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>The fallout was actually real
Boy, I sure do love shipfag retardation
Lay out all the evidence. Not saying I don't believe you, just that I'm not a Promisefag
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Fauna's POV - she has no Kronii in her steam friendlist.
Every other Holo who streamed today had Kronii in her friends list:
We need an autist to send an akasupa asking about this
would take too much time
- Was Kronii confirmed on the server at the time of this screen grab?
- Has Fauna opened her menu on any other day when we can hard confirm Kronii was there?
- Has Kronii opened her menu to show Fauna is on the list

There's a little smoke but nothing confirmed
I just hope everyone else realizes how rotten kronii is
it seems like kronii is the one who's mad at fauna not the other way around
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>- Was Kronii confirmed on the server at the time of this screen grab?
The screens were all taken today in a very short period of time between each other. And it shows all the people, even if they're offline/not logged in.
>- Has Fauna opened her menu on any other day when we can hard confirm Kronii was there?
Yes, Buckshot roulette - 11 days ago. Kronii's not on Fauna's friend list.
IRyS has Kronii befriended. Funnily - Fauna doesn't have Ollie on her friend's list, however IRyS played it 5 months ago so it's nothing conclusive.
>- Has Kronii opened her menu to show Fauna is on the list
Not yet. But it's mutual, so there's little to no chance she's there.
I'd be mad too if I was mentally ill, hit on my coworker and got rightfully rejected
She's fucking sick in the head MAN! She- she likes to play these twisted mind games with us, all of US. Like we're some sort of lab rats in her demented "science" experiments.

Also, I'm on Kronii's side. It would be funny if Fauna turned out to be some sort of master villain.
it's more likely all of this is happening because kronii had a gendefluid moment
How did this all start?
It all started in the summer of '22....
the whores of EN
Kiara is going to invite Kronii and Fauna to the Maldives without telling the other and have relationship correction threesome sex.
People already hate kiara as is, this would be unnecessary
we all know how this will play out.
>/vt/ notices something
>info breaks containment
>got into cover corp's ears
>management convinced fauna and kronii to add each other on steam
>maybe do a collab or two
>yesman and buzz lightyear will say "see? 4chan is wrong they were never fighting in the first place"
>if all goes well they talk it out behind the scenes and iron out any petty hate
>or they go back to never talking to each other
this isn't nijisanji
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This has already happened several times.
heres one an anon made a few days ago for starters.

A year ago:
>Fauna asked Kronii to visit her on a special day
>Kronii flew and stayed for 3 days
>fruits basket marathon
>watched Mario movie at a theater
>reminisced and watched clips of devour and other old collabs
>cuddled on the couch together with snail
>slept on the same bed
>Fauna was too shy to try on a dress at a mall, so Kronii asked the shopkeeper and bought the dress for her.
>trimmed nails
>itchy nose
>Fauna lost on purpose and let Kronii win for 5 games
>Kronii: You're patient? oh really? You weren't so patient when that happened.

>last tweet, retweet, or mention Summer 2023
>last 1 on 1 collab Summer 2023
>last mention on-stream (Kronii's end) Summer 2023
I know exactly what happened. They're women. Every been around women? Yeah.
i'll volunteer as their dildo
you'd go unused, or worse end up in kiara gaping roast beef
so basically Gura-Calli situation, but lamer.. okay, lmao
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Mori is based because she says what's on her mind in her real voice instead of *fake falsetto* "oh oh ummm sorry guys tummy hort" *takes 3 month break with no almost communication*.
maybe a few years ago before people stopped watching her, she's the fakest faker in EN now
Shit. It really is that simple huh
not the same, you can blame chumcucks for them never collabing.
My rrat is that Fauna was going to collab with the homos until she saw the blowback Kronii got and now Kronii resents her because she was going to do the same thing but only Kronii got punished by fans.

Or secondary rrat, Kronii had a Korean moment at Fauna for being difficult food wise and things were said in both directions that neither want to forgive.
Kronii said Fauna’s name during the Ame valve collabs. “Uh, I think Fauna is in our base.” But the point still stands.
This. Anyone who works with women knows what it's like. It's a miracle that so many Hololive members get along so well, catfights and gossip are inavoidable parts of women working together
So they had sex?
Discordbros, good job on this thread. Our last one was deleted but this one is promising. Just need to keep KEKing ourselves and surely, this time, we'll destroy Hololive with our influential 4chan posts! Hahahahaha!
>They hate each other
>If they don't it's because it was company mandated
Anon you're a pedophile with over 2 TB of cp and if it's not in your computer by the time the swat team arrive is because you moved it to another hard drive in Africa to cover your tracks.
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cuckfeet thread
why are you guys so weird
>kronii made a new steam account, as shes said on her own stream, which fauna didnt add yet
wow discord sisters
NOOOOOOOo! my, my rrats. what have you done? do you- do you know hard i've worked for them, do you know what i've had to sacrifice? curse you and your entire lineage!
The posters in this thread are adult men.
Let that sink in.
So what does this screenshot show? Kronii and Fauna aren’t allies? Fauna exists on the leaderboard to Kronii when she’s online?
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No, this is how it plays out
>one anon thinks he notices something
>everyone else realizes there's only one person delusional enough to see it
>picrel is posted
>we all have a sensible chuckle and then go back to business as usual
It just confirms that it was Fauna who blocked Kronii, not the other way around.
well yes, this is an 18+ site. Are you legit retarded or something?
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Neets aren't men
Do you... do you know how 7D2D works or are you just posting shit without realizing you're making the case?
Nope. Not how the game works. The only thing you can confirm from these images is they're not steam friends and they didn't choose to ally in game
Men don't exist to subsidise your living, femoid.
kronies are so retarded it's unreal
okay, explain this, because I'm fucking dumbfounded now.
>"he" says as he donates another $100 akasupa to his pure virgin idol waifu before making a passive aggressive thread bitching about her in the catalog
rrat niggers got BTFO kek
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>"Men don't exist to subsidise your living, femoid."
>said the incel on the board that's all about men subsidising women's living on the internet
I've never donated a single cent to a vtuber, and I'm not OP.

No pussy
No work
The game shows anyone who's online on the server. Kronii and Fauna were both online in both images. It only shows offline players if you're added on steam as friends, which evidently they're not since they don't show up when offline, and Fauna didn't see Kronii's score in Buckshot Roulette despite IRyS seeing it. Within the game, you can ally with other players and it will show up in the Allies tab with a symbol of 2 people if accepted. Pending requests have a mail symbol, and people you didn't send requests to have a plus. From the first image, you can see Kronii is allied with everyone except Fauna and didn't send her a request. From the second, you can see Fauna sent a request to everybody, is waiting for FWMC and CC to accept, and didn't send one to Kronii.
rrrat doubters BTFO lmfao
Virgins aren't men either.
I doubt that
I REALLY doubt that
In short: they don't have each other added on steam, and they sent ally requests to everyone except each other in game. That's all that can be concluded.
Okay, I understand now. They hate each other.
I don't give a fuck write an erotic fanfiction describing Fauna raping Kronii and the subsequent falloff between the two so I can at least get off.
Uh oh. That's strange.
imo they dated and broke up on bad terms. It's most simple and realistic explanation
Kronii also hasn't acknowledged or even said Faunas name in over a year and in the few collabs they've been in together in larger groups they've completely avoided each other successfully. Especially from Kroniis side.
Who the fuck is Fdund BITCH?
It's either Kronii being too catty, or Fauna somehow fuck up really big
As stupid as it sounds, Kronii made Fauna eat kimchi that had meat in it. I'm not even meme-ing
>trying to flex his wealth
>forgot to move his broke ass headphones held together with tape
>ancient crusty cheap membrane keyboard
>monopoly money
this better be a falseflag
Forgot one
>can't fucking write
holy shit israel
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Is that why Fauna doesn't do asmr anymore
Who BTFOd whom? Kronii was online then, that's why it shows her on Fauna's list. It just proved OP's point that they're not friends on steam.
At least live your shame.
Do your reps faggot-kun
if BTFO, why deleted?
Who the fuck puts meat in kimchi
I can think of a person but it's more a hunch out of conjecture...
Kimchi traditionally has seafood in it. Stuff ranging from fish sauce, shrimp paste, to even oysters.
Was thinking more Jamie Oliver, but yeah that works too
I'm gonna assume fauna is a bitch irl because it would be funny and kinda hot
imagine the sex
More like Peko-Miko situation but lamer
Thank you, rrat farmer. This is excellent. I will request your services again.
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how do two girls have sex?
so there's underage girls here?
with fingers and tongues
>Trimmed nails
Wait, who raped who?
nothing will ever beat that
>friends from way before hololive
>pair mysteriously dies
>don't mention each other for several years
>reason given is shipfags are too annoying
>both yuri bait with other girls
crazy stuff
at least Miko has Suisei now
That's why it's boring, kronii wanted sex and fauna didn't
Kronii deliberately ate beef steak right in front of Fauna's face
Fauna ate Kronii out and then she said "see, so you like meat" and things have been awkward ever since
I don't think Fauna would let a mouth that had 20 cocks in it near her snatch
Aww, I liked them bantering and teasing each other on stream
Oh, because of the animal proteins
Coma anon?
other way around, dump ass
hahahaha, keep coping kronie
you're too retarded to even understand what I'm saying
you now remember kronii's "timesmutt" freudian slip
Kronii took a massive shit in Fauna's bed and ran away
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damn, even kronies and saplings have beef with each other. this is serious!
it's funny picturing little saplings and kronies fighting each other.
I think everyone has beef with kronies since they shit up a lot of threads
Sometimes this board is like reading through preteen girls arguing on a kpop fan forum
>posts screencap to attempt to btfo rrat
>confirms it instead
oh no no no...
Literally kronii's fanbase, the terminally online twitter user type
vchuubas is just boybands but for men in their 20s
>I will keep ignoring you because of some shit that happened almost 2 years ago

Kek. Do women really?
That one has a wider context of fauna usually having long nails.
This. It's also the reason why Fauna didnt go to NYC with the others cuz Kronii would have been there too
>being this stupid
/vt/: If it’s not ESLs, it’s illiterate retards.
I dont know why people make it so complicated. They are both bi, they spent a lot of time together before, they probably did something, stuff got awkward and so they dont talk to each other anymore, there you go, mystery solved

>wow kronii i had a great time yesterday, you are so sweet
>uhhhh, yeah i was kind of drunk and yeahhhhhh, so this is like a one time thin....
>i can already see our future together, its gonna be so cute
>ehhhhh, yeah i dont know
>its like a one time thing you know
>but i thought that you.....
>yeah, listen my flight is in like 2 hours so i really gotta get going, thanks for stuff, ummm yeah see you later kronnichiwa, like the streams haha, yeah
op is a tranny
Kronii is cringe nigga
Hmm yes. I’m sold on this rrat, for better or worse.
>men in their 40s
If silence could kill.
Nah this sapling is bringing the heat. Mother nature can't handle that smoke. We need to settle this sooner rather than later. My moneys on the Kronies. They're so used to getting their balls stomped and Fauna is softer than baby shit.
it's over for KroFau?
can Kaela save Kronii?
well yeah vegans are bitches
Yes, the post nut clarity in the fauna's asmr closet was too much
No, both too autistic
rrat : Fauna becomes part of EN management somewhere in early 2022 and was the absolute reason Sana wanted out.
You don't need to assume. There's plenty of evidence of it in streams and through her actions.
The lack of self awareness of posting this statement on this specific board gave me such whiplash that I had to take a deep breath and reply.
Continue your shit flinging, monkeys.
No, that's just saplings being retarded.
That's a whole lot of words to just say you're a seething roastie. roru, lmao even
>My rrat is that Fauna was going to collab with the homos until she saw the blowback Kronii got and now Kronii resents her because she was going to do the same thing but only Kronii got punished by fans.
The Fauna vs Kronii rrats do seem to be made by unicorns who are ignoring all the signs they are upset with management. Ame leaving was clearly related to issues with management but somehow unicorns are blaming Holostars. We have already seen that a graduation demoralizes the other talents since that also happened after Sana's graduation.
I'm not as hugely into vtubers as a lot of people here seem to be, so can someone PLEASE explain the fucking absurd political intrigue surrounding Fauna? Or how it came to happen?
Every time she gets mentioned in any thread, it seems to generate a huge commotion about her and how 'evil' she is.
Speaking as someone who just keeps vtubers on in the background for noise, she just seems mildly pretentious at worst.
It's very easy. When Fauna debuted her reception on those board was lukewarm at best, due to her previous life baggage and...other things. But over time she got pretty popular and the board warmed up to her, either due to her own merit and/or other talents not streaming. Being contrarian is very cool on this website and that, summed to the people who are still holding a grudge against her, makes her an easy target for rrats.
You might wanna check the url on the site anon
this entire hobby is men subsidizing femoids' livings
krofau bros we got too cocky...
A while ago some troll sent her a superchat accusing her of not viewing chat as friends, and she went on a short rant explaining why no, a viewer can't really be friends with a streamer through a screen.
She was polite and reasonable about it, but it was still a massive L for unicorns from a chuuba that was and still is considered a pure cgdct unicorn ally. She's had some dedicated haters ever since.
But also true lol
it's literally a single guy
Yes they hold grudges and don’t forget your transgressions
Fauna has some of the most insane schizos that spam this board 24/7. Outside of that she is generally well liked, and has decently sized fanbase that is as much fanatically in love with her as schizos hate her. Fauna is a shy girl who prefers to hide in her corner doing her own thing, and the schizos can't decide either to paint her as lazy, or some master manipulator behind the scenes.

And this is bullshit. The schizo who keeps on bringing up that moment hated her since PREDEBUT, the whole friend thing was merely a blip on a radar that didn't last even a week. They just don't have anything else remotely close to yab that they could use against her. Fauna explained perfectly well her feelings and reasons about the issue, as someone who probably spent the most time watching streamers before vtubing even became a thing, so it's something actually personal to her.
I love how despite all the rrat theories, it's just women having a women :coffee: moment
this was the only time where fauna was honest on stream and let some information leak:
something serious happened between them
you people are so fucking sad, I'm sorry you're the worst kind of autistic but it's perfectly possible to become actual friends with a chuuba.
I've worked with chuubas I like on multiple game and animation projects and became really good friends with a few of them
Women will be angry at you for years over things that never actually happened or actual unironic dreams they had
Yeah but that's a two way relationship. What Fauna meant was between her and her general grey viewers. They can't be friends. How can it be if it's a performance?
Can't happen. Staff, even in HoloEN, must be fluent in Japanese. Confirmed by Shiori.
>I've worked with
Yeah that's the point, it's already a different kind of dynamic than 1000 people in chat. You can love your chat, you can remember the names and some details about more active users, but that doesn't necessarily make you friends, especially when the chat is actually huge and there are tons of people there.
Anon, this board still seethes at 2020 Mori and Kiara. This is the most feminine place on 4chan.
how do we fix Kronii and Fauna relationship?
they haven't changed, if anything they've gotten even worse
where does this >>87438648
fit in the timeline >>87428333 ?
see, lmao
It strikes me that Fauna hasn't done a one on one collab with anyone in Promise outside of Mumei in over year. Even the collabs she was part of were either bigger branch wide collabs or management mandated ones for special events. Maybe there is something to this.
the kronii x fauna fallout is just like the
mori x gura fallout
What Fauna said was not just "We are not friends" but that she cannot and should not ever be your friend. Which means she thinks nothing of her audience, she cant imagine them ever being on the same level as her in any circumstance
Are you retarded? She played Dark Souls with Gura in June
That is you twisting her words. Should a performer be friends with all her audiences? Does me watching some comedian mean I'm automatically buddy buddy with him?
>anyone in Promise
>She played Dark Souls with Gura
so which one is the heel here
kronii and bae are homo whores, IRyS and Fauna are both too autistic to initiate something
fauna is an asmr whore so she knows the rules of engagement
irys is half japanese so she understands she's gonna get stabbed like that other idol if she male collabs.
Fauna is shy and admitted she doesn't initiate 1 on 1 collabs, but will accept any coming her way.
Mumei is barely around, but they stick together whenever possible.
Last collab with Bae was like August last year, but they had some collabs as sweaty gamers group since then, among other things.
IRyS rarely does collabs like that herself.
And Kronii.
This is a retarded interpretation.
IRyS is one of the most alpha women in EN
occam's razor: kronii approached fauna in a romantic way that was not reciprocated. now they just avoid each other because its awkward but don't necessarily hate each other
the least nefarious reason is that their managers understand analytics and know that any sapling who would've subscribed to kronii, or anything kronies who would subscribed to fauna, would've already done so long long ago.
so there's literally no point to collabing. it's a waste of a stream slot and doesn't grow either channels.
whereas with the big events they can still convert some advent/justice newfans/fags
something happened between Fauna and Kronii. There is a clip of Kronii teasing Fauna about not being patient about something that happened off stream and both of them breaking into giggles. This was the last time they were friendly together on stream. Since then Fauna will usually attempt to engage Kronii in collabs but Kronii will ignore her 98% of the time and the other 2% is her giving a "yea" and moving on to another person. Kronii has made several rrat bait comments, I think most recent of which was during her anniversary stream talking about how she "made a lot of friends and lost some friends" when talking about her journey through hololive
krofau off collab was may 2 2023
uno collab was may 7 2023
getting over it was jun 5 2023
/vt/ seems like it's full of faggots and women by how much gossip threads pop up
its a message board faggot what the fuck else is this for? oh sorry we should all just stick to our respective generals and spam AI art and number monkey shit. Nice input you fucking retarded nigger. Thanks for the contribution to the discussion
Management needs to stop changing Fauna and Kronii’s diapers until they start getting along.
Fauna and Kronii are some of the least numberfagging holos. Kronii didn't celebrate her 1m subs yet, I'm pretty sure, Fauna always had the philosophy of not rushing things and that she will get to that 1m eventually, she even refused to do vertical streams solely because she didn't want shorts tourists in her chat. Fauna's manager is pretty much completely fucking useless too. Nobody there is running any analytics.
it's over. Promise unity is dead
It's all an act, you goddamned gossiping bitches>>87397435
this doesnt explain the weirdness between them in group collabs
It would be kino, but if it was an act, wouldn't they playing up the feud instead of playing it down? If I was trying to hype up a project through a manufactured feud, I would be drawing attention to it instead of drawing attention away from it.
I come in these threads and make shit up to fuck with dramatards
Pretty sure Fauna and Nerissa have the same useless manager
Yes, actually
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>see fauna
It's a shame, I loved their collabs/dynamic from the Council days. I hope those two make peace with each other. Literally PekoMiko rrat tier of EN
>forgetting the SNOT collab this year
This anon likely spread the Ame and Gura hate each other rrat which interestingly got killed summer of last year when this rrat started.
who raped who? we will never know
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hi is this the schizo thread?
Well duh if you take the time and effort to get to know the streamer then they can be your friend. Just being a viewer and watching the their streams however doesn't make you friends with the streamer though which is the point she's trying to make.
this rrat is REAL
I miss how they used to act
This rrat has wings wtf
This is kind of hard to refute directly, so I'll choose to believe you have schizophrenia instead.
stinkiest thread in the catalog rn
OP is still a retarded faggot
>can't read
>calls others retarded
never change, /vt/
>the schizo thread
Hahaha! Oh to be new...
She just has a couple of very dedicated schizo antis, who live on the catalog to spread shit all day.
One of them has hated her for 3 years because she "ghosted and betrayed her old friends" because she didn't speak to them for 3 days before she debuted.
Then general holo antis will just pick up and run with whatever bullshit their spewing
Like this shit. They've been lying and pushing this for a year. It was never true but gullible idiots on discord and twitter will believe anything
stop noticing things, don't make new threads, just watch streams and get excited for next stream
So basically EN Pekomiko? Huh.
>As "Fauna" and "Kronii", we cannot be friends, or, we should not be friends

>I'm sure you've heard the saying don't meet your heroes, I don't think that necessarily applies to everybody, but I think its good if you can just watch streamers and enjoy their streams for what they are

>Fauna is mean in real life?
>I don't think so, and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know

>But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway, I hope that is okay, I know, I know, don't be sad, cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise.
>I promise they are

>There's nothing particularly special about streamers, I mean like sure maybe there's a streamer and they're great at singing but does that make them a better friend, no, it doesn't
>someone can be a great friend even if they aren't great at singing

>My friends are cooler than you? I hope so, I hope so
>quite a few of my friends are streamers, what do I do? I mean that's an exception.

>I mean obviously streamers have friends.
>And I'm sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it workout out, but you know

>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun

>yeah exactly, the great part of streaming is interaction.
>There's a back and forth which makes it great, the banter.
>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.

>I think I would've had a harder time being a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guys...
>It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too

>Put yourselves #1 always.
>I'm just some silly streamer on the internet.
>And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must.
>Please take care of yourselves.
holy fuck it really is fantafeet that's been spamming about this shit for months

kinda glad he got cucked by shitdo now, now that's a rrat with some teeth
but who was hydra??
mumei winter soldier?
you know the person that sally married? that was fauna
what if.. fauna was sally
take me back...
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holy shit
Kronii have literally collabed with Sally several times...
if you actually watch fauna it's because she sent the friend requests before kronii went online. kronii streamed later on day 1
Dumb and dumber
we heard sally on stream before nigga
Voice changer
Pretty much hit the nail on the head. Genuinely surprised this sort of thing doesn't occur more often
but has Fauna collabed with Sally? No? then shut up, ESL goblin
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Alright it was fun but pack it up I guess. >>87444063 is right
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That shield doesn't belong to you.
You don't deserve it!
My father made that shield!
>trimmed nails
>itchy nose
did fauna remove kronii or did kronii remove fauna
Hey I'm the one who posted >>87444922 and I just want to say like i said in the other thread you're the dumbest retard on the board if you're not a falseflag and you literally propagated rratfuel and kept this thread alive for hours longer than it should have been with your misleading shitpost image here >>87429653
Fingering and I think eating pussy
I think you're confused. Fauna sent the ally request to Kronii at 3:34 on her stream; a few seconds before your screenshot was taken. Kronii was online at this point, but didn't check that screen before ending her stream.
Can we confirm if they accepted the request in a later stream?
>Kronii: You're patient? oh really? You weren't so patient when that happened.
You faggots think that Kronii and Fauna use their Steam accounts as personal accounts when they are only work accounts.
I don't feel like scrubbing through all those streams to check. I think Kronii would show up on Fauna's player list while offline if they were allies. I don't think it has anything to do with steam friends lists.
so then why are they both friends with literally every other Holo?
This is so fucking dumb, even if Fauna hated Kronii she has no reason to not have her added in her work account, she is still in the same gen and will be on full collabs.
Real teenager gossip hours here, this isn't fucking instagram.
Other holos are all friends with everyone in their branch, retard.
t. has all holo steam accounts catalogued.
Kronii only likes married women
I agree that Fauna is very professional, but Kronii isn't. Everything points to Kronii being the one acting weird, not Fauna. Fauna has pretty much consistently reached out to Kronii. Kronii is the one who's stonewalling.
Women are second only to dwarves in holding grudges
Based retard
Remember when Kronii silently skipped day 3 despite saying she was going to play because other people dropped out meaning the only group playing was the Fauna group.
Remember when Kronii was gone for day 4 until CC and FWMC changed plans and were able to join, giving enough people for 2 groups, and she immediately joined and went into their group.
Remember when she said she would do a quest with CC, and then left after CC asked if they could join up with Fauna.
Good times.
I feel bad for both of them. has to be stressful navigating that kind of thing
just remember, no matter how mentally ill you think you are, this fantafeet monkey has been talking to himself for 12 hours to no avail. sad cuck loel
so, while we're here writing dumb fanfics, how was the sex?
Marine and other baby rabies vtubers should collab with Sally to discuss the joy of motherhood.
You are all women.
So bed-breaking intense Kronii had to get jaw surgery.
I wish Fauna would sit on my face with so much force that I need jaw surgery...
Fauna broke Kronii's jaw with her massive root
that's why they can't interact anymore, they're too embarrassed
Forcing them to spend 1 week together in the woods like magni and vesper
Her jaw and ribs surgeries were actually gender affirming surgeries
If you stop noticing things you will be happier anon
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45:48 made me sad
You should never forget anything until it's been compensated with interest. Every grudge must be recorded and accounted for.
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Not possible
Treating relationships like a collections agency must get tiring huh?
It was bad and that's what caused their falling out
If you're limiting it to people you know, you're doing it wrong. Even getting nudged by a stranger must be repaid with a shove.
Has there been any side taking by the other EN members? It's obvious they know, but do any of them treat either Fauna or Kronii differently since late last year? Or conversely if they don't act differently, does that mean the feud is over something so trivial everyone is just ignoring it?
who sucked?
Fauna is a vegan stick though. Kronii isn't much better, but is still way stronger
they're mostly trying to get them back together
doubt it but if there is it seems from collabs that Promise has mostly taken Fauna's side. Only exception being maybe IRyS
This will all be resolved during their next jp trip, Myth will lock them in a room with Marine and she will heal them with a night of lesbotic passion
Yes, but the chapter 3 (the makeup sex, with the extra hate) is going to be fucking feral, animal planet type shit
> Fauna has always been thirsty about Kronii.
> Fauna constantly flirts with Kronii as a "joke"
> "You weren't so patient when that happened."
> Fauna tried to initiate something romantic/sexual with Kronii but didn't mean anything by it which is why she doesn't know what Kronii is talking about
> Their relationship continues and shit gets too real.
> Kronii starts falling for Fauna but Fauna was never serious about it
> Kronii gets rejected by Fauna and it gets awkward between them
> No more interactions because all they did was just flirt and they don't share any real interests
> Kronii has no reason to talk to Fauna and avoids her because she remembers what they had
Maybe I never noticed it before but it seems Mori and Kiara have started warming to Fauna a lot recently. More so Kiara since I think Mori always liked her.
On that note, Maldives trip when?
I didn't really believe this rrat until that patient thing, holy shit something fucking happened and it was SEX
Maybe the 7 Days collab had that as one of its secret goals. Kinda seems like it failed though.
Wow, they're literally having sex on stream right now.
Stubborn as always. Took Fauna's side, started more FauMei ship push. Doesn't ignore Kronii, but runs to Fauna when possible.
On Fauna's side, but decided to not get too involved, either because she is simply too busy, or knows Fauna would feel bad if too many people got into the argument.
Doesn't care. Likes Kronii so they started doing some things together, but IRyS simply isn't taking any sides in this.
Are they hot? If they're not, I don't care.
Unfathomably schizophrenic thread holy shit. You literally sound like gossiping high school girls.
Is it not infinitely more likely that they just don't have each other added on their (work, not personal btw) steam account because they haven't had any 1 on 1 collabs recently and never needed to, instead just joining off mutual friends or whoever makes the lobbies? Kronii and especially Fauna have both barely done 1 on 1 collabs with ANYONE this year, just scroll through their stream vods and look you lazy retards.
We aren't even at high school level, this is more like middle school.
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They interacted yesterday, you all are crazy
>You literally sound like gossiping high school girls.
Most men, it's just that they gossip about other men.

t. work with boomer men who talk a lot about other people's lives to pass the time
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>Kronii and especially Fauna have both barely done 1 on 1 collabs with ANYONE this year
Kronii alone has Raora, Kaela, Bae and IRyS in the past 6 months. That's with her multiple breaks.
Like, oh my gosh... Becky??? I just, like, totally heard that Erika didn't invite Sarah to her sleepover last night. Like... yikes? Do you think they're beefing or what?
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
Both, each other's nipples.
Hey girls, do you like anime?
Are Canadian antis worse than SEA?
most posts aren't serious, autismo
> too busy/tired to reach out because of bts work
> too introverted to reach out to each other
> new holomems means new friends/connections to make
> lose interest in each other as there are new holomems with closer interests to talk to
> krofau will return eventually
god thats hot

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