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Wicked Pisser Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Henya is LIVE! And as of this writing it's epic lunch time. But given how long this has been going for and the speed of the catalogue chances are she'll be back to Silent Hill 2 when this thread goes up. Alternatively if you want some VShojocraft then Saiiren is LIVE! And is doing exactly that. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civilb y ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/TaiRantsYT/status/1845267677205627171

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87399985
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Don't do it....
>Alternatively if you want some VShojocraft then Saiiren is LIVE
Might as well call it Pluscraft at this point
Imma fuck this entire pussy.
stop reading the op if it always triggers you this much
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I can fix Zen
Are you mistaking me for someone else? Sounds like you're the one who's triggered over something someone else did.
You should start by fixing me a sandwich
sure brother
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Good summary, not mentally ill
Holy shit, he really does look like Aethel.
I’m kinda liking this stamp rally, it’s ambiguous in its stake but it allows me to see rare collab combos. even Hime is streaming a bunch
sure sister
yeah it's pretty kewl
there is someone in henya chat going crazy because she refuses to heal KEK
with henya
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with anons
Nobody wants your unwashed fujo pussy Emmy
I want your unwashed fujo pussy Emmy
Guys I think Henya might be retarded
There's a reason why everyone has kept quiet about the prize
But it's not some big prize if Henya is not joining despite the debuff.
The Froot poster turning out to be a girl addicted to Monster has been a disaster for this thread...
what gave it away
I think it's a improvement
Girls with low standards are the girls for me
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>The Froot poster
there are half a dozen of us
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Why do you have to resort to lies and slander, anon?
What kind of energy drink do you consume?
Damn, must be most of the female population of this website
Well, this is awkward
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henya crazy long stream. I just noticed it's almost 2am, fuck another sleepy day tomorrow.
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>sees woman
>instantly tries to murder her
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The break up with roomie turned her straight
Henya doesn't suffer literal succubae to exist in this world.
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I am waiting for you
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I'm gonna say it
Maria's new outfit is better, I like those kinds of dresses on girls
>there are half a dozen of us
Just say 5
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There is at least one person who knows who Zen is
my wife
Mouse is also collabing with her Best Friend on his channel with satisfactory
zen is simply too sexy
Henya wants to have sex with woman?
Man I Love Haruka Karibu
Literally me
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okay I think the outfit is just about done. I can try a bit more with the top but I really odn't think I'm going to be able to pull it off. Also emphasis on outfit. After this I'm going to do a second card with the lighter skin, different hair, and slightly different face and eyes. So enjoy the finished outfit on the old body and I'll do the rest soon. It's under Casual Clothes if anyone wants to mess with it as it is. https://files.catbox.moe/1ltopq.png
I mean knows who Zen is and personally knows the person behind the model
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Geega lewds are required
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Disgusting horndog
Saiiren is going crazy on Vshojocraft
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We currently have 3 active splits. Will there also be a VShojoJP split when we get more JP members?
Depends on the discussion, if JP actually becomes a thing, it wouldn't hurt anyone to mix up the Kson + Henya + New JPs together
Geega and Mel
we need a split for every member
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>implying theres only one
What would Geega say if she saw this?
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Saiiren's about to get a big raid.
Request denied.
Henya raids Connor san
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I guessed wrong
I've never wished my name was Connor more than every time I hear Henya say Connor san.
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Every time I hear Mouse say Connor my love I wish my name was Connor
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What is jp up to?
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Christmas Event in Animate
It's over
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It's always merch
Geega should correct me by letting me have sex with her
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gonna need the cum cup for that one
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Some VShojo JP /in/ posting from the 5ch thread.
They're as retarded as us
mouse needs her bombs and artillery
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That's what I've been thinking.
why did she get fired?
Henya drives a Benz right?
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Wait I fixed a couple things. Mildly updated. Then I wanted to get goofy with it and make a pic so there you go. More tomorrow for the last big update. https://files.catbox.moe/r2sbsp.png
All Frootposters are women. I will never get boners to your teasing ever again.
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This is a slanderous falsehood. I am a man with sweaty balls.
Geega is my wife
Michi is my girlfriend
Henya is my son
forced_masculinization should be a tag
Actually Michi is my girlfriend
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Saiiren is almost done with her Halloween building in Vshojocraft. It's a fully operational ferris wheel.
did she end up using create or some other weird one
I couldn't watch much of the process, but I think she did use create.
I want to make the funny haha, anyone know the best place to get samples of everyone?
love that while connor is diligently putting together the factory mouse is off on another murder spree
Like the site renders? danbooru: akagi art and vshojo
as mouse said earlier she doesn't want to live in a world where she can't murder
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I will never find someone like her
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brb buying some shady floor pills from mouse
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I will never find someone like her
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sorry about that
Glad to see she's doing well.
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I love the pink rat.
just let us die
I want to be Geega's Connor
I want to be Geega's Aethel
just be buddha but without the wife, the gambling sponsorship and a larger social battery
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Geega should rebrand as an Eldar
It's so over
>8 hour Henya VOD
we are so back, holy fuck
which one
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it's OVER for ironmouse
bing chilling
why would silver do this
fuck yes, finally. i hope cena kicks down im’s door and smashes her head against a wall until she dies
Ok, but how funny would it be if he wasn't able to get the record back.
You don't want another ex-holo that was forced out of her corpo, you want an ex-holo who left willingly
I don't get it, why was he screaming like a madman as John Cena entered? It was definitely rehearsed but it felt fake as fuck.
>basketball american making incomprehensible noises
that's his entire stream content.
loud = funny
The better question is what management wants out of JP.
Growing mid 3-views on Twitch with platform synergy, going slow and steady, or try the Nazuna strategy again and pick up another ex-Holo who will main YouTube and have no group synergy except with Kson?
Hoping that they wouldn't cave to the Holo temptation again and instead make an honest bet on Twitch JPs.
She already won considering this will just draw even more eyes on her.
But kai loves mouse. He said so himself.
I honestly don't care what they do as long as we get to 5 jp members.
Getting Rica to make a splash and some indie JP's who can ride the wave would be great imo.
Are we glad Meicha will never get hired?
I for one am happy he will never join VShojo yes. Popular opinion by the way.
Did Saiiren get into Vshojo and this is their way of pumping up her viewership?
Better her than the tranny.
Yep. He sucks. I'm happy he's out.
Just go back to seething about Mouse
he's so mentally ill he thinks people are buying it
People do buy it. Why do you think Mei is disliked /here/. I even got them to believe he's a poltard. He got gatekept from VShojo because of me.
Same, fuck connor
Are we glad the samefagger is this retarded?
The ideal JP for VShojo would be someone who put in the hours like Henya and Michi, is motivated to take every chance at building relationships, and isn't obsessed with esports shit.
Getting rica would just be repeating the nazuna situation again, same if we got rectangle
You don't actually like Mei right?
Shut up tard. Hey Mei, Meicha, MeichaFox guaranteed to see when you egosearch. I'm glad you failed the auditions you worthless fag. You ruined VShojo for me and I hope Zentreya and IronMouse drop you so you stay the fuck away from the other livers and VShojo as a whole. You will never join, you will never have real friends, you will never be happy, and you will fall off and become a 2 view. You will be irrelevant and your debut a flop.
Green triangle* kek my bad
>Getting rica would just be repeating the nazuna situation again
lol, no. Rica doesn't have unicorns to begin with.
I'm glad Mei is out.
Michi, go live
I'm glad my cock is out
Michi Nathaniel Mochievee you are so fucking cute
Seek God. Stop simping for a mentally ill man who will never join VShojo. He's a ticking time bomb.
Nazuna's unicorns were just a small part of the problem.
It was her lack of motivation and lack of understanding that JP is something that she and Kson would have to build up together that caused her to give up and go back to Mike for easy superchats. She wasn't stable mentally and definitely didn't have the foresight to invest in a long term project.
So? Why do you think that applies to Rica?
This. Sadly I don't think most ex-holos know that unlike leaving a black corpo like niji it's seldom a celebration from fans who worship a brand and that return buff won't last them long.

I don't want any more ex-nijis but at least with ones like michi they've worked the hardest in the first month and treated it like it was their last and only chance
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I'm holding hands with Candii.
I won you guys are whipped. You conceded. Mei will never join VShojo. His debut will be a flop. I'm happy.
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good night
too big
Wasn't that anon you replied to, but what I'm saying is that Rica would be fine if she's willing to stream more and keep going unlike Nazuna. She wouldn't be a good pick if she's gonna stick to YouTube, be unmotivated, and cruise along with 1-2 streams per week while complaining about making much more on YouTube than Twitch.
VShojoJP is a new thing that requires hard work and commitment, I'm all for Rica if she shows the required qualities. Question is, will she?
mei will join vshojo
I will kill myself if that happens. He does not deserve it. He is not talented enough.
Decent slop
Couldn't let it sit for even a couple weeks, kinda sad on his part
While not specific to rica on her own, most current members of holo are more than happy staying there doing the exact same routines while raking in easy money for the rest of their lives. If they suddenly get fired they're completely unprepared for the current state of vtubing and as evidenced seldom have any plans on how to move forward or grow without the blue dorito and thus put a lot of that expectation into having whichever new corp takes them to do that job for them.

Unlike with someone like kson and on the EN side dooby who left on their own accord bc they already have plans for their future and know how to network and hold their own
I don't see why sticking to youtube would necessarily be a bad thing.
Rica is already networking on her own though? She had a collab with Delutaya just the other day. Comparing her to Nazuna just isn't fair.
Nta but to add to that vshojo's whole talent freedom schick is about talents having the freedom to choose how they want to grow and use those resources to tell their managers on how they can help them do that. Nazuna's biggest flaws was that she kept expecting her manager to tell her exactly what to do with no direction of her own which defeats the purpose of having said freedom
someone go live
The damage Hololive did to her is incredible
why are you even arguing about this?
Because I like Rica and I think she could end up here.
Good discussion, actually enjoyed reading it in transit.
>VShojo has nothing to offer on YouTube, no viewers. It eventually leads to the same question about why she would want to be /in/ despite getting almost nothing out of the deal.
>YouTube means less interactions and relationship building with other members.
>YouTube has no growth potential, you're competing against Hololive as a JP. Nta but Kson's channel is a good example.
>There's a small and growing market for JP variety on Twitch with tons of low 3 views who couldn't break through the 100-200 viewers ceiling. You want to get on it before others take away any space that's available. If JP started with a few Twitch indies, they would have a couple 4 views by now.
>I think she could end up here
lol, if VShojo had really wanted this, she would have been here. that ship sailed a long time ago.
Because this is a vsj+ thread and anons are talking about vshojo's future.
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vshojo's future is entirely determined by zens tit size. The smaller they are, the worse the future gets and the bigger they are, the better it will become. If they don't change, it means we are on course.
Kson already streams on Youtube so it's not like other Vshojo JP shouldn't do that.
It would also help diversify Vshojo's platform options.
>why she would want to be /in/ despite getting almost nothing out of the deal.
She would get merch, sponsors, events and management. It's worth it even if it's not a big CCV buff on the JP side at the moment.
>YouTube means less interactions and relationship building with other members.
That's only relevant for raids.
>YouTube has no growth potential, you're competing against Hololive as a JP. Nta but Kson's channel is a good example.
There are various JP indies who stream on youtube and get good numbers. There's also no reason why Vshojo would want to avoid competing with Hololive over viewers, there's a ton of Vtuber fans on youtube that could end up watching some Vshojo streams.
>There's a small and growing market for JP variety on Twitch with tons of low 3 views who couldn't break through the 100-200 viewers ceiling. You want to get on it before others take away any space that's available. If JP started with a few Twitch indies, they would have a couple 4 views by now.
Not saying that twitch is a bad option for future vshojo JP members, I just don't see it as necessary for a new addition to be good.
If she gets her live2d and she's not joining right there and then I agree.
Collabing with another ex-holo that also got kicked out is hardly networking anon, and no offense to rica bc i don't know about her well enough but I'm primarily stating what current vshojoJP wants from new talents.

It just seems to me that they're now less likely to take another chance on another ex-corpo talent that will be less likely to innovative with their resources as opposed to fresh new talent with the same drive as a zoomer like mitchi who are willing to grind like crazy and try new things
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I thought Hime was going to do a stamp rally collab with Kuro today. I guess it was moved to another day again.
why in the world is his schedule in jst?
it has always been like that, and no one knows the offset of WIB
She also had multiple collabs with jp indies I don't even know. Delutaya was just one example. And we will see what Vshojo wants but personally I feel like Rica would likely be a good addition.
6 days kuro stream? NOWAYING
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Welp. Today was my day off and I can't watch him the rest of the week because of work.

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