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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Youtooz figure

Previous Thread: >>87405071
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I had a pretty busy day today chumbies. Might head out for the night
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Day 13! Give it up for day 13!
You're "proof" is just a fucking hunch that was never proven in the first place? Get out of here you ogre faced bitch HAHAHAHAHAHA
Alright, its out my system. Back to loving Gura.
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Hopefully you don't start up another argument chumbie. I like how slow it is right now
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I didn’t get to place my bid for last post in the last thread
I think it would be funny if all of us got rounded up and had to work on a deep sea oil rig for a month. Just a bunch of chumbies all hanging around with their cocks out, smelling the ocean breeze. Wonderful
Goobnight buddy
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Those guys make a lot of money right? I wouldn't mind, I need some cash
Nah, I'm done for the night. Probably won't start anything for awhile. Its just every once in awhile, I don't care if its bait but if I see an opportunity to shit on or undermine the a massive shitpster I will snatch it for a bit. I know it degrades the thread for a bit but anything to remind him how much I think he's pathetic I feel is worth the potshot.
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I just saw a YouTube short and the video said something like they make $50k a month
I imagine its tough work. I should watch a video on what they do
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I don’t think I could do this…I don’t like being dirty at all…
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If thats what the work is, I feel like a lot of us are going to lose a limb or two
Huh, sounds miserable, but might be worth doing for a year if you need the money.
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But the memories we’d share would last a lifetime
cute feet
if you fall off an oil rig, you'll be eaten by sharks...
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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>Go to bed early so I can wake up early for my appointment tomorrow
>wake up instead a couple of hours later fully energized
Welp. What're you guys doing, I guess?
That's an underage girl
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Sitting at my station bored out of my skull again
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That is, if the fall doesn’t render you unconscious and you drown. I wonder if there is a way to climb back up if you do fall off…
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it's great isn't it? T u T
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Wait till you get tired in another hour then end up over sleeping your appointment
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I have a good feeling the commission I put in should be finished soon
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Oh, what kind of commission?
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Why is my wife missing one of her pupils
I know right? Amazing.
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The Gura/Ame/Gigi kind
Interesting pairing. Guessing it was inspired by the ENreco stuff? I look forward to it.
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*casts testicular tranquillity*
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You little shi- oh wait, that's better. My balls have been bothering me lately. My left one randomly swells up sometimes.
Thank you for the mercy Gura-sama...
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Gonna be daijoubu
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dodgers stomped on the mets
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What if we are trapped on this oil rig with chumbuds for months and the only source of women is a picture of Gura.
She's going to skip Halloween again this year, isn't she? kek
Halloween is my off day too from work. I want to pass out candies too.
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booba huhaha
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gooba want booba
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Gura is a perverted oji-san stuck in the body of a little girl
Gura is a loli yes
I worked on an salmon fishing boat a couple times. You get used to it after a week if you're already /fit/. The big check you get after you finish the month is worth.
Baguraette honhonhon
sex with Gura
I wish Gura had a pouch I could just climb into
I took 2 benadryl and now I'm really eepy.
she's just like me...
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Uoh little girl.
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I'm not going to die like benadryl guy, but I feel like sleeping too.
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goob morning
i love gura
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I read it as hooked on the body of a little girl for some reasons. I am just a perverted oji-san please don't touch me...
goob mornin
goob night
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For King and Cunny!
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Another nightshift another dollar
I am up at 3:30am. Too soon.
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Goob morning
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another halloween without gooba this year?
It's back breaking work with long hours. Yeah, you get a load of cash (not $50k unless you're a supervising engineer) but the hourly wage ain't that great. On top of that most companies don't pay while you're away and you're pretty much forced to take a leave every 4 weeks or so.
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I love my wife so much!!
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did i miss anything chumbies?
Told you faggots this year was gonna be even worse than last year
Gura couldn't protect her dodos.
yeah, CIA and their weather control machine is crazy this year
Gura couldn't protect our smiles
She never wanted to.
I should stop drinking stuff with caffeine in it chumbies. I had a weird dream about pizza and it woke me up
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umm this is a child...
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dinos dream of pizza
That makes her more attractive TuT
T u T
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dinos cook pancakes and bacon
I like this
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here u go
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I'm sexually satisfied now
Goob morning retards
Goob morning faggot
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umm ceci est un enfant
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For s’ghetti too!!!
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Where the heck is everyone? C’mon…wakey wakey!
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its monday morning
im not in a social mood
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me sleepy
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Fuck you im awake
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>Ame's new model is made by Nabi and is pretty much literally just Ame but legally distinct enough
Not a schizo but yep it's pretty much confirmed that Gura's joining her. Her model will be made by Nacho and it will look almost exactly like Gura, that's why they follow eachother now. It will also be a dolphin because she's been talking about dolphins a lot lately. Also her 2 year project is actually related to this. It will probably be an album made for her redebut.
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You haven't watched gura for 1 single second in your entire life
You should die
Hello fellow chumbuds, I'm bored and is looking for a discussion.
Do you think her lack of streaming for the past 2 years is related to her mental? (Eg. Burnt-out, demotivated, being lazy or even being too sad of Ame leaving)
It's just that for what little amount of streams she has done, not once did I feel like she was somehow forcing herself to stream. If anything, I even feel like she was more comfortable in streaming compared to her 2021 self. (Only exception being the Sendai shill stream last year, I can immediately tell her heart wasn't in it.)
Let's look a few examples from this year:
>She got back into VR after 2 years of not doing it (the last time she did VR was the Amesame Barfight in 2022), and even lasted more than 2 hours without getting motion sickness.
>The Miku Boxing stream was probably the best stream she did this year, no explanation needed, even Ame agrees.
>Even the EnReco streams which are semi-mandated, she managed to have a few funny and cute moments with us when not interacting with others.
I have seen many comments in the past talking about how obvious it is that she lost interest on streaming, I just disagree. Unless, of course, she is really good at faking her enthusiasm and I fell for it.
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Mucho texto
holy puffy vulva
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>wake up
>brain burn
>think "somebody save me"
>realize no one is going to save me
>get up and get ready for work
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>Gura: I'm sick so i can't stream
>retards: gura hasn't been streaming because she's mad at management and is going to graduate at the end of this year
>Gura: I'm sick so i can't stream
>retards: gura hasn't been streaming because she's mad at management and is going to graduate at the end of this year
>Gura: I'm sick so i can't stream
>retards: gura hasn't been streaming because she's mad at management and is going to graduate at the end of this year
She hasn't lost her enthusiasm, she's literally just sick and busy enough with other work in the abckground that she doesn't have the energy to do other stuff
Unless you are a total retard gura is the best vtuber to oshi because she literally won't lie to you, but retards will still make rrats about it 24/7 just to say that she is going to graduate. And it has been like this for 3 years
Just kick back and chill, knowing that your oshi is the best person on the planet, and as soon as she can she'll come back in full force. The only question is, do you care enough about her to wait? I know my answer
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>brain burn
That sounds painful
it is but not in the same way as a headache. it feels like somebody poured dirty salt water in my skull. I have yet to find a councilor or psychologist that can tell me why it happens
are you ever going to get tired of shitposting
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If I sleep too long I get a headache. But your thing sounds different. Stay strong, chumbie
>Ame's new model is made by Nabi
>best person on the planet
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'ello from the bog m8
Yeah, she's the second best person on the planet since the first one is me. Always love yourselves first and foremost chumbies.
The "sick" and "busy" excuse only goes so far and can't reasonably explain the amount of time she stays away from streaming and Hololive in general the past few years. (Not to mention she never actually properly explained the reason she streams so little in general and you're just inferring that from the few times she's mentioned being sick)
Anyone that believes she still cares about any of this is completely delusional and probably a newfag.
She doesn't. It's obvious she's lost her motivation not just for idol stuff but streaming and hololive in general.
She joined hololive at a very lonely part of her life. She felt isolated and alone because of Covid. She told us one of the biggest reasons she wanted to join hololive was to make friends.
Well after Covid restrictions lifted her collabs and streaming hours and motivation for hololive sank like rock in water. None of the others talk about her. They don't talk about talking to her.t hey never know what she's up to and she doesn't respond to them on discord. She's completely checked out.

From what she's told us, she went to go find more hobbies and activities. She wanted to get out more and go live her life. Anyone who isn't a retard understands that meant she wanted to meet new people and make new friends IRL and not online. She told us she was sick of being cramped in her bedroom all day.

In other words, during Covid, she was trying to fulfill her social needs with us and the other hololive girls. After Covid, she wanted real life connections instead. So she began to care less and less about stuff like hololive and video games. She's told us this is just a job to her. No one here listens to the things she says.
what about you, are you ever gonna get tired of shitposting, only fair I ask both
How is he shitposting? Everything he said is true
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Goob morning
Sex with a fembud.
It's not a shitpost. Anyone who still retains a sliver of objectivity can look at her output over the last two years and instantly recognize that isn't the productivity or ambition of someone who's still passionate about their career and fans.
does puppet girl have erotic arts?
She arguably has less of a social life than the other EN members and she still streams less than them. Having a social life isn't the reason.
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Goob nite
You don't know anything about her personal life. She never even talks about it anymore. And that's probably for a reason.
At this point i hope she's lying and not actually sick
If she's lying then she deserves to be sick.
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>best person on earth
That's me ya kok...it's always been me, how many more universes saved by me when you'll finally recognize my genius :)
Then you absolutely have no clue who Gura is and are just a pretender shitposting in this thread. Fuck off, retard.
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I lub s’ghetti!
Thank you chumbie
>She only joined Hololive because she got a bit lonely from Covid
You people are genuinely retarded.
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Kinda early for schizo posting
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found this in /sp/
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
Please learn to read. That's not what was said at all.
He usually starts around this time though.
you say this like every time and it's never true, it starts when it starts
and general arguments and shitposting aside, there's no way retard prime has a job so it's not like he's on a sleep schedule
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
You don't listen to the things she's told us.
Why do you keep assuming she sits in her room all day doing nothing? She doesn't. If she was, like during Covid, she'd also stream.
Gura is living her life with everything that entails, but you don't want to accept that.
All she has to do is stream a few times a week for 1 hour. Just turn on OBS and clak her keyboard with her footsies. Thats it. Thats all...
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Gura streams in mouth everyday though, and the cumulative time surpasses an hour.
I'd even take that without the feet
motivation hort, sowwy... :(
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I love and miss Gura!!
Aim better next time.
Gura feels guilty about misleading her fans. She's doing everything she can to try and distance herself from her fans that are in love with her.
Are you a fembud?
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I managed to go back to sleep last night. I should really stop drinking coke
I haven't drunk any carbonated drink in over 10 years. It's orange juice or water for me.
Nobody cares
that's good
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You can talk about your day too chumbie

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