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Would you love your oshi even if she was chubby?
/ag/ - Architecture General

/ag/ chuuba rentry:https://rentry.org/agfrens
/ag/ literature rentry:https://rentry.org/exq5m

>divegrass team
Previous: >>87160954
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Eat it,
Feed it,
Can't believe it's
Architecture General!
I love my oshi BECAUSE she's chubby.
Nice badonk on that catto, damn
g'morning /ag/
Happy Dessert Day, you should post Chuubas enjoying Desserts.
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She cooked (baked?) hard with this one
don't starve so soon
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She said she wants to do a stream talking about the behind the scenes stuff for the song at some point, it'll be interesting to hear how it came about
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"All pink women have a feeding fetish, the end"
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Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft
love pics with chat messages
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poke prodding my oshi
I'll feed my plushies whatever I wish
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The tiny creatures get fat easily you don't understand!!
hello frens, divegrass anon here.
Would you guys be alright with us participating in VTLA 2? It's a learning event for new people and current caretakers/managers alike.
Reply to this if you are alright with us participating.
hell yeah!
Sure! This reminds me that I need to finish the "analysis" of our last two matches, I'll post all four descriptions here once I'm done.
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Poor thing, it's like her diet's not going well...
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going to be busy at the wage cage for a while, keep em fed
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hell yeh
They must be sated, lest they start eating things they shouldn't.
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Ember has become a fat smelly swamp ogre...
just when i thought she couldn't be more perfect
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that's actually pretty hot
duwag booty from drawthread!
>sagging gut
>not bulging gut
>Admits to gorging herself on a ton of mashed potatoes with garlic as a midnight snack yesterday
Imagine the smell
I am. Seeking the help of a 300 pound woman to mother my children.
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god i wish, mine has an eating disorder. the not eating kind.
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Watching stream with my spier-mom and her comfy voice all tired sounding from stuffing her face earlier.
I may have underestimated the power of >a fucking Leaf Thanksgiving
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Big dog
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Gentlemen, please enjoy Ember reading the truly genius lyrics to WAP by Lardi B, talking at length about how she's trying to gain weight and get beautiful and plump again, and proclaiming her love for big girls who are soft like warm bread dough
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I love my big sis so much
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They should get nice and fat together
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May meme magic be real, and may it hear you
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Wow, that's the first time I ever found Gura hot. What a weird feeling.
Reminds me of that uyuy2907 set where she mogs the Marine cosplayer with her fat ass
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eepy hours...
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Any ideas for Fuwawa as the fat sister? I only have mutual ones
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Lmao even
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passing out... zzzz... /ag/... zzzzzzzz
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i'm also heading out. i hope someone else is here to bump the thread
I will do my best until the morning shift arrives
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I have to camp online for sports tickets, I'll try to keep one myopic eye on the thread while at it
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>Eimi drew herself chubby on-stream
Based hamter
extra storage for her fratbro burps
I want to push her down an extremely long flight of stair
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Her tummy was soft almost like that on her promotional art. I wish the model looked soft like that too.
Thanks anon I did a poor job keeping thread alive.
She needs to sing this next time she does a karaoke holy fuck
I love these starter bellies so much
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Tora tora
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shimada... easy on the burgers
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snap, I missed it
maybe A-chan is enjoying life nowadays
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even moreso
Every time I hear her talking about her weight I feel sad... Mio... stupid worst Korea...
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Anyone got the images where Kiara pops her pants button while eating chicken
I only have this one
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oh it's on, oomfie
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gonna eep before Ami starts streaming, take care
eat up
but anon....
I'm already so full...
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Not the one I was thinking of but still, nice. Also, appreciation for this image with her outfit's straps snapping.
>Nerissa actively wanting to feed Elizabeth butter
What the fuck is it with PowerWash Simulator collabs and enabling feederism tangents?
Errr... maybe there's something in the water?
Find a timestamp after the stream ends please
Hope you woke up to see the last stream before your spider-mom's trip!
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wouldn't miss it for the world!
her tummy look so damn soft. I just want to squeeze it
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funny since she IS butter
Ask and ye shall receive. Continues until about 39:20.
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>ERB likes plain pasta
That unironically sounds more insane than any stereotype of British cuisine, what the fuck
So does my little brother (not British or even white).
Fuwawa and Mococo actually used to be identical twins, but we already see the effects on her body. Mococo is fattening her up so she’s the more popular sister. While Fuwawa is constantly making Mococo eat or is mentioning her tummy behind the scenes it’s really Mococo who’s in control.
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How long is she gone for?
Surprisingly just every other day if she's able to stream like planned while traveling, but that might as well be a full decade for the average bucko
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harrowing stuff
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>fat from butter
Isn't Fauna vegan? Or is she just vegetarian
if i were to draw more chuubas in the cheerleading outfit, who should it be? i'll most likely make them a bit chibi and with no shading
I get a lot of cheerleader vibes from FuwaMoco
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Keep up the theme of sing members of the Divegrass team like Ember, Coni, Moona, etc.
since you already made one of the queen of /ag/, how about Japan's queen?
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Honse should be a divegrass team member...
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it's time for second dinner
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Do you think she's also pre-ordered the figure?
POP UP PARADE Blue Archive Kotori (Cheer Squad)
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One of these girls is not like the others (but should be)
holy legs
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Sea Slug would be cute
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Meche and Jorunna as cheerleaders... the softness on display...
Eh, I really don't like this artstyle. The way the skin shines and folds on itself so harshly just makes it look like it's made out of a hard plastic material instead of soft and squishy. Mint's belly in this model always reminded me of a half deflated pool floatie.
Plus I find the overly detailed eyes to be creepy.
The "creepy" eyes do fit Sleepy so much though, and for Mint I don't find it that distracting.
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The tummy on this more recent sketch by Meche was so soft looking!
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now imagine nerissa showing off her fat gut
>I took her to culvers to try and shut her up
chubby shiorin...
that tummy obscuring the belt, the fishnets failing to contain all that pasty blubber, I NEED IT
Thinking about how the skeb she mentioned expiring recently could have been to synecdoche...
>popular mangaka with recent anime adaptation
>on skeb, but expensive
>she mentioned liking his manga and expressed interest in commissioning him on stream a few months ago, so the timeline adds up

It could just be wishful thinking on my end, but I hope she'll send the request again if it is.
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sound logic
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No I think you're onto something. She commissioned this after all.
This is likely. Another vtuber I follow commissioned him months ago, however the same thing happened and it expired.
I really hope that he opens commissions again soon so that they can both get a second chance.
That's a shame. The comms are still open and I know that like Mint and Koopa comm'd him before. Might just be that the anime stuff has him super busy. Hopefully that...
I'm surprised he has time at all to do commissions when he's busy with doing full color artwork in his manga plus whatever he was doing in assistance with the anime. I think whoever commissions him just needs to get lucky.
I think that's probably it.
He probably accept whichever commissions sound interesting in case he has the time to work on them for some extra cash, but with all the professional work he's doing there's probably quite a few skebs that end up expiring. So you've got to get lucky and get him while he has downtime.
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IRyS... easy on the soda...
holy sex
Her figure is so hot here. Sauce?
Ollie fans are feasting this month. I love morning panda's stuff. Hope he opens comma again in the future.
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speaking of comms, theirs are open, but way out of my wallet's reach
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Oh shoot I hadn't seen that one yet! Smorepi has some crazy good art. It is pricey though. Worth it for sure but not something I can just drop the cash for.
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squishy robot
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Big dragon
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im sleepy and i need to dream about this spider who is also a cat, good night /ag/
>Exactly 7 seconds of Amicat belly scratching before she suddenly shreds you to pieces for your foolishness
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My favorite doodle of hers kinda fits the description.. or maybe she was denied of snacks
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Just want to say that I greatly appreciate the Wisps who keep baking the /mint/ OP with pics of her huge fat butt, it helps makes my trips through the catalog much more bearable
no starva!
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I've noticed that too lmao, a sight for sore catalogued eyes
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She will finally be able to satisfy her voracious appetite...
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>not thinking of multiple belts BARELY containing the tummy and one bite away of snapping
ngmi fellow architect
I have a lot to learn...
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Chama getting chubby from her own creations...
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Ange Anon must be proud that alchemy seems to have finally worked in her favor!
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nap time in hopes i dream of spider... watch the thread for me, bros
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you heard him buckos, keep this thread fed!
I appreciate how sweaty Watame art tends to be

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