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(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>87173179

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh
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Sorry, friends! I let the thread die while I was getting ready for work, my bad.
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I love Fubuki!
Mikosan's frame for today's shill collaboration, it's unclear if Fubuki will have her own as well.
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Looks like there will be no Fubuframe for this one. We are going to get more card shop later today, as well.
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Don't De-Fubuki my Fubuki !!
Stream in about an hour
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She said she wants to become a human!
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I love my human wife
>Sitting on the sidewalk, surrounded by amazon packages and discarded pack wrappers as you open pack after pack for that one rare.
This is all TCGShopsim is now.
Fox cheese…
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Ojou'd wife
She keeps mentioning that she wishes she was born earlier so she could have seen Digimon Adventure live when it first came out. I wonder why, she doesn't really make much of an effort to hide her real age otherwise.
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That was a pretty good one of these. I always love if she talks about stuff like Hiroshima and Digimon that is really important to her. You could tell she loves talking about these topics because when she said she was about to finish up because she was tired she kept going for almost an hour as soon as these topics came up.
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fox fox fox fox
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Huh, I thought shes quite "old"?
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Hi Friends!
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Hi fren
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I love you, Fubuki!
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My spoiler reps...
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Ahh, you scared the shit out of me!
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Friends! No!
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Good night, friends!
Good night, friend!
Double Fubump
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Did you know that Shirakami Fubuki is very cute?
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The cutest!
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Today's frame:

Man, I remember watching along the first time we watched this. Can't believe that was almost four years ago..
Wait, why is kuro there?
No reason in particular. She is just reusing the fanart that was drawn for the last Venom watchalong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcEQrE03_nQ
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Good morning, friends!
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me on the left
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I want to have sex with the fine fox friend
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Cute venombuki
What a waste of resources, she isn't even using it during this stream and will almost assuredly never use it again after. Kind of sucks to get something useless like this as a native accessory when most of her outfits have no optional parts at all. I guess the sponsor must have paid for it, at least.
It does seem like a waste but judging by how its pitch black and doesn't have much details at all I assume this was probably done in no time flat with barely any expenses. Would have prefered we got a glasses accessory instead or anything else really but at least its something fun to see and foobs seems to like it anyway.
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I miss director Fubuki already
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You're not wrong about the model itself but I still think a lot of effort must have went into the thing since it's based on copyrighted material so beside the creation of the model and the rigging, it must have also involved a lot of bureaucracy for very little gain. It's fine though, you are right, she had a lot of fun with it, and that's all that matters.
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I love you, Fubuki!
Double fubump
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I would watch this anime. I won't watch the new movie though. I tire of superheroslop.
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Otaku fox love!
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Good night, friends!
Wife material
Bondage Waifu Material
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Looks like doroken core keeper tomorrow, based on Lui's thumbnail.
Did she mention whether or not the other girls will get venom'd?
Regular Morning show when?
cute foobs
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Good morning, friends!
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Morning, friends!
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In addition to the planned irl Holocard pack opening stream, it seems like she is also in a collab on Okayu's channel.
Holocard frame
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cute King
it is quite a cute model.
Damn that 3D model has buffed chest.
poruka deta
That drawing is the outlier and not the norm for the most part. The new model is definitely inflated, Fubuchan claims it's because of the corset but everbody has their doubts.
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He's just not very consistent in general anymore. This…
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…and this were uploaded in the same week.
Overtime her chest size has definitely increased, the difference between the old and new versions of her default outfit is quite a lot. I don't mind it too much as the difference was about a cup size in that case but the new outfit is a lot larger than it really should be even with a corset so I'd appretiate if they tried to keep it on model with the size of the new default and keep the saint outfit as an exception as to me it looks off.
>Fubutek was this lewd

Godammit what am i supposed to do with this boner now?
kiara's cards are pretty cool
The obvious pattern here is that he always increases her size compared to his other drawings when drawing her in a bikini so it sells better. These bikini drawings are usually for his yearly summer comike goods.
do these packs have signed cards?
>Watching Friend open Hololive CCG packs
>While playing her in Holocure

Did any of you think you would be here for something like this 4 years ago when you first saw Scatman?
It might be that Mito is the horniest Sukonbu.
is she in the set? I don't think i've seen her even as a common card.
Her set is coming out next, I think in December? I think preorders are already up. She talked about it earlier and showed her card.

Oh, neat! New cover is coming out in 10 minutes. Kurochan is featured as well!
Cover frame
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Very cute
She hasn't mentioned this at all and it's supposed to start in less than an hour. I wonder if she forgot.
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Nevermind, she tweeted out her frame just after I posted this.
It should be illegal to be this cute
Koro-san looks strange...
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Friend rape
Smol fox...
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I love you, Fubuki!
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