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I thought Idol was supposed to be the based cunny corp?
It's less publicly damaging than admitting you're right of center so on a business scale, it's less egregious to say I suppose
and how did that turn out for them
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I like her she has chutzpa
cunny pedoslop gfe pandering didn't work so i guess they're trying the complete opposite direction
Must be an election year.
The death of idol huh.
So they want to go from barely making money to making none? Bold strategy.
Uh oh they're turning your vtubers woke!!!
That wasn't their issue, retard.
Ah the niji route, let's see how it goes
What was?
You know what (((it))) was, dumbfuck.
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Meanwhile V4Mirai's hyena
rin was their most popular talent and she's the only one that never did any of the asmr and pandering ironically enough
She was also one of the first big britbongs. Being the first of something is usually enough to give you bonus attention.
It's wild to see that Rin is their most popular chuuba. Like how tf did that happen? Shorts can only carry someone so far. Are the other girls just not trying hard enough or what?
Can't even blame this one on the jew.
Who is this?
poma died that day. well, the hype did.
They were hired before he left.
It actually was.
>let girls be lolis
>easy groom target
>cunnytard fanbase filters growth
Brave is actually competent and keeps the girls on a leash instead of cultivating 1 dimensional pomf streamers that spam donothons to parasocial pedos.
That whole gen died on debut.
There was a huge year long gap. I think brave replaced the old talents and brought in new ones.
told you guys muscle girl designs are woke shit
No cunnies in Gen 3.
They never replaced the blue girl that was hinted at. Brave will probably reuse the model elsewhere I guess.
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>see some thread on the catalog about some shitter corpo vtuber I don't recognize
>open the thread
>confirm that it's about some shitter small corpo or indie or whatever the fuck being dogshit as usual in some way or another
>post 'And this is why you should only watch Hololive'
>close thread
And this is why you should only watch Hololive
i don't even know what half the shit she's spouting even means, but if you don't like her just don't watch her.
who actually gives a shit
>Jewcorp hires subversives
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you are rude
Is this a Brave US hire or did Aviel hire this before handing the company to Brave?
And she hardly made any money.
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>Dollar tree buffpup
Not that buffpup is good or anything
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Cheers to fellow Holochads
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>I don't talk about it much
>Talked about it before she even debuted
>yeah i dont talk about it much cause i know [most people understand it as a mental illness] but im just happy to be [where there are other mind virus infected cretins] :3
Not even 24 hours after she was announced
>joins a discord where you have to level up rank to join vcs with her
>doesn't follow her own schedule
>exclusively sucks 2 artfags' weenies while her yesmen cuck fandits watch
>knows she can get away with it all because she's cute
I'm not rude enough, but can't be bothered to anti her when I have my hands full elsewhere.
>Brave is actually competent and keeps the girls on a leash
>new girl bringing tranny shit up in less than 24 hours
Why do you care? Literally rent free. If you don't like her don't watch. You /pol/faggots are so fucking brainwormed everything has to be a culture war, how about stop seething over literally who 2views you don't even watch and spend your time on things you actually like?
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hololive #1
If you don't care, feel free to leave.
All the Gen 3 hires were done prior to Brave. The talent picked were asked if they wanted to stay when Idol was bought out, blue girl walked.
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u mad tensus?
>tranny shit
>literally just pronouns in a discord bio
actually seething rent free
Why do you tell such obvious lies?
The downfall of idol corp has been pretty sad. I was so bought in for Gen 1 but it all went to shit rather quickly. Now this is the dreg they're hiring.
I assumed tensus was one of the two actually, but I guess even he got cucked after reconciling as a holochad
nah he bailed months ago
>I'm a pan and non-binary member of the ABC mafia
>It's just pronouns in the bio
You know we can read the OP right?
She has a boyfriend so it's just typical women attention whoring.
>pronouns in bio
>chat asks why
still just pronouns bro
who the fuck is this?
What the fuck does she mean by ABC mafia? To my understanding, that's a reference to the CIA, FBI, and others of the so called "alphabet" agencies.
Sometimes you must leave the church to burn some heretics.
She means there is a gay mafia, and they will whack you.
>She has a boyfriend
Can i take her out of the trash and throw her back in again?
Absolutely not. Politics and vtubers go together like oil and water. This bozo really is clueless about a medium that traditionally has inspiration from the culture it spawned from. Japan. Japanese culture is relatively conservative as far as DEI goes and many are only vaguely aware of the overall attitudes of obnoxiously inclusive agenda pushing woke liberals who espouse this bullshit daily. To say it's pretty much career suicide is putting it lightly. The modern audience is non existent in this sphere. She will be gatekept. It's not to say that there aren't vtubers who are vocal about it, but the majority of audience who want to see CGDCT have no appetite for her particular brand of bullshit. If I'm lying feel free to call me out. Sister opinions will be rejected on grounds of whorishness.
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She loves vtubers doing non-vtuber content
Nonbinary people exist, but I doubt she is intersex. It's not a feeling or sexual identity, it's a medical condition. A disease.
what did anon mean by posting this?
Militant LGBTQIA+ activist.
mental illness, maybe
Replace the niji icon with phase connect.
Because shes an autistic disabled woman clearly, and those deserve to be bullied into being normal.
The word "woke" automatically marks you as a complete moron, so probably not.
In terms that don't scare fragile incels, all this means is that she's bisexual
Was. She's one of the ones who decided to leave with her IP when Brave offered them the chance to do so when they bought Idol.
>grooming in discord
they need to pay to be advertised in a shitpost
>hide alphabet autism knowing full well no hiring manager would willingly subject an audience to that
>facade gets you hired
>be as openly faggy as possible day one
>if you get fired, easy lawsuit
>if not, parade yourself around as the “queer icon” of the company
insidious behavior
She didn't hide it
Actually, a more nuanced translation:
Pan means she straight and hates bisexuals. It's exclusively used as a title by straight girls that LARP as queer for ecred and resent bisexuals for being competition for attention. "Pansexual" as a term only exists because straight girls LARPing as queer resent that actual queers fuck.
Means she hates women, despite being one. She doesn't take hormones or wear pants or anything. She does her make up, lets her hair long and wears cute dresses, but hates that these are feminine things because she hates other women. Maybe if she's really mentally ill, she read too much bl and now thinks she passes as "one of the guys" because she relates too much to the uke

These two "identities" always come as a pair because they're shorthand for grifting, resentful straight girls stealing valor and kissing boys.
It just means a sometimes vaguely tomboyish bisexual girl who doesn’t want to exclude “non binary”, etc. people from her dating pool.
>my baseless rrat is fact, yours is fiction
lmao, even
There’s the /r9k/ seethe veetee is known for.
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If game engines can be woke, then so can vtubers
lol phase just won the small corpo war by doing literally nothing
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Seriously, how the FUCK she passed an audition for a corpo?
This trashfire will do tranny propaganda on stream under corpo too
Bisexual already includes people who don't explicitly identify as m or f. Pansexual exists purely to be a fake queer identity straight women can hide behind, so they can invade queer spaces.
Labelling yourself pansexual is like showing up to a Roblox discord server and calling yourself the "anti-pedo." It fools nobody.
Anon, it's the jewcorpo literally created with israel government's money. They are the ones pushing this shit on the goyim, they won't care
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They are owned by Brave now, a japanese holding, they are no more insrael
ogey 4chan NPC.
and all you can do is seethe eternally
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feels great being a Holochad
>pansexual and non-binary
Saying this as a dyke that shes just a straight women who wants to feel special. Most "pansexual/bisexual non-binary" women end up dating a man if they aren't already dating one.
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Vtubing has always been LGBT you fucking tourist.
>she's going to do it! 2 more weeks!
you know what pan and non mean, right? That's code for always horny and would fuck anything.
Putting all the letter shit to one side for the moment - why in the fuck is Pepsi Co. and IMAX inviting a nearly literal who vtuber to this?
That's it, I'm going back to hololive.
> always
Go back
Yeah thats a straight woman.
damn she wants that nijisanji audience
From cunny to this nijisister slop..
>babinikus and yuri ships at every corner
yes, always.
alphabet people sleeper agents are real
Not really disagreeing with you about your general point put classing babinikus as "LGBT" is a stretch.
Trannies don't pay to watch their reflection in the mirror lmao
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Fucking kill yourself tranny.
>fanbase made up and pushed by managenent for profit "yuri ships" make vtubing LGBT friendly
Ogey tranny
It did work until they fired the guy responsible for it and went generic corpo, then they died in less than a year
Everything went to shit after Riro got canned.
I let you off lightly too. Japanese hate actual homosexuality. Vtubing is based around Japanese culture. Faggot shit will never gain relevancy outside of Kurosanji. KYS troon
Your personal headcanon of conservative JP culture doesn't overwrite what happens on streams.
You're personal headcanon of streams doesn't overwrite reality. Checks your fake checkmate
>there are people below the age of 18 here
uh, why? hoping for mommy's credit card?
The fuck does that even mean? You're saying the gay shit that happens on streams never happened? Gurame was fabricated out of thin air, for example?
>this is a corpo server so keep your horny posts on /vt/
based and reasonable response
>tranny revisionism
same shit, different day
I think its funny and people who still watch idol deserve this shit getting shoved up their asses, quite literally maybe. This and Rins shameless donothon are my personal /vt/ highlights of the week.
Bro...none of your yuri ships are real...
>he thinks gurame was romantic in any way
holy shit you have actual pornbrain
Geez. You're really obtuse. That's pretend. It's tongue in cheek. Actual lesbians like say Flare and Noel are mostly accepted, but that's an extreme example. Unicorn culture tolerates lesbian relationships because they are usually only business yuri. Actual homosexual agenda pushing is not accepted. If a few corpos or vtubers do it, that's still not the majority. The exception does not make the rule. I simplified the argument so even a retard like you can understand. Condescending to morons like you is so tiresome.
>Vtubing has always been LGBTowa
Lol, they are not having sex you troon
Reasonable, but on the other hand under 18s shouldn't be allowed on Discord and certainly not in a server for a vtuber.
I don't know anyone at idol corp after gen 2. Don't get me wrong, not because I'm a hater or anything, I really liked them, but there's only 24 hours in a day so how many streamers can you watch really, I just stream Hololive 24/7 on my TV
well that's on whoever hired her.
The only idol I know is Roca, as long as she's not gonna end up destroying her image by becoming a corporate propagandist I don't particularly care.

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