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Crazy how Shirori can act like this as naturally as she breath
>she breath
She's really underrated, I don't understand why this board has a hateboner for her.
Mumei just enjoyers
There's just something so fundamentally subhuman about being ESL in public.
Penis jokes stopped being funny 15 years ago.
That's not true, and I'm the oldest person in this thread.
Older millenials are cringe retards who autistically repeat things they did when they were in middle school, more news at eleven.
>open thread expecting drama/yab/NTR/male collaber/boyfriend leak on shirori
>its just an ESL clipper mockery thread
No you are aren't, I'm 23 years old.
Speaking of repeating things, you might want to work on using your own vocabulary a little.
Cool deflection, but where is the joke with porn as the punchline?
>penis jokes have been funny through millenia and suddenly 15 years ago stopped being funny
what happened in 2009 anyways?
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To be fair, mocking ESL clippers is a public service.
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giving the third world internet access was such a mistake
crazy statement from the generation that every month has a new word that they have to force in every sentence without even fitting the context
we wouldn't have shiori either
More like 2012.
2012 was the end of the world, I guess zoomers didn't notice since they were babies.
you're right, the US is such a shithole third world country
2012 was unironically the last year before everything started going to shit
>On 6 December 2012, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard delivered a hoax speech for the radio station triple J in which she declared "My dear remaining fellow Australians; the end of the world is coming. Whether the final blow comes from flesh-eating zombies, demonic hell-beasts or from the total triumph of K-Pop
>or from the total triump of K-Pop
Well fuck, it actually was real and we are living it the post-apocalypse.
homoanti's took something she said out of context and ran with it and still do till this day.
Who was joking?
Post more ESL clip titles.
I don't hate her but she's not underrated she's just vulgar
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If you can't be bothered to learn english, at least download something (spell checker) that does it for you.
Guys only want girls to act like sluts when they are alone with them.
Use that knowledge wisely.
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>tfw you talking to your oshi and she leaves to talk to some nigga named "idol meeting"
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>Watame's Reaction After Brings So Many Stuff That After Exploring and Immediately Rejected
Who brings what? And got rejected?
Shiori's bread and butter is NTR roleplays. When is she gonna go back to her roots? She should embrace her kinks a bit more. People pretend to hate it but everyone find NTR at least a bit exciting.
talk about yourself, phasefan
Here comes the rocketship! (_)_)=====================D~~~~
kys phasenegro
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Bro, that rocketship looks like a wiener
>clip thumbnail thread
>but everyone find NTR at least a bit exciting.
Nah bro, nah.
I do lament that NTR artists are so good sometimes though.
>please respect my collab partners
>unikeks are still mind broken and shitting themselves a year later
I tried watching her but she was gushing and getting wet over a twink from some gacha for a while and it kinda turned me off. I think its cringe that her own fans write fanfics of her getting banged by gacha characters too.
Seriously though I still don't get what the hell she meant by that, cause I don't think she ever ended up having a single controversial collab choice.
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Copy and pasted reply
i can't speak english or japanese I am perfectly qualified to translate japanese into english..
Sorry my opinion hurt your feelings. Feel free to copy and paste that post in the archive and prove it though schizo retard.
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This is way more entertaining than shiori anti thread #458743, please post more.
>Seriously though I still don't get what the hell she meant by that
weird that you're still so confused by it, considering she never said it.
this, but unironically
She meant the opposite, ie that it takes her a lot to befriend people and didn't want fans to push her to collabs.
Basically every 4+ collab she had she brought an emotional support member of Advent with her.
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>past tense instead of infinitive
>unnecessary the
Not too bad. Typical SEA ESL with secondary school level English.
It always surprise me how shameless they are, like they genuinely don't give a single fuck about doing a good job or that they are the laughing stock of the hobby, it's almost impressive how zero fucks they gave about it.

I block all clippers that spam less than 2min shorts, use retarded thumbnails or are painful ESL anyways.
For them it's not a hobby it's a job, in low income countries it's actually decent money. Click bait works
She acts like every twitch streamer that makes dick jokes every ten seconds. It's cool if you like that kind of humor, but it gets grating after twenty minutes. I gave her a chance but she's just a female, more autistic moistcritical
Since all the clippers are ESL, what are EOPs doing? Why so lazy?
Working jobs that pay more than 3 figures per year, watching streams, and supporting their oshis.
>Paying tax so Pablo can stay at home and clip streams
Thank you for your service.
How does it feel to be third world ESL clipnigger?
Better watch the video to find out! It'll be fun! You'll enjoy clicking on the video!!!
Anon, you can see where the clippers are from. It's almost always SEA. They don't get our taxes unless they fight proxy wars for us.
>zoomer melty
You will never own a home.
that was pretty based
naruhodo i understand
for me its just the boner, without hate, and it doesnt go away
>I don't understand why this board has a hateboner for her.

we already were hating her before hololive
>this board
you mean the bvtm discord
Anon here, i joined the bvtm discord to see how big the hate is. In the end I was disappointed when I saw there wasn't any... It's just horny posting or casual vtuber posting, either the bvtm discord moved on, or it was always a false flagger.
*Forgets English*
*Your JP Have Gotten Better!*
Subaru realizes Bae Forgets How To Speak English Recently
homobeggars and unicorns have coopted her into their retard war
Isn't this little weirdo cute and silly?
ESLs should stop using English expressions they don't understand.
It's ironically charming coming from her since she does it awkwardly.
i wish ESLs would fuck off from this hobby
I'm sure this clip was some sort of joke but I just don't get the humor at all
could you point me the way my friend? im kind of curious too
Don't you have some laundry detergent to be ingesting right now?
>Why do people hate a shit hire that acts like a phase connect whore
i wonder
It's literally 1 guy doing 90% of the shiori hateposting here
Couldn't be, she has actual opsec, something "leak your model-connect" doesn't have.
senpai gomenne
her content doesn't fit with hololive.
She is a great indie.
this is a sfw board you FREAK!!!
Kronii love Fauna did a spank
Mumei just enjoyers
With Chatgpt existing, why is their English still bad?
My autism makes her articulation feel like listening to a cheese grater scraping on steel.
>this board
Someone should tell them about deepl write

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