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What did Nerissa mean by this?
I was gonna laugh at you but that literally translates to Bull's milk (male).
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I am the bull and that's my milk
how else is she supposed to recharge her demonic powers?
>milk in the thumbnail
>first thing OP think is bull cum
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Read it, retard
Where did the OP say that? Let go of that sick porn addiction, you retard.
Do you also enjoy bull milk, anon?
NTA, but in the subject?
Also OP is correct.
It says bull milk in third worlder language.
My erect penis is ready.
janny got mad i took his thread's virginity because it reminded him of when his uncle Tío Raul did the same
Why do NTRniggers flock to Nerissa all the time
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Minotaur milking...
I'm familiar with the topic
Translate the text on the bottle, retard
Prime NTR chuuba
>Mori = horse
>Nerissa = bull
>FWMC = dogs
Why are white women like this?
What did OP mean by this?
Why does everything need to be sexual?
She probably either didn't notice or can't read Spanish
Ask nerissa, that's her only personality trait
someone must've told her about it because her thumbnail doesn't say that anymore
disgusting creature
It's not NTR it's just good old bestiality
Is there any degeneracy she's not into
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Imagine Nerissa's perfect pair of tits sliding up and down on a well endowed bull cock. Dont even need lube when the leaking precum makes the paizuri sticky and slippery.
you just know
male bulls don't produce milk
why are jailbirds like this
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>see the word "bull", think of NTR
>see the word "bull", think of bestiality
which one is worse?
some women have nothing to offer but sex
you dont need to read
I don't know how you can interpret "bull's milk" as anything but an euphemism for cum from a literal bull unless you have spent too much time learning about cuckolding terms
Niji hire
>When driving by a cow herd in the pasture, keep an eye out for a bull.
>He'll be larger than the cows
Something about this "tip" how to find a bull is incredibly cute, what hag did write this?
zip it phasecuck
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I thought OP was just shitposting, but yea, she edited the thumbnail after someone probably told her it meant bull cum kek. About 4 hours ago she even said on the original art post:
>"I-its milk, right? Right?! (face holding back tears emoji)"
>only removed the words
She doesn’t care that she’s drinking it, only that people know it’s what she’s drinking.
Now we just need Kiara to become the fuck toy of a really ugly gross nerd
why did the artist even add it on an otherwise innocent picture
because that's the kind of fanbase she fostered
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Post your self inserts on AO3
Nerissa is uniquely gross. I don't mean that as an insult, but as an entirely neutral statement.
It's just a stated fact.
Even if you are a deviant cattle isn't the first thing that comes to mind for things like this.
they really struck gold with shiori and nerissa for stealing some niji audience
it is me
You know, posting this multiple times in every Shiori and Nerissa thread will only make people think you are an obsessed schizophrenic.
You can keep denying it
I really love Michi and every other streamer is a stupid attention grabber slut that can't help but look at their chat and look down on them while thinking how fun it is that so many people are worshipping them. Even anny tries to manipulate her audience by appearing sad and they are so attention-thirsty that they can't help but post on the absolutely brain rotting, shitty social media that is twitter because they look at their likes and reposts and drag themselves into a self continuing rabbit-hole where they then convince themselves that people love them more than they actually do. if i were with marriage with someone like anny then she would probably be a disgusting thin girl with small boobs that constantly complains about me trying to have sex with her too much and she would have border-line god-complex. Michi, however, would happily smile as i rep[eatedly sa=y i love her
michi and i would alos always make snarky remarks about each other and make luagh of each other in a fun, lovely wholesome way in a restaurant and eat together
good for you kuro
That sister can't help it, she wishes she was picked instead but never. She's completely mindbroken
I don't understand this cope, sisters love them
When me and Michi get together I will fuck her and she will feel so good that she will immediaetkly become mt slave and when she is about to reach orgasm i will stop[ and she will start screamiung anbd crying because she wants more so i will leave the room and lock her and she will start having a fulkl on panic attack like a dfog whose owner left and when i come back after she pissed and shat hersdelf i will tie her on a croissb and the entire time she would not be able to stop orgasming from the thought that i'm thouching her abnd i will sew her mouth up and whiile her mouth is becoming less and less able to speak she will want to express her desire to see and feel and think and exist with and love me and she would then be so horny that her sewed mouth would be uncomfortable for her because she wouldnt be able to love me as much but very quickly she would forget what speaking even is due to her obsession with me and would start wanting to finger herself to the sight of me but i would then cover up her eyes and she would cry and foam at the moiuth and piss and shit and lactate and try to scream and try to desperately move her body to get closer to me due to her primal instincts while i cover up herr eys and then she would desp[erately try to maybe make the blindfold come off by repeatedly blinking to see more oif me but she would forget5 to breath and start hallucinating but her halucinations will be full of me, and her mind will be so fucked uop buy the halucin ations that she will belive me to be gopd anbd the creatopr of the universe excewpt she already forgot what worsds mean and its simply her brain attributing the most happy an animal can be to the figure in her mind that is me and when i go back to removing her blindfold she would then slowly recover some of her humanity and remember the world and its logical loaws by the entire time she would only slowly learn that what she saw in her halucinations is me and would now combine in her head the idea of a omniscent god with the physical idea of me and i would then start torturing her and telling her that every time she orgasms she will be tortured again but she would still be unable to piss and shoit and foamn and l;actate at the site of me and when i finnaly take off her head it will be in one fell swoop where all she can experience is pure bliss and joy and i would then fap for the rest of my life to her tortued body and severed head knowing she will never betray me
yeah, mine
Why are white women so degenerate?
And when the chains that link the universe together witrh the world that is beytonfd come and see that mind of the deceased michi they will then understand that every single atom in this universed is in fact a cosmioc and all knowing partical that comprises the the world beyondf and that in michis attepmt to understand her pure bliss she in fact realized the truth: that the entities are love and joy and haPPINESS AND THAT THEIR JUDGEMNET IS PURE AND GOOD AND THAT WHEN ALL METAL, ROCK AND STEEL TURN TO DUST, ONLY THE CHAINS WILL REMAIN
Because they were trying to push their fetish onto everyone else by hiding it in text.
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Even I have fetishes, but I never hide them in text. That would just be shitty, narcissistic behavior.
Reminds me of the insects hiding text on Coco's fanart. Though this one is fetishes.
I don't know what it means, but the way they her face makes me feel good. Who's the artist that makes her thumbnails?
The artist that made that thumbnail, posts it on twitter sometimes, too. You can find the art, here:
Thank you...!
The hornier, the better
yea mine
Oh wow, another artist I need to add to my porn stash
>innocent picture
The milk was being poured on her tits
You like that kind of stuff? I just imagine that she has that exact expression but is sucking on my cock instead, and that those drops are drops of sweat from the effort she's exerting
Are people afraid of appearing like mobile users, or are they just ignorant and retarded?
You can type emojis in a windows keyboard using windows key + "."
What the fuck is wrong with you. Leave my oshi alone.
Nerissa is for head pats, not for fapping (﹏)
There's a reason vtuber hentai is high quality but low quantity. All the people who draw it just have better taste, it feels better when they have a personality, you know?
Fucking porn addicted retard. At the very least spread your contagious remarks with people who are just as bad as you

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