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Silent Voice Edition
Previous Thread >>87382093

>Upcoming Streams
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>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Silent Voice watchalong when
>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
My mogotyan...
Dont say that about newissa...
Except this is false. FWMC say they are Ruffians if they watch them. You don't have a say if someone is a ruffian or not.
What made Fuwawa ask troublesome woman questions during the 1 million stream? Like "you always say you love us, but what exactly do you love, ruffians?"
I thought it was really cute, but wasn't expecting it.
>troublesome woman
There is your answer.
What is she looking at?
she wants to get corrections
Cause she wants specific things about her praised, cause she's a cute woman who loves when people make loving posts describing every detail about her they love.
Can't wait for her and ERB to graduate so FUWAMOCO can swap to holoJP and Biboo and Shiori can merge with Justice
>he doesnt know
The rock will follow FWMC. They've been grooming her ever since debut.
I’m sad there’s no FSN stream this week. I figured they’d do one at least every other week, but at this rate it’s going to be over a year until they finish it.
It'll be months before they even have one more stream of it. They are never finishing it
The three VNs they play will be finished by year 10.
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She wanted to know if Ruffians weren't throwing around the word with no meaning behind it. It's like telling a girl you're dating "I love you" out of habit and then she asks you "what do you love about me". Fuwawa wants to know WHY we love them instead of hearing a simple I love you with no meaning behind it.
Everyone that said everything or didn't have an answer immediately got a bad mark on the spreadsheet. She went through the chat logs
They already said they'll never finish Fate when they talked about it in mengen, and specifically asked if thats okay(everyone said yes), so I'm not sure why any of this is a surprise?
Saying this about Sakura Wars and White Album make sense, since they WANT to finish those someday, but Fate they explicitly said itll probably never ever happen.
I said a couple of things but I didn't want to keep spamming chat so I just tweeted instead, kek.
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They already said they have no plans to finish it multiple times now because it's a long ass game. Watch streams.
I know but there's a huge difference between never finishing it which is fine and streaming it twice a year which is probably what we're getting at best. I hate how much they like to tout that they love VNs yet they are afraid to even play or talk about them at all. Even with 1M subs they still have none on the schedule so it's not just the numbers excuse
is /baubau/ RLM territory?
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>"what do you love about me"
>heh what dont I love about you
>"no i mean specifically..."
>Everything babe *winks*
>*breaks up with me two months later*
400 hours with speedreading
Fuwawa kinda scary kek
Same and they (Fuwawa) liked it
I don't think they're afraid to talk about VNs, they spent a good amount of time doing that with Patra, they just don't know enough people to talk to about them. They don't want to lecture people on VNs, they want to gush about it with someone who also played the same ones.
Playing I guess, they're not blind, they see less people watch those, so they're wary, but talking not really.
Isn't it obvious why they don't play VNs? Fuwawa tends to read out most lines. They are not going to do that when they have a bunch of recordings they have to do.
Yeah, they're our personal friends
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Anon they liked almost everything on the tag
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Not mine because I'm always ghost banned but I keep spamming anyway
Well then they are never going to play VNs because they haven't and won't say no to any recording and those are going to get more frequent the longer they are in hololive not less...
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Is this what the Kurochan collab will be like?
why that filename
>"There's TWO big things I love about FUWAMOCO, Jay, and I'm not talking about the twins
>*Mike stares directly into the camera*
>*Jay slowly looks down*
>*slide whistle*
i think rock lives matter, yes.
>I hate how much they like to tout that they love VNs yet they are afraid to even play or talk about them at all
You didn't watch their collab with Patra? They went on and on about VNs with her because they have someone to bounce off with. Patra is streaming Graduation II tonight because of them.
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Knowing them, there's absolutely 0 chance.
>almost everything
that almost is doing a lot in this sentence huh...
when was that
If you got skipped you're hated
I didn't post on the tag...
I can see them doing a VN collab stream with Patra on her channel. That might be even better because Patra cares less about perm restrictions. We might be able to get stuff like saya no uta with her.
They were also doing a lot of egosa too after that so you're not special
>Patra cares less about perm restrictions
They cant play a game if Cover doesnt have perms for it, even on another girls channel.
i like pebbles i don't think they like us.
you ask them and it will be a 60/40 split
That sounds like either legal hell or the best perms workaround I've ever heard. You should be allowed to think more anon.
not many people like Ruffians. we're as menhera and obnoxious as our oshis
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Only here. At Breaking Dimensions random fanbases would Bau Bau when they saw a group of us.
I have no idea what you're even trying to say. Did you have a stroke
I haven't gotten a like since the last blanket like spree during the 1M. I'm getting desparate
it's been less than 2 days and you are complaining? some of us have gone months between
kill yourself you attention whore likeschizo fag
And I just want you to know, FUWAMOCO, it means the world to me to know how much you care

I'll do my best today, and though the morning has not been as kind as I hoped for either of us, you're the ones that keep this heart warm on days like this

Rest well today
I like Kosexy, I don't care what anyone thinks
Half the games they stream are boring as sin or at 3 am. Sorry but I have a life, if the stream isn’t interesting or will interfere with my sleep schedule then I’m not going to watch it. FSN was the first stream in a while I was genuinely excited for, so them saying they aren’t going to finish it is incredibly disappointing. Why even start it? They say they love VNs, so why do they rarely stream them or talk about them? And don’t say it’s because numbers, because that’s such a souless outlook on content creation, and Fuwamoco comes off more as the passionate type. Not to mention it got more views than any of their other streams in several months besides a couple of the GTA ones and the 1M endurance stream. FSN is only like 80 some hours. If they streamed it once a week they’d finish in a few months. That’s totally doable.
Reminder to prepare your written messages of support to post on the hashtag #FUWAMOCO at the usual stream time! Please mention what you are thankful for on this holiday and let them know what you love about FUWAMOCO!
I need
>Why is Mococo's voice always the problem? Fuwawa talks a lot more during streams, specially during SC readings (like the one from 2 days ago), so why does Mococo ruin her voice more frequently than Fuwawa?
Basically, for identical twins, if one of them is slightly taller, then that sometimes means they took more nutrients in the womb from the other. This can result in the other twin being slightly shorter or getting sick more often.
So true sis start those thread wars. Never mind a Ruffian in BD had a whole ass Biboo itabag.
they are a part of the 40% that tolerate Ruffians
I didn't tweet at all besides replying to their tweet...
>And don’t say it’s because numbers, because that’s such a souless outlook on content creation, and Fuwamoco comes off more as the passionate type
Yes, thats a part of it that you cannot deny. Another reason is because VNs require commitment and potentially LONG streams whereas horrorslop, one-off collabs, and the like requires a total of one stream max.
They have a lot of stuff they want to do, and unfortunately VNs and games like DKC require many streams and potentially endurances in order to finish.
Yeah it sucks, but oh well. At least horrorslop and collabs are fun in the moment even if I forget most of them after the fact.
>Silent Voice Edition
Is there a project hashtag or are we just using their stream hashtag?
I still regret that I'll never be able to go to the Akiba Misudo.....
God, just once, grant me wings....
Let me fly like Bahamut...
I'd give anything for the chance to go see FUWAMOCO's spot before it's gone forever
nta but I've been considering sending a supa about this during a mengen stream or a #helpfwmc post about this, but I have no idea how to word it without sounding rude even though I don't want to spund that way at all.
The universe loves them. The poetry of making 1 million subs on the same date they got graduated for not getting 10,000. The symmetry of working hard but falling short, and working hard and achieving your goal
I'm travelling to Japan to make sure I visit the Akiba misudo one last time! I'll also be attending the aquaplus 30th anniversary and who knows... maybe I might bump into some special friends too?? bau bau!!
Ghost bans only affect replies though, your tweets show up normally on tags and searches
Why does Mococo keep losing her voice?
By the power of this Command Seal, make a small incision on your balls and pop that shit right off
What does mama puppy have to say about all this?
You should become part of the 41% of trannies that hang themselves.
Mococo it's time to accept the reality and graduate. You hit 1 million but it's time to hang it up and focus on enjoying the remaining time you have on this earth.
Glad my daughter is sort of taking care of herself
Chronic throat issues, allergies, bad sleep schedule, too much singing/recording, and horrible diet/general health.
I really should start saying "watch streams" to comments like this, cause this should all be obvious by now
We're zoo animals
What does Ja Rule think?
watch streams
they haven't retweet pissnix in days... are they running on 70 hours of no sleep?
Have they officially dropped the kayfabe of mama puppy and papa puppy only speaking demon dog and not english?
im a pebble and I think you guys are whiny mentally ill attention whores, I do not want to associate with you
No, why would they
New fan here (happy 1 million!) and I have a question that has been asked many times I'm sure.
Does one of them plays the game while the other watches? Is it always one or do they alternate? Or do they have one using the keyboard while the other uses the mouse?
kill yourself sister and find new material
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So the "Fuwawa took Mococo's nutrients in the womb" thing is actually a real thing?
I'm the one playing!
I'd lose my voice if I had to play 7 days to die again too
I'm a real pebble and I think Ruffians are alright, this guy is clearly an elbbep, and a digger to boot.
They've read stuff that mama puppy has written and said word for word without saying they're translating it quite a few times now
99% of the time Mococo is playing, so just assume she's playing by default
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Dont worry, pebble we all know what shitposters and holo v holo retards look like. Well most of us do, anyway
>Does one of them plays the game while the other watches? Is it always one or do they alternate?
Yeah, it's always Mococo playing and Fuwawa backseating or reading the chat, the exception being the Fuwawa solo streams or the streams where they both stream their POV at the same time
They joke about it during horror games because Mococo gets too scared to play, but they don't actually do that
they have covid and Mococo is going to have permanent lung damage that is going to get worse unless she rests and gets enough sleep
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place your bets for the week
They're really good at live translating demon dog
Its always Mococo unless they explicitly say otherwise. Fuwawa usually backseats, reads chat, and acts like a general fluffy nuisance poking the screen
Thanks, anons.

And a (You) for (You).
>but they don't actually do that
They have done it a couple times. Didn't they do something like that in spooky's? Or something where fuwawa used the flashlight button? I forget
>Does one of them plays the game while the other watches? Is it always one or do they alternate?
Watch streams
>Or do they have one using the keyboard while the other uses the mouse?
They don't answer this often but it is pretty obvious, only one will have the controls at any given time
It's a good system
It was one did the mouse and the other did the keyboard and it lasted a whole 5 minutes
oh sweet, I'll spam even more then
yeah all the times I half-mbembe were very short
Also like that time Mococo changed the controls during cookie and cream so she could do a level by herself
Didn't this happen to Mori after BD?
Yes she has permanently scarred her lungs now. She can go join the vocal damage for the rest of her life club with Marine and Suisei.
Fuwawa was in charge of sprinting in Spooky's, was kino
>Ghost bans only affect replies though, your tweets show up normally on tags and searches
They do not, at least mine don't
>t. have tested it at length with 2 alt accounts
Yeah, that's what it was! She kept saying they were out of run
What does "lung scarring" mean here?
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The real loss is that I wanted to leave a comment on the Member Fall Guys VOD. Nothing bad just somethings I wanted to say but didn't want to say it on a public VOD and they would have been out of place on the 1 million member VOD.
Do we like Mio here?
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I need Fuwawa's English milk
we're allowed to cum to her if that's what you mean
Anon I'm not sure what you want here. She literally has scars on her lungs now. You know the fleshy organs you breathe with? They are now scarred permanently. If you are asking effects, then realistically it means a loss of breath capacity and possibly singing range, although that remains to be seen.
This would be very hot if it wasn't giantess
I guess I'm curious about how it happened. Like, vocal cord nodules I can understand, but how would lungs scar from being overworked? And what different kinds of overworking your voice are there that can damage your lungs/throat/vocal cords/etc in different ways?
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Mococo just eats like a child, which is to say she eats like shit. If it were up to her, she'd just eat black licorice, pon de rings, and green berries all day long. Fuwawa does the cooking to try and get as many nutrients to her as possible but she's a very picky eater. She won't even eat natto.
If you wanna see Fuwawa's gaming skills she also alternates with Moco-chan during DKC. In my opinion one of her best series if you're looking for a VOD to watch
Just heard the news. Well, that shit sucks, I hope Mococo gets better soon. Really is a shame that it has to come to this so that they get any semblance of rest. Off to do my archive reps then
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Well Mori had COVID so when she overworked hers, she got scars. Marine and Suisei both had nodules on their vocal cords, not their lungs which is when growths called nodes form on your vocal cords from overuse. Suisei has also had issues with her nasal mucus membranes (which is connected to your throat) Both had surgery for it. Marine's surgery was successful but she rested one week less than she was supposed to and did permanent damage to her vocal cords, which is why she can't stream as much now. Suisei's surgery was successful AND she rested as she should but she still suffered slight vocal damage anyways because when you do surgery on your vocal cords, that's always just a risk even if everything goes well which is why you really REALLY want to avoid developing nodes. The effects of this were relatively minor, Suisei just lost a little bit of the upper part of her range, but that's still devastating as a singer even if she mainly sings in the lower range anyways.

Back from work, just checked twitter, fuck, The fall guys also got cencelled?
Yeah, they are busy fucking Pero.
Just woke up from my coma, I hope they're still streaming everyday. Looking forward to tonight's stream!
futa is the best
they need to drop their kayfabe voices already, it's not why anyone watches them
Add Cookie & Cream to this for fuwawa gaming (also because the C&C streams are top all time FWMC streams)
Next month, for sure.
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Just as a heads up; I don't know how familiar you are with /baubau/, but we are being raided almost constantly by antis and shitposters, and the thread has a tendency to talk about "celebrity Ruffians", so try to ignore the posts attacking FWMC or talking about other ruffians.
Also, a lot of antis try to act like "dissapointed Ruffians" in their shitposts to try to upset people /here/, but there are some real Ruffians with real concerns about the future (the complains recently are "too many JP streams" and "not enough retro games/VNs"), if you don't share those worries you can just ignore those posts.
And if you want some stream recommendations; you should watch their Frog Detective stream (really short and cute), Fuwawa's Hitman stream was really fun, and their Christmas/Valentines CYOA VN streams were incredible.
I hope you have fun!
You poat this every single day. They arent kayfabe voices, and they dont cause a strain on them
oh good, you should let them know they don't need to keep canceling streams due to throat hort then
20 minutes until we drop the well wish tweets! Make sure to finalize and schedule it if you haven't. post using the hashtag #FUWAMOCO!
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Fuwawa's milk is for the EOPs ONLY.
what did you want to say something about?
see >>87401977 and stop spamming shit that won't actually help them at all.
Dragon Bros... I don't know about Sparking Zero...
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Mococo acts like a little girl
I just wanted to encourage them to play more VNs and retrogames and stuffs they enjoy because they really seemed to take that feedback to heart when it comes in memberstreams. It makes sense, members are paying and thus more invested and more likely to show up for streams. I was really surprised by how quickly Fate Stay Night was adopted after it being mentioned in mengen, despite the fact that I've been posting in #helpFWMC ever since it was a thing (remember it's supposed to be a tag for suggestions, questions, and help) so that makes me think maybe they don't read that tag, which there are other instances that also make me think that like Minecraft and other times Ruffians have posted help there, or they just weigh member streams more.
>hit 1M
>immediately drop out of EN collab
>cancel EN streams
entering the lazy "homework/project" phase this quickly?
They aren't the first holos to have to drop a character voice because it ruined their throats, you know. Not only are they not professional voice actresses, but professionals don't use their character voices nonstop for hours on end every day. But yeah I'm sure eating too many pon de rings is why she lost her voice.
Cool, I was going to check out some VODs soon. I appreciate it.

That's 4chan in general in this day and age, no worries. Thanks again for the recs.
It's not that they don't read the tag, it's that they get hundreds of voices when the subject comes up in members streams as opposed to one.
Princess Bride was first suggested on twitter too, and they mentioned "we know you wanted to watch this for a while" after they picked it from the membership post, but in the membership post they got to see dozens and dozens of people voting for it through liking the suggestions as opposed to like 5 people saying "yeah that would be fun" on twitter.
What's wrong with it?
They've been doing those "voices" for longer than they've been in Hololive, and issues only truly cropped up after they moved to Japan, before it was mostly only migraines. Suggesting they change their voices would do nothing because you don't even understand what the problem even is, because you're a retard who thinks one single thing is the issue.
Try re-reading the post, or try simply watching streams.
They do read #helpFWMC. I have seen suggestions from there being adopted. But they definitely value suggestions during members more because they can gather instant feedback.
much appreciated, singerfag
I really hope FWMC don't have to go through that. And you know if they did go through that, it'd probably be just Mococo having to get the surgery and rest, which would make things even sadder
I wanted do do the same thing as you KEK
Member streams are the best place to ask for more VNs/retro games, they suggested playing Fate after they read a SC in membership praising their VN streams, and they seemed pleasantly surprised when the chat asked for more VN streams
So it's worthless, because they don't even take stuff like stream assets from there either, something actually useful.
You sound like an actual tourist
>Fuwawa does the cooking to try and get as many nutrients to her as possible but she's a very picky eater
C'mon now, if that were true they wouldn't have been eating konbini food for the past 8 months. And the 'Fuwawa soup' is literally just "whatever we have left in the fridge and water"
Hardly a nutrient meal
>They've been doing those "voices" for longer than they've been in Hololive,
Don't they stream more now that they are in Hololive? Everything adds up when you have to stream, use the same voice for recordings, practice singing etc.
I don't know, I'm not enjoying it at all, the controls are really sluggish, the AI is input reading stuff which just encourages you to play cheap spamming sparking mode and specials, I'm not feeling it.
I wasn't expecting much from the AI, story mode or anything, but in my memory the PS2 games controlled well, maybe they were always sluggish like this with a ton of input lag, but if so then I wish I wasn't reminded of it.
they tried to reach the sun (Marine) and got burned for it
I wanna visit somewhere and be a tourist. Japan obviously, but lots of other places would be fun too
They are quite silly. It's easy to just say "Oh they are heartless numberfags" but maybe they just need a push and to be shown that Ruffians really genuinely enjoy VN streams, since they get barraged by fake niceties all the time from yesmen, maybe they thought we were just being sycophants. I honestly think the VN streams are their best content besides karaokes.
I guess I'm just used to this place and seeing most people who are being reasonable (re: not shitting or backhandedly shitting on them) talk about how they want more VN streams
But they do? Even thank people by name when they use it. It's just not a guarantee, the channel is still theirs, they'll use what they want. Pretty obvious, no?
They are not really numberfags in the ccv sense. If they were, they would be spamming stuff like TCG non-stop.
wait i thought this was a tweet copied and pasted here
have fun
>They've been doing those "voices" for longer than they've been in Hololive
how many hours a week before this year?
They do now, yes, but the issue truly started after they moved to Japan due to allergies, poor sleep, completely abandoning any semblence of a proper diet, and overworking themselves without taking advice.
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It's fun as fuck though
And they record songs in the voice, and they do reads for corp collabs in the voice, and they do VP's in the voice, etc. They use it WAY more than they used to, and while it's built on their normal voice, it is not a 1 to 1.
Not as often as now, obviously, but its irrelevant cause it would do nothing if they dont fix all those other things.
>But yeah I'm sure eating too many pon de rings is why she lost her voice.
At least pretend to watch streams
The most recent stream they showed up on was a voice acting stream where they had to speak and sound differently in. They weren't even talking in their normal voices that much during it but you're trying to peddle that as the only reason
Fate was a shit stream and I will die on this hill. People praising it to high heavens are sycophants.
White Album and Sakura Wars are some of their best content, Fate was the reason why companies don't want you to play VNs to completion on stream, just a by the books reading of the text from start to finish that can replace playing it for yourself with how little the player input mattered.
Just in the 1 million celebration when they asked for favorite stream moment, Sakura Wars came up a couple of times, nobody mentioned anything from Fate.
I think I agree with you, but how would you say in what sense they are numberfags?
They do, but its also not far at all from their "real" voices. Just slightly higher pitched, which is why their voices sound the same when singing, speaking in Japanese, etc.
>since they get barraged by fake niceties all the time from yesmen, maybe they thought we were just being sycophants
They really trust us that little...?
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The voicepack recordings are contributing to vocal damage and I will forever be against them until they find a way to balance for real.

Between streams, recording songs, practicing songs for concerts, and voicepacks, all of those put a strain on your throat and vocal cords and out of all of those, voicepacks should be the first to go. Death to voicepack homework.
so you're saying that voice acting made her lose her voice? you agree with me then
Yeah, and they shouldn't have done that stream if they know they have heavy singing/vocal use right now or coming up. They wanted to do the endurance karaoke for 1m because that's how they wanted to celebrate 1m with everyone on their channel. The Marine collab was completely optional and I promise you if they said that they had to bow out, no one would have been mad.
Their best streams will always be their Donkey Kong streams. I will die on that hill of bananas right next to Miyuki Kong.
It was the prologue, the most kino White Album and Sakura Wars moments weren't in the first stream either.
5 minutes until the project well wishing tweets are set to be sent! put the finishing touches on it Ruffians!
That's like saying if they don't rest and eat well, they won't recover from the damage they are doing to themselves. Which, yeah, no shit? But they should also, y'know, stop doing the damage they need to heal from?
There's one single anon who's autistic about their "kayfabe voices" and believes its the singular cause of all their problems. It's retarded and he does not deserve anymore (you)s.
D*de, Mocochan thought that nobody would show to her birthday and constantly assumes everyone will leave her.
Great choice too, yeah. Retro gaming is indeed their strongest niche, in general, only bad retro stream they had so far was Ice Climber, everything else was kino.
>Fate was a shit stream and I will die on this hill. People praising it to high heavens are sycophants.
I praise it because I enjoyed it, not because others liked it, that'd be stupid
You just have shit taste and that's okay
>I honestly think the VN streams are their best content besides karaokes
I agree. There are some really good gaming streams too, but their VN streams are always great
How much of the "slightly higher pitched" is them putting on a kayfabe voice vs just speaking how one does when presenting oneself? Like, I know I sound different when I'm just talking vs when I'm recording something or having a video taken of me, and I'm not making a conscious decision to put on a specific voice.
Subs. Hence, the vertical streams and sub counters. And I don't really begrudge them for it. If hitting 1 million helps them unlock more opportunities, why not?
Agree, which is why they should fix those things as opposed to "changing their voices" which is not the problem at all, and simply a temporary band-aid
>I know, it's all part of the issue and I think they should take care of ALL of it
>Wow I can't believe that guy thinks it's all the kayfabe voice!
Prologue lasted 3 hours, they played for 7. If the first White Album stream was 7 hours long it would have the best moments.
There's difference between being self conscious and thinking people are lying
>he actually believes that was real and not just Mococo baiting for engagement
I liked Fate as a second monitor stream. Very comfy stream to do something else while listening to Fuwawa's soothing voice
I agree, and I like voicepacks, but they don't need to be in ALL of them
>You need to sleep right and eat well or you'll have to stop cutting yourself because you won't be able to heal
>How much of the "slightly higher pitched" is them putting on a kayfabe voice vs just speaking how one does when presenting oneself?
No idea, nor do I care all that much. They just want to sound cute and have been doing it for a long time. It isn't harming them whatsoever since Fuwawa has had a total of 0 issues outside of being tired every now and then(which has to do with sleep).
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Though I wonder how different subs vs CCV numberfagging is in practice
Yeah, whenever the "kayfabe voice" discussion comes up all it reminds me is how many people actually legit don't leave their rooms.
I actually don't like the retro game streams as much as the VN ones or even that much at all.
Never said that. I said it is NOT an issue at all because it isn't. Their "voices" were never ever the issue and never will be.
It's different because most subscribers don't really care about schedule completionism. If you're streaming CCV poison they'll just watch someone else and stay subbed to you. CCV numberfagging keeps you locked to the CCV buff content forever. If you think the current pace of VN/retro gaming streams is bad, try never ever because of that.
Marine stopped playing Sakura Wars on stream in 2020.
I mean this veers into doxxnigger territory but their history apparently has more than one instance where someone they trusted and relied on told them to give up/left them.
If it were something that were more personal to me I'm sure I'd be more connected, but yeah the VN stuff is unique to them in the EN sphere and it's content I was half consuming from Reine who'd play those games that are 'fringe' VN.
Pero voice permanently weakens Mococo's vocal chords every time she does it
This isn't doxxnigger shit since they've outright said this a few times before.
Fuwawa reads you the Holy Bible voice pack when?
Pero isn't Mococo.
Yes, just like smoking isn't a problem because you can do it for years without issue
Right. So anyways they have trust issues. And that's from people they interacted with IRL on a daily basis, not faceless vtuber fans.
Smoking would be an issue, yes. Thankfully, their voices have nothign to do with their issues, which is evident to everyone who watches them. I'm glad you agree now :]
If this were something you were actually concerned about, there's a specific # you could use, you know.
I still can't believe they chose that week to have Pero's birthday.
>but maybe they just need a push and to be shown that Ruffians really genuinely enjoy VN streams
They started out strong to begin with and the reception was good but then they just stopped for no reason. Other than them being "one guy'd" by a few ruffians who just hate reading in general, their VNs were loved by most ruffians

If anything it looks worse now because the gap between VN streams are so long that with the newfags coming in it wouldn't surprise me if at least half of the current ruffians hate reading and VNs by proxy. Which is sad because despite what FWMC say, a ruffian who hates what FWMC loves most and is spending their wish on isn't a ruffian in my eyes
Talking on stream is not the same as smoking, retard. Their voices are fine and the furthest thing from an "issue."
>Fuwamoco comes off more as the passionate type
They are passionate girls, but they only have so much energy. If you ask them to stream longer VNs + retro games or have a lighter streaming schedule + devote 2 months to wrestling practice, they would pick the latter 10 out of 10 times.
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>Mocochan thought that nobody would show to her birthday and constantly assumes everyone will leave her
I tear up every time I listen to that part... I really want to give her a hug
VNs have the issue of most people not wanting to start halfway through. Even among debuff content types, nobody will care if they missed a DKC stream, they'll catch it if they feel like it, but no one will start with hour 8 of Fate/stay night.
I still think the biggest issue with VN streams for them is permissions, if they didn't have to worry about that they'd probably play a healthy variety of shorter ones.
Even if we only got two VN streams a month, if that meant a new VN finished every month, it would feel a lot more exciting.
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Just one VN or retro stream a week is all I ask, doesnt even have to be long at all...
Yeah, it wouldn't be a huge problem if the length is around planetarium. Not being able to get perms for saya no uta is lame...
I don't mind backing you guys if that is what you ask for. Seems reasonable.
if you haven't already
>Their voices are fine
oh good, looking forward to the streams tonight!
Just drop a SC praising VN/retro games and say you really wish to see more of such content the next time they play such games.
Oh you werent kidding, huh?
I still think the way to go is asking for a fixed weekly "backlog frame" where they play one already started game once a week until they finish it and then move on to the next. That would already mean a lot of VN and retro streams by itself, and the ones that aren't VN or retro are still pretty fun like Chained Together, Amnesia, Nobeta...
I see zero downsides with this.
They could look at their analytics and pick the day they usually get the shittest viewership for that frame.
Remember to seethe directly at them, stop being a pussy and bitching here hehe
I'm doing it because others were, and because if it helps them mentally than it's good
Why would a Ruffian lie on the internet?
When a chunk of people here bitch about the horror slop, I think that's all they're really asking for. Sure, there's always 'bad faith actors' who are here to just shit on them for anything, but every time I have a convo that goes for a few replies, they either out themselves or it turns into "I just wish we got 1 a week, even if only for 2 hours".
They said they're gonna rest, so I'm assuming they are until they're active again.
Rest means they'll be working on homework that doesn't require their voices, at least for another 3-ish hours since that would be their usual ending time.
>I still think the way to go is asking for a fixed weekly "backlog frame" where they play one already started game once a week until they finish it and then move on to the next.
Are one of the /here/ffians in this thread right now? I think this would be a good thing to post on the #helpFWMC tag, or maybe the regular tag unless thats a no go. They do look at it, cause they've taken some suggestions recently.
So you're a little bitch, got it
What if instead of VNs/retro games, they do monhun once a week?
>Are one of the /here/ffians in this thread right now
The usual guy fluffy and fuzzy seems like he had a mental snap over JPschizo loops but I am sure someone else is still around
Best to do it next week. Their mind is probably preoccupied with their 3D collab this week.
>The usual guy fluffy and fuzzy seems like he had a mental snap over JPschizo loops but I am sure someone else is still around
Hoeh...? Is his twitter still there? What happened?
>>87406395 (me)
Or do it during SC reading when they are in a relaxed state of mind and more receptive to chatting with the ruffians.
>7DTD down to 4 people playing
grim. are these the only EN that even care about the branch anymore? Kiara, Calli, Biboo, Fauna
I couldn't give a shit about most of their backlog though. Their VN streams are truly unique to them, there's a bunch of other Holos who will play Nobeta, Chained Together, Amnesia, etc.
it popped on my for you earlier this week with some menhera tweet about being abandoned because they didn't know JP or something. It had a lot of views with low likes so I assume Fuwamoco saw it too because the retard soft tagged them
This is GG's first day off, assuming because she's got homework since she was doubling up on streams a few days here. CC was around for a good number of them as well.
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Same, I would be more than happy with 1 consistent VN/retro game stream every week/2 weeks. I always say it, but the main issue is the inconsistency and uncertainty; they play a VN or retro game one week, but you never know if they'll play it again the next week or the next month.

I'd be appreciated. I'm pretty sure most Ruffians agree with that too, actually.

That's a really good idea, honestly. They could do in on Saturday/Sunday and make the stream a little longer than usual. Did someone suggest it on #helpFWMC yet?
It is the same when holoJP played it. People dropped out because they are busy.
No one believes you. We all know you want the like you lying bitch.
We should ask for it, but we should do it during SC reading or during the next membership stream
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GG said she is using today to do a dry run of her birthday stream
Reine plays VNs too, was it her who streamed Raging Loop? Maybe not.
The main games people refer to when talking about their "backlog" are games like DKC, SWV, WA, and Zelda.
>Did someone suggest it on #helpFWMC yet?
No, but I think waiting a week to see if they do a mengen stream first might be better, but I guess a post on the tag won't hurt unless people start spamming the tag.
She does stream a decent amount, but they're not the 'tradition' kinds of VN. Some people scoff at stuff like Dang an Ronpa. Her Your Turn To Die playthrough was so much fun.
Everyone who's playing right now is also busy or sick.
Funny enough, I think they are the only one who cleared aquarium on stream?
>meme arrows
>hmm.. if only there was a holiday of some sort where we get to eat all kinds of tasty autumn foods and be thankful for everything..
this fag and his vagueposting RM posting shit is really creepy. is he even an old fag or just an ultra schizo gachikoi newRuffian
Ah right, that's coming up soon.
>Every 2 weeks
No, every week. Hold firm. They can find time for 40-50 hours of GTA. They can find time to never cancel a JP stream. I would like weekly VN streams.
Your Turn to Die is great stream content. Single Player Amogus
DKC2 -> SWV -> DKC2 -> SWV will be a nice rotation.
WA>FSN>WA>FSN is a better rotation.
>DKC2 -> SWV -> DKC2 -> SWV
Yeah, waiting a week would be better, we should wait to see the next schedule before suggesting anything
They can't play zelda until they clear DKC2 unless they wana lose all their lives again. And they already said the first zelda stream will be an endurance stream.
nta but even 2 weeks would be fine cause it would be at least relatively consistent like RnR parties
anon your console reps...
it should just be in the same day timeslot as RnR parties but on the opposite week
"hold firm" kek do you retards actually think you have any influence on what they do?
It's because of the RnR parties constantly being cancelled or moved that we shouldn't do this. Once every week, that way if one does get cancelled we aren't out a VN stream for 2 weeks or a month or more like when RnRs were being cancelled every 2 weeks.
kek yeah I got mixed up.
I'm the reason they played fate. Every single Ruffian in chat spamming that they should do it? Me and my alts.
I would LOVE weekly VN streams, but at this point I'd take 1 VN stream every 2 weeks... Maybe we could suggest 1 stream every week for VNs or retro games? They could rotate it like some anons are suggesting, so we could get a guaranteed VN or retro game every week (unless they are too busy, of course). It's better than nothing...
I do. FUWAMOCO long for my approval and affirmation. They want me to be excited for things and worry about me not liking something. They even have nightmares where I'm indifferent to something they do.
Errr guys, can we ask for weekly monhun streams instead?
I wrote this.
CC played Majora's Mask 3 days ago, they're lying to us, they just want numberslop.
...they would 3 cart every hunt, it's impossible
I don't mind a weekly VN/Retro and MonHun slot. What they want to do for the rest of the week, I have no complaints.
yes please. just tell them it's going to be all HoloJP does for weeks next year (which is true)
She played on virtual console. They are adamant on playing on the version that Nintendo has banned and won't ever give perms for. There's a reason they lost them immediately the stream after they did the fire temple. Someone reported them
>weekly monhun streams
Only after we get weekly retro/VN streams
Okay but realistically they're just going to keep playing jp horror slop
Everyone who asks for a M game sucks. Mahjong, Monster Hunter, there are no good M games.
Doesn't hurt to suggest it at least
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What about Mbembe?
If Raora can play monhun, they can too.
Raora actually wants to play games
Maybe, but we should still ask them for more VN and retro game streams.
Even classic Megaman?
Visual Novels are not games.
No. They are not games.
Correct they are better. Girls are shit at video games, I'd rather see them react to cute girls instead.
If you don't ask, you won't get. If enough people ask, and they see the merit in the arguments, they will relent. That's how FUWAMOCO Codework happened.
it's time for mocochan fo retire and take care of her health before this gets worse
I like those streams, so I win anyway.
Define what a game is
I still remember how like 15 different Ruffians retweeted it cause it wasnt showing up, and then they liked the post
Another suggestion is ask them have a weekly poll of backlog games to play.
Last digit is how many more streams will be canceled due to her voice being gone
A game is something I look at and go "woah thats a game."
I have never once looked at a VN and said "that is a game," except for SWV due to the tactical combat and ability to explore NYC.
>but that means-
I wonder what they would think about if someone made FWMC NetNavis...
We can bypass the M restriction if they play it in Japanese. It's Rockman kek
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>If you don't ask, you won't get
Yeah THIS. It's better to try and fail than not trying at all, and they LOVE the Ruffians, if enough people ask for it I'm sure they would be happy to try to do those streams weekly.
Odds on them watching this?
Google is a psyop. Dictionary definitions are wrong. VN developers are not devs, they are writers and artists. The only thing thats right is what you feel on the astral winds.
They should only stream things they're passionate about, so japanese language, culture, music and VNs. In japanese.
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But I want them to play Metaphor, it's really good so far...
this is why when I go to kill someone I say 'woah thats a game" and instantly be cut off from any accusations due to it just being a game
Megaman, Sonic, and Pokemon are like the only real examples I can think of where I prefer the EN names/versions/scripts over the JP ones. For the most part.
This. People always bitch about things here, but never have the guts to bring it up to them on main. ASK if you want something. And if it is fair, and enough people are willing to back you, they will at least consider it.
I do this and it works
Not a bad idea, but maybe weekly is too much, they could do it monthly instead
If I have to press a button to continue, progress, start or save, then it's a game. Period.
Well most of the things people bitch about are either controversial stuff or stuff that borders on antishit(or can EASILY become anti garbage). This really reaaallly isnt at all, but everyone here is too autistic to make a sugestion
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Why are they so cute together?
/baubau/ is my personal favorite video game. I play it for 10 hours a day
>i want them to play a long JRPG
High, but I shan't be warching m80
I honestly don't know where to put small stuff like that outside of #helpFWMC which is exactly what I've done. No, I won't pay money to send them a message about what I want to see them play.
The last time someone played an atlus jrpg in holoEN it took them a whole year to finish. Also they're number poison.
They should play Rockman 2 just for this single old fucking NND meme that they very likely know about
I only want to post things on members only VODs and comments because it lowers the chances it gets used in some seanigger drama video. Or you get a bunch of shitty tourists jumping in like YEAH I LOVE VNS PLAY DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB
I'll make a suggestion on the hashtag next week, but I feel like a SC would probably be better because we would get their feedback
They don't miss us at all and I'm tired of everyone pretending otherwise
Why do they seem to get along with Patra so well?
they're liking the support tweets on the hashtag
>lowers the chances it gets used in some seanigger drama video.
There is actually a 0% chance of this happening unless you plan on literally shitting on them for no reason. You're being genuinely autistic kek
>Or you get a bunch of shitty tourists jumping in like YEAH I LOVE VNS PLAY DOKI DOKI LITERATURE CLUB
They already addressed this a long time ago, ao who cares?
I dunno, I've had something small I did out of love and support get used in a drama video before It doesn't stop me from continuing to do what I do, but it's at the very least annoying
How is it annoying to you personally? Did people spam retarded shit at you or something?
Vtuber "news" fags are everywhere and also tourists don't watch streams so they don't know they won't play DDLC so they'll still suggest it. FWMC are also autistic and I don't want them thinking everyone wants them to play DDLC if my comment gets hijacked by 100 or so grays upvoting a response that says PLAY DDLC
Holy fluff you guys, I don't think they'll be able to handle not seeing me for two days, so I can only hope that Mocotyan's voice is not too messed up.
Since Mococo is having throat issue, shouldn't Fuwawa be the one playing phasmophobia on Thursday?
That hypothetical suggestion post would be easily the single most innocuous and boring thing in the world to talk about, and I have no idea why you think some monkey will pick it out and read it.
There's a greater chance they look through this thread and use your original post then there is of them using a fucking SC saying "hey have you thought about playing vns/retro games one day a week to clear ur backlog thanks bau bau luv u heart heart"
Since it's a collab she could use a Mococo soundboard
This will literally not happen, unless you plan on spamming your own comment with alt accounts.
Or if you word shit like an insane person.
Newfags generally don't participate in chat. And I highly doubt there will be a bunch of newfags for SC readings.
Give me ONE good reason why Fuwawa shouldn't show her butthole on stream.
They'll play it once Biboo moves to Japan!
Congrats, I guess, fags.
Annoying enough to remember, but not annoying enough to alter my behavior much. No one said much about it other than its inclusion
I'm not the anon arguing that I can't suggest things to them, I have and still do both here and on twitter. I just didn't like something I did was included in a video that's intentionally trying to make FUWAMOCO look bad
>Comment from Anan Onel with 5k upvotes
>"Hey FUWAMOCO I think it would be awesome if you had one stream a week dedicated to clearing your backlog of Visual Novels like White Album."
>bunch of Ruffians agreeing in the replies
>FUWAMOCO see the comment
>"wow Mocochan thats a good suggestion, and it looks like all the wuffians agree too! Maybe we should think about-"
>they scroll down and see one single comment from a gray who wandered in from nowhere, "Yeah the doggos should play DDLC!"
>"ueh Fuwawa, I dont think its a good idea... theyll be disappointed if we dont play DDLC... look at all the ruffians who agree"
>2 thumbs up
Who the hell are the people talking to you about watching some dramafag's channel?
Half of them are really phoning it in, and I can't blame them.
Because she is a pure girl who will only show her butthole to her loving husband(me)
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>For the most part.
That I can agree on. I will say the first time I saw the JP OP and ED for Sonic CD, I thought that was the coolest thing ever. OST too.
Same. If we ever get an unarchived video game theme RnR, would be awesome.
This was a fairly long time ago, and I'd rather not give the trackerschizo more info than I already have. It's just something that happened that I didn't really enjoy
Fuck Airman and his song, Bubble man has the best stage music in the game.
why wouldn't they play ddlc? Subaru did like a month ago
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Now that's a waste of fucking time, doesn't even give them money to buy Patra figures.
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Cute! The one EN did a while ago was really sweet. Too bad we can't hide the hud though.
They hate it for roughly the same reasons they hate Oshi no Ko
That’s my wife right there.
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Probably same reason why they find it pointless to watch Nichijou. They'd rather play Shuusaku or Totono instead.
when did they say that?
This is weaponized cringe. I feel bad for them.
Pretty early on when someone suggested they play it. I think they said exactly, "we only want to play visual novels we're passionate about" or something like thta which is basically the most scathing thing they could ever say
i want to fuck this demon guard dog
You mean someone she pays to do a bunch of fun stuff for her members.
I am so glad they used precious time that could be spent streaming or sleeping and exerted their vocal cords for this...whatever the fuck it is.
I thought the rock covered in moss was gonna turn out to be the head of Cthulhu
Calli wrote the script?? Didn’t expect that
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pretty sure just means "we only want to play Japanese VNs" rather than something about the meta aspect of the game tho
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Dont reply to a guy who immediately spammed both threads with the same thing only to get nuked instantly, wuffian
there is an unlisted fuwawa sex scene on their channel...
Sorry, I hit enter before he got deleted and I don't have Shiori's general open.
Nah that isn't what they meant at all, cause I'm certain they'd like or appreciate something like Katawa Shojou(they did have ambitions to create VNs once). The creator of the game is very "anti-VN" for the most part and has said things they absolutely wouldn't appreciate since they adore VNs.
They just do not when something thats created by someone who hates the medium gets popular. Same reason they hate oshi no ko
How is she so sexy??
kari's written quite a few of these IIRC.
don't worry it goes away a few times and you see all of Fuwawa's pure sex in full glory.
I wasn't expecting to cum for her again today but here I am covered in goo
No worries
>whatever the fuck it is
its a VN are you retarded
Of course they would want to participate even if its just a silly little youtube game
The twist was also a rip off of you me and her
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The people have spoken.
>The creator of the game is very "anti-VN" for the most part and has said things they absolutely wouldn't appreciate since they adore VNs.
what'd they say? I haven't heard about that
Reminds me of that group thing Myth & Council did forever ago for Valentines Day.
What is that? And how can I get to see it?
It's the choose your own adventure thing linked above. I just journeyed through it until I got to their scenes.
Fuwawa masturbates to ecchi pics of herself so if you time it right you might just be able to match
>no JP subs
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>no twin route
C'mon Mori....
Well at least the main channel is following that.
sex alone with Fuwawa in the pool... fucking her wet glistening floofies until the sunsets
I can't believe cover let her do that
I'm watching Fauna's POV and they wouldn't have been able to complete these quests while babysitting FUWAMOCO. I was really looking forward to them interacting with all the others, but their lack of participation so far really means they'd be a burden on everyone. They really shouldn't join tomorrow or Tuesday. The enemies get more difficult the more players there are, so they'll make it way harder and inconvenience everyone because they won't be able to help with their low level and no items or abilities or experience.
I unironically cant remember, but I think he had a lot of criticism of common VN tropes and stuff
I had no idea it would actually branch out and give me choices.
I'm watching the video, but how did you get the ones that are unlisted on their channel?
Everyone is welcome you cum guzzler.
Yeah it's just like the valentines one for EN way back when.
Mococo plays the games. Fuwawa smudges the screen by touching it when she's not supposed to.
I skipped ahead every time any girl that wasn't FUWAMOCO was on the screen. My eyes are only for them.
Keep watching towards the end of the video, when the video annotations appear on the screen, it'll be links to unlisted videos that form your available "paths" in the story.

That's what makes it Choose your Own Adventure (CYOA). This used to be a very popular form of storytelling on youtube, babbyposter.
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Best route achieved. Make sure you install the patch to get the additional H scene where she sucks you off by the pool
Anon, JP clear this just fine with a bunch of underleveled people.
she took my banana and won't let go
Remember when Bare Grills or whatever the fuck his name was released one of these like 12 years ago?
Okay, I see it now! Thanks!
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I'll... be right back
Yeah, everyone and their mother were doing it. I think that one british guy that reviewed cheap tat on his sofa, called Ashensm had one too.
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does gigi seriously have bigger tits than Mococo?
goddamn is that hot and makes me love Moco-chan even more
why didn't this release with the actual summer voice pack during summer? it's like 50 degrees now
I think THIS is the REAL reason they cancelled all the streams today.
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what in the name of ESL are these video titles and dialogues
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No idea
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Hey Ruffians, Day 54 of fumbling my way through 日本語
Did my usual upkeep and 2 new cards for all decks.
Just saw that Mori and Kiara are going to play the demo of the new mystery game from the Danganronpa people tomorrow.
I hope it's good.
holy fucking sex that is a dream harem right there
FUWAMOCO are worse at games than almost every JP member.
>they didn't even post about or retweet the announcement
is this another suspension?
Hopefully asleep.
at noon?
Right. Sometimes I fuck up the time, my bad. Could be a meeting?
If you have a core group of 4-5 people playing consistently, they will be able to carry everyone. That's just how the game is designed. You can see that in the last 2 raids where they clear pretty quickly even when a bunch of underleveled people joined in.
why were they in this buy not the actual voice pack?
Ok I browsed the game's website a bit and it's certainly interesting and there's a demo on Steam
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I see a FAT FUCK
where the fuck is the twin route Yagoo you fucking hack
lots of gameplay and customization systems
fuwamoco should honestly just not bother with 7dtd any more this collab. maybe join and be a POV for the raid but they are just going to hold everyone back from necessary prep otherwise
Hopefully since Mococo is sick.
Patra is playing Graduation now
How many times are you planning on posting this exact same thing? Just curious.
Thanks for the update, I appreciate it anon!
Not watching.
feels like this is gonna be a chunky game if the build variety allows you to go into extremes and build combinations
Mococo does NOT stink right now.
as many times as it takes. current script is every 6 hours
now that they have high-level crafters difficulty doesn't even matter anymore
I was already watching. Will let you know if they show up in chat.
I can just go rewatch an old 2-view play it. Their playthrough will 100% be more cute.
If they actually are spending time watching Patra and posting in her chat after cancelling two streams I might lose even more respect for them
How do you know is Mococo and not Fuwawa watching her?
That looks fun. Have FWMC ever talked about Danganronpa or even Somnium Files? I feel like if they want to do some oneshot VN streams, those might be fun to play the starting chapters.
How do we know they aren't secretly watching Patra play this game?
fuck off sister, if mococo is sick then she can watch streams while resting in bed
If they want even spookier, they could do Your TUrn To Die like me and that other Anon were talking about up there too.
If Fuwawa has time to be watching a stream she has time to do a fluffy stream instead. Y'know, her actual job?
least retarded threadreader
I mean, its just her voice, not a migrane. So I don't care if they show up or not.
And just 2 days ago ruffians were mad at FWMC for overworking themselves and not resting enough, kek. Now it's flipped back to "stream more!" Fickle, fickle, fickle
Fuwawa wants my bush banana
I'm not sure if they've ever mentioned those games, but there's no way they don't know Danganronpa exists.
Is Silent Hill like RE in the sense you can fight your way out?
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When was the last time things weren't 'ruff' for them?
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1 million wish came true XD
Are you watching koyo?
You can kill monsters with pipes and guns from what I remember, the controls are purposefully slow and janky though
Yeah lol.
couldn't Mococo still play while Fuwawa does the talking? Those are their primary roles anyway
no because she screams uncontrollably
She’d probably try to yell anyway and fuck up her voice even more. Didn’t a Holo do a collab where they lost their voice and had someone interpret for them or something?
So it really was Gigi meant to be coupled with FWMC. Interesting.
Different talents have done streams with soundboards and text chat but I doubt they have the technical ability to set that up.

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