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What happened in Niji?
Also I'm going to the store, anyone want anything?
uki violetta
Is this a picture of the ones who have died so far?
Roara isn't playing anymore either
Ina might be able to make the finale if she gets back in time
Group events without Gura are not real group events. That is why Enreco is real but GTA was fake. If Gura doesn’t play in the Mario Kart Cup this year it won’t count either
>holoEN streaming
>difficulty: impossible
Why'd they do these big group events in such quick succession?
If it is not manage mandated, then the event is doomed to fail
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Updated it for you OP
Can we stop getting forced collabs? This is the third one in a row where half the roster dipped halfway through. They clearly don't like streaming that often. Fuwamoco make excuses about being "sick" constantly.
Yeah, pick up a new, less retarded response that we haven't read a thousand times per holo thread. You're more annoying than the nijisisters when you post retarded shit like, "what did niji do now?" Or "niji deflection thread."
Do cumbuds really?
why not
This game fucking sucks
Also they deported the best girl
7 days to die is just not a well optimized game
Outside of like the first and last day JP 7D2D was mostly down to just Miko/Okayu/Towa/Watame/Mio so idk why anons are freaking out about basically the same thing happening to EN
They messaged Mori saying that they wanted to join the event
>shit thread bait about hololive
>the nijitroon making these threads gets called out
>chokes trying to convince everyone he is not a nijitroon and that legit holochads will make this type of shit threads
SEAsters fold so easy , not sending their best
You haven't been watching it, have you? Ceci and Kronii were both there yesterday, they just didn't stream it
Yes. Gura has more subs than Advent and Justice combined. Everything revolves around Gura
>they just didn't stream it
They might as well not be part of it then.
answer the question
I'd watch it even if it was just Fauna playing.
The red X's are the ones that hate EN and curse their non-Japanese heritages.
FuwaMoco also streamed yesterday, so I think OP legit just hasn't been watching lol
This is what happens when Kiara tells ID to fuck off not wanting more participants
It's obvious falseflagging anon...
I think we should kill phase cucks
I’m not tho. See >>87400995
Unlike JP you can easily tell some members of EN absolutely hate each other
It's Mori's project anon, do you think telling me that some ENs hate Mori would yield the result you want? btw I hope you enjoy the impending Pekora graduation last samurai
oh it's the cunt guy, how's Kronii
Didn't you hear? Guba died.
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>randomly write "cunt" to shitpot
>oh it's the cunt guy
There's a cunt guy?
>Seethes that gets called out
Nijisisters broken as usual.
>7 days to die
Skippa skippa…
Because it’s fucking tiresome. I want normal streams, not groups of five every single day.
Dramafags don't watch stream
I honestly thinks he’s fighting ghosts. I say cunt all the time and I’m not him.
Please tell us what this thread is about. You are never getting a 100% partecipation on every single day of a box game, and the fact that for the most days it was up the 60% is pretty good.
unironically for the best. Bae never adds anything to collabs. FWMC are mostly awkward. Shiori always just runs off and does her own thing anyway. This combination has brought out Fauna and Kiara, and it's been cute.
GG was here for all the days except today, same about CC.
Fuwamoco did 3 days
Kronii 4
Shiori 3
Raora 3
If you ignore Bae and Ina they all played a lot.
I feel bad for Ina, I have a feeling she would have played a lot if she was able.
lol grim
>bae in the pic
would have been better with Holostars
CC is joining today soon. Of course dramafags and thread readers also won't know that the JP server for this had a similar thing where the middle part of the collab only had 3-4 people log on each day until the final raid when they had 8.
The JP server also had the benefit of everyone being in the same time zone vs spread across like 5? time zones.
CC just said she's joining.
Bae is literally streaming yakuza
I had no idea Bae was supposed to be one of the players. Why the fuck did she cancel at the last minute if she was included in the art?
Yeah and lots of the JPs streamed other things during their 7D2D server instead of joining.
I assume she said yes a couple of weeks before the event happened and then when it was actually happening she realized she wouldn't be able to participate in it because something else came up
Cmon ina is killed by cover visa stupidity, she hardly has a choice.
i think something happened behind the scenes when she working on her mind craft cover song project and she was just fed up with EN after that, she was fine playing GTA with JP after all.
So, what did niji do now?
Niji mixed gender offcollab deflection thread
The game is not great and cannot sustain a large collab. That said, it has settled into a pretty decent team of Mori, Kiara, Fauna, Biboo and Cece. Sometimes Gigi and Kronii. Watching Kronii and Fauna find creative ways to avoid each other has become its own spectacle too.
>mori ran event
>falls apart
Weird how often that seems to happen
but why?
UKI join ENgirl again...
or luka or ike fuck En girl..
did i get it right..?
every time this happening, nijisister always attack people when they ask that question...
Mori facts
>may seem like a nice person at first but the truth is she has all the traits of the typical bitch
>her most popular song is the debut song
>her second most popular song is the leeching song
>her third most popular song was slain by the Trinity
>constantly leeching off big names like One Piece and going nowhere
>almost 3view
>is a slave to UMG
>her best friend is a SEA zoomer who spouts gibberish and memes
>said SEA zoomer friend also steals your gimmicks and mocks you in the amount of hours streamed
>needs MORE money despite her doing T3 membership and often bating for superchat money
>Connor doesn't even know she exists anymore, ignored in favor of Griftmouse
>the homos you used to collab with were all terminated (LMAOOO)
>tried to be nice to Vox and it backfired
>made a mistake trying to leech off of Kson at one point
>collabed with Ina one-on-one and gave her the biggest yab of her career life
>was roped into TakaMori pre-debut
>made the latest album while feeling burned out from creating music, quality's dropped if she had any to begin with
>even hololive antis that root for her admit her music sucks
>2nd sololive never
>both normies and right wing chuds hate me
>her goal to make an original song with each of her genmates is now ruined forever
>now she's setting her sights on the chink gacha money
>currently she is on some power trip thinking she's some hot shit and the EN daisenpai

rest in piss, you won't be missed
Let me remind everyone that Ironlung is a woman that has given birth, yet still acts like she does with male fleshtubers, flirting like a slut. I'd hate to be her child. Other vtubers at least has the excuse of acting in character, while that retard is just straight up spreading her legs like the bitch that she is
it was me
i fucked that terminally ill woman and made half brown mutants with the help of her pussy oven

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