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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>87361494
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TEASER! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby links and info: https://rentry.org/Doobyliur
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Today was a doob day!
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Have a doobday friends!
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have a doobday everdoby
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Doob evening!
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be hopeful
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>for now2
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>Ollie thinks what Ame is doing is an indefinite hiatus, that she will come back some day and said she will show up in important moments. #Myth4Ever

>pic rel

if there is any more submission just tell me. the more the merrier. hopeful message from other holos included.
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I believe!
Is this guy some kind of falseflager or just very retarded and ESL? He's been showing up in my feed a lot recently and he blatantly posts about Ame and Dooby interchangeably and replies to people about it and whatnot, and he keeps saying "teammates".
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>very retarded and ESL
started seeing him only after she announced her notGraduation and it was very obvious he didn't watch her before
>green and yellow
Same as it ever was
his tummy looks like a dick
He's legit. Maybe a bit autistic but not a troll. Most twittermates are openly posting Ame and Dooby alongside each other. Only Nagi switched to an alt afaik. Besides, is it any different to how we are running this thread?
>she likes one of my favorite colors
I have too many proverbial strings attached...
She probably hugs this plushie while she works, thoughts?
The difference is that this is a secret club
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Steampunk ame... my beloved...
I feel like kira right now
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some vods were skipped to fit with in the time frame so I'll add a few more songs to the playlist to make up for that

Come Join us: https://awat.420699.xyz/
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amesame hot
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That plushie? Me.
I genuinely think he's just retarded, nothing malicious afoot.
I am extremely skeptical of these accounts, I think more than half of these are attentionwhore posers who have never watched Ame. There are bunch like counting days and ritualpostlike xitter posting accounts that only popped after the announcement, it just doesnt seem like the type of thing actual fans would write
can't trust holofans who happen to also like phase
the teammate thing is annoying, but besides that just go look at the replies to her latest tweet and see how many names you don't recognize
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Maybe I should hack this guy's ip then burn his house down by overclocking and overheating his pc/laptop while he sleeps...
Nothing intelligent has ever happened on Twitter. There's no point in considering if retardation is genuine.
I just think he’s kinda dumb, but he did make a pretty cool nendoroid custom nightmare ame face.
All those new retards will leave 1 month in after she debuts anyway
why the fuck is it a 2D model
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So that it can be 3D one day
Debut stream on 20
3D debut on 21
I can see a pocket, so i'm thinking the anon who said something about a coat might be onto something
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>but he did make a pretty cool nendoroid custom
>nendroid custom
why not both?
nopan doob will be real i beleeb
The picture I was talking about.
stupid seiso idol with stupid erotic sex thighs...
Ok my bad it’s NENDOROID
why is she crying?
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This is Ollie's concept art for her new 3D outfit, just because it's 2d doesn't mean the model isn't 3D
I ain't clicking that
damn, goob took the whole c
>is it any different to how we are running this thread?
this is not as "public" as posting it on twitter where random people can see it. If you're here on the ame/dooby thread it's on purpose.
someone asked for a puzzy last thread
there's no one at the door in the mirror. Are we a vampire here?
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Eww. Nendos are cringe. They're like the funko pops of the anime figure world...
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what in the holy heck is this puzzy
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I meant I hate them and they're gross. I don't give a fuck how they're actually spelled.
fuck off
Okay i moved your stuff for a bit, it was funny
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They are cute, and you are fat.
LAM Mama Japanese, please understand
>file extension
what the fucking hell is a "jfif"?? Sounds like a stupid peanut butter name...
Twitter being retarded is what it is. It defaults to what seems to be basically a jpeg with a funny name.
Thank you Friend !
sex with zombies
holy zoombie sex
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>They are cute
YUCK. kys.
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>Goddess of Death and Rebirth
>Bone accessories and footwear
So... what... does Calli and Kiara answer to her now lore-wise?
ILOVE AME AND DOOBY FOREVER in every universe and form
for all intensive purposes, ID, EN, JP and their stars branches all got different lore, hell most of them even have different lore per gen.
except in hologra, where its a free for all using pure slapstick and toonforce

anyways i wanna sex this zombie now. fuck you.
this is a lie
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Seven more days
For some reason a lot of teamates want to have sex with Ollie, and I can't find the correlation between liking Ame and wanting to sex zombies.
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i mean... have you SEEN ollie?
also i think any girl thats collabed with ame is sexual to gators. i think we're just really horny...
He's a faggot, and this thread also does the same thing, so the people running this place are faggots too
It’s okay when we do it
It's not, but people force things, so others have no choice but to accept it. If there is a dooby only thread once debut happens I will use that for dooby and awat for ame. I keep shit seperate so things can't be used to hurt the girls.
If you can't see the difference between posting it on a specific thread on /vt/, that usually has like 50 posters, VS. posting it publicly on twitter, you're just retarded.
There will only be one thread allowed. Good luck.
ignore falseflaggers, shitposters, samefags, and drama queens. post ame's big fat tits.
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holy sexo
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>is it any different to how we are running this thread?
like the other anon said, it's all the more different because people have to go out of their way to find this thread. Meanwhile, pretty much every other platform will plaster whatever slop people stroke off the keyboard, good or bad (example YT deciding to not give a shit about niggers blatantly running stalker doxx accounts for years and xitter constantly having containment breachers). The culture has gotten so polluted over the years
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any of my art with the fattest of detective tats would give me a vacation so have some saggers while I get catbox links
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grim af senpai desu on g
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squeak squeak
That was me. Thanks puzzymaker
wat da doob doin
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i swapped the file out on accident
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Yes. I'm posting it again. And yes I'm pointing out the tail.
those look like shorts
what if doob is a cute little boy...
whats it say on the left there? to me it looks like "save changes" something something
>The culture has gotten so polluted over the years
You could say that about this thread and vt in general. The amount of retards who come on this board is huge, and vt is the only real place people can talk about vtubers. Saying this place isn't as public as Twitter is wrong, this place just doesn't have an algorithm. But shit will be pushed to everyone as there's only so many threads that can exist.
just noticed there's two screens
NTA, but there's an implicit assumption with twitter that you're trying to get as many views and as much attention as possible. Ameliafan945's tweet about followers is evidence that he's no stranger to that way of thinking. But whatever, he's clearly a fairweather fan and I'm sure we won't be seeing him for very long after debut. Once the initial buzz fades and there's less motivation to leech all these new names will disappear on their own.
oh wait this is definitely a design sneet
top is front view bottom is side view
>less motivation to leech all these new names will disappear on their own.
I think you are underestimating her power.
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So the thread is /awadat/ now?
This thread currently doesn't have a proper thread identity, check back in 2025
It kind of landed on awdat as it seems.
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If she's going to jump around a lot in 3D, then I think those are shorts
Wish she did more random vocaloid covers like KING. Just bringing her character to them without all of the work needed for originals
I'm guessing it's going to change again in a couple weeks. Would be weird to still have the thread mostly centered about Ame after Dooby is streaming regularly and most of the discussion is about her instead.
I think people are attached to /awat/ because of the vt league tho.
captcha: NWAHH. Dooby Morrowind playthrough confirmed
Is dooby's character a conductor or train engineer
>Would be weird to still have the thread mostly centered about Ame
What? The thread is about both of them. After her debut we'll get more fanart of Dooby to use in the OP but I won't change much. The thread is fine how it is now
>I'm not JUST a train conductor...
>train travels through spacetime
I'm so interested in seeing what dumb gimmicks she comes up with this time.
she should do a back to the future 1-3 watchalong
the tail doesn’t seem like it would be hers, right? It a thin ass tail and could be ours
and It's called the Astral Express
>I think people are attached to /awat/ because of the vt league tho
people just don't like change that's all
Mario Start
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>Astral Express
I actually believe this will be the case given the stars in her pfp and her love for space.
>The thread is fine how it is now
yeah and any change will just give that one janny that hates us an excuse to delete the thread again
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Still workin' on this shit, going pretty well so far. Lookin' cute.
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What if she streamed with a realistic rrat model on twitch and streamed with a cunny model on youtube
>I'm guessing it's going to change again in a couple weeks
Why tho. What's wrong with it
doob in a train car could be a good player model for divegrass usage
Thank God
She's going to be white
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Drew an Ame, thanks for the refs the other day.
Great job
>dead holo
>thread 50 times more alive than others
I fvcking kneel AmeGODs
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I like the eyes.
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I dug around and found this smol ame a day later
Very nice!
what tf does that even mean. This thread will always centered around Ame.
Dooby should play the Skyblivion if it actually releases next year.
you fricken sickos...
she's a fuckin RAT
I wonder if doob will release more of her inner fujo
Can I watch dooby if I never watched Ame? Or will I be gatekept out for not lurking
I think there are a LOT of people /here/. We were many before the 20th and I believe every globalmate is /here/ now. Every dooby xeet fills half a thread kek
bro, you can watch whatever the fuck you want, dont need the approval of anyone
I might make fun of you a little but as long as you're not shitposting, who cares? Come join the ride.
You wish elf. Skyrim is more likely as it has more mods.
Also I am attached to awat because it has been my home for many years. I also agree that having both in the same thread is a bad idea, one will always attempt to overshadow the other, there's going to be times where people are going to need to talk about people they can't in this thread due to being linked to hololive leading to a logistical nightmare, and it's just such an easy thing to take advantage of as a troll.
As long as you're respectful and follow the "etiquette" I guess. Why not
Ame's VODs are still up if you are interested
I also believe that decisions were made in a knee-jerk reaction kind of way, as it caught everyone by surprise. And in turn people were taken advantage of and tourists had their opinions overblown compared to the regulars.
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Got a member archive?
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I don't get it, was her being in Hololive turn you off from watching her before?
The regulars discussed this way before the shitfest
you are the tourist
gatekept by who ? you shouldn't watch her if you are only interested in fitting in with discord trannies or xitter shitters or venusian fueling platform forums surronding her, you should watch her if you are interested in what she is going to do
Why don't you start with the regular streams first before begging for member content?
>before the shitfest
I was here, there was no discussion before the 20th
No, I just never took the time to watch her and this happening brought her to my attention.
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I like how the girls still use the puppet models for their fugitech
I do not agree. As long as decent people follow >>87395183 I don't see how it could be a problem. Shitposters? That's the issue? They'll be retarded regardless
You want two threads? The Ame one would die eventually and the Dooby one wouldn't be able to discuss Ame due to "PL"? Or having two threads with weird rules applied inconsistently? Please think before you post
>one will always attempt to overshadow the other
That is EXACTLY how >we define shitposters from now on btw. Anti-holo, doxx and antagonizing Ame/Dooby, It only makes it easier
OG sexy image, damn.
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>Mini skirt
Holy fucking shit
>ame one would die eventually
I and many others would prevent that from happening. The fact you think it would die means you think that in time there will be no Ame discussion in the combined thread.
If I have to bet, I'd say shorts
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Get your Dooby cup size guesses in now.
I'm guessing F (after milking)
Same size as Ame's
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d for dooby?
a for ame? im afraid this trend does not compute
Fauna still uses the widefauna that Ame gave to her
medium is premium
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It's gonna be like Ushiwakamaru from Fate
It'd be a necrobump thread with no notable discussion unless
>Hey, remember that?
>hahaha yeah
In a combined thread it wouldn't happen because the discussion in those "remember when Ame..." would be comparative and reminiscent in relation to current content. We couldn't do that in an exclusive thread
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medium premium
F for flat
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J for jerboa of course
I can't wait to see Dooby's eyebrows
what the fuck, that's disgusting
jerboa tails don't look like that
I dunno, I just think it would be weird, like what are people going to be talking about regarding Ame in a year or two? Just the same timeloops discussing old streams? I think it's fine if people want to, but it won't be most of the thread, so having Ame's name first in the title would be weird.
>Also I am attached to awat because it has been my home for many years
>any change will just give that one janny that hates us an excuse to delete the thread again
These are basically the only arguments that make sense to me for not changing it.
looks like a ribbon. gross
She'll be flat as a board. That way the mole will still exist but we won't be able to see it.
Do people really care about where a name is placed or is that a woman thing?
you don't have to make it weird.
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What about band size?
there's a fucking cytube for you to do your reps on, dummy.
perky petites
she gets custom made 27's
shut the fuck up already it's not serious
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artist are taking their time, WHERE IS MY MINI SKIRT RRAT SPECULATION
what cytube
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pikmin ass boss
not even newmates can read...
if he didn't watch ame he probably doesn't know the password
first reply every thread
It's a gift to them, why not use it, y'know?
But what’s gonna be her waist size…
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look at this fucking nerd
>if he didn't watch ame he probably doesn't know the password
I guessed it right lol
You're smarter than 95% of this board, anon. Congratulations
Average, but her hips will be so wide in comparison it'll look small.
like 4 or 5 inches circumference
I remember when Fauna came back from not streaming for a bit she said she was thinking about Ame and was thinking about playing L.A Noire.
Whatever Doob's lore ends up being, it will certainly allow for unbridled selfcest.
Infinity train lore…
I dont believe that will happen, and I time ame talk will be pushed out by new people and others giving up/not caring anymore. In time there will most likely be another "discussion" and there will either be two threads or they will try to get rid of everything Ame.
I vaguely recall Kson being upset that Holomems weren't allowed to collab with her. Not that I expect Dooby to want that, but I hope her "affiliate" status actually means something to Cover whenever they want to contract her to use the Amelia Watson IP again, like a voice acting gig.
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Kson js a bitter old hag.
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I just hope Gonathan G doesn't remarry in ENReco part 2...
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Smaller than Ame, but bigger than people expect at first glance.
Zeta size, basically.
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Medium is premium
Zetame love!
he will make a statue of her pearl, trust the plan
I vaguely remember her saying she'll do a new character.
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Wasn't that only if the chapters weren't related?
fox milk...
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Small. But there will be 8 of them.
Gigi said she's gonna have to deal with Gonathan realizing he was a girl the entire time so our humble knight isn't going anywhere
Not Noel size = medium according to some.
testing to see if my favorite soundpost still works
All good to go on my machine. Thank you for sharing this banger variant
it will never not be funny how shes mimicking a fucking monkey for some reason. i love this autist...
I'm taking this as confirmation she and Ame consummated their new marriage after the final battle
>Zeta size
You know what, I can see the vision
If she's not a flat loli it's all over
you've convinced me to unless one of my favorite clips
>teamates giving up/not caring
not me >>87395379
and this guy >>87395436
and another guy >>87365139
we will be the last teamates
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The local italian...
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Sir... stop the morb. Please stop morbing.
>local italian
codename pizza...
okay im unironically gonna uoooooooooooh
cute as hell
You just inspired me to make a soundpost of one of my favorite Ame clips. Not sure if there was one of this already but it always makes me laugh
yes, i remember how they forced holoEN not to interact with her until she decided to leave.
ame fartin in a cup (ASMR)!
it is written
>Mustache version
stream PFTTT!
>short hair
>short skirts/shorts
>train operator untiform
>white gloves
>rrat ears and tail
damn if she has lighter hair color it'd be perfect.
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Animating is ANNOYING, but at least it looks cute in the end. Doing the faces is difficult.
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Woo lad
you guys are so talented, I wish I had a secret ability so that I could show my appreciation for the doober
This isn't talent, this is 4 years of retardedly hitting my head against things. You too can learn, just gotta do an obscene amount of work.
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yeah you're right... maybe I'm just way too lazy, anyways congrats on your animation anon, keep up the good work
Thank you! It's all about accumulated time. Start something now and you'll probably at least know somewhat what you're doing by the end of the year.
>neck and ear licking
You could do the first dooby cum tribute
Put a roingus in a jar.
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holy shit I just remembered this. Here's another place I need to go
She is 200% buffed in that.
Odd tourist photo. Interested in visiting us? Here's a dead nigga. Pretty cool right?
it's C*lifornia, showing dead people is one of the most authentic forms of advertising they could do lmao
>This isn't talent, this is 4 years of retardedly hitting my head against things
Based. I always like Ina drawing streams because you always get people asking for advice and her answer is just a (more nicely put) "Just keep drawing, bitch". Gotta keep doing it. No skill comes without reps.
Doob has long hands!
I......I might make some TtTE soundposts in the future
Shamelessly because it was my favorite show
Any TtTE fans out there? Which character do you think she'd like the most and which song would work best
I cannot fucking wait. I'm so excited
How is she going to filter people saying AMEEEEEEEEEEEE in her chat?
It's south of Santa Cruz it's pretty meh but you can visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium the one kronii talked about during the tour
/m/ is around the corner lol, that hasn't ever been my first thought when I saw the little goober, tho if she's mentioned the series before and I just don't remember, of course I could make an exception
16 feet
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billboards are cute.
What if her papa is pako-sensei
She'd graduate within a year
hopefully she gets a better design than sanas. i know pako is an insane artist so i don't know why sana turned out the way she did
If Dooby graduates, does Ame come back?
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A rat with Long hands!!!
Her tits were great though. Need more chocolate women.
Only if she collected everything required for the good ending.
the real question is if she'll have rrat ears, human ears, or both
Dooby will have tan lines from the desert sun.
I thought Sana's design was great. The only thing I didn't like was the worm mascot thing
Dooby should be bigger than her head
Dooby's ears*
We've traded time paradoxes with regular paradoxes it would seem
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Watsonville is surrounded by lots of cool and interesting places, just like how Ame is surrounded by lots of cool and interesting people.

Monterey used to the the capital of Spanish California. It was the place where one of the first masses was celebrated in 1602 on the Vizcaíno expedition. Sebastián Vizcaíno would later visit Japan in 1611 to escort Tanaka Shōsuke and Hasekura Tsunenaga. There's a presidio there and the second mission established by St. Junípero Serra.

Not to far away is Carmel by the Sea where St. Junípero Serra and Juan Crespí are buried. Nearby is also Pebble Beach and the 17 Mile Drive.

Just south of Watsonville is Moss Landing. There's a pretty cool Army surplus store between the two.

Northwest of Watsonville is Santa Cruz with its mission and beach boardwalk. There's a bunch of train related places around Santa Cruz like Roaring Camp.

With regard to rains, the Amtrak Coast Starlight does pass through Watsonville Junction, but it only stops in Salinas.

There's also a place called Port Watsonville.
>In 1903 lumber dealer W. J. Rogers built Port
Watsonville to offer steamship service to San
Francisco, but the port went bankrupt by 1913.
Dumb question but I can't find a confirmation, how long do we have until Ame's members goes down for good?
30th of this month.
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End of October, or when your membership runs out, whichever is first. It's all up on nyaa already tho
Thank you for the spoonfeed.
past ame casually cracking her toes...
>Wood Kingdom ( ‾ʖ̫‾)
Ame was horny this stream
damn cheeky giggly woman....needs romance correction
moona has big moonas
Sir, please take your horniness to the Moona thread
but past ame keeps mentioning moona
Ah, my bad. Carry on
Ame has, at multiple points in her life, been stripped by ocean waves against her will...
Didn't you know? Teamates are always horny for the other girls
Those ocean waves? Me.
I wish
>past ame thought kiara could deadlift
Ame is the perfect boyfriend(female) to self insert as
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this is true
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I NEED Fauna to console me about the loss of Ame
this is true
I'm getting the lotion out

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