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File: 20241014_215427.jpg (980 KB, 2256x826)
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tis a sad sight...
poor Ina stuck in a gen with whores
the duke could stand to comission some new roads.
Both are way more hardworking and care more about their fans than Ina
You can laugh, but it's the truth
I will, in fact, keep laughing at your delusion
You're just jealous that they actually like to stream for their fans.
>2019 COVER Corp.

I thought it was 2016
there is no way kiara's top would work
Those women look pretty good to me. Nothing sad about them
Well? We're all waiting anon, try out your best arguments.
What is this from?
what Tumblr tranny made this?
I never expected Ina would last this long desuu. Kiara and Mori will be there till the end of times though. Kiara loves the attention way too much and Mori the money.
Oh, the schizo came back
this >>87435727, I hope Gura comes back to maake it balanced
>ina and kiara
holy cringe
kiara is lame, unintelligent, untalented, and not funny. shame all the good ones are leaving or don't stream.
Whoever made this only watched Gura solo streams
cute art
huh Gura graduated too?
she fucks black men and their semen went into her brain and made her even more insufferable as a result
>nobody is baiting so he keeps pitifully bumping the thread
4 years and the seethe still continues :D
sex, sex and sex
Might as well have
Ame streamed more recently than Gura
Was Ina always this flat?

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