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fake, gay, etc
You know why.
is real?
7DTD friends are not synced to steam friends.
She blames Kronii for goading her into the saplings not being friends yab
Phase Connect Nijisanji Vshojo BVTM Vox Akuma Ironmouse Selen Dokibird Dooby Legal Mindset
Kronii is at the bottom of everyone else's list because its a new steam account and Fauna had her old steam account friended
She’s not steam friends with Kronii either since she didn’t show up on Fauna’s friend list in buckshot roulette.
How new is her steam account? That might account for the above.
Kronii got a friend invite from Fauna but Kronii didn't accept it for some reason.
Show me one person that had kronii on their buckshot roulette list.
I don’t want to spend time looking. I’d rather believe what I want to believe until someone gets evidence for me.
Wasn't hard
See? >>87409480 It never fails.
someone showed you. now what, dipshit?
he ran away...
Begging for replies like this is some newfag shit, let him silently disappear if he has nothing else to argue. That’s how every argument on this website goes unless it devolves into outright denial of reality.
I want Fauna and Kronii to have hot make up sex. What should I do, chat?
Fauna raped Kronii in the sweltering summer of '23
Kronii raped Ina as well in 2022.
Become a prominent clipper and start causally highlighting these awkward moments whenever they happen, but don’t focus on them exclusively. If the normalfag audience starts to accept the friction as a normal thing, it will inevitably get brought up by social retards in superchats or members’ streams at a volume that is no longer possible to ignore. If anything, management would take notice and start forcing them to collab every other month or so.
You know, this takes me back to the time Flayon posted a screenshot of a steam gift Bettel sent on Twitter, and from that I was able to find their steam accounts, and by a chain of talents with public friend lists I now have the links to almost every holo's steam account across every branch including Yagoo himself
What does Yagoo play?
sure you do, timmy, now let’s get you tucked into bed
One thousand hours of gal gun and 10 hours of some random blackjack game.
>all of them are just the talent’s names or obvious nicknames
Nice “sleuthing” you did there, although I’m more willing to believe you just copied it from some redditor and are claiming credit because youre dumb enough to think it’s something impressive.
good job newfagchama holo stream accounts has been known since 2021
That's not how it works you retard.
Very interesting.
How many times does fauna need to say she's not your friend.
"this takes me back" lol
you are so new your posts still smell like your mom's placenta
I can reply to whoever I want, bucko.
Heh. the coward ran away eh.
Why does everyone want to rape Ina
imagine the sounds she would make
That's the best part. you don't have to imagine. You can listen.
This all goes back to minecraft. When Kronii died at Haachama's Tower of Babylon, and Fauna got the last laugh.
Kronii hates Fauna and can barely conceal it.
In 2021 Fauna introduced Sally future husband to Sally and Kronii never forgave it
Kronii is fake gay?
This is actually a brilliant plan
She's too scrawny to resist anyone
This means that Irys doesn't have mumei friended
If people are autistic enough to spin these rrats, why don't they just ask Fauna or Kronii directly via superchats or whatever for a direct confirmation?
Increase the resolution asshole
I'll increase your asshole's resolution first.
Because they're coworkers and more importantly they're in the same unit so they would never give a straight answer if someone asked if they had a fight
Even a straight up lie is better than nothing at all where rrats can flourish.
kek me up buddy
Fauna wouldn’t even take the question. Kronii would lie about it, and it would be super transparent because she is a shit tier actress. Sounds like a good idea to me. Who wants to volunteer?
business relationship only
What is kronii saying i cant understand I know something sexo is happening but I need to to know exactly what it is to jerk off
The Palestine rrat was true all along
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kek me up
why are kronies so invested in this
die OP faggot
Come back, pussy
I can see why
she does. irys doesn't have a private steam profile cause she's irys. and nanana is on her friendlist
Kronii wouldn’t be able to resist giving some type of passive aggressive response.
Kronii is a bad liar though.
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rrat slain
KYS cuckfeet
Steam friends list doko?
Allies doko?
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Oh, it's about Fauna, so we know why
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Why is his English so bad if he's from Singapore? I know a lot of them use a dialect-heavy version of English when speaking with each other but their written English is usually fine.
smaller please
Mental retardation.
But you confirmed it even further
What is wrong with this garbage board recently that every single bait thread has to be posted twice?
but anon, this rrat is real, it has leg
Where do such people even always get money from?
I've been here since Advent retard
the /vt/ way
I dont know why people make it so complicated. They are both bi, they spent a lot of time together before, they probably did something, stuff got awkward and so they dont talk to each other anymore, there you go, mystery solved
for one year?
Yeah nigga
>wow kronii i had a great time yesterday, you are so sweet
>uhhhh, yeah i was kind of drunk and yeahhhhhh, so this is like a one time thin....
>i can already see our future together, its gonna be so cute
>ehhhhh, yeah i dont know
>its like a one time thing you know
>but i thought that you.....
>yeah, listen my flight is in like 2 hours so i really gotta get going, thanks for stuff, ummm yeah see you later kronnichiwa, like the streams haha, yeah
Why did Fauna do it?
i've literally been here since holopass
retarded tranny op
>fooling around with your coworker
9 times out 10 it ends badly it's why you don't risk it
>no Gura, Ina, Mumei, Irys and Bae
Uh-oh, incoming graduations confirmed?
If you actually watched streams you wouldn't be asking this question.
Retard, it's just that the list ins't big enough.
tranny headcanons for a tranny board.

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