatus from streaming is because I was only getting viewers from here and I'm too old for obvious sycophantic behavior it makes my skin crawl.
You have to understand the average aspie can't figure out simple shit like checking if their mic is on.
Your priorities are confused and ill defined. Do you want a casual hangout with friends? Or do you want many viewers? A couple good friends can be worth more than ten lurking superficial ones, yet you want something even more. Why and what? My advice is to figure that out first. Or you can keep complaining about your problems without taking steps to solve them.
bro, why don't you just follow the 5k running plan?
just run 3 times a week to be healthy
you can't run? buy a row machine!
Do you never watch content because you want to see the content? Is it always being someone is popular or viral recommendations?
American infrastructure doesn't allow that retard.
You're not giving any advice, you're just spouting vague nonsense to sound smart. My phrasing might not have been the best, but my intentions should've been clear enough nonetheless. I want a few people to watch me because they actually want to watch me, not because I asked them to, that's literally it. You do not have to respond, I already know that your next post would just move the goalpost with some more weird insults.
people left off the list don't have their throne listed on their twitch.
NTA but why would I watch you or anyone else specifically?
I do click on small channels, but I rarely follow people under a few thousand follows/subs on Twitch/YouTube. Numbers attract numbers, I'm much more prone to click on sub when it's a creator who has a million followers and been making content for years than someone who has 200 and can disappear any time.
I wish I could just throw these feelings away, loving you is so painful...
That's my issue, anon, no reason to, I'm just not interesting enough, it seems.
I have mine listed but nobody mentioned me
hint on who?
Support good streams.
You click on small channels, but why? Is there something specific about the content or are you just offering artificial support?
>I'm much more prone to click on sub when it's a creator who has a million followers and been making content for years than someone who has 200 and can disappear any time.
That's right. You don't really care about them. You only care about fitting in and not being left behind, like many other viewers. You can't count on that, and it won't get you to the point of being that popular.
Nobody is that interesting. A viewer either artificially supports you, or they want something personally, or they're going with the crowd in following popular people and don't want to be left behind. Cult of personality is a terrible growth strategy.
she's mother
How did you get a photo of me?
I miss you more than I could have imagined possible. My mind is consumed by thoughts of you. Each second spent replaying your voice, imagining your face, eagerly awaiting your messages in the morning. This is maddening. It’s torture. And yet I wouldn’t want it any other way, because my pain means that I love you. I hope you love me too and I want to see you again very soon. It feels like time is dragging on so slowly, each hour a torturous eternity. I find myself staring at the clock like a bored kid in school. I hope we will talk again, I hope we can have what we had, and live a good life together like we’d talked about.
I always forget about my throne but nobody gets me anything either so its more of a reminder for me for things i want to get.
yeah I'm not getting baited by this she clearly said we shouldn't date
>You click on small channels, but why?
Because I always watch streams of the games I play, and those usually tend to be small streamers as I mostly play retro.
>You only care about fitting in
I only care about good content, however, good content usually goes hand in hand with a big audience. Not always, of course, but the audience itself is what fuels good content. Streams are the best when the audience is a part of the show. You can't do that if you have no audience.
>Nobody is that interesting.
Nobody is interesting enough to keep your attention for 10 hours a day alone, but if they have a chat to banter with, or just creativity to fill up the void, I think they absolutely can be. But there are a lot of people who can be very interesting for a 1-2 hours long zatsu, however, you need to be a very good talker/storyteller for that and that's rarer than people think.
please be about me
1. open google maps and find your nearest park
2. walk/drive/take public transit there
3. run in the park
4. go home
repeat until no longer retarded
It’s about cherry blossom
why the fuck are you still vagueposting about rottie kys retard
RELAXING deadlock stream tonight
do amerifats really?
which vtubers have the most lickable armpits
without loli ear licking asmr, i wouldve killed myself ages ago
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none of those people are trans, not that it would matter if they were, I just think you're a stupid motherfucker
You're completely wrong. That's why you won't grow, because you don't either (A) manipulate people or (B) make content that is good regardless of who presents it.
how do I make friends
dm me
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You don't
>manipulate people
I am not a woman.
>make content that is good regardless of who presents it
No such content exists.
dm me
don't dm this guy, his a groomer
would you watch/listen to a cute(?) girl talk about ways to improve your life?
lol no sorry
only if you make fun of me afterwards
I would watch you even if you just talked about how paint is made nowadays, stop teasing and give a date for the first stream ;-;
I don't get it, how is rottie cherry blossom?
How the fuck would a cute girl know how to improve your life as a (most likely ugly and unsuccessful) man? You have extremely different life experiences. The only people who'd watch that are groomers.
Anything cool on their Thrones?
That right there is why you can't figure it out. Maybe don't get into content creation just because you want to be popular. It's not a highschool do-over, and if it was, you haven't learned anything since the first time.
case in point, a groomer
You could just click the links anon
Your post is nothing but inane projection. Will you add anything worthwhile to the topic or should I just let this discussion go?
Just notice I don't have it listed
it's not about giving you the guide, it's about giving you the tools to make your own path, on how to look inward on yourself to be able to figure out how to improve yourself
I have it listed aswell its just that nobody uses it


(Except for a few minutes ago)
maybe don't post if you don't actually have anythign to say lol
If you're honestly arguing that your content won't be interesting, unless your audience gives you something interesting to respond to, then maybe you should be the one paying them instead. If you can't understand that then no wonder you can't figure this out. All you're doing is whining and ineffectually arguing. You're a lost cause unless you can change.
do you like art?
ya i bet :3
I'm sorry anon but if you haven't studied psychology or you aren't at least competent enough to know what you're talking about besides surface-level youtube self-improvement tier bullshit, nobody is truly going to care. They will watch you because you're a woman but not for the content. If you really want to do this sort of streams, make it more specific, learn about certain topics deeply enough to be able to provide actually valuable content and focus on a single one each stream. Nobody wants to hear advice, especially not from a cute girl, I'm sorry but people simply won't take it seriously.
someone said it was her previously so i'm treating it as such because otherwise i have no idea
If you spent your time and energy in DaVinci Resolve or After Effects instead of whinging in this thread, you'd probably have partner numbers by now
A lot of anons get into this because they're trying to escape from their dead end lives. It's not because they want to do anything in particular. It's like kids who say their dream job is to be famous or rich.
NTA but I don't think it's a good look. Women do not understand and never will understand how fucking rough it is for men. So them saying, "Oh you just need to do X and be Y" when their talking from a completely different set of circumstances is just patronizing and feels delusional. Most guys are starkly aware of their own lackings, that's why GFE is so popular because so many guys just want to be treated nicely even if it's by a virtual women because none of them recieve any sort of positive attention. Guys don't want to be reminded of all the reasons, usually out of their control, why they're undesireable. Also that women tend to not understand why they are attracted to certain men.

>Oh I don't like him because he's 6'1", good looking and wealthy, I like him because he's confident and charismatic
Which if you spend about 5 seconds thinking, is backwards
>A lot of anons get into this as a hobby
yes, you're right
>your content won't be interesting, unless your audience gives you something interesting to respond to
That is not what I said, but having an audience and interacting with that audience does objectively elevate the entertainment factor of a stream for that audience in question, arguing against this is just 1view delusion I don't feel like dealing with any further.
The world is geared towards men. Even in streaming all the top performing streamers are men, it's not even close. Having your value reduced to superficial attributes isn't the buff you think it is. Yeah, they can whore their way around to get ahead, but I don't see guys like you even dropping your pants and trying to be a whore. If that's the benefit you crave then put your money where your mouth is.
someone buy me things off my throne now!
>DaVinci Resolve or After Effects
There's a lot of low2view people here with extremely good setups, who've been streaming for years and will never make it to partner regardless of their technical knowledge. That alone won't help you shit if you aren't interesting.
It doesn't matter if it's exactly what you said or not. The result is the same. You're deluding yourself with a fantasy where you're popular and chat is supporting you. Nobody wants to watch just that.
vtubing is a female-dominated hobby with male viewers
But that would require work and the desire to actually make something. Anon wants to walk the red carpet and win oscar for best movie without ever making one.
>it doesn't matter if I'm arguing with you or with the strawman I made up in my head, the result is the same
Okay anon. I can't respond to that, you won.
You are asking this in one of the places with both the highest count of evil-intended actors AND with people who reject having real world stuff brought to their attention (A.K.A people with huge escapisms tendencies)
It is an untapped market for most vtubers, and nobody is commiting to it so far in the vtuber sphere, but it also is made up by an audience which could very well not translate into the rest of your streams. If you find it interesting people will naturally appear, you will just need to give it a shot and see for yourself if it's worth your time, after all vtubing is just another hobby which shouldn't present to you any sort of problem, therefore discussing unpleasant things should also be out of the picture.
you people can't say shit without projecting huh?
Plenty of male vtubers, but it's only women dominated because it gives women everything they could want if they break through and gain enough viewers.
Post your link
I know someone like that. They have some technical skills, but they're a delusional literal autist. A very unlikable and abrasive person that rubs people the wrong way, says stuff that's plain wrong, doesn't back down and drives off everyone that isn't a sycophant. The point the other anon is trying to make is that if you're a nice enough person then technical skills will serve you well. They're not saying that learning DaVinci Resolve will cover for an atrocious attitude problem.
looking at it but that's about it
What do you do when a woman inserts herself into your community? She’s not necessarily doing anything bad, but it feels like she’s throwing her weight around and making the community all about herself.
And how many youtube videos or shorts have they made or have made for them? Streaming is just to farm content but you still need to process those vods into bite-sized clips or compilations of said clips
Which is why bitching about it won't ever happen. They're an idea's guy that wants an editor to fall into their lap from the very heavens
you make very good points, while i am pretty confident i know more than just any random person off the street knows, its nothing ive actually studied.. its a shame that itd be viewers watching just because its a woman as well, id much rather have people watch for my content.
i understand the difference a woman will have in life compared to a man but you do not know me and im sure a conversation with me would prove that i am well capable of understanding others perspectives despite differences ^^ thank you for the input regardless
I love women.
It's not a strawman. You're effectively assuming the same, you just don't make that connection because it would be too much to admit your own faults and stupidity. It's not going to work out for you, but it's a free country, so have at it.
it smells of a low rice purity sorry anon try flesh streaming
We know Iriya
Even the most distressed urboid can find somewhere to run and excercise. You're just a lazy fatass.
I love* women
(*only the right kind of women though)
very right about it being a fanbase not really looking to break that sort of barrier, i didnt actually think about that. maybe its something ill pick up in the future, or just something ill use as a talking point every now and then
>technical skills will serve you well
I wasn't arguing against that, obviously they do, but that anon said studying programs that enhance your stream will result in reaching partner status, which is just simply not true. If there is something you must get good at regarding the technical aspects of streaming, it's audio engineering.
>it's not a strawman because [headcanon I made up in my head about this imaginary person i think you are]
I think you should try making youtube videos instead of streaming. Research a topic thoroughly and put together a well-edited essay-type video. It's a lot of work, but I can see this kind of content being successful because it's pretty much untapped in the vtuber sphere. As a stream, not so much.
The world isn't geared towards men. It's geared towards productivity and profit. Men just happen to be the best at those two things. Streaming is dominated by men because men are much better at video games than women.

>Having your value reduced to superficial attributes isn't the buff you think it is
It absolutely is because you can change how you look to a near infinite degree with surgery. If you're short as a man, guess what, you are completely fucked.

>but I don't see guys like you even dropping your pants and trying to be a whore
Why would a guy do this? What market is there?
i used to have it listed, but took it off since i made a command for stuff like that
>No such content exists that interests people unless they already love the personality of the creator
Delusional. You must be memeing.
Is he the only straight man who isn't asexual you know that's posted here or something, you seem a tad obsessed
I want attention!
Who cares about partner status? Are you actually a moron? Being creative and having technical skills has gotten people far more than partner, it's launched multi-million dollar careers.
the largest audience are horny pre-teens and horny touch starved men
It's not that being a woman inherently gives you an advantage it's that you don't generally appeal to the largest demographic in vtubing as a regular guy.

I've had to say this over 20 times since coming to asp I wish this tired shit would die out, stop searching for excuses as to why you can't succeed.
You are the biggest hurdle to your own success.

And if you don't believe me, wait til gumpai has yet another schizo meltdown on all her social medias and deletes all she worked for.
Hey guys. Thats not what I said. I'm not fat. I have no fitness problems. I get plenty of exercise. I was only talking about natural steps. I was just theorizing on why someone would not get 6k steps in their natural normal day. I'm not talking about purposeful exercise, nor am I making excuses. You misinterpreted my post and blew this whole thing out of proportion. If you're going to reply to a post read all of the posts man.
I'm sure you can also get a balding old man to be your sugar daddy whale if you want it bad enough.
>Are you actually a moron?
Are you? I mentioned partner only because the anon I was replying to brought it up.
>you'd probably have partner numbers by now

testing a thing, litter so it explodes since its only a draft
>Are you? I mentioned partner only because the anon I was replying to brought it up.
You should read that post again. You won't find it mentioning partner status. Maybe take a break if you can't keep the stories straight anymore.
im violently masturbating rn to this
Oh I'm sorry, it was not partner status, but partner numbers. You're right, that's truly a very important distinction.
looks dope man!
And people will still come crawling back to her when she restarts
I did it all because I love you, please be gentle with me and spare my feelings.
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and they ain't people you want so it's all good brother!

but she's a good example of the self sabotage that plagues people regularly, even poor Ria finds herself being her own worst critic these days
There are infinitely more straight men than gay men

Again, market size
Just wait for one or two more generations to grow up and that will change.
If they pay me money, yes I want them
No, the one you replied to whining about partner status didn't mention it at all. That was a different post by an obviously different poster. Who cares who mentioned partner though, it's a dumb and arbitrary metric. The obvious truth is that you can succeed like that without streaming or streaming without ever applying for partner.
If you just want partner then pay bigger streamers to raid you.
I don't really understand Throne. Is it really somehow more effective? It seems like it's more female simp oriented for cosplay and 3d streamer stuff.
Like I could never show the item on camera as a vtuber.
>just wait 40 years for everyone to be gay
Which means you have less competition. If you really want the opportunity to get fucked to get ahead, then go for it. God speed.

probably gonna put mostly food on mine desu
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of humans and Pokémon fitness streamers, AlpinAlbench is the most compatible streamer for humans?

Not only is he in the /fit/ streamer group, which is mostly comprised of power lifters, AlpinAlbench is 9”03’ tall and 630.9 pounds. This means he's large enough to spot humans, and with his impressive Base Stats for CCV and access to a 3D model, you can be bros with this one.

Due to his mostly GamerSupps based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that a max level AlpinAlbench would be incredibly based, so based that you could easily workout with him for hours without getting sore.

He can also learn the moves Helping Hand, Focus Energy, Coaching, Victory Dance, and Follow Me, along with not having shame to hide his chuuni levels, so it’d be incredibly easy for him to get you in the zone.

With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, he can easily help you recover from fatigue with enough supps. No other streamer comes close to this level of compatibility.

Also, fun fact, if you lift enough, you can make AlpinAlbench impressed. AlpinAlbench is literally built for training humans. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Healing Wish means he can help clients all day, all shapes and sizes and still come back for more.
nta but where do i find big streamers i can buy raids from
by the time that happens, most, if not all gay men would have died off while the straight men continue to create more generations. i hope you know good unions to work for.
Dokibird got her simps to buy her an art tablet for 2-3k in January for her art streams. To this date she hasn't done any art streams. Do you think she still has it?
Probably the shady kinds, or find them at Twitchcon.
I never looked into you and thought you are ok and people in thread just crabbing/hating on you for no reason. But apparently you are the retard who calls everybody pedo here huh
Looks badass
There is that aspect too. The only thing I can think of that I would want is a desk. But I'm moving soon so, I would hate for someone to buy it then that be a waste.
Not aspiring anymore
stale bait
I'm reading through your posts and there is no interpretation of you as a person that could possibly be good. Anons are giving you the benefit of the doubt if they think you're just delusional and don't realize what you're saying. There's just no way you can spin this that makes you seem like an okay guy. Let alone as a compelling and entertaining content creator.
shania has always been a hated schizo. the shit with him and odette back in /wvt/ goes on for a long time and that's why he retreated to /asp/ to trick gullible newbies that don't know about his past that he's a strange, but well meaning person
I'm willing to bet you're one of the people I was talking to pretending to be someone else, but in case you don't you still didn't have anything to say besides insults. Seems like the things I said made you mad enough to respond but you have nothing to refute my points with. I never claimed to be a good content creator, in fact, I was saying the exact opposite, anyway. I'm not interested in continuing this discussion, people replying me in this manner are just self-fellating retards unable to do introspection or provide any sort of argument worth to discuss. Rot in low 2view hell.
*aren't and other typos i am phoneposting
At least Nikocado, Boogie, and Dr Disrespect did their villain arcs on their channels. What is your end game trying to do it anonymously?
More insults, now pulling out random fleshstreamers too. Quality response. You forgot Asmongold. Just let it go.
Predicable cope
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Do you really think the only reason you're not popular is because you're not lucky enough to have an active chat? And everyone else is a retard?
No, and I've never claimed that.
>mentions audio engineering
>basically calls everyone seething retail workers
wassup camui?
What insult? They acted as villains for engagement. You're acting like this now, baiting people to respond, and you're not even monetizing it or even farming views. What is your end game with acting like this?
I am literally telling you to stop responding, you do it by yourself. Don't blame me.
take it to the DMs
People started responding to your bullshit for no reason, right?
lil bro love!
lol. lmao. kek even
People started responding to me because they had something to say. Unfortunately, it wasn't anything interesting, but we had a discussion nonetheless. You, however...
>I'm not interested in continuing this discussion
>Just let it go.
I told you multiple times to not respond, but you're still doing it. Can you please stop blaming me for your own autism and/or lack of comprehension? Thank you.
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Decision paralysis is killing me, come in and decide what I play first
Less competition? What are you talking about? Gay men are the most promiscous people on Earth.
>click /asp/
>wanna shit on the thread
>its already shit
See you tomorrow
I'm going to OUGH you all over
vile creature of greed.
>no demand it won't work
>too much demand it won't work
All I see is excuses.
Reading literacy

Small market != No demand
I can't stop thinking about her.
Anon, this is all on you. You're projecting and are the one with nothing interesting to add. Everyone else has given you lots of good advice. Unfortunately, you can't help yourself, and you can't update your beliefs. At the same time you never just fuck off despite being a stuck record.
Is there a practical way to lay down while I stream? I just like laying in my bed lmao
It has nothing to do with literacy. You just keep arguing for any reason instead of admitting you don't want to drop your pants to get ahead.
Name her
Tracking is just recording inputs. You can lay down and do it in a custom way. Vtubers are stupid people on the whole so nobody does and they think it's impossible. It's the same logic that has them say you need specific equipment and can't have life-like inputs without it. Then again you won't be able to do it yourself if you couldn't figure out that much in the first place.
>Why won't you whore yourself out for a group of people you aren't attracted to for pennies?

I don't know anon, that's difficult.
Excuses. If you really wanted that lifestyle you wouldn't make up so many excuses.
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Me either man.
Thanks for caring about her, it means a lot.
>Everyone else has given you lots of good advice.
Like? Give me just one, I might've missed it.
This is the worst shit possible. Gen 5 is already struggling enough, the last thing we need is someone who is going to end up giving something for 'thread darling' fags to latch onto. The lolibaba whatever baiting she is doing as well will also further kill off a lot of gen 5 before they can really recover this is the worst possible outcome ever
>I'll play that sealioning game to restart my endless bitching and moaning
No thanks. I see you like a fat person that always argues and never loses weight. It's a waste of time, figure it out yourself or kindly shut the fuck up.
Yes I would like a lifestyle of earning easy money. Given the market I can appeal to is either women which is small and notoriously stingey or gay men which is even smaller and extremely competitive. This reality does not exist for women.
My favorite thing about this thread discussing demographics, audiences and niches is that they act like everyone is fighting over the same 5 viewers. You MUST do these 10 things or you won't appeal to anyone! *

*these 10 things only apply specifically to a group of 5 people and only accidentally might apply to others
>it's too unfair
So you're a slut and a whore if you could be, but you're too lazy to actually do it. Sure, sure. Life was so unfair to you for not giving you a vagina so you could get herpes and $100.
I usually never join in the discourse because I've just clicked go live for 8+ years and have seen natural growth without doing anything people say you need to do.

I'm sure my growth would've been substantially larger if I did those things but I think the real joy of this hobby/interest is there's so many ways to approach it and it only gets more accessible as time goes on.
thank you for the support anon, i will schedule the stream as soon as i finish model promise
So it's not just that you were lying and can't give a single one but you're also a projecting piece of shit. I know it's free, but I don't want to live in your head. You're mentally ill. Never talk to me again.
It is unfair. That is my entire point you retars. There is not equity or equality in this instance. I don't know why you're arguing against this.

Sex work is dominated by women, not men.
I could get so much growth if only I had an engaging and fun chat to read.
>everyone is fighting over the same 5 viewers
Considering that 90% of the thread has no viewers besides other thread-dwellers, that's pretty much true.
Because you're a retard. Most people don't want that advantage.
I'm going to tell you something that took me over 10 years to realize.

If you rely on others for your streams, you are not going anywhere.
You have to present yourself as a person that people should want to interact with or you will just end up asking for input from a chat that doesn't exist.

looking at successful streamers in general their channels didn't start with huge groups of people clammoring for interaction, it started with them doing their own thing until they were interesting enough for people to want to be a part of that.
>most people don't want to treated kindly and valued for simply existing

You're literally the one arguing against all the advice though. Get a fucking clue.
Why did you post this? You add nothing. You're nobody. Projecting autismo.
Yes, I am arguing, while you're projecting. I'm glad you acknowledge the difference.
You don't know what projecting means and can't explain what you think I'm projecting about.
christ this is STILL being pushed? I'm literally not trans
so what happened with glorpo?
I’ve always tried to give general advice for exactly that reason. Decide on your target audience, research who they are and what they might like, know your own goals, present yourself in accordance with those things. Then iterate. My advice has been called vague nonsense in this thread already. /Asp/ies have forgotten that the advice to just stream was intended for vtweeters. Many seem to think that just clicking the go live button is enough to gain or keep viewers. It works for some but not for all.
It doesn't matter anyway, we're a trans-inclusive community.
I want at least 10k concurrent viewers on average.
Anon means that he is actually following all the advice posted for him in this thread, and you infact are not following it and you're the one calling people names for posting it.
ok kiddo, stay blissful
That's a good and actionable plan, I would watch that content with 10k viewers. It sounds really interesting. Just the viewer total alone has me excited.
I’m going to do my best communicate for you, because that’s what you need me to do. I’ll give it everything I’ve got tomorrow. I will always do my best to give you a good life.
better start working on the slop content then
if you're female, just listen to gumpai
if you're male just listen to Uwo
The Sekiro drunk stream goal is achieved and now im nervous its going to sunk. How are you booboos doing today.
god awful advice lmao
I was thinking of making a discord and doing some sort of a monthly or bimonthly challenge thing with other retro game tubers, when we would play the same obscure vidya nobody else does. Maybe we could also revisit some old multiplayer games or mmos that have long been dead as a regular event. But maybe nobody wlse would be interested and it only sounds good in my head.
>if you're male just listen to Uwo
So basically, give up on vtubing and be a fleshstreamer
Try it and if it doesmt worrk out it didnt. But im sure itll be fine
>i was thinking
Thats the problem. Just do. Am smart
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I got Burning Gundam off of mine and built him on stream, so its was worth it. I could never put stuff like clothes or other frivolous things on it, but stuff for streams, either PC/equipment upgrades or more kits to build on stream, are what I prefer using Throne for.
you guys think? I just do whatever
I would be very interested in that but I'm not really a retro game tuber, I'm just old.
started streaming for the first time. a new chatter appeared and it scared me so much had to end the stream. hopefully i will do better next time.
I'm 29, is that old
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Got my hopes up for nothing, but that is my problem for hoping anything to begin with.
Meme-ing aside don't actually do this. I'll always keep bringing up how some guy had a decent following with a few oilers, but gave it all up and became a fleshstreamer
That happened to me too, but I can handle it now. But I'm still terrified of the thought of ever getting raided. Thankfully, I've made no friends so it's not going to happen.
only 5 years younger than me take that as you will.
I want /asp/ies to be my friend and show up to my streams...
one year away from wizardry...
yeah i will probably be able to handle it soon, i just wasn't expecting anybody to chat my first stream
And what games you'd be interested in playing?
Name yourself :3
Becoming popular simply for existing is an extremely over-saturated market dominated by those who had first movers advantage. I don't understand why some anons cannot understand that simple fact. Pick a different streaming goal or cut your losses.
On my first stream a bot showed up trying to sell me viewers and I thought it's a real person and started talking to him, then choked due to embarrassment and ended the stream.
its still something i'll consider once i get a feel for what kind of viewers my voice and personality attract
I streamed for the first time ever one time and I noticed someone followed me before streaming so I smashed my PC with a sledgehammer. I had no idea viewers were so thirsty for me...
This is the best post anyone’s ever made about me, I’m honored, thanks anon
I want aspies to stop being my friends and showing up in my stream…
playing caves of qud a roguelike for an hour then reading beserk vol 1 ttv sagehoge i have a new model
I'm down for anything man, though not sure what you had in mind.
same anon who messaged you about The Leaks
Nothing specific, I've just been lazing around in bed and thought it could be fun. If we had more people we could just vote on it, or put on a bunch of games on a list and pull one randomly.
I'm embarrassed, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and hope it works one day!
I guessed as much haha, I really really wanna cover them cause it’s great stream content, but I decided against it for TOS reasons and stuff. Someone at GF is getting blown out hard and I don’t wanna contribute to it really
randomly pulling sounds like a fun idea.
would we all just play the same game with a goal in mind or what?
Yep, some lesser known classics or just generally weird/obscure stuff maybe, but as I said I didn't really think it through, so I'm open to any ideas.
If I was going to do something in that vein, it would be a team made solely of the Pokemon mentioned in the leaks (e.g. Typhlosion, etc.) and I'd see how many people I could beat with that team makeup. HOWEVER, this would 100% get you cancelled/labeled problematic by some people, so don't. But it would be funny as fuck.

That, or some lewd skews in that vein, or skebs of you in a kigurumi of those Pokemon, idk. But don't. But it would be kino. But...don't.
maybe we could come up with not just games but a basic objective to race towards for everyone, I think that'd be pretty fun.

Like if we got a kirby game it could be to beat a specific boss or to get a specific power first, simple stuff.
Sure, anything is fine by me, but first we should ask around if there's anyone else interested.
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there are so many aspies that I want to have hot sweaty GAY sex with fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkk
i am happy for gumpai's success
name him (plural), sis!
link dummy???
But how can just a personality attract something of that sort? How can you give up on something thou like without having even tried? I hope one day you can truly give it a shot, we need more people doing that sort of thing, the world gets a little better once someone can bring themselves to not lose in the face of the negativity contained in the world itself, others learn to also hope when they can see someone do so too. Do not pay so much attention to those who only know about the bad aspect and who rejoice in the suffering of this mundane mediocrity, realize at least once your dream, then with that decide if its worth commitint or not, nicetuber...
in the next thread maybe, i'm literally falling-down drunk and literally need to look at the tier list to remember all of them
if you don't mention me I will be very sad and hurt...
>be zenya
>hate all female aspies
>will still raid runo
>I would grow an audience if I had an audience
how exactly? You're just expecting an audience to exist from nowhere and generate you a bigger audience on their own. Try starting a cult instead.
I don't think you're smart enough to realize but your premise might have a flaw in it.
Runo wasn't part of the crowd bullying her when she was small and calling her 2enya so that's not a shock in any way
please enlighten me 2enya
I hope things will go well for me. I need a lot of anons to pray for me tonight.
you guys ever think about what being a fish would be like
What's wrong anonchama?
What are you doing?
I hope everything works out for the best, anon.
idk what's happening but i hope its going well for you anon
mm.. don't worry, i still think its a good idea, whether its through directly scheduled discussions or bringing up the topic out of the blue, i will help people do some introspection, and im sure i'll learn some things too through it which is another reason i dont want to just drop the idea (along with it sounding very good for shorts content)
Does Ludwig advice applies to vtubers too?
Absolutely. I'm 100% certain that even chuubas like Dokibird follow his advice, or at least their managers watch and summarize it for them
a lot more simplistic than being a human being
I'm excited..
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You guys STINK
Why are you excited?
This FREAK smells guys
you're not deleting anything, anon
What is his advice, I don't want to watch the video
follow trends, network (leech), game algorithms

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