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>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
V4Mirai + globie + VSPO! EN: >>>/vt//v4m/

Previous thread: >>87321401
cute dutch girl
VampersandU founding fathers playing deadlock
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>Yura's fan bukkake
Requiem... home....
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I might just have to bake /modern/ again
Not enough to revive /ppg/
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Skye schedule
I remember when she's said she'd do more member's streams 2 weeks ago and then depression hit
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Naki schedule, vtubing is healing
Her tits are huge
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Which Prima is joining Gen 2?
Non I wish
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Good morning! Elia hate, rape and kill.
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Yume & Turnip Boy robbing a bank
Any of these girls play Skyrim?
Gato sexo
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yura cute trying to pronounce vagrant with a cold. she's live btw
She cannot be saved
saved from what?
I'm imagining
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this year flew fast
tfw watched ~100 streams of a vtuber and I still don't know if I like her or not
damn those IRL male collabs sound wild
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Spica gets obsessed with the oddest things
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not edited
I can't believe Airi was a futa all along
that's crazy, how did you guess our answer
momo otako
wtf is that real
>/vt/ "humor"
Nice of sentenno to come and visit them
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i had that account on my idol list, and checked whose name was redacted. so it seems there's credence to her being rebranded with the abandoned model.
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never once watched this game or big collabs
hope the girlies have fun tho
It's a better game than among us
Lottie looks weird
Lottie's long lost cousin
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Was she a last minute addition, she isn't in anyones thumbnail
Genuinely how can any of these girls stand to listen to Cerenity speak for more than 30 seconds? Her voice is so irritating, she sounds better when she's doing her real voice.
That's a you issue
She owes me a tit fuck
didn't realize until this game that Acti is formerly WafflesInAToaster. i always liked her when she showed up in Mion's micro/indie unity collabs
oh neat, we can now enjoy her asmr she was talking about the other day
wonder what that's about
Nice info desu ne
Me & Yura
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What do we think about Yoki?
Also sex
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Cute orange Brazilian birthday
There's a specialite spot thread now?
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yeah, combined with vspoEN by extension from EVE.EXE
That image gave me retinal cancer
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Maki really likes to get art of herself
Autocorrect my b
Why did no one start posting prism in /lig/?
be the change you want to see
because then you'd have to read lig posts
also people did and sometimes still do, but half of them don't stream or don't rate anymore, though that doesn't really stop anyone
>indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more
they only bitch if they're unpartnered which is 75ccv at this point and who cares about bitchy liggermen anyway
Clueless anon... They don't care about numbers in the slightest, they don't even care if you're not an indie. /big/ was made as a split specifically because /lig/ lost its original purpose of being for large indies
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Why isnt there more loving sex scenario asmr
All lewd asmr now a days is just gross shit and uncaring/loveless
Sounds like you're looking for audio porn, not asmr
the only vtubers willing to label it that way are gross whores who arent making what Im looking for
eien talent chibi debut
>sex scenario asmr
>not audio porn
You don't know what you're talking about/looking for
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shiki said she wants to make asmr again, so maybe we'll get more lovey dovey chu asmr that's totally not sex (with me)
eien thread if anyone from there is here
acti is french canadian...
Cute model, a real shame about the menhera behind it
blaise is cute. and i will make her my wife.
>blaise thread
satan... what did she ever do to you
Give me a strong aversion after listening to her in collabs
i forgot about that
qrd of blaise love hate
very autisic but only in the ways that make someone bad at streaming and none of the ways that would make someone good at streaming.

i mean not cute
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wedding day
Scarlett - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcA6G2j1DSE
Daiya - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Fnfy6fLO8

too menhera, bitches about her fanbase every other month, massive numberfag, spamming feet content for views with no plan to increase her normal streams ccv and i have no idea about the backstory but shee from kawaii who is friends with literally every 2view indie blocked her and deleted all vods they had together
dont care. she's cute. being menhera makes her hotter.
How is it different from /wvt/, then?
bad rei
it always was wvt
have you seen wvt in the past... forever?
wasn't kokone supposed to be presiding?
she did during the start of the ceremony. was also preparing vows with scarlett before she got her stream on
kokone is the goddess
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Dragon maid time: One year anniversary
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Still an idol company for another month and change. New song for Hanamizuki one year anniversary.
really wish meeta would stop screaming
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Shiki's southern milkers underwear...
>silence from mozzu
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I'd rather she continued the radio silence tbdesu
Cute how she and sentenno were playing footsie
why would she share this
Watching chuubas study makes me wish I was watching them during my own degree a few years back
nice to even have that option. vtubers didn't even exist when i was in uni.
vtubers should be banned from streaming league
A single cute girl's co-working/study stream during honours year...
They were really only breaking out for me too, around the start of the cov?
cyon is now a homo collaber
I don't think cyon was ever unicorn friendly
Lumin singing
No, I've been avoiding both of those threads because they seem weirdly hostile
good earlicking ASMR and good artwork as well
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most people will agree with you
Didn't the guy on the left graduate?
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Does Elia's fanbase enjoy her doing these collabs with dudes?
No. Her CCV drops during male collabs.
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>Elia play League with iPN
>Spica watches
looks like the clock is ticking for wispicals
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Like several other posts before, this was about Mion's birthday, but no one linked it.
so eepy
I need to shake my hiyo
Twisty my little sister menhera...
Elia hate, rape, kill and discard.
/corpo/'s rotten onahole, all used up and damaged by male chuubas...
yura will struggle to pronounce domicile and then cutely complain about the fancy english on stream right about now
ESL balding hag
"I love that he has a receding hairline"
beyond perfect
80-hour JRPGs are stream poison
i like them though.
yap skill issue
all of the dull grind and exposition of gacha, none of the gambling
Depends on who streams them and how often, some people just have a ton of dead air while others can even make jrpg streams interesting to watch
i think one of the girls should play lotro. great for zatsu, and such a small community you could easily make a small little guild with your viewers and keep it contained. and the world is fun. i love lotro...please play with me...
>yap skill issue
Not everyone can be like Sara
Girls are into LOTR in the same way they're into Warhammer (they're not) (both are manchild franchises)
I don't know, I don't really think LOTR is nearly as much of a manchild franchise as Warhammer. It's farless accessible and hardly anyone reads the books, and there's much less mediums through which to enjoy it. Maybe it was decades ago.
Who needs to fill in dead air when you can just show your slut model
Can we just agree to kill vrex and have everyone post here instead?
Why not choose someone who has a sexo model but also knows how to yap?
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Last i checked it seemed like a pretty decent thread, no idea how many posters you have
only if you agree to tell us her new indie account's name
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Roro rape!
...what was she going to say?
tell me where to find Scarlett and I'll agree
She's not dead yet. One stream today and then graduation next week. Patience.
kek that tomoe
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which of the girls we know is probably doing this?
Scarlett died
Reading lazy clickbait articles? Probably most of them.
Actually, zoomers nowadays don't even read news headlines, do they? Just tweets or tiktoks.
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Why was this edit made?
local schizo doing schizo things
>Daiya and Scarlett play on minecraft server
>instantly become best friends
>make jokes about being married because they feel so close to eachother
>couple months pass, they collab together often
>Scarlett announces graduation
>Daiya and Scarlett get married in minecraft
>marriage ceremony is followed by funeral for Scarlett
>everyone sad
I don't know but it's funny and accurate for a girl that drove away all her normal fans and only has cuckolds left
She should sing mr brightside at all her karaokes
>literally gurren lagan
to be spammed to death in every general i think
Did Yura do something to cuck her fans? I feel like I’m missing lore

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